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8/16 Watered before feeding two gallons to the garden. Defoliated a bit and noticed an open folded leaf that inchworms must've crawled out of. Also found another japanese beetle today. They are in the area but this far I've only found four. Up the road they've skeletonized plants so I'm crossing my fingers. Next year that's one thing I'm doing for sure. Bird netting. No pillars and no japanese beetles. Can't be that expensive. I may need to do another treatment. Of Spinosid or BT to be safe. I haven't seen much fresh damage like I had before on lower branches. Plants seem to go more into flower everyday. Dreamcatcher furthest along followed by a seedling in a 5 gallon then blueberry and ice cream cake is bringing up the rear. This is when the fun starts. I've put a lot of time and money in since March. Temps are lower today seems like it's going to be a great day. 8/17 didn't water. I figured I'd let things dry out. Defoliated a shit ton of yellow leaves. Every day plants seem to be flowering at a rapid pace. I plan to apply another treatment of BT as a saw another inchworm nest. Also found a japanese beetle that I think is responsible for some of the damage I've seen. 8/18 Soil was dry so I gave it a good watering. Buds are developing extremely fast. I can't believe the changes I see on a daily basis. Still damage. At least it's not destroyed by the japanese beetles like some of the neighboring plants. I did have to defoliate a lot of yellow leaves after this last feed. I know about sensenece and I had the same issue last year. It still seems worrisome to see leaves die. Temps swing thirty degrees here so that might be a contributing factor. I hope it's not some kind of nutrient lockout. Don't know how to tell but I know I don't feed much or often to try to avoid that. I haven't flushed and I really don't want to. Next year super soil. I need to do another preventative spray and go over during the dark. Will update as I go. 8/19 Hurried morning and plants were wet so I didn't water. Looks like it's going to rain. Plants went through a huge growth spurt and buds are developing at a rapid rate but I haven't gotten to the reason why the old big fans turn yellow and drop. Especially since it's after a growth spurt. I probably need to flush. It started at the bottom at first but it's moved up a little. I'll update further today. UPDATE: Went back over and fed two gallons to the garden. Replaced 1tbsp tiger bloom with 1/2 Kool bloom and no microbe brew. Plants seem like they need nitrogen. After finding three sets of leaves with moth eggs and finding what looks like septoria or another fungal infection on the plant outside the cage in the 30 gallon tote. I almost put the ax to it but for now it's just isolated. Stalk is bigger than the ax handle so I'll let it do its thing but not with my other girls. I need to spray BT but I also need to treat WPM. I'll check maybe I have some lost coast plant therapy left. 8/20 No water. Plants were wet. Lost another shit ton of yellow leaves. May be WPM that has progressed. Treated the garden early am with lost coast plant therapy. Will update further today. UPDATE: Took a short video I'll upload tomorrow. Made the decision to water as plants were dry. Probably should've waited but it's been so hot. Humidity is ridiculous. Plants look cleaner after LCPT. Buds developing fast. Looking back on my old journals and seeing the same questions pop up from last year is reassuring. I need to order more LCPT and I also need to get in and prune any shoot that has dead stuff on it. There is some more on the interior I should take as well. I spent a good deal of time (twice) today defoliating and making sure everything yellow was gone in case of a fungal infection. 8/21 Didn't water. Looks overcast. Plants are transitioning to flower. They seemed to like the last feeding. I think I may have been underfeeding. I defoliated what needed it and the dead stuff but there wasn't as much. I can still see WPM this morning. It's just so humid here and it's been raining EVERY night. I'll probably use vinegar or h2o2 tonight. With all the moths and moth eggs I've been finding it wouldn't hurt to do an application of BT. I also need to keep an eye on my ice cream cake. Plant is enormous and it's only in a 20 or 30 gallon bag. I can't remember which. Anyway maybe it's just the lighting but it doesn't seem as rich green as it was. I'll keep an eye on them. 8/22 No water as it's raining. That hurricane Henri is supposed to around here today or tomorrow. I'll have to check but I think I'm fine. My supports are sturdy. I'll do a double check but things seem fine. Flowering nicely. It's kind of discouraging that it's been raining every night and the rh is always ridiculous as of late. The fog this morning was horrendous. It's like I could cut it with a knife. Let's see if it is going to rain tonight. If not I'll spray.
08/11: La troisième semaine de floraison commence enfin on devrait les fleurs prendre forme. J'espère que le stretch est fini car elle est assez grande et doit laisser un peu de place au autres. 08/12: la troisième semaine débute sur une note un peu amer. Certaines feuilles se détériore à une vitesse folle, ainsi que des tâches brune. Premier réflexe GHE essential et cal-mag agent de Canna ce matin. Espérons que les prochains jours seront plus cool et que cela vas arranger mon problème. 08/13: après avoir fait plus de recherche je suis enfin tombé sur un article sur le blog de pevgrow et mon problème correspond en tout point à une carence en magnésium. Je devrais voir voir des améliorations dans les 4 à 7 jours. Et bien-sûr continuer à donner du calmag. Le problème viendrai du fait que je tourne en 24/7 avec les auto's enfin c'est ce que je pense après avoir croisé les conseils et avis des "growers" de GD et certains articles. 08/14: c'est dernier jours ont été intense pour moi, lors de mon premier diaries j'avais déjà eu le même problèmes avec une purplequeen auto à l'époque je n'avais pas de calmag... enfin tous ça pour dire merci à la communauté qui m'a conseillé et supporter. Maintenant cela c'est stabilisé et n'atteint aucune autre feuilles, les nouvelles feuilles sont belles et viguoireuses. Me voilà rassurer et surtout j'ai encore appris de nouvelles chose sur la cannabiculture 😎😨🤓 08/15: elle a créée une belle masse de feuilles entre temps, je vais appliquer une grosse defoliation après le prochain engraissâge histoire d'être que les carences ne sont plus d'actualités. À part cela je me contente de couper deux feuilles par jours. #46 08/16: tout est rentré dans l'ordre ouF :D - la production de trichromes à bien commencé, une légère odeur typique à la weed qu'elle que soit la variété en début de flo. se dégage de la growbox. je suis enchanté! Maintenant j'epère que le switch d'engrais càd changer "BioBizz bloom/topmax" pour "Canna PK13-14/Boost Accelerator" vas lui plaire à la jolie dame #47 08/17: apres une de nuit de réflexion: arrosage/engraisser (canna calmag (.6ml/L)/BB blom-topMax (1.2ml/L chaqu'un)/ AN BigBud-BudCandy (1ml/L chaqu'un) ce matin. J'essayerai canna pk 13 14 et boost accelerator sur mon prochain plant. #48
The discoloured images are zoomed in iomages through a magnifying glass. The main plants are very close to harvest =] I will begin flushing I think after 1 bout of Cannazym, with aim to harvest ~10 days after. I will tailor each to the plant's unique stage of life, as they're not all equal EDIT: Thank you to one of my commentors; Ezzjaygrows answered grow question 6 days ago Yeah I see no point in going to 10.. your diary says these are autos tho? They can take more than 12 hours of light. You got multiple strains going or what? I do have multiple strains, but they're all auto. Thank you for the point added to the list of things learned. I knew they could take more than 12h, but I was managing remotely, and I thought anything but 12-12 would require , say, 18h for 6 weeks, 16 for 2, 12hr for flush period (I'm aware had I given them more light it wouldnt have taken 12-13 weeks.) On the positive side, I saved a picture of a "best case" Creme Mandarine bud, and reasoned my way to "Yeah mine will probably be 35% as nice, in quality, yield etc." - Sure, these arent Cup winners, but FUCK ME, did they turn out so much better than i expected. Now why's that?; I humbled myself and lurked Creme Mandarine grows and learned and learned and learned. So thank you 'Ezzjaygrows', and thank you Growdiaries =] Don't worry. My 2nd will be diarie'd too, and this time, I wont be remote managing with literal remote CCTV and PH meters/Moisture meters in the CCTV shot. I lost 2 seeds thanks to the person i delegated minor observational management too, a young plant was let to dry out, harming it later on it life, AND he second guessed me constantly. Tera Vega / PK was missed because he thought he knew better.. Which he does... For outdoor.
Experienced some light burn this week. Quickly figured out a solution to get my lights higher. Did not expect her to get so big but I’m Loving It! 😁 Been debating on cutting the wind burnt leaves all week. ⬇️⬇️⬇️Week Rundown⬇️⬇️⬇️ 8/9: Bumped light intensity to 75% Started new batch of nutes today. 1st week of early bloom set. No liquid KoolBloom this time 🤦‍♂️🏾 missing from starter kit! Mixed nutes as usual in full gallon jug. Transferred half of treated gallon to half gallon jug. Poured whole half gallon jug into Rez to top off rez at a little over 3rd line. 8/10: Topped of rez this morning with the rest of half gallon of nutes + some plain water out of half gallon jug. 8/11: Topped rez off back to a little over the 3rd line with the plain water from the half gallon water jug. Poured whole half gallon in. She has been drinking very heavily. 😌 thirsty jean lol. 8/12: Topped rez off tonight back to 3rd line. She is steadily drinking now. You can see roots swimming in the rez. 🙃🙃 8/13: Topped off rez this morning and midday. She is drinking heavy now. Did some maintenance on lower canopy. Got rid of dead/dying leaves. I hope she starts budding soon I’m running out of head room The canopy is pretty even right now but I’m now able to raise the lights any higher so I need her to stay put. 😂 8/14: Topped off rez this morning with the rest of half gallon nutes from last night and then some water from half gallon jug. Determined! I was able to raise the lights as high as I can for tent size. Used my 2 extra hanging clips to raise lights at least 12in above canopy. Hopefully she is done stretching as I can see bud formation slowly showing themselves. 8/15: Topped rez of this morning with water from half gallon jug. Started new batch this afternoon. Was no point to starve her til Monday for new batch so I ended up running it today. Bumped light intensity to 85%. Hopefully no roasting occurs lol
Experienced some light burn this week. Quickly figured out a solution to get my lights higher. Did not expect her to get so big but I’m Loving It! 😁 Been debating on cutting the wind burnt leaves all week. ⬇️⬇️⬇️Week Rundown⬇️⬇️⬇️ 8/9: Bumped light intensity to 75% Started new batch of nutes today. 1st week of early bloom set. No liquid KoolBloom this time 🤦‍♂️🏾 missing from starter kit! Mixed nutes as usual in full gallon jug. Transferred half of treated gallon to half gallon jug. Poured whole half gallon jug into Rez to top off rez at a little over 3rd line. 8/10: Topped of rez this morning with the rest of half gallon of nutes + some plain water out of half gallon jug. 8/11: Topped rez off back to a little over the 3rd line with the plain water from the half gallon water jug. Poured whole half gallon in. She has been drinking very heavily. 😌 thirsty jean lol. 8/12: Topped rez off tonight back to 3rd line. She is steadily drinking now. You can see roots swimming in the rez. 🙃🙃 8/13: Topped off rez this morning and midday. She is drinking heavy now. Did some maintenance on lower canopy. Got rid of dead/dying leaves. I hope she starts budding soon I’m running out of head room The canopy is pretty even right now but I’m now able to raise the lights any higher so I need her to stay put. 😂 8/14: Topped off rez this morning with the rest of half gallon nutes from last night and then some water from half gallon jug. Determined! I was able to raise the lights as high as I can for tent size. Used my 2 extra hanging clips to raise lights at least 12in above canopy. Hopefully she is done stretching as I can see bud formation slowly showing themselves. 8/15: Topped rez of this morning with water from half gallon jug. Started new batch this afternoon. Was no point to starve her til Monday for new batch so I ended up running it today. Bumped light intensity to 85%. Hopefully no roasting occurs lol
18 of 20 seeds germinated. There is 1 different strain in between the rest. All these plants have been vegitated in a small tent I use for vegging only. There are 4 plants that have some kind of mutating goin on, so I will keep a close eye on them.
After vegging the plants for a few weeks I transplanted them to the flowering tent. They will stay in veg a maximum of 1 more week and then I will switch them in to flower. I also added worms to the soil to keep it nice and airy and have a as natural grow as possible.
After vegging the plants for a few weeks I transplanted them to the flowering tent. They will stay in veg a maximum of 1 more week and then I will switch them in to flower. I also added worms to the soil to keep it nice and airy and have a as natural grow as possible.
It came into my head last night a migjt have been under feeding them by mixing enough feed for 10 litres of water instead of the 20 i meant to account for i will give them a full dose on the same feed as last week 4ml per 10 litre and 1ml of pk for the 1st feed tnis week and see how they look 🤯
It came into my head last night a migjt have been under feeding them by mixing enough feed for 10 litres of water instead of the 20 i meant to account for i will give them a full dose on the same feed as last week 4ml per 10 litre and 1ml of pk for the 1st feed tnis week and see how they look 🤯
So far so good everything coming along great 👍🏻 only one issue when lid came of bottle during watering and almost drowned one whilst in there smaller pots but left them for a day and repotted looks ok but she’s a bit behind the rest ✌️🏻
Well I finally had some time to really be up in the garden and I noticed pollen sacs on one of these females so I kicked her ass out the club she is now going to be outdoors if it messes with resin production so be it but I got her outside and I castrated every pollen sac off her so we will see if she still produces bomb buds.
This strain gave us no problems, very simple to grow! The plants both stayed small and bushy until flower, then they took off. We will be back to adjust the weight and add more comments. 8/14/21 - The buds are done curing and it’s 🔥 Smooth and flavorful 💨 We finally smoked it and couldn’t finish a joint lol. It’s a lot stronger than we anticipated. I love indica strains and this is now one of my favorites. Next up we have 2 Lemon Kush and 2 Gelato growing outdoors as a side project in between indoor LED grows. Blueberry from seedsman was so simple to grow. We messed up on a few things but we got plenty of nice buds and made 2lbs of butter for edibles. -FIN-
Hello Diary. Here we are at the end of the seventh week, the fourth week of flowering. My Mimosas grew above 110 cm and stopped growing in height. Given the 180cm height of the grow-box, any plants that grow above 100cm are too tall for my conditions at the Farm. For the lights I use Migro 200+, Led lights, whose recommendation is to be about 35 cm away from the plants. If the plant grows above 100 cm, then the distance from the lamps is less than 35 cm. Although I haven’t noticed it hurts them if they’re closer, I’d love it to be 35cm as determined. Mimosa # 1 has reached 111cm, and looks really nice. The leaves are healthy in a beautiful dark green color. The flowers themselves, as I wrote before, do not fill and do not grow as usual. When I compare it to Mimosa # 2, they look like two different strains. We’ll see how it develops to the end but I don’t think any miracle will happen. Although the flowers are sticky, covered with trichomes and a pleasant growing scent, this is not it. Mimosa # 2 reached 118 cm, bringing it from the lowest plant to the position of the tallest plant on the Farm. Not as branched as Mimosa # 1, I directed the lower branches outwards with the help of bending clips to get as much light as possible. The flowers fill well unlike her sister Mimosa # 2. Since it is the tallest plant, the distance from the light is less than recommended but for now I don’t see that bothering it. At Mimosa # 2, I spotted a visitor, the black ladybug (Chilocorus renipustulatus Scriba). I went to read what was written about her and decided to leave her at the Farm as a protector. I also gave them some food this week, I added an Easy Bloom Booster tablet and I added BioBizz on two occasions. I stopped adding CalMg since the plants show no signs of a deficiency of these minerals. The temperature is in line with the summer months, slightly higher than ideal. Humidity is satisfactory, around 50%. Here's what the week looked like. 28/06/2021 - Day 44. Watering. I lowered p.H. at 6.3 and added one Easy Bloom Booster tablet to a total of 8 liters of water. With that amount I watered all three plants that are on the Farm. Temp / Humidity on the farm - 29 degrees and 49% humidity. 30/06/2021 - Day 46. Watering. This time I added BioBizz. I added 8 liters of water Alg-a-Mic - 10 ml BioGrow - 15 ml Top Max - 7 ml Bio Bloom - 10 ml I adjusted p.H to 6.4 and with that amount I watered all three plants evenly. Temp / Humidity on the farm - 32 degrees and 38% humidity. 02/07/2021 - Day 48. Watering. p.H I adjusted to 6.2 and added Bio Bloom 2ml / lit, Top Max 1 ml / lit and Alg-a-Mic 1.5 ml / lit. Temp / Humidity on the farm - 29 degrees and 47% humidity. 03/07/2021 - Day 49. Photography. Temp / Humidity on the farm - 29 degrees and 48% humidity. Mimosa # 1 - 111 cm Mimosa # 2 - 118 cm Well, that's all for this week, see you soon.
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Hi everyone :-) I topped the lady again and will now leave her like that so that she can go into the flower chamber soon :-). It was poured twice this week with 1 l each time. Otherwise everything was cleaned and checked. Have fun and stay healthy 🙏🏻 You can buy this Strain at : Type: Kalini Asia ☝️🏼 Genetics: Black Domina x Purple Kush 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205W 💡💡☝️🏼 Soil : Canna Coco Professional + ☝️🏼 Fertilizer: Green House Powder Feeding ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.5 - 5.8 .