Day 36: Girls looking pretty happy. Still some discoloration going on. Doesn't look to be spreading though.
Day 37: Ok, the girls obviously were not happy this morning. I watered with quite a good amount of runoff and measure the PPM at 3200!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm surprised they are still alive! Had to make a quick run to get some water for a flush as I only have 5 gallons worth. Ran 2 gallons through each of them at a ph of 6.4 around 9:30 this morning. It's now 5pm and they have pulled through great. These OG Kush are extremely resilient.
Day 38: The girls look way better today after flushing yesterday. Two of the pots were almost completely dry already. Went ahead and fed at 500ppm with runoff.
Day 39: I think it's dialed in now. They are looking amazing and still stretching pretty good. Went ahead and pulled off a handful of leaves between the 5 of em.
Day 40: Did a little more defoliation and opened them up a bit. I am super worried about getting any type of mold or any issues in particular for this first round. One of the girls needs a touch more but ran out of time. Girls are looking super healthy! 💪
Day 41: They are looking super awesome. Got the runoff dialed in. 750 going in and roughly 800 coming out. May up it in a week or so.
Day 42: Nothing new to update. Girls still looking amazing. I think the stretch may be slowing just a tad.