
Gratitude Grow

7 months ago
Original Lemon Pie
Original lemon pie
Room Type
weeks 3, 5-8
weeks 4
weeks 4, 11
Grow medium
Germination Method
Paper Towel
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
Original Lemon Pie
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
Original Lemon Pie - %
Original lemon pie
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
Original lemon pie - %
Commented by
RosQuare RosQuare
a year ago
This Canadian Turkey Day we are thankful for the ability to grow 🔥 at home with access to great products! We are also thankful to GrowDiaries for this invaluable diary function and for the community of helpful gardeners. We are 11 weeks to solstice so this will be the last grow to bring some sunshine into the new year. I grew these strains outside and now we are trying to bring them inside. Our friendship plant has outgrown her pot and ‘pot head’ is ready for a new hairstyle. She’d make an adorable mother with a clone from this grow! Then set up a terrarium for her and train her real pretty. Oct 9: dropped seed in shot glass of water Oct 10: paper towel on plate with seed mat Oct 11: root emerging, paper got a little dry, spritz spritz and fingers crossed Oct 12: roots look good, planted in 2oz cup of organic potting mix that I figured would be fine for the first week, placed under humidity dome, in the terrarium. I instantly hate the potting mix. It’s dusty and heavy. Shit. Big mistake. Oct 14: We have a seedling! Oct 16: She hasn’t grown! And the other is pushing up but still wearing her coat. Oct 17: Our seedlings are not taking off and I’m really annoyed at the substrate I used already, it’s so compact. I’m still waiting on the grow bags that I ordered, arriving tomorrow.. I’m not happy yet with any of the potting mixes I’ve been testing and this is the worst one yet. It’s crucial I figure out a mix I can manage because I’m a chronic overwaterer and I want to give my roots a fighting chance. We are upgrading this grow with a pro-mix cx grow bag and praying it’s a keeper after all these fails. If I like it then I can easily pick up a bail. I know they use these commercially here. But she’s already stunted? Will she make it? 🤨 should I just start over? Spritz spritz. Seed hat is just sitting above the soil also not moving. While I wait for my substrate, I used up all that organic potting soil that I now hate to refresh the friendship plant and for propagating her cuttings. Anything would be better than the 500ml of dried out stuff she had left from 3 years ago! She deserves better but this is exactly the type of crap she thrives on. I’m grateful that she keeps coming back for me and I’m grateful for all the baby plants she lets me share ❤️ and I’m grateful I’ve been buying small bags of substrates thus far. Started 1 original lemon pie seed as a back up since this germination round appears to be a bust. Oct 18: so the girl I had all my hopes pinned on died, spritzed her with water and she lay down. The soil is like wet cement, my fault but an expensive mistake. Lost 10 seeds plus a bunch of other herbs I was starting 😭 Still waiting on delivery of my good soil. Update: pro-mix cx bags arrived and I rehydrated one with about 3 litres of calmag enriched water. There’s about 500ml overflow that I’m recirculating to make sure we are truly hydrated over the next 24 hours while I wait for a new tribute to come forth.. I wasn’t going to bother but decided to transfer the little seedling that was wearing a hat into a pinch of the cx and she seemed to perk up almost immediately once out of that other crap. Wishful thinking? We will know soon. 2 hours later and she’s definitely growing! We have an OG survivor for this grow and can proceed. We are very GRATEFUL
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Lemonhazeloverweek 4
Nice choise strain, good luck buddy ☘️
@Lemonhazelover, thank you 🌱
BudBoutiqueweek 1
Happy start - Happy Growing 🧑‍🌾
@BudBoutique, thank you ❤️
RosQuareweek 4
She drinks almost 500ml per day, 6 inches tall. We have to wait about 4 more weeks before we have flowering space so we will probably give her 16 tops in total. Happy growing
RosQuareweek 3
We topped her down to node 3 and removed growth sites below, hope it wasn’t too much, watered her in with our collected rain water enriched with the gp3 nutrients 🤞🤞 Happy growing
RosQuareweek 3
Friendship plant update: the soil took 2 weeks to dry out and she was watered again today. Growth on every branch but she’s still very “soft” and in recovery. Half dose fertilizer and moderate light, letting the soil dry down, giving her a gentle wake up. Once she’s firmed up, probably in the spring, she will get root pruned and repotted in a good fast draining compost. Then we will wire her and tidy up her bonsai. No signs of roots from the cuttings yet but we know from experience we need patience! Gratitude practice update: We are growing our practice along with our plants and we are finding more and more reasons to be thankful. I find I’m most thankful for family and it inspires me to do extra little acts of kindness for them throughout my day. That makes the good feelings grow We will update more later in the week. Happy growing friends
RosQuareweek 3
The diary is cutting off my comments so I’m putting them down here
HIAZ_urbanbudfarmerweek 12
Cool 😎 nice plants, nice grow. LOVE GREEN PLANET NUTRIENTS & so do all the beautiful girls I grow! Best wishes Gromie 👍
Dabkingweek 18
IstrGrowweek 16
Nice strains! I loved the Valentine's Day thing. 🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️
RosQuareweek 5
I apologize for the crappy kitchen lighting in the photos