Trainwreck also doing great, plant is healthy in the same living soil setup like the others, only water no fertilizer. I did the same type of defoliation, removing fan leaves and leaves that grow to the center of the plant to get more light penetration. I also removed small lower branches and leaves to create a better airflow at the bottom of the plant.
I just saw that commented ... Wow thanks... Anyway of course you are right I should reduce the stress for a while... However there is a lot of plant matter being produced. The stem is finger thick ... Cannabis is such am amazing plant I am not an experienced grower by the way...
She start to smell very very Strong... I love it.. But sadly my neighbor come today and ask if it is possible to take her in my House... Yes of course...NOT lol xD
🌿Tigerfish Organics Grow Update🌿 We’re incredibly excited about the progress of these beautiful plants—growing fast, strong, and thriving like they were born to lead the pack! 💪 Every day they surprise us with their sheer vigor, reaching for the lights and demanding more nutrients. They’re super thirsty and hungry, eagerly soaking up all the goodness we’re feeding them. The tight internal spacing on these plants is truly something to behold, a clear indicator of their robust genetics and readiness to produce some serious flowers! Though we haven’t seen any pink or purple hues just yet, we know from experience that those stunning colors might be just around the corner. The male plant that passed on these stellar genetics didn’t reveal his colors until week 3 or 4 of flowering, so we’re keeping a close eye for that transformation. We’re not only committed to growing exceptional plants here at Tigerfish Organics—we’re growing a community too! 🌱 Join us on our Telegram group, where we share insights, tips, and good vibes with fellow enthusiasts. It’s a space where everyone is welcome to learn and grow together. If you’re as passionate about the craft as we are, we’d love to have you with us. Stay tuned for the next update, because these plants are just getting started. This is only the beginning of something spectacular!
Hoffe nach den Überraschungen in der letzten Woche verlaüft diese wieder ruhiger. Habe den Leitwert des Drain bei beiden Pflanzen auf ph6 und 2000 microSiemens Ende letzter Wiche reduziert bekommen. Interessanter Weise waren die Leitwerte bei den Pflanzen trotz exakt gleicher Wasser/Düngergabe um den Faktor 2 auseinander. Der ph-wert lag bei beiden bei 4,8 [Warum auch immer]. Hab die Werte durch Spülen mit Leitungswasser und Osmosewassermix mit Leitwert 500 auf die oben beschrieben Werte gebracht und hoffe das die Damen es mir verzeihen und mich trotzdem in 3 Wochen mit reicher und vor allem leckerer Ernte belohnen werden. Gieße jetzt jeden 2Tag, so viel, dass genügend Drain entsteht um die Werte zu kontrollieren. Drain liegt bei Ph ca. 6,0 bei max 2,5mS andernfalls wird mit Osmose oder Leitungswasser (0,8mS und Ph7.2) gegegengehalten. Da sie in Stofftöpfen stehen, ist es hoffentlich nicht so dramatisch etwas zu viel Wasser zu bekommen.
Let me guys know what you think! Feedback is always appreciated! 😎😎🙌 [DE] Tage sind an den Bildern angegeben - Pflanzen entwickeln sich sehr gut - ich entferne immer wieder Blätter - pH fällt, werde bald NL tauschen [EN] Days are on pictures - Plants are developing very well - I keep removing some leaves - pH is dropping, might need to change the res
hello we are in the second week of growth I have just planted them in new cups which are a little less than 1 l. I started using root growth fertilizers and a little microbial. For the moment they seem to like it so we will continue to fatten them once a week and in the meantime we will use the silicate from T.A. I thank sweet seed I thank everyone who has followed me since the beginning. thank you see you very soon kisses 🍋‍
She has a sweet kinda fruity flowery smell at the moment. She is in the middle of bulking. I got the nute burn fro. Weeks ago is under control. She is Snelling and looking like she is gonna produce a good yield. Thank you ILGM, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱