29 May 2021
I started the flowering stage yesterday, 5/28/21, and plan on defoliating and topping my Blue Ox baby today. I wanted to get any and all stressful alterations done before we got too far into flower to limit potential damage it can’t spring back from. The light is on a timer now, so from here on will be 12/12 schedule. I’m also adjusting the nutrients to flower, and starting this week at the “Transition to Flower” levels. I’m also starting to give a whole gallon of water for the first time as well. H2O was chilled to 41 degrees F, and contained: CALiMAGic 5ml, FloraMicro 7.5ml, FloraGro 7.5ml, and FloraBloom 7.5ml. The initial pH was 6.7, and didn’t require adjustment. The TDS going in was 807 ppm. Runoff pH was 6.2, and TDS runoff was 2103 ppm. The tent temp was 75 degrees F, and humidity was 50%. I practically stripped her naked today, and after finally getting a look at her branches will most likely do some LST in the coming days. I also took some cuttings to clear up space to control the grow better. I may try to clone them, but I haven’t decided yet.
31 May 2021
My Blue Ox is looking great! She adjusted to me practically taking all of her large leaves off without any issues. She looks so much better than she did before. I’m still using the “Transition to Flower” level nutrients with a gallon of chilled water (47.1 degrees F). I fed: CALiMAGic 5ml, FloraMicro 7.5ml, FloraGro 7.5ml, and FloraBloom 7.5ml. The initial pH was good at 6.8, and TDS going in was 924 ppm. The pH runoff was 6.2, and TDS runoff was 2400 ppm. Tent temp was 79 degrees F, and humidity was 44%.