Another cold week, we are having around 2ºC Minimum temperature, and its really cold at night( I mean, for Spain, because if some Nortern people hear this may be laughting at me hahaha)
But there is a range of hours when then sun hits directly the plant if its not cloudy, like 6h-8h, this if i dont have to roll out the awning, so the plant is protected when raining.
Did not feed the plant until past the middle of the week, because i ovserbed that the flowers were developing slowly as im accostummed, probably because of the low temperatures, so i decided to give her the last feeding and start the flush at the end of this week, because i felt the plant was like at least 2 weeks from proper harvest, and still developing the flowers with white hairs... Im looking for something narcotic with a nice Therpenoid Profile so the later the better in my opinion, but without passing he Ripper Line hahaha :)
So last feeding was like a fattening one... Higher Dose of nutrients for the plant, and later added some Micro Vita to the soil, 3grams, and until the end with water and some carbs in 1/2 irrigations ...
What amazed me is the strenght of this plant, surviving these really low temperatures, growing a little slowlier, but without problems or buds, amazing plant, as amazing as beautiful, im in love with the colours..
So i hope you enjoyed reading this week Growmmies :)
Have a nice week and dont forget to roll one ^^
Good vibezz.