This is going to be a scattered Summer, as I have had enough with plants being stolen from my property 2 years running. So I am sharing Pheno's this summer with Friends and Family, throughout this local area... My seed-gathering hit a spectacular spell this winter, and there are simply not enough years left to grow all of the Treasures I have acquired. And there are some juicy specimens.
For the purposes of maximizing a single diary, I am going to check in with and keep a loose running diary on these 8 selected Phenotypes.
They are all going to be following a set routine, unlike any previous grows. Pre-loading the soil in the outdoors location will be the Norm, it’s something I have never done. Using specific Soil Amendments and Mulch applications will be new ground for me, as these are all proven and successful steps to take, in producing Nutrient rich Soil and a fully developed plant at harvest.
People: I love talking with people here on G.D., such as those right here and many more; DeFharo, LegacyMarketFarm, Roberts, DissNoof, HighRoller909, Ferenc etc. (I know I should have your name right here too lol ) Thanks everybody for the words & assistance in the past and I'm sure you will all hear me Squealing when/if the shit hits the fan.
I feel this is already on its way to be a wonderful experience this summer. Mostly this will be grown in the boonies, virgin ground on the edge of a certain Farmers Field, with the Farmers consent. And the path he has cleared for us...
Just put the 30+ seeds in water a couple days ago, all the seeds in Dirt within 48 hours of each other. We'll see which ones make it and which ones get replaced... awaiting sprouts to Pop through, I wanted to get this set-up and have it waiting. Sending out Best Wishes to all the Brothers n Sisters getting ready for a Big Summer.
- Mar 25th a.m., 21 of 40 have sprouted... by Noon there were 24/40 and the obvious ones with Open leaves... had their first Foliar mist at lights out. Kelp Meal is next to be added to the Foliar. Will wait for a bit more development & participants
Mar 26th,
Lots of activity overnite as Now, 35 of 40 seeds have broken through
Mar 27th
- Foliar Mist @ lites-out (a.m.) Foliar pH = 5.9
- transplanting healthy plants into 1 gal pots starting tonight as they are ready
- Soil in the 1 gallon Pots will be the existing mix with the agitated addition of Azomite, Kelp Meal, “2 oz of old dried-up weed” and some diluted RapidStart
- a week ago today, 33 seeds were put in water. Another 7 were added the next day… its a nice way to wrap up germination-week up. Still a few seeds in that crazy survival mode… alls good though
- finishing Germination week tonight by moving this gang into 1 gal pots.
- pre-soaked next soil ahead of Transplanting; 1 gal h2o pH 6.3 ~ 36 - 40gal soil
- DynoMyco introduced to Bulk Soil and mixed well. Each seedling will have it sprinkled on its roots and into it’s destination pot (1st time using it)