The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Hey Growers, Day 1 of Week 10 Two ladys harvested today you can see in fotos how they look in my opinion Amazing Hahah (but im the father lol). Purple one its like a mix of exótic fruits The orange one its like a a cream of a fruit. Both seens very sweet!! Soon i Will share strains!! The another two ladys more sativas i think , looks like they need around more 10 days lets us see. The taller one smeels like gasy citrus, And the another one its a mix of strwaberry And another touch that I dont discover yet. Thank you all. Nice week 4 everybody!! _GrF_
Legend Timestamp: 📅 Measures: 🛠️ Water: 🌊 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D57/F18 - 19/10/23 🛠️ EC 1.2 (stable) pH 6.0 (rising) --> EC 1.1 pH 6.3 🌊 Added water and nutes (B52, Big Bud and Bud Candy, only little bit of Bloom A and B) 💼 Little defolation and some adjustment on the little one. As I saw some light stress symptom I changed the light schedule to 12-12 but with red lights always on. 🧠 I can't wait to see the buds of Little Marlene reaching out Big Marlene 🚀 Little Marlene is now quickly blooming. Some light burn symptoms on little Marlene ________________________________ 📅 D58/F19 - 20/10/23 🛠️ EC 1.2 (stable) pH 5.7 (falling) 🌊 No water neighter nutes added 💼 Sprayed Spinosad 🧠 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D59/F20 - 21/10/23 🛠️ EC 1.4 (rising) pH 5.4 (falling) --> EC 1.2 pH 5.5 🌊 Added 5L water, nutes Bloom A - B and calmag 💼 🧠 🚀Little Marlene leaves are wilting down ________________________________ 📅 D60/F21 - 22/10/23 🛠️ EC 1.3 (rising) pH 5.3 (falling) --> EC 1.2 pH 5.4 🌊 Added 2L water and nutes: Calmag, Bud Candy, Big Buds 💼 Made a big defolation and sprayed Spinosad. 🧠 I really hope Spinosad will solve the situation here. 🚀 _____________________________ 📅 D61/F22 - 23/10/23 🛠️ EC 1.3 (rising) pH 5.5 (stable) --> EC 1.2 pH 5.5 🌊 Added 4L water and nutes: Calmag, Rhino Skin, Bloom A, B 💼 Little defolation on the big one. 🧠 Never again two girls germinated in a such big time difference (3 weeks) 🚀 _____________________________ 📅 D62/F23 - 24/10/23 🛠️ @17.00 EC 1.3 (rising) pH 5.1 (falling) @23.30 EC 1.4 (rising) pH 5.2 (stable) --> EC 1.2 pH 5.2 🌊 Added 2 L of water, calmag, big bud and B52 💼 Little defolation on the big one. 🧠 🚀 _____________________________ 📅 D63/F24 - 25/10/23 🛠️ EC 1.3 (rising) pH 4.7 (falling) --> (by setup) --> EC 1.2 pH 5.5 . Check in the night EC: 1.13 (stable) pH 6.2 (rising) 🌊 RES Changed 💦💦💦 -> Added calmag, Bloom A-B, Bud Candy, Big Bud and B52 💼 🧠 Quite strange, but good, pH goes up in that way 🚀
Hello again, my fellow green-thumbed comrades! It's time to dive headfirst into the first week report for my plant, Jelousy, in the exhilarating Power Buds contest brought to us by the magnificent Zamnesia and Plagron. So, what's the scoop? Well, my little Jelousy has certainly shown some unique character from the get-go, with leaves that are as unique as they come. But you know what? I absolutely love it! It's like Mother Nature's way of saying, "I've got a surprise in store for you." Now, let me walk you through the first chapter of our journey with Jelousy. We started off the feeding regimen with a radio (not your typical radio, mind you) of 10ml per liter of Sugar Royal. The TDS level hovered around 110, and the pH was a pristine 6.0. To make things even more exciting, we've been keeping the water temperature at a cozy 21 degrees Celsius. But here's a little twist – I've been using a ziplock bag as a mini-dome to create the perfect microclimate for our young champion. It's like a little world of its own, and it makes the entire process super easy and, most importantly, incredibly fun to work with. Watching Jelousy grow within this mini biosphere is nothing short of magical! Before we sign off on this week's report, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to our contest sponsors, Zamnesia and Plagron, for providing us with the tools and knowledge to make this journey possible. Their support is like a nurturing embrace for our plants, and we are eternally grateful. And let's not forget the incredible Grow Diaries community! It's a hub of knowledge, camaraderie, and shared passion. You folks make this journey all the more enriching, and I'm thrilled to be a part of this amazing community. Now, to all those intrepid growers in the contest, may your plants flourish and your dreams of bountiful harvests come true. Here's to a week of growth, learning, and adventure as we march forward in the Power Buds contest. Stay green, stay inspired, and keep nurturing those dreams! As always, thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all. This journey of mine would just not be the same without you guys. The love and support are very much appreciated, and I feel honored and blessed with you all in my life !!! Genetics - Jelousy @Zamnesia Nutrients @Plagron Light - @viparspectra P2000 Room size - 3x3 - 0,9x0,9
I got to say,,I’ve had a bit of a rough week with the Orange 🍊 Sherbet,,,due to my own enthusiasm to train this girl,,and try getting the most amount of tops,,by fanning her out with a good canopy,,I managed to break me off a good couple branches,,,she seems to have recovered but may have slowed her down some,,,I got to see her through now,,🤞🤞💚🍊🍊🍊🍊
Thats a new experience for me. To grow and share the result. Im really like it. It's helpful, inspiring and have a great community! Thank for support, keep in touch for new grows!
So the increase in feed is going well and the plants are drinking more and more. I measured the heights of them and adjusted the lights as one of them was not level. might have been that way since last adjustment, I kept hearing some poping noises coming from the tent so could have been that as well. #1 33cm #2 28cm #3 27cm #4 18cm #5 38cm #6 43cm #4 is much shorter then the rest of its peers, but we will see how it goes long term. As I though some slight yellowing on leaf tips but nothing crazy, PH going in at 6.2 coming out at 6.49 not bad, matching the trend in EC difference. EC going in at 1.4 coming out aorund 1.0 So might want more food but more frequently vs more at one time. I could try and get into a new watering routine but I really don't want to. Something easy maybe to mix up a jug that I just give them between normal watering that has light feed in it and will not get runoff with it. The runoff to prevent salt buildup can come from the main watering. Also found a weird looking something growing on plant #3 medium. Took some photos of it. Looks alien. going to let it grow, that plant is doing fine.
Huge yeild, 1600g wet. I'm not sure what the final dry yeild will be, but maybe somewhere between 10-18 Oz. Smells very strong, completely stunk my house out. I'll add a smoke report and dry weight and such once it's all finished.
Hallo meine Pflanzen Freunde. Wieder ist eine Woche rum, die Pflanzen sind aus der Vorblüte und sind jetzt in der Vollblüte. Ich muss sagen das bei dieser Sorte die Vorblüte sehr früh schon eingesetzt hat. Bei diesem strain geht alles Schlag auf Schlag. Dieser strain kann es gar nicht abwarten dicke schmackhafte buds zu produzieren, was mich glücklich stimmt. Mit der Luftfeuchtigkeit bin ich nicht ganz zufrieden sie könnte um 20% höher sein. Ich werde mir was einfallen lassen damit ich diese in Zukunft besser kontrollieren kann, ansonsten bin ich mit der Entwicklung zufrieden. Viele Verzweigungen hat dieser Phäno nicht aber ich glaube die Blütenstände die sie hat werden monströs. Wir werden sehen wo uns die Blütezeit schicken wird. Ich persönlich hätte mir ein paar Verästelungen gewünscht, man könnte diese Dame nicht einmal richtig Trainieren mit der LST Methode weil es nix zu trainieren gibt.☹️ Die Noiden Abstände sind umso besser, was nützt mir das wenn die Blüten direkt am Hauptstamm wachsen, nun man kann nicht immer alles haben und man sollte das beste draus machen was einen die Natur gibt. Deshalb wollen wir nicht soviel meckern und mit dem zufrieden sein was wir haben.✌️🏼 Das war es erstmal von dieser Woche, vielen Dank das du uns besucht hast und ein Like da gelassen hast. Schau gerne bei meinen anderen Büchern vorbei es gibt einiges zu sehen. Diese Pflanzen werden mit einem organischen Dünger von S&R Organics gedüngt. Schau in ihrem Shop vorbei, neben dem großartigen Dünger findest du alles was man für denn Anbau von Pflanzen brauchst und hiermit erhältst du 20% GREENPOWER20 Also nix wie hin, hier ist der Link: Bei Royal Queen Seeds bekommst du 20% mit GROWERS20 Let’s Grow ✌️🏼
Gracias al equipo de Anesia Seeds y al de MarshHydro, sin ellos no sería posible esta hazaña. 💐 🍁Después de un largo proceso de cría, Epic Buzz finalmente nació y la cepa incluso superó nuestras expectativas, aunque eran muy altas desde el principio. La cepa tiene una potencia increíblemente fuerte producida por niveles de THC desmesuradamente altos de hasta el 36,5%. Esto la convierte en una de las variedades de cannabis más fuertes del mundo y, por lo tanto, sólo debe ser consumida por usuarios experimentados. Esta variedad tiene un sabor súper dulce, muy intenso y afrutado a bayas rojas y uvas con un ligero toque de vainilla y limón. Los sabores se mezclan en una experiencia gustativa distintiva y seductora. No te cansarás de su sabor y del olor que desprenden los cogollos secos. 🌻 🚀 Consigue aquí tus semillas: 💡 Mars Hydro TS 3000, como la lámpara de cultivo LED más grande de la serie TS, ofrece suficiente cobertura para un área de 4 × 4 pies con un precio asequible y rendimientos de calidad; a cambio, se puede aplicar tanto al cultivo doméstico como al cultivo comercial. Potencia - 450w Cobertura Vegetal – 5×5 pies Cobertura de flores - 4 × 4 pies La opción abrumadora para la mayoría de los productores que la aplican en tiendas de campaña. Consigue aqui tu lámpara: 📆 Semana 9: Entramos en la recta final de floración , esto va que vuela 😍, la resina esta cada vez mas presente ❄️ , los cogollos siguen engordando, estoy impresionado por el tamaño de estos cogollos. Esta semana estará el TS-3000 de MarshHydro al 100% y 30cm de distancia. Se estan desarrollando mejor que nunca, con una floracion mucho mas rapida, noto una gran mejoria gracias al Marshydro TS-3000. Continuo con defoliaciones para ganar luz en la parte mas baja y evitar humedades. El olor es fuerte, dulce y con un toque a limon a la vez. Aplico una solución con nutrientes EC 1500 y otra con agua del grifo reposada y PH 6.6
I definitely had a mild case of over enthusiasm this week and managed to top the Apricot Auto by accident,,and although she’s still got a great looking canopy and looking healthy,,she may have stressed a little and is already showing pre flower and is beginning to settle into flower,,,she’s not quite as leggy as I would like her to be at this stage,,but I will see this coming week if she does much stretching out ,,which I’m really hoping for,,,🍑🍑🍑
A great week of growth and development. Did a small defoliation, and clean of the tent. The girls are very leafy, and some of that needed to go to increase air flow and prevent issues from developing. Love this time of growing as there is not much to do, but watch the buds stack! Happy Gardening 👊❤️🇨🇦
A great week of growth and development. Did a small defoliation, and clean of the tent. The girls are very leafy, and some of that needed to go to increase air flow and prevent issues from developing. Love this time of growing as there is not much to do, but watch the buds stack! Happy Gardening 👊❤️🇨🇦
A great week of growth and development. Did a small defoliation, and clean of the tent. The girls are very leafy, and some of that needed to go to increase air flow and prevent issues from developing. Love this time of growing as there is not much to do, but watch the buds stack! Happy Gardening 👊❤️🇨🇦
Huge week in the tent. Lollipopping. Defoliation. Redid the LST ties. Added height to the plants to level the canopy. Added the blumats self watering setup. The tent got a total makeover. They look healthy otherwise.
Didn't accomplish good structure for Orion #1 and Milky Way by not rotating them enough. But as long as bud is tasty I am good. Two of them look healthy and from the looks will produce nice bud. Let's see about other two.
Huge week in the tent. Lollipopping. Defoliation. Redid the LST ties. Added height to the plants to level the canopy. Added the blumats self watering setup. The tent got a total makeover. They look healthy otherwise.