Oct 12: super warm still so the season is still going. In previous years we’ve had a -10 C sort of hard frost by now. Anyway, Bruce here is taking advantage of the warm weather. Sunlight is weak so not producing as many trichomes as she could under stronger light, but she is still putting on weight and the buds are decently firm. Most fan leaves turned purple at which point they’re no good for photosynthesis so I figured it’s better to remove them here in the home stretch. Might harvest in a few days, or might not… Oct 13: first round of 940 g wet buds, mostly as fresh frozen, with 80 g of that hanging. Buds are less dense than the Gorilla Cookies so despite Bruce being the bigger plant, it looks like the final yields will be similar. Left biggest cola on plant to see how much further it can ripen. Oct 14: watered with 26 C water with some potassium sulphate. My TDS meter has been broken all season so was estimating. Oct 15: nice weather continues. Oct 16: +4.2 C temperature anomaly over last 30 days, and this is “extremely hot”. Yay. Oct 18: sun is so low now that I lose direct sun by late afternoon. Weather turns soon and there are just four more days to go. Bruce will be harvested this weekend.
Sie schrien nach Entlaubung ! Nun ist es besser! Ich hoffe ich habe sie nicht zu sehr gestresst!
Solid in growing in the right direction, I like the sweet time they're taking also, im sure to see a different yield I think.
Happy New Grow Year 🎈🌿🌹🌺🌻🔥🤩😍 to all my fellow Gromie's may it be a joyful & bountiful & of course quality new grow year. The 2 Orange sherbet clones are powering on! #1 is going to really fill out the space In the flowering tent 🤩 she is going to go nuts in flowering stretch! #2 going great as well. Unfortunately I should have have replanted the clones earlier last week when photos were taken as they were very healthy. But after checking on them 1 night, came in next night to find I hadn't turned the pump back on! & Yeah the heat had gotten to them a bit, have been replanted into final homes, put into veg tent, the 2&3 stem clones have suffered & dying off. Obviously couldn't support all the growth of 2& 3 stems being a bit unhealthy. The single stem clones are all coming back to health. Had planned to grow 3 Afghan kush, which didn't germinate ( seeds mafia) , & thankfully I've got these 2 girls to put into flower in the next few weeks once the flowering run is done. Was supposed to have 4 plants ready to go in & replace the ones that get harvested , going to start some new FF strains.👍
Happy New Grow Year 🎈🌿🌹🌺🌻🔥🤩😍 to all my fellow Gromie's may it be a joyful & bountiful & of course quality new grow year. The 2 Orange sherbet clones are powering on! #1 is going to really fill out the space In the flowering tent 🤩 she is going to go nuts in flowering stretch! #2 going great as well. Unfortunately I should have have replanted the clones earlier last week when photos were taken as they were very healthy. But after checking on them 1 night, came in next night to find I hadn't turned the pump back on! & Yeah the heat had gotten to them a bit, have been replanted into final homes, put into veg tent, the 2&3 stem clones have suffered & dying off. Obviously couldn't support all the growth of 2& 3 stems being a bit unhealthy. The single stem clones are all coming back to health. Had planned to grow 3 Afghan kush, which didn't germinate ( seeds mafia) , & thankfully I've got these 2 girls to put into flower in the next few weeks once the flowering run is done. Was supposed to have 4 plants ready to go in & replace the ones that get harvested , going to start some new FF strains.👍
Per cominciare auguro Buon Anno a tutti. Oggi finisce la 10 sett.da nascita,domenica finirá la 5 sett. di flow. Mi sembra la pianta dietro a destra abbia carenza di qualcosa,ma ho letto da altri utenti che le Charlotte's Angel tendono a ingiallirsi,perciò la lascio cosí per il momento. Domenica aggiungo altre foto della fioritura.🏻☮️
Hello Gromie's, all is well with these girls, continue to fill out & mature. Unfortunately I haven't had any Green planet Massive Bloom to give them this grow as I think it would have made a big difference! 5 days1 into week 5 & showing cloudy trichomes & quite a lot of amber as well, calyxs starting to swell & close up, pistills mostly orange. Think they will definitely finish up quicker than last grow, another week or so I think.👍
Hello Gromie's, all is well with these girls, continue to fill out & mature. Unfortunately I haven't had any Green planet Massive Bloom to give them this grow as I think it would have made a big difference! 5 days1 into week 5 & showing cloudy trichomes & quite a lot of amber as well, calyxs starting to swell & close up, pistills mostly orange. Think they will definitely finish up quicker than last grow, another week or so I think.👍
happy new year, everyone! plants are thriving, stretch is happening and the experimental is showing buds already (it's been switched one week earlier) 😊 --- another major defoliation done – Barney claimed that lateral branching is heavy and it's indeed 😂
happy new year, everyone! plants are thriving, stretch is happening and the experimental is showing buds already (it's been switched one week earlier) 😊 --- another major defoliation done – Barney claimed that lateral branching is heavy and it's indeed 😂
W8.Day.1(52) After readjusting the irrigation system, the grow process became more lively. Set up the ruler. W8.Day.2(53) Smell becoming more intense They drinks better. Switched watering scheme from 2/13 to 2/21. W8.Day.3(54) The flowering is not yet at its midpoint, but the younger girl already has orange pistils appearing. The younger one has fewer trichomes than the older one. But looking at the photo, the older one has only one large and three small colas, and everything else is the younger girl. However, she is actively growing and drinking, adding about a centimeter a day. Also, my pot is leaking. I've placed a leak protector underneath it, but the right edge of the pot has risen a couple of centimeters. The pot is positioned at a slight angle, so I had to re-stick the ruler a couple of centimeters higher. I decreased the amount of fertilizers per liter.
All round a very good plant to grow , one of them stretched but I lollypopped and topped it late into flower due to outgrowing my tent and she took it well, producing absolutely top quality buds covered in milky thricomes and glistening all over the nuggs. Absolutely frosted. The smell at this point was around 7.8 smelling strong of orange and citrus , the main cola nice and dense, with lots of other colas branching off. Easy strain to grow to this point although I did have a calcium deficiency but it was fairly rectified.
All round a very good plant to grow , one of them stretched but I lollypopped and topped it late into flower due to outgrowing my tent and she took it well, producing absolutely top quality buds covered in milky thricomes and glistening all over the nuggs. Absolutely frosted. The smell at this point was around 7.8 smelling strong of orange and citrus , the main cola nice and dense, with lots of other colas branching off. Easy strain to grow to this point although I did have a calcium deficiency but it was fairly rectified.
Been away for more than a week so unfortunately missed week 3 of the diary. During my absence baby girl grew well and became pretty big already, especially considering her state before. Decided to try LST and brought down the top branch. She starts to show couple of white hairs so next week should be the start of flowering. Branch went up well on the next day after tie down. Removed larger leaves blocking the light, baby looks great.
My first time growing from clones, quite excited to see how things progress. I have used plagron all mix for the first time too and it’s looking a little hot for the plants at this stage, not worried yet though..
Biiiig big colas, i think 2 or 3 week to get the fruit of the faster 😍 finally i can clean them a bit, just tidy up a little..i'm sure i need more skill for going right in defoliate training 💪 Have your greenest year! Omisan 🙏
Infinite big colas, i think 4 week or a bit more to get the fruit of this beautiful ladies 😍 finally i can clean them a bit, just tidy up a little..i'm sure i need more skill for going right in defoliate training 💪 Have your greenest year! Omisan 🙏
We are finally into flower stage ! I moved this lady into a bigger room with more powerful light. She not actually tall and I’ll see how I control the stretch I made a big work on her root and I’m satisfied of the result !
Chemdog og oh my my my!! Had to start with that the buds are starting to build up. The triks are starting ro kick up to amp mode! This girl has a interesting smell but comes off sweater. This week only done molasses about 2 tablespoons per gallon of water! Thats some sweet water. Trying to get those girls all shuger rushed out! Make them make that oil and resin mmmmm. Cant wait stay tuned!!!
Girls are really starting to explode in height this week. Went with a 1-4-4-7 nutrient schedule and the plants seem to be taking it well. Been struggling with my VIVOSUN controller failing to read humidity and temp values from the external probe so at times humidity is getting super high, but I don’t think it will be a major issue as the dehumidifier seems to work well until it gets full but if I’m at work then I’m kinda screwed until I get home.