All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio or combination of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids)TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added in smaller ratios and "Bloom Mix" concentrate what will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely with the ppm and ratios listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. 84/14 Fun with Filters VPD was controlled at reduced temps and RH today - RH now set to 55% max and Temps are 75F at max Over night allowed down to 67F when lights go out. Lights were good and same as yesterday with some light LST PPFD at 750 down to 550. I used 20 minutes of UV and 1 hr of IR with 15 before and after main lights on/off. She's now about 25" tall and 35" wide. Also took some black back and shadow pics for fun (no filters or sharpen only) Day 85/15 Feed Day I gave 2 gallons of de-chlorinated tap combined with 25:75 Veg/Bloom mix total 600ppm and a ph of 6.4. Foliar sprayed some on the outer leaves and left the tent door open to help dry them. (took like 15 minutes with the fans.) top soil ph checked at 6.22ph and run off was at 5.74 with 1580ppm Lights at a range of 750 to 500 Ran 25 minutes of UV and the standard 1hr IR with 15/15 before and after lights on/off and 30/30 at that time. VPD was easy to manage with the doors open and then the fan seemed to have to work more today but just more often and not high fan. Day 86/16 Humidity was high at 60%RH for most of the day, the ILV was kicking on throughout the day and I have two humidifiers going on high. Temps on the other hand was controlled at about 74F. Tips carried a little burn on them today, some all over which makes me think nute burn because ppfd was 550 to 750 as it has been for a few days now and there are tips on leaves with little direct light showing burn as well. Will continue to monitor as well. IR and UV are set on timers and I screwed up with mine today. I was supposed to change the setting and forgot (time change screwed me up and I thought I did it when I changed timers that needed correction) until it was too late and ended up giving her 30 minutes of IR and 1 hour of UV... will have to check/monitor for effects tomorrow. The good news is that she's had a little over two weeks with UV so maybe not so bad. (fingers crossed it doesnt stress her too much) Day 87/17 Again, humidity was high at 60%RH for most of the day, the ILV was kicking on throughout the day and I have two de-humidifiers going on high. Temps on the other hand was controlled at about 74F. If I open the tent for a while I can get the humidity down by about another 5% so tomorrow I plan to leave it open after I feed again. Took some light burn from yesterday's extended UV exposure, but read that it's not bad to take on some stress from UV in flower, especially if you still have time to recover. The pros suggest that you can stress her to grow defensive systems that may create thicker/stickier leaves and flowers with more terpene production. The cons however suggest that it could stress too much and stunt the growth or in extreme/sudden cases, cause her to herm. (thus why they say in mid flower is best if you plan to stress with UV) So it is what it is. I will monitor the leaves that took damage and likely remove them this week when I defoliate schwazz style. I still resumed the schedule of increasing UV as planned but ahead a few days now so 45minutes of UV and 1 hr IR with 15/15 before and after main lights on/off. Day 88/18 Lots happening today. Firstly, I found a split today... on the main stem trunk, so I used superglue to seal the cracks and held together while it set. Then I wrapped it with heavy duty gorilla tape, two 1ft pieces as both a clamp and a support on the other side. I then tied each cola to the inner ring. So then I decided that since I am here having to work on this I may as well go ahead and do the defoliation I was planning for tomorrow. Schwazze style defoliation (at least my interpretation of the method without having to buy the book, super defoliate week 1 and 3 of flower - so almost) Then after that I also preformed heavy strength training - I broke each cola right under the bud sites that I left and bent her outward. I then upped the lights ever so slightly and have a max of 850 ppfd and low of 650 ppfd now. She had 45 minutes of UV and 1 hr of IR same routine, IR on/off at main light schedule with 15 before and after main lights. VPD is better now that I placed another open air vent at the bottom, this one is 6 inch. I also placed the fans a little better to blow directly on the leaves left behind. Low speed for now, but as the leaves come back I plan to increase to get dancing leaves in the middle too. Temps were 74F and RH 55% with the ILV set to auto. I plan to feed 2 gallons of 650ppm 25:75 Veg/Bloom mix. Since my last ph was really low I am going to increase the feed to 7.0ph - not sure what if anything I can do about ppm. Day 89/19 VPD was normal with the exception of holding the tent open as I said I was going to today. Temps at 74F and RH mostly 55% with the ILV set to auto. PPFD also checking in with the same settings/results today, 880 to about 650 ppfd. UV was set for 45 minutes midday, and IR with the same 1 hr with 15 minutes before and after main light on/off. Water feed today with about 2.25 gallons of 7.0 ph de-chlorinated tap diluted with 25:75 ratio of veg/bloom mix (690 ppm total) watered until drip started and I got about .25 gallon runoff. Runoff measured 5.75 ph and 1630 ppm (top soil tested 4x with avg of 6.35) Next feed will be a plain water salt flush. Plant looked so nice a day today that I decided to take some more black back pics. Day 90/20 VPD and PPDF were fine today with normal settings of 74F/55%RH/Auto ILV - PPFD ranged from 550 to 750 because of HST on the limbs. This will be the last stress I give her and hope it wasnt too much. Hoping this all results in a big yield and not a herm.
Keep on moving. 420 forever and Jah God always with us protecting us. Hug. Tommy
Gorilla Fast · 00seeds
Mars Hydro TS1000 · Mars Hydro
TLED 26W Blooming · Secret Jardin
HS80 · Secret Jardin
Deeper Underground · Top Crop
Ugro Rhiza 1200 - Mycorrizae powder solution ·
Ugro Rhiza 1200 ·
Top Veg · Top Crop
Seaweed Solution (Kelp)- Cultivers ·
Green Explosion · Top Crop
Big One · Top Crop
Fulvic_Humic Acids (LEONARDITE)- Cultivers ·
Aminoacids Liquid solution - Cultivers ·
Top Bloom · Top Crop
Aminoacids - Cultivers ·
AgroMolasses - Cultivers- ·
Seaweed Kelp Solution - Cultivers ·
Lacalva Stress Treatment · Madame Grow
Aminoacids - Cultivers ·
Seaweed Kelp Solution - Cultivers ·
Mycofed - Mycoterra ·
C4 · Mills Nutrients
Biotonex · Cannaboom
Gold Green - Gold Complet ·
Gold Green - Gold Bloom ·
Micro Vita · Top Crop
Top Mass · Top Crop
Top Candy · Top Crop
CalMag · Top Crop
Seaweed Kelp Solution - Cultivers ·
Mycofed - Mycoterra ·
Brutalzym · Cannaboom
Floraboom Fullcrem · Cannaboom
Delta 9 · CannaBioGen
Barrier · Top Crop
Cannabium - Flowering (Floración) ·
Cultivers - Fattening and Growing (Leonardite) ·
Ultra MG · Gold Label
Mycofed - Mycoterra ·
Seaweed Kelp Solution - Cultivers ·
Cultivers - Fattening and Growing (Leonardite) ·
Cannabium - Flowering (Floración) ·
Top Bud · Top Crop
Gold Green - PK 21-30 Organic ·
PK 13-14 · Top Crop
B'cuzz Hydro Booster Universal · Atami
B'cuzz Blossom Builder Liquid · Atami
Seaweed Kelp Solution - Cultivers ·
Cultivers - Fattening and Growing (Leonardite) ·
Cannabium - Flowering (Floración) ·
Mycofed - Mycoterra ·
Gold Green - PK 21-30 Organic ·
Keep on moving. 420 forever and Jah God always with us protecting us. Hug. Tom
Das Umtopfen war erfolgreich und die Pflanzen wächst und wächst und wächst .... und das obwohl ich sie ein paar Tage nicht gießen konnte 👏
Wachstum sieht gut aus aus. Habe mal Lux gemessen liegt bei 15.000-20.000 Lux( je nach Entfernung mitte) Angefangen mit Lst bei der Nortern Lights da sie gros genug ist. ( Tag14 )
Wachstum sieht gut aus aus. Habe mal Lux gemessen liegt bei 15.000-20.000 Lux( je nach Entfernung mitte) Angefangen mit Lst bei der Nortern Lights da sie gros genug ist. ( Tag14 )
Bis auf ein paar kleiner Fehler läuft der Grow bisher eigentlich echt gut 💪
Das Umtopfen war erfolgreich und die Pflanzen wächst und wächst und wächst .... und das obwohl ich sie ein paar Tage nicht gießen konnte 👏
Als ich dachte, ich hätte noch Zeit, hab ich mich komplett verschätzt und damit warscheinlich auch den ersten richtigen Growfehler gemacht. Die Pflanze ist viel zu hoch gewachsen ... was meint Ihr? Was kann ich das nächste mal anders machen? 😞
Die erste Woche der Blüte hat nun begonnen. Leider ist die Pflanze nach dem Wachstumsschub über die Lampe hinaus gewachsen 😅
Die erste Woche der Blüte hat nun begonnen. Leider ist die Pflanze nach dem Wachstumsschub über die Lampe hinaus gewachsen 😅
Die erste Woche der Blüte hat nun begonnen. Leider ist die Pflanze nach dem Wachstumsschub über die Lampe hinaus gewachsen 😅
Die erste Woche der Blüte hat nun begonnen. Leider ist die Pflanze nach dem Wachstumsschub über die Lampe hinaus gewachsen 😅