D57 - We're heading into the fourth week of flower, and the girls are loving life. Both look healthy, vibrant, and strong, and they have started to smell.
I did some defoliation to clean up the bottom of the plants by removing leaves that didn't receive any light. I also removed a few branches with tiny buds on them. I honestly should have removed them long ago as they don't get any proper light, so they will only drain resources and result in larf with airy buds. It is better late than never to remove them, as we still have a few weeks of flower to go, and I want the plants to focus on the main buds sites.
Finally, I gave each girl 1.25-liters of compost tea @ pH 6.5.
D59 - Installed a new USB oscillating fan since my old one gave up. These cheap fans aren't made to run continuously so they break down after a while. Still works well enough in my small tents. I also raised the light as the girls were getting bit close and I was reading almost 1100 PPFD at the top of the canopy. Way too much for an auto!
D61 - There isn't much to do now when all training is done, and the watering is automatic. The girls are looking great though so I'm not complaining :D
D63 - The end of another week and the girls are killing it! I'm really happy with how they are coming along, and everything is smooth sailing at this point. I gave each girl 1.25-liters of compost tea (worm castings, neem meal, rock dust, biochar, algae lime, bentonite, molasses) @ pH 6.6.