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Hey hey ! I left my girls during 4 days without watering due a hospitalization ! I discovered this girl like this when I opened the room and she exploded !! Day 3 : floweeeers comin ! Day 6: little defoliation and 🍭 lollipop on this girl : she’s clean now !
My permanent marker plants are looking really interesting! The short and stocky one with the purple leaves is super vibrant. I love that pop of color against the green of the other plants. It's a little different from the taller plant, which has this really cool stacked-up look to it. I'm curious to see if those stacked-up leaves will change color too. The past few weeks have been so beautiful, watching the plants grow and change. It's amazing how something so small and fragile can turn into something so strong and vibrant. Now that they're getting ready to bloom, it feels a little bittersweet. I'm so excited to see the finished product, but I'll definitely miss having them around while they're growing.
My gas tax plant is looking absolutely incredible right now. It's got these massive buds that are super dense and have this awesome dark color to the leaves. I'm so excited to see how it turns out when it's finally ready to be harvested. I've been checking the height, the thickness of the stem, and the density of the buds to get an idea of how much longer I have to wait. I think I might start flushing it soon. The past few weeks have been so beautiful, watching the plants grow and change. It's amazing how something so small and fragile can turn into something so strong and vibrant. Now that they're getting ready to bloom, it feels a little bittersweet. I'm so excited to see the finished product, but I'll definitely miss having them around while they're growing.
The Bubble OG plants are looking awesome! My tallest one is stacking up with super dense buds. It's crazy to think that the other one is almost ready to chop – the colors are so vibrant. And then there's that short and squat one with the purple leaves. It's definitely the oddball of the bunch, but I kind of like it. The past few weeks have been so beautiful, watching the plants grow and change. It's amazing how something so small and fragile can turn into something so strong and vibrant. Now that they're getting ready to bloom, it feels a little bittersweet. I'm so excited to see the finished product, but I'll definitely miss having them around while they're growing.
Seems to be doing well. I still can't place the smell. I think it will be tasty and potent.
My Skunk Apple Run plant is still a bit young, but I can see those buds starting to form. It's a bit of a slow starter, with buds popping up all over the place instead of a nice even line. We'll see if adjusting the light cycle or its food might help it along. I'll keep you posted on any changes. The past few weeks have been so beautiful, watching the plants grow and change. It's amazing how something so small and fragile can turn into something so strong and vibrant. Now that they're getting ready to bloom, it feels a little bittersweet. I'm so excited to see the finished product, but I'll definitely miss having them around while they're growing.
Ja das spülen ist in vollem Gange und zeigt bei der ersten Pflanze bereits Wirkung. Trichome sind überwiegend milchig, warte jedoch noch etwas ab und checke täglich. Die 2 Pflanze hängt der ersten seit Beginn an hinterher... ich denke diese wird etwa eine Woche länger brauchen als die 1 Pflanze. Schade eigentlich, da ich beide gemeinsam im Zelt trocknen wollte.
Seems to be doing well. I still can't place the smell. I think it will be tasty and potent.
Alright, guys, another week and this girl is stacking!! Day 33 of flower and I have a feeling this girl's gonna be a good yielder of some frosty nugs, and hopefully this plant produces some baseball bats.. the inner noodle spacing is perfect for this 👌... Zamnesia Seeds thank you so much and shout out to Patricia, you are appreciated.. hope everyone's enjoying their week. Hope their plants are doing well as well.. God bless everyone.Good luck and happy growing ✌️
Ladies and gentlemen, here we are in day 25 and as you can see, this girl is thriving! I've been a little heavy handed with the training, but i'm putting her to the ultimate test 💪 😎 .. i think it's a problem I have.I can't keep my hands off my ladies 😜 .. Zamnesia Seeds and Plagron thank you both for making this contest possible. I know I really appreciate it. And i'm sure many others do as well.. to everyone in the contest. God bless and good luck to everyone in the contest and to everyone else, God bless good luck and happy growing ✌️. Day 26: today we did some more LST and she is officially split and has handled everything well .. also have a new friend in the tent protecting my girls .. Happy growing ✌️
We finally made it ladies and gentlemen. It is an honor to introduce you to the beautiful Lady Wedding Cake and the beautiful Cookies Kush twins. Even though I'm pretty sure cookies kush #1 would have needed another week, she had to go under the knife and was finished just in time for the super bowl. we also need the space now for the next round of the Eternity Grow Cup. Next Stop Zami Runtz and Blue Gelato 41
We finally made it ladies and gentlemen. It is an honor to introduce you to the beautiful Lady Wedding Cake and the beautiful Cookies Kush twins. Even though I'm pretty sure cookies kush #1 would have needed another week, she had to go under the knife and was finished just in time for the super bowl. we also need the space now for the next round of the Eternity Grow Cup. Next Stop Zami Runtz and Blue Gelato 41
We finally made it ladies and gentlemen. It is an honor to introduce you to the beautiful Lady Wedding Cake and the beautiful Cookies Kush twins. Even though I'm pretty sure cookies kush #1 would have needed another week, she had to go under the knife,too. The ladies finished just in time for the super bowl 🏈. We need the space in the tent asap because of the Eternity Grow Cup. Next Stop Zami Runtz and Blue Gelato 41
Alle 5 Samen wurden in ein Glas mit Wasser und 2 Tropfen Seedbooster von Plagron für ca 20 Stunden eingelegt. Nach ca 20h im Wasserglas ging es für die Ladys in kleine Anzuchttöpfe. Nach 3 Tagen in den Anzuchttöpfen haben 4 Ladys und nach 4 Tagen hat dann auch die 5 Lady das Licht der Welt erblickt. Nächste Woche werden die Ladys dann in jeweils 8l Stofftöpfen Platz finden. Durch die kurze Vegetation sollten die 8L Töpfe ausreichen. Die 4 Ladys die den stabilsten Eindruck machen und sich am meisten im Wachstum ähneln werden behalten. Das Substratgemisch besteht aus ca 70% BioBizz Lightmix und ca 30% Cocos mit Perlien. Ich gebe bei dem Run etwas mehr Cocos hinzu damit das Substrat noch etwas luftiger wird und die Ladys es etwas leichter haben ihre Wurzeln zu bilden und damit vielleicht einen kleinen Wachstumsschub zu erhalten. Auf das ganze kommen dann noch ca 10% Megaworm von Plagron und ein wenig BioGrow das es den Ladys anfangs an nichts fehlt. Die Ladys haben leider etwas weniger Zeit für ihr Wachstum, weil der Contest zeitlich begrenzt ist. Der letzte Grow hat leider auch etwas Zeit in Anspruch genommen. Mal gucken, ich hoffe das es reicht. Mit FarRed als Einschlafhilfe in der Blütephase kann man vielleicht ein paar Tage einsparen. Ich hoffe auf das Beste. Am Ende muss man ja auch etwas Glück mit den Phenos haben. Angegossen wurde mit 1g/L BioEnhancer und 1ml/L PowerRoots. Der ph-Wert wurde vor dem gießen auf 6.0 korrigiert. Jede Lady bekam für den Anfang ca 30-40ml in die Anzuchttöpfe. Mit einer kleinen Heizmatte und den Kuppeln auf den Töpfen wird für das warm/feuchte Klima gesorgt, das die Ladys anfangs benötigen um zu keimen. Am Tag an dem die Ladys das Licht der Welt erblickt haben, kamen die Kuppeln ab und die Ladys spüren dann auch ihre ersten Luftzüge.
The Blappleberry Haze is producing more and more thick buds that are now taking on a beautiful purple color. The smell is still very, very fruity and the trichomes look like I could harvest the plant within the next 2 weeks. I will check the trichomes again before the next watering, if they are almost ready, I will only give it water and then no water for a week.
We finally made it ladies and gentlemen. It is an honor to introduce you to the beautiful Lady Wedding Cake and the beautiful Cookies Kush twins. Even though I'm pretty sure cookies kush #1 would have needed another week, she had to go under the knife,too. The ladies finished just in time for the super bowl 🏈. We need the space in the tent asap because of the Eternity Grow Cup. Next Stop Zami Runtz and Blue Gelato 41