Cultivar SPETTACOLARE! Ho raccolto Midnight Marathon F4 e 91 Grape e sono rimasto veramente sorpreso dalla qualità dei terpeni! Midnight Marathon F4 ha degli odori og, molto gassosi e delicati mentre la 91 Grape è un esplosione di chimico,uva, caramelle con un tocco gassoso, le cime sono grosse quanto una lattina di coca e sono incastonate di tricomi! Midnight Marathon F4 invece è estremamente sedativa! Ho fatto un test di Bubble hash con 91 Grape ed ha prodotto più di qualsiasi altra pianta che ho coltivato in passato! Pubblicherò le foto di seguito! In crescita ancora Strawberry milk and Qookies Remix che sembra essere la più resinosa della cultivar e Hervey Wellbanger che odora praticamente di colla con un sottofondo dolciastro! Night owl è diventata la mia banca di semi preferita dopo questa coltivazione perché ho potuto vedere quanto valgono questi semi! In flush entrambe penso di raccogliere la prossima settimana così posso concludere questo splendido diario!
Start of week 3: august 9th Battling caterfuckers and using foliar sprays to keep at bay. Trimmed her a lot to keep the light WPM she has but no worries there. Smells just like diesel with a hint of sweet candy land
Essendo l'erba da portarmi in ferie e poi avrei staccato tutto... Queste 2 piante si sono prese la piena potenza delle lampade e son venute molto bene!! Sono molto soddisfatto del risultato!!! Mi spiace di non aver messo le foto dall'inizio perché è stato veramente un bel crescendo!!
Another week going well. Plants that are in the smaller green pots are more advanced than those in the black green pots. I'm only giving water to the ones I'm going to harvest this week and the others I'm still giving nutrients I intend to harvest those that are more advanced (green pots) next week
1-sept: The dead spots on the leaves are due to my clumsiness; I have dropped nutrient water on her by mistake. I have a very small tent so I'm glad she's growing short and not stretching like the first week. The thing that surprises me is that she has already started to emit the smell we all know to love. But gotta stay stealth. I'll be adding a carbon filter to the extraction fan by the end of this week. Peace. Fingers crossed.
buenp no estoy seguro de como van las semanas pero ya la otra corto esta vuelta y empezaos a darle el ucrado y secado ideal para poder aprovechar este buen bouquete ya que el olor es relaente delcioso y pues esperamos que al momento de curar y secar mantengan esos olores tan exquisitos
Hi everyone this last few weeks have been crazy as you all can see this Gelato turned out to be a Photoperiodic plant. Week 17 in to flower for 2 weeks now. All was going well but I did not have much time to look after it. And got some light burn in the early stages did some training techniques and She looks is recovering now. Some nice pictures how big one of those can get when I wasn't expecting this plant to be a Photoperiodic. But let's see she turned out a female so that's great will be a nice surprise probably. Happy Growing and have a lovely week.
170g dried buds Mars hydro TS-1000 Increase Yield & Crop Quality in Led Grow Newest SMD Led technology provides the highest Par/Lumen output, makes you get 30% higher yield compare old led lights, can get up to 2.5g/watt yield. Only 150 watts true output so you don't have to check your bill every month. 342 pcs LEDs, more scientifically and energy-efficient! Perfect for 3'x3' (100x100cm) veg stage and 2'x2' (60x60cm) bloom stage https://www.instagram.com/marshydro_aliexpress2/ Peace & love - L.S.T🌟
Wasn't the best run, my first Hydro grow and I had a lot of over nutrition issues during vegetation which I expect will reduce yields. I also had a bit of bud rot on one of my plants even with humidity of 55 percent and 26c with plenty of fans I expect the plants immunity was compromised from the abuse that happened during veg. All in all, this strain is worth another attempt will defenatly keep this strain for a second run in the future. Next up - - > canna aqua trial with killer glue by little chief collabs - - > legendary AK 47 x Original Gorilla Glue 4 Will add more photos of cured buds and dry weight in the next couple of weeks.