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So the increase in feed is going well and the plants are drinking more and more. I measured the heights of them and adjusted the lights as one of them was not level. might have been that way since last adjustment, I kept hearing some poping noises coming from the tent so could have been that as well. #1 33cm #2 28cm #3 27cm #4 18cm #5 38cm #6 43cm #4 is much shorter then the rest of its peers, but we will see how it goes long term. As I though some slight yellowing on leaf tips but nothing crazy, PH going in at 6.2 coming out at 6.49 not bad, matching the trend in EC difference. EC going in at 1.4 coming out aorund 1.0 So might want more food but more frequently vs more at one time. I could try and get into a new watering routine but I really don't want to. Something easy maybe to mix up a jug that I just give them between normal watering that has light feed in it and will not get runoff with it. The runoff to prevent salt buildup can come from the main watering. Also found a weird looking something growing on plant #3 medium. Took some photos of it. Looks alien. going to let it grow, that plant is doing fine.
More buds are comming out this week and the main cola’s are getting all the energy that was prevent by the small bids beside
Terra : fatta in casa : sabbia di quarzite , torba di felci amazzonice , cocco , e tericcio vergine professionale universale concimato . Vasi standard 11 l fino ad arrivare a 30 l Piqnte e varieta ; 10 moby dick 5 crystal m 5 amnesia xxl 2 mimosa evo 3 glockis 2 avgani #1 3 blu gelato 41 1 gelato auto 20 ore di luce 2 lampade da 600 w 20 h 4 h buio . 50 cm la distanza perche scalda 300 C ° 1,5l di aqua ogni giorno con arancio e limone per i parasiti poi azoto liquido 0.1 x 100 1 l N Fosforo 0.5 x 100 1l P Potassio 1 x 100 1l k Fioritura Va tutto bene non ho molto da dire e tutto nuovo anche per me sto imparando i prossimi diari saranno migliori
More buds are comming out this week and the main cola’s are getting all the energy that was prevent by the small bids beside
The frost and smell are increasing daily. Photos/video taken 84 days after breaking soil, day 42 of flower.
Not exactly sure what day this plant is on anymore lol, it was a clone off a friends plant I had but had no room for it in flower until this run but have been busy & completely forgot to update this diary! She is growing very well though giving all the stress I have thrown her way! Can’t wait to see how she turns out! Thanks for following & happy growing friends!✌️🏼🙏🏼🌱
I transplanted this week from the 3L into 20L round pots and moved them into a bigger tent (1.2m x 2.4m x 2m). I added two 200w LED lights to the 400 LED for vegging in the bigger tent. so I have total 800 Watts in total. I changed the switch to 12/12 yesterday 18/10/20 and changed the lights again (2) 600W LEDs and (1) 800W LED for a total of 2000W. Temperature is 40C I can't do much about this I am growing in a sealed room and I have the co2 between 2000-2500 so they can cope better with the high temperatures. Critical is an afghani strain so hopefully they are able to cope with the heat better than other strains. I don't use much of the nutrients listed I have them around from previous grows and use them rarely as I made a strong super soil mix. I use the Biosys and Mammoth P once a week. Everything is going well and plants look happy as Larry!
Oggi è iniziata la terza settimana di vita della mia Purplematic CBD. Sembra sana e cresce piuttosto velocemente, oggi 19/10/2020 l'ho trapiantata nel vaso smart pot (quello di tessuto che mi è stato gentilmente dato, insieme al kit dicrescita, dalla royal queen seeds, per il contest). Ho poi, nella medesima data, utilizzato per la prima volta easy combo, in particolare la capsula per la fase vegetativa. Purtroppo, ho a disposizione solo una capsula per la fase di crescita, e innaffiando poche volte alla settimana (a causa delle temperature non troppo elevate) ho fatto la scelta di frazionare la capsula in 4 parti così da non sprecarla e poterla utilizzare ancora. Ho diluito 1/4 della pastiglia in circa 750ml di acqua del rubinetto (so che non è la scelta migliore, ma almeno ho potuto regolarne la temperatura) e versato nel vaso circa 200ml-250ml. Sto iniziando, quando possibile, a dare un po' più di luce alla piantina. Durante il trapianto ho notato che, probabilmente grazie all'utilizzo dei fertilizzanti che mi sono stati inviati, le radici erano molto ben sviluppate e qualcuna stava già uscendo dai buchi sottostanti al vaso.