best cannabis I ever grew and smoked. Others agree. This is a cup winner I would win with no competition. 3 months harvested, 90% consumed. Will run more genetics and future cross, backcross. Feels like energy drinks, positive, 100% youre high and lit, extreme ripped. Smell is slight citrus, this is very sweet tasting and smelling because of my methods of growing. Oozing sticky like an industrial adhesive. Daytime smoke, ripped no couchlock. For heavy daily smoker this is above your level of comprehension, good luck finishing 0.5g session. 10/10 all categories. 4 months after harvest video macro, this is what 40% looks like
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D64/B27 - 18/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 5.2 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 80% 🌊 FLUSH 🍗 💼 FLUSH 2dd 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
Muy buenas gente Aquí otra semana más con esta planta y la verdad que viene super bien con muchas ramas, buena estructura y cargándose de resina. Está siendo regada semanalmente con hype company, bioestimulantes orgánicos. Con una temperatura entre 24/25 encendido con todo al 100% Y apagado entre 16/18 Humedad entre 40/45 Veremos cómo sigue la próxima semana.
Week 2. Just the normal stretch. Nothing eventful. After this week, I'll be giving random weekly updates due to my busy schedule.
And here we are ready with another flash strain from the Zamnesia Seeds family: Wurlz F1 Hybrid. Ready in 63 days, it was already ready the day I picked the Watermelons but sometimes choices have to be made during the harvest phase. Our two Wurlz immediately show the kinship with the just harvested Watermelon Candy, the shape of the flower, the way of flowering are really very similar, the Wurlz are similar to each other but a little smaller than the Watermelon which were two huge beasts. Here we are around 70 cm but nice full especially one but they are really similar, ripe, full of resin, another really effective strain. The consistency of the flower is really interesting, ladies and gentlemen these flowers were composed in a very short time it seems incredible but that's how it is and the quality is all there, absolutely all of it and to tell the truth something more than average is evident. However you judge with your own eyes, I am just a humble servant of this divinity called Cannabis and I am here to try what good Zamnesia produces and to test its characteristics, come with us and you will taste the light of paradise. Oh the light of paradise my friends... Plant one and two are really very similar, one more productive, one slightly more mature but both came out on the same day, I'm in a tropical area and we're at 40 degrees in the grow, the plants are flying outside around here now, but I unfortunately nothing for now. We will have the video and smoking review very soon. The feeding this time is totally from Plagron, we used the Organic line as we like it with the additives Power Buds, Sugar Royal and the now legendary Green Sensation. In my opinion if I drink it I will become superman, but I won't try it :) Even the soil is Plagron the very simple and cheap Lightmix: my friends reproach me for choosing organic fertilizers but the soil pre-fertilised with a bit of mineral. The little there is the plant absorbs in the vegetative phase and when it goes into flowering the plant eats only organic, it seems cheap and functional to me but I want to try coconut especially the new Plagron product and the associated fertilizers. Feeding is by Plagron with the Power Buds - Sugar Royal - Green Sensation + Alga Bloom combo that drives me crazy Strong, fast as the wind, stable as promised by Zammi. The lights are from Viparspectra p2000 and provide super light Tent & Air Music of the week +++ 432 hz frequencies to keep in line my Girls to Gaia. Site Description ZAMNESIA SEEDS - WURLZ F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC: EFFECTS TO LEAVE YOUR HEAD IN A WHIRL! As the end product of combining Runtz with Watermelon Candy, Wurlz F1 hybrid Automatic showcases a reliable, uniform, and, above all, easy growing experience. The resulting buds offer mind-blowing flavors and soothing effects, making Wurlz F1 Automatic more than worthy of being on your radar. GROWING WURLZ F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC As an autoflowering strain, it takes just 9–10 weeks for Wurlz F1 Automatic to move from germination to harvest. Fortunately, there's very little required other than a bit of maintenance along the way. This is partly due to the F1 genetics that make this strain robust and uniform, resulting in plants that reach a similar height and provide a similar (large) yield. Moreover, Wurlz F1 Automatic is highly resistant to disease, pests, and other ailments. Reaching heights of about 65–80cm, Wurlz F1 Automatic is not an overbearing plant and can fit into smaller spaces with zero fuss. Once ready to yield, growers have the potential to see a return in the region of 450–500g/m² indoors and 50–150g/plant outdoors. AROMAS, FLAVORS, AND EFFECTS OF WURLZ F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC After Wurlz F1 Hybrid Automatic wows you with its easygoing growing experience, the best is yet to come: the smoke test. Teeming with terpenes, this cultivar offers a fruity and candy-like flavor tinged with just a little bit of pine for good measure. In terms of effects, Wurlz F1 Automatic is bolstered by 24% THC and a finely tuned array of cannabinoids, making for a soothing, physically relaxing, and, in larger amounts, couch-locking high. So settle in with some of your favorite friends, snacks, and movies; this is relaxation at its finest. Sorry guys too much photo but I love this matter so much smile fast if im boring. I love cannabis and cannot stop shoot especially in macro time.
These are faster than expected. The smell is wonderful too. Pineapple and candy, the second pheno although it has less trichomes is bigger and has an added creaminess to its aroma. Truly great stuff even if they really don’t match the NTF description. Added some PK supplement too. Should be another week or two for these.
Solo están absorbiendo el agua aplicada desde la germinación.
Growing good. But I can not stand a strain that foxtails, to me it's just ugly. And these are deffently starting to foxtail. But otherwise it's a gorgeous plant. Hopefully the smoke quality will make up for it. It won't be much longer untill chop day. Thanks for checking out my grow .
This is my first time, I'm having fun, I tried a supersoil recipe and we'll see if it works, for now without fertilizers, I'll add it in the second week
Day 8 (June 12th) Changed VPD setting to 0.9 to keep it around 0.82. kPA before this was around .65 for the seedling stage Also calling it for strawberry cheesecake #2. Did not make it past germination, probably due to planting it too deep Day 13 (June 17th) Plants are looking very healthy and growing like crazy. Not sure if Im going to top them yet but if I do, it will be in the next 2-3 days. I also lowered the light to around 28 inches and turned down the intensity to 70% with my vegging outdoor photo right in the middle of the tent.
I gave up on her. She it one big fixtail. No trichomes, no resinbg, no smell, no stickiness, leaves almost all gone - no point in waiting. Into the trashcan she goes. Farewell. But she did yileld beautifully. It's just shit product.
We chopped down the plants. Now they hang out to dry in the tent. The Trichs looked very good. Some milky, some amber, hardly any clear. Just the way I want it. The popcorn buds were rather milky. So we have more of a couchlock effect on the head buds and the maximum THC on the popcorns. I'm really looking forward to the taste💚
Will give her calmag plus in next watering.
Forming a nice cross shape. Filling out nicely Don't forget to pH up if you decide to try the maxigro. I use it every other watering, watering slowly until 10-15% runoff
Day 28: - Did some LST, not that spectacular since the branches are small and not growing fast enough. - Did some defoliation to make sure that my nodes get the light they need instead of getting shadowed from fan leafs. - It was time to add some Suger Royal into my feedings. They will probily preflower anytime soon and make their final stretch. Lets hope those branches will increase alot in size, but I don't expect them to be large since there is barely sun nor heat. Lets hope for the best, stick arround to find out! Until next week!
Day 79 Heut wurde gegossen mit Dünger und Neemöl Neemöl wurde auch gespritzt Day 82 Heute wurde gegossen mit Calmag Day 84 Heute habe ich bei allen 3 Ladys unten rum leicht entlaubt und einige Triebe entfernt Anfangs der Woche war es ziemlich kalt und die Ladys haben die Blätter hängen lassen (6grad) Ende der Woche ist es endlich Warm geworden und sie stehen wieder prächtig da, vereinzelt hab ich Löcher von kleinen Heuschrecken aber noch nicht all zuschlimm. Ich habe auch die Calmag Menge erhöht da leichte Mangelerscheinungen zusehen waren. Die Ladys wachsen und gedeihen sehrgut #1 100cm #2 120cm #3 158cm
18.06 A way more late update of this grow as I usually provide for two reasons - first I didn't had any time to control or keep care of this grow during the last weekend, second: due to the first point I run into a problem I needed to identify before I update my journal. As you can see in the video there is one plant with some kind of brown leave tips and yellow sugar leaves. I am not 100% sure why this happened but I think it could be some kind of wind burn. I didn't noticed that one slot of my power strips wasn't working anymore, this slot was turning on and off some fans. So the fans just blow straight at least for two days in a row against the plants. Beside that I raised the speed of my main fan a bit a week ago and the plant that is the nearest to this fan show the signs on the leaves I notice here. So I fixed the fans and observed the plants a bit more in detail the last days. The problem didn't developed further so I think this is fine now. There can also be some other reasons, as I wrote last week I changed a bit my nutrient scheme but since I wasn't above EC 2 at all I am not really comfortable with this theorie. Anyway, I closed the tank from sunday to monday so the plants just had what was left in the autopot system and used that until the next light schedule. Afterwards I changed my nutrient scheme back to the classic Hesi scheme. The plants are really well, the trichomes are still clear so I think we have at least until 3 weeks to harvest. The plants will become next week full scheme, afterwards I will check the trichomes again and decide if I start to reduce the scheme or not as we come closer to the harvest.