Está semana se siente bastante el aroma de whithe widow y blue moby, mientras que moby Dick sano y viene en viaje entrando en flora. Me quedé sin medidor de ph y sufren un desvalance de ph, más que nada ww pero ya lo voy a solucionar! Muchas Gracias por ver! Acepto críticas y concejos.
I can't complain she hasn't skipped a beat since I took over only problem im seeing is very leggy and not vigorous branches but I have a strong feeling things will be different next week stay tuned my fellow plant janitors 👨‍🌾
I can't complain she hasn't skipped a beat since I took over only problem im seeing is very leggy and not vigorous branches but I have a strong feeling things will be different next week stay tuned my fellow plant janitors 👨‍🌾
Hallo zusammen 🤙. Habe sie heute geerntet. Lassse sie jetzt 3 Wochen trocknen und komme dann mit dem Erntebericht zurück. Bis in 3 Wochen 🤙
Jetzt wirds spannend es neigt sich dem Ende, die Farben werden immer schöner und die trichome werden immer mehr und mehr und alles wird lila einfach herrlich 😁 Ich habe beim letzten düngen den biobizz bloom gegen einen hesi Mineral Dünger ausgetauscht weil mein biobizz Blüte Dünger leer war, ich hoffe Ich habe damit nichts zerstört 😅😏🙄 Ansonsten wird nur noch mit Wasser gegossen in 2 Wochen is schluss 😏😁👌
Como mencione en el otro diario estuve ausente unos días por eso no llevo actualizado el mismo.ha crecido muy poco pero en estos días la plantare en el suelo . Buen 2024 para todos!!🤞🤞🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊👏👏👏👏
Esta semana estuve ausente unos dias, por esa razón no he subido antes las fotos. Ha crecido unos 20 cm de una semana a otra. La que está en el suelo llego a los 70 cms ya. Buen 2024 para todos!!!🤞🤞🤞🎊🎊🎊🎊🚀🚀🚀🚀😅😅😅🤞🤞🤞
happy new year .. wishing you a year full of wealth, health and a kind of happiness and joyful moments that truly matters! happy new year!!
Greetings, fellow cultivators and stewards of the green realm! It's time to embark on the Week 4 Flower Report for the enchanting Jealousy in the Power Buds competition. The grow room has transformed into a sanctuary of blossoming beauty, and our verdant queen continues to captivate with her botanical grace. As we venture deeper into the fourth week of flowering, Jealousy's prayerful demeanor remains steadfast. It's like a perpetual botanical meditation, where every leaf is a testament to the serene communion between plant and light. The grow room echoes with the hum of chlorophyll, and Jealousy stands as a living embodiment of lush greenery. The flower formation is a sight to behold. Buds, adorned in trichome-laden splendor, emerge like jewels on a botanical crown. The pace at which they're developing is nothing short of remarkable—almost turbocharged. It's like witnessing a botanical sprint, where each bud races toward maturity with an urgency that adds an extra layer of excitement to our horticultural odyssey. And now, let's talk root porn! Brace yourselves for a visual feast as we delve into the underground world of the clones. The roots, like intricate threads weaving a subterranean tapestry, tell a story of vitality and success. These clones, offspring of our majestic Jealousy, have not only taken root but have done so with a vigor that speaks volumes about the genetic prowess passed down from their botanical matriarch. The success of these clones is a testament to the health and vitality of Jealousy herself. It's like witnessing the circle of life in a green kingdom, where each rooted clone is a promise of continuity and a nod to the resilience of the plant lineage. As we navigate the fourth week of flowering, let's extend our gratitude to Zamnesia and Plagron, the unseen architects of our botanical masterpiece. Their contributions continue to shape the narrative of our green adventure. A standing ovation to the Grow Diaries community – your shared experiences and boundless enthusiasm are the pillars of our collective knowledge. To my fellow contestants and growers, may your buds swell with magnificence, and may the vibrancy of your grow rooms reflect the success of your botanical endeavors. Here's to a week of perpetual prayer, turbocharged growth, and the anticipation of a harvest that will leave us all in awe. Stay green, stay inspired, and keep cultivating those dreams! As always, thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all. This journey of mine would just not be the same without you guys. The love and support are very much appreciated, and I feel honored and blessed with you all in my life !!! With true love comes happiness. Always believe in yourself and always do things expecting nothing in return, with an open heart. Be a giver, and the universe will respond in ways you can’t even dream of . Friendly reminder: all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only. Genetics - Jelousy @Zamnesia Nutrients @Plagron Light - @viparspectra P2000 Room size - 3x3 - 0,9x0,9
Greetings, fellow cultivators and stewards of the green realm! It's time to embark on the Week 4 Flower Report for the enchanting Jealousy in the Power Buds competition. The grow room has transformed into a sanctuary of blossoming beauty, and our verdant queen continues to captivate with her botanical grace. As we venture deeper into the fourth week of flowering, Jealousy's prayerful demeanor remains steadfast. It's like a perpetual botanical meditation, where every leaf is a testament to the serene communion between plant and light. The grow room echoes with the hum of chlorophyll, and Jealousy stands as a living embodiment of lush greenery. The flower formation is a sight to behold. Buds, adorned in trichome-laden splendor, emerge like jewels on a botanical crown. The pace at which they're developing is nothing short of remarkable—almost turbocharged. It's like witnessing a botanical sprint, where each bud races toward maturity with an urgency that adds an extra layer of excitement to our horticultural odyssey. And now, let's talk root porn! Brace yourselves for a visual feast as we delve into the underground world of the clones. The roots, like intricate threads weaving a subterranean tapestry, tell a story of vitality and success. These clones, offspring of our majestic Jealousy, have not only taken root but have done so with a vigor that speaks volumes about the genetic prowess passed down from their botanical matriarch. The success of these clones is a testament to the health and vitality of Jealousy herself. It's like witnessing the circle of life in a green kingdom, where each rooted clone is a promise of continuity and a nod to the resilience of the plant lineage. As we navigate the fourth week of flowering, let's extend our gratitude to Zamnesia and Plagron, the unseen architects of our botanical masterpiece. Their contributions continue to shape the narrative of our green adventure. A standing ovation to the Grow Diaries community – your shared experiences and boundless enthusiasm are the pillars of our collective knowledge. To my fellow contestants and growers, may your buds swell with magnificence, and may the vibrancy of your grow rooms reflect the success of your botanical endeavors. Here's to a week of perpetual prayer, turbocharged growth, and the anticipation of a harvest that will leave us all in awe. Stay green, stay inspired, and keep cultivating those dreams! As always, thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all. This journey of mine would just not be the same without you guys. The love and support are very much appreciated, and I feel honored and blessed with you all in my life !!! With true love comes happiness. Always believe in yourself and always do things expecting nothing in return, with an open heart. Be a giver, and the universe will respond in ways you can’t even dream of . Friendly reminder: all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only. Genetics - Jelousy @Zamnesia Nutrients @Plagron Light - @viparspectra P2000 Room size - 3x3 - 0,9x0,9
Greetings, fellow cultivators and stewards of the green realm! It's time to embark on the Week 4 Flower Report for the enchanting Jealousy in the Power Buds competition. The grow room has transformed into a sanctuary of blossoming beauty, and our verdant queen continues to captivate with her botanical grace. As we venture deeper into the fourth week of flowering, Jealousy's prayerful demeanor remains steadfast. It's like a perpetual botanical meditation, where every leaf is a testament to the serene communion between plant and light. The grow room echoes with the hum of chlorophyll, and Jealousy stands as a living embodiment of lush greenery. The flower formation is a sight to behold. Buds, adorned in trichome-laden splendor, emerge like jewels on a botanical crown. The pace at which they're developing is nothing short of remarkable—almost turbocharged. It's like witnessing a botanical sprint, where each bud races toward maturity with an urgency that adds an extra layer of excitement to our horticultural odyssey. And now, let's talk root porn! Brace yourselves for a visual feast as we delve into the underground world of the clones. The roots, like intricate threads weaving a subterranean tapestry, tell a story of vitality and success. These clones, offspring of our majestic Jealousy, have not only taken root but have done so with a vigor that speaks volumes about the genetic prowess passed down from their botanical matriarch. The success of these clones is a testament to the health and vitality of Jealousy herself. It's like witnessing the circle of life in a green kingdom, where each rooted clone is a promise of continuity and a nod to the resilience of the plant lineage. As we navigate the fourth week of flowering, let's extend our gratitude to Zamnesia and Plagron, the unseen architects of our botanical masterpiece. Their contributions continue to shape the narrative of our green adventure. A standing ovation to the Grow Diaries community – your shared experiences and boundless enthusiasm are the pillars of our collective knowledge. To my fellow contestants and growers, may your buds swell with magnificence, and may the vibrancy of your grow rooms reflect the success of your botanical endeavors. Here's to a week of perpetual prayer, turbocharged growth, and the anticipation of a harvest that will leave us all in awe. Stay green, stay inspired, and keep cultivating those dreams! As always, thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all. This journey of mine would just not be the same without you guys. The love and support are very much appreciated, and I feel honored and blessed with you all in my life !!! With true love comes happiness. Always believe in yourself and always do things expecting nothing in return, with an open heart. Be a giver, and the universe will respond in ways you can’t even dream of . Friendly reminder: all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only. Genetics - Jelousy @Zamnesia Nutrients @Plagron Light - @viparspectra P2000 Room size - 3x3 - 0,9x0,9
Desde el transplante siguen creciendo y se han recuperado del todo, sin más. Ahora ya estoy contando los dias que me faltan para cambiar el fotoperiodo a 12/12h. xd. Esta semana les hice un riego foliar con Hemplex, auxinas, citoquininas y otras. Riego cada tres dias, a final de semana 600m l/ Planta
Getting ready to transplant in a couple of days. Today on one of the short plants I half snapped one of the fan leaves near the top of the plant! I've also gone and knocked over another one when feeding earlier today 😔 tent should be up by now but can't put up yet ATM
They growing Well, as expected the jack herrer stretched more than the others but it remains manageable.
The start of this week brings day 17. Things are slightly aromatic. With a strong surge while clearing out the tent removing the 2 humidifiers and setting up the T7. I couldn't ask for better, given all the years it's been and all the very new and "modern" tech to ease workload. Also removed several tie downs to encourage strength and stretching the top a bit more.
🗓️ 2° WEEK FLO // DAY 8-14 (from switch) // DAY 85-91 (from dry seed) ⚡- Light: 40 cm / 200 watt; ⌛- Schedule: 11/13; 🌡️- 22° C - 65% RH average; 📑- PH 6 - EC 2; 🥅- Bending the #1 branches trough the ScrOG-net, the other one just touches the net; 🌱- By the end of this week they begins the flowering, I can clearly see preflowers! We can definitively say that gradual approach to the switch doesn't make things faster; 🔜- Next week I'll make a new heavy defoliation, then I'll mount the second ScrOG-net.
**English** The light was changed to 12/12 . The plants are growing well, so far I have nothing to complain about. **Deutsch** Das Licht wurde auf 12/12 umgestellt. Die Pflanzen wachsen gut, bisher habe ich nichts zu beanstanden.
Apolo F1 Mission Diary - Week 3: The Ballet of Bend, Blossom, and Root Rhapsody Greetings, fellow cultivators and guardians of the green frontier! Week 3 of our Apolo F1's botanical saga has unfurled with a kaleidoscope of growth and a symphony of roots that dance beneath the surface. Join me as we explore the verdant ballet of bending, the flourishing foliage, and the hidden root rhapsody. This week has been a crescendo of controlled chaos, with the delicate art of bending taking center stage. Each branch gracefully sways and contorts, responding to the gentle nudges like a botanical ballerina in an intricate dance. Our Apolo F1 is not just growing; she's performing a choreography of resilience and elegance. And here's the thrilling revelation - roots! Yes, beneath the soil surface, a clandestine world is unfurling. Root tendrils are popping up like eager spectators in the front row, reaching out to absorb the nutrients and anchor our green virtuoso. It's a root rhapsody, a silent applause to the nutrient-rich symphony we've orchestrated. As I continue to guide the botanical ballet, the TDS in the watering regimen maintains a harmonious 390 ppm, providing our plant with a nutrient-rich libretto. The pH, the conductor of this aqueous symphony, remains a steady 6.0, ensuring optimal nutrient absorption and a thriving performance. Temperature-wise, our Apolo F1 revels in the cozy embrace of a 26-degree Celsius environment. It's like providing the ideal backstage conditions for our botanical star, ensuring she performs at her peak. Now, let's talk about the behind-the-scenes technique – the bottom feeding spectacle. Water is tossed into the plate, and our green companion sips from this botanical wellspring. It's a refined and controlled drinking session, a sophisticated soirée for our growing virtuoso. And as always, a tip of the hat to Aptus Holland, the maestros of our nutrient symphony. Their meticulous regimen ensures our Apolo F1 gets the VIP treatment from the roots to the tips of her flourishing foliage. As we marvel at the ongoing dance of growth and the flourishing of our green virtuoso, I extend my gratitude to the digital coliseum, Grow Diaries, for being the stage where our horticultural epic unfolds. And to Royal Queen Seeds, whose Apolo F1 has become the star of this green opera. In the next enthralling chapter of our Apolo F1 Mission Diary, we'll witness the continued ballet of growth and the root rhapsody beneath the surface. Until then, may your gardens flourish and your green endeavors be ever bountiful! As always thank you all for stopping by and for supporting me on this journey, i am super passion about growing and fell blessed to have you all with me on this new journey
Base 75 lt acqua demineralizzata (ec 80); Aggiungiamo: 37.5 grow 37.5 micro 37.5 bloom 30 ml tarantula 30 ml voodo juice. Ottenendo ec 474 ph 6.5 Iniziamo questo nuovo ciclo non partendo da seme come sempre, ma partendo da un ottima talea giá radicata, fatta da un nostro amico agricoltore. Ci aggiorneremo settimanalmente al solito, vedremo i cambiamenti e aggiornamenti settimana dopo settimana. Buon anno nuovo a tutti!! E buona coltivazione!!!!