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This plant plus one more started to wilt earlier on in the week, I figured it was probably time to transplant seeing as they had been in the solo cups for 2 weeks. After transplant plants seemed to be happy again. I introduced amino acids this week as well. They are getting the grease spray and drench program
Come ben mi aspettavo la Royal Gorilla sta facendo vedere adesso le sue potenzialità 🦍🔱e tra poco potrò fare un manifold anche a lei... La decisione tra lei e la Runtz per RQS Spring avverrà tra 2 settimane!!!
29 May 2021 I have been super busy and have neglected my little girls the last few days. I started the flowering stage (12/12 light schedule) yesterday, the 28th. I was going to start it on the 26th, but had trouble with the timer. I’m going to stick to my schedule though. Today starts the flowering stage feeding chart, and for this week I’m using the “Transition to Flower” amounts. The water was chilled to 41.5 degrees F, and I began feeding an entire gallon as well. I fed: CALiMAGic 5ml, FloraMicro 7.5ml, FloraGro 7.5ml, and FloraBloom 7.5ml. The initial pH was 6.7 and needed no adjustment. The TDS going in was 851 ppm. Runoff pH was 6.6, and TDS runoff was 1885 ppm. Tent temp was 75 degrees F, and humidity was 50%. I defoliated the living hell out of her today, and rearranged some of her LST points. I also cut some of the lower branches/stems to make the growth more controlled. I have enough to make several clones if I decide to do that. I’m still trying to make up my mind on that. 31 May 2021 My Blueberry Muffin is looking fabulous!! She has adjusted to her massive defoliation with ease and is looking BEAUTIFUL! I’m very pleased with how she’s doing. Both she and her tent mate are looking wonderful. I’m still using the “Transition to Flower” stage, so here’s what I fed: 1 gallon of water chilled to 51.2 degrees F, with CALiMAGic 5ml, FloraMicro 7.5ml, FloraGro 7.5ml, and FloraBloom 7.5ml. The initial pH was 6.7 and didn’t need to be adjusted. The TDS going in was 1054 ppm. She took the whole gallon and had plenty of runoff. The runoff pH was 6.5, and TDS runoff was 2237 ppm. Tent temp was 79 degrees F, and humidity was 44%.
29 May 2021 I started the flowering stage yesterday, 5/28/21, and plan on defoliating and topping my Blue Ox baby today. I wanted to get any and all stressful alterations done before we got too far into flower to limit potential damage it can’t spring back from. The light is on a timer now, so from here on will be 12/12 schedule. I’m also adjusting the nutrients to flower, and starting this week at the “Transition to Flower” levels. I’m also starting to give a whole gallon of water for the first time as well. H2O was chilled to 41 degrees F, and contained: CALiMAGic 5ml, FloraMicro 7.5ml, FloraGro 7.5ml, and FloraBloom 7.5ml. The initial pH was 6.7, and didn’t require adjustment. The TDS going in was 807 ppm. Runoff pH was 6.2, and TDS runoff was 2103 ppm. The tent temp was 75 degrees F, and humidity was 50%. I practically stripped her naked today, and after finally getting a look at her branches will most likely do some LST in the coming days. I also took some cuttings to clear up space to control the grow better. I may try to clone them, but I haven’t decided yet. 31 May 2021 My Blue Ox is looking great! She adjusted to me practically taking all of her large leaves off without any issues. She looks so much better than she did before. I’m still using the “Transition to Flower” level nutrients with a gallon of chilled water (47.1 degrees F). I fed: CALiMAGic 5ml, FloraMicro 7.5ml, FloraGro 7.5ml, and FloraBloom 7.5ml. The initial pH was good at 6.8, and TDS going in was 924 ppm. The pH runoff was 6.2, and TDS runoff was 2400 ppm. Tent temp was 79 degrees F, and humidity was 44%.
Hey now, this week went pretty good, the buds are about done bulking up, and just waiting on the trichomes, I was really hoping she would be about ready, but I think she needs another week to week and a half total. The buds are rock hard, and super sticky. I have no clue what she will yield because the colas are not that thick, but there are definitely alot of them. I plan to squeeze her into rosin, and hopefully I can break the 25% mark for the first time with her, but we will see. Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy the videos, Happy Memorial Day Family, Stay Safe and Blaze On!!!
Hey now, this week went pretty good, the buds are about done bulking up, and just waiting on the trichomes, I was really hoping she would be about ready, but I think she needs another week to week and a half total. The buds are rock hard, and super sticky. I have no clue what she will yield because the colas are not that thick, but there are definitely alot of them. I plan to squeeze her into rosin, and hopefully I can break the 25% mark for the first time with her, but we will see. Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy the videos, Happy Memorial Day Family, Stay Safe and Blaze On!!!
Hung them to dry today, very happy to say I have found 3 very very good keeper phenos which doesn’t surprise me as I have grown many seeds of this before. The pictures and video tell more than words can say. I have named my favourite pheno ‘john wayne’ as I have a convoy swagger about my walk every time I look at her😂 I lost this pheno a few months ago and so relieved to have her back plus two other great phenos. Barneys absolutely provides some real fire genetics and I have been a fan since blue cheese and pineapple chunk were released many years ago.
Hung them to dry today, very happy to say I have found 3 very very good keeper phenos which doesn’t surprise me as I have grown many seeds of this before. The pictures and video tell more than words can say. I have named my favourite pheno ‘john wayne’ as I have a convoy swagger about my walk every time I look at her😂 I lost this pheno a few months ago and so relieved to have her back plus two other great phenos. Barneys absolutely provides some real fire genetics and I have been a fan since blue cheese and pineapple chunk were released many years ago.
Hung them to dry today, very happy to say I have found 3 very very good keeper phenos which doesn’t surprise me as I have grown many seeds of this before. The pictures and video tell more than words can say. I have named my favourite pheno ‘john wayne’ as I have a convoy swagger about my walk every time I look at her😂 I lost this pheno a few months ago and so relieved to have her back plus two other great phenos. Barneys absolutely provides some real fire genetics and I have been a fan since blue cheese and pineapple chunk were released many years ago.
Hung them to dry today, very happy to say I have found 3 very very good keeper phenos which doesn’t surprise me as I have grown many seeds of this before. The pictures and video tell more than words can say. I have named my favourite pheno ‘john wayne’ as I have a convoy swagger about my walk every time I look at her😂 I lost this pheno a few months ago and so relieved to have her back plus two other great phenos. Barneys absolutely provides some real fire genetics and I have been a fan since blue cheese and pineapple chunk were released many years ago.
Ya estamos en proceso de formación de la flor. Se ven algunas más grandes que otras. Pero a grandes rasgos estan muy parejas. Me preocupa un poco la cercanía a la luz, dado que estoy en 15cm y cualquier estirón extra, sería una complicación. Vamos a ir viendo como se dan las cosas, pero al momento, no me puedo quejar. Las plantas se ven bien y saludables. Día 24. Se empieza a notar el engorde. Esperando a que aparezcan las hojas de azúcar, que ya se empiezan a visibilizar las primeras. Voy a ver si puedo conseguir overdrive de advanced para cuando se terminen de formar las flores. Entre tanto solamente tuve un inconveniente de pérdida de agua por una manguera que moví al atar las plantas, pero ya repuse la solución perdida y todo va encaminado. No sé si van a tardar las 6 semanas que dice el catálogo, pero cuanto mucho serán 8. Seguiré actualizando. Día 26. Las flores empiezan a yomar su forma voluminosa. Estoy en duda sobre si agregar PK la semana próxima o la otra. Quizá empiece a usarlo en el próximo depósito. No quiero tampoco sobrepasarlas y agregar el producto antes porque tengo entendido que puede ser contraproducente. De todos modos me quedan dos días para el cambio de solución, así que voy a ver cuando termine la semana. Entre tanto, ya empiezan las emociones. Día 28. Hice ina poda de hojas bien fuerte. Ya de esa forma dejo expuesto a la luz todo lo que tiene que terminar de engordar y de paso me esquivo posibles problemas de humedad. Al final voy a usar el PK de greenhouse que tengo, pero voy a subir la dosis. Mañana se viene el cambio de solución, para lo que sería la ante última semana en teoría. Vamos a ver como evoluciona, porque los cambios son muy abruptos de una semana a la otra. Y llegado el momento miraré los tricomas, como para ir haciéndome a la idea.
Its been amazing watching them grow in the first week 😍 Lets go for week 2 🤞 I think they look a bit heat stressed so i raise the lamp a few centimeters.. Day 8- 100ml Water Day10- 400ml Water Day 12- 1L Water + 0.7 ml Root Fast Day 13 -----> I gave the same amount of water to all 4 plants last time but #1 and #2 look overwater i think... #3 has a diferent structure and a bit darker, probably because the soil is to rich. Big Bud is looking perfect 😍
Growing at a good pace. Going to top the leaders at the 3rd node on day 28. Might wait a week for the others. Going to mainline my grow for the first time. I will wait to defoliate after they heal from being topped. I will update this week with more pictures after they are topped. Topped day 28. Defoliated day 30. Lst day 32?