Jamaican Lamsbread from PEV Seeds is one of the most exotic sativa cannabis plants on the planet. Bob Marley popularized Jamaican cannabis all over the world, and now you can enjoy it too, and on top of that as feminized seeds.
Lamsbread comes from Lamb's breath or Lamb's bread, and refers to a kind of green marijuana, very bright and sticky. In Jamaica they have several landraces or pure varieties, some have a name on the island and a different one outside that country, like the famous Creppy. Do you know any of them?
It is a plant that forms a high, branched structure, with stronger trunk and stems than other sativas. The internodal distance is medium, not as wide as most equatorial strains.
In flowering it stretches quite a lot, both vertically and horizontally, so it is not a bad idea to put it directly with photoperiod 12/12 from germination indoors.
Some can take dark shades during the ripening of the buds, especially when grown in areas where the night time temperature decreases enough, or they have a lot of thermal difference between day and night. Is this your case?
The organoleptic qualities of this pure sativa are special, as well as with other unique Landraces. The aroma is floral, sweet and complex, not very potent but pleasant. The taste is also floral, but mixed with woody and earthy hints, a mixture that stays in the mouth and usually pleases everyone who tries it for the first time.
No doubt the best quality of this strain is the effect, it makes you fly instantly. It is one of those sativa varieties with a "roofless" effect, that is, the more you smoke, the more you get higher, without physical load or relaxing low. Perfect to share with friends at parties, in colloquiums, to laugh, etc.