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First and last ever Auto and Semi-auto

5 years ago
Tangerine Dream Auto Real Gorilla seeds
Quantum board 240w Light Emitting Diodes/240W
Quantum board 240w
Quantum board 240W Light Emitting Diodes/240W
Quantum board 240W
Room Type
weeks 12
weeks 12
weeks 12
weeks 8, 10, 12, 15, 19
weeks 4-5, 7-8, 10, 12-16, 19
Grow medium
50 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
24 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
150 PPM
70 %
26 °C
20 °C
18 L
30 L
50 cm
So, its my first and last auto atempt ever. From now on - Autos only for summer outdoors if i ever will ... I had a brilliant idea, put 6 Tangerine dream autos and 3 photo period ( as i thought ) Fast diesel. While 6 autos will finish, 3 photos will be massive bushes for me to play after ;) But .... My 3 seeds are semi autos and when i switched to 18/6 from 24 they started to flower earlier than autos ;))) No toping, just to most late one. Had no guts and time because of early flower..... Totally no control in that round and i lost all interest ... Sometimes no photo for 2 weeks or so.... Resume : Wanted to try out air stones, but used them only as bottom lair. ( Think wont use them again, but will tell 100% after girls are choped and i will see roots) Wanted to try out full range of BioBizz, because never had full range and was having other problems, for clear understanding. Now i can say , that i will use them for my super-duper next run and i know how to use them... Wanted to try out autos, but as i explained earlier, lack of control and sensitivity stops me from going that path ever again ... Plus its expensive to run all time 18/6 ... Wanted to try out circling method, when you lst main stem around pot edge. Will use it always, just all beuty of that style i quess will be atchieved with toping aswell. Now they are a bit too lanky, plus its autos ... Wanted to try out agro breathble film for keeping humidity high. Worked well, next time maybe will use seperatly with bigger box, for longer use, like till end of week 2 or so...
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
24 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
150 PPM
70 %
26 °C
20 °C
18 L
30 L
50 cm
Grow is very slow, never had such a slow start ... One of 6 Tangies didnt sprout, another is growing upside down... Had to correct it, quess now i would just planted new on first week, but later she will catch up a bit, but she had different treatment compared to others and thats extra hustle ... Planted one Strawberry photo, still dont know nothing about Fast diesel and that it has to get more than 20 hours of light ... No nutes, just water. Constantly hanging wet cloth inside of tent to keep humidity high...
1 comment
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
150 PPM
70 %
26 °C
20 °C
18 L
30 L
50 cm
Nutrients 5
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1 mll
So its end of week 4 and its time for first Lst for some, others are still miles behind ... Ussualy i do first lst on week 3 latest, again stone to Autos ... Very slow, but after each feed they catch up.... Very slow in grow ...
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
150 PPM
60 %
26 °C
20 °C
18 L
30 L
50 cm
Nutrients 9
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1 mll
Girl grow rate speed up a bit, still all branches weak and lanky Sprayed with silica acid and aded calmag with it into feed ratio. So now i have : full bio bizz feed Water plus acid and calmag Water And again same cycle ... I have bought bio bizz ph up and down always target 6.5 Never mix biobizz with other nutritions, better dont use any other for best results, i saw my neighbour with only my rare kindness achieved such colony on pot, that i had to make marks. Bacteria dont like chem. That is fact. Still used a bit of extra ;)))
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
150 PPM
60 %
26 °C
20 °C
18 L
30 L
50 cm
Nutrients 8
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 1 mll
Have only photos from begining of the week, but they are growing finally, not so nice, not so tight, not so fast, but at least every morning i find new bright green on every plant.. Still dont love them, so simple lst, afraid to use defoliation, but after each small stress they bounce really fast. At that moment i already know what is semi auto, what is fast diesel ... Had to give strawberry away, she is photo, and i think i will end up at 14/10 , so no need to keep one plant so long ... All super plan in ruins ;))))
1 comment
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
16 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
650 PPM
60 %
26 °C
20 °C
18 L
30 L
50 cm
Nutrients 7
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 1 mll
Finaly !!! They grow, but still too weak to become something really good ... Cleaned bottoms at the end of the week. Quess all LST and training is finished. Plants small, branches weak, flowers VERY SMALL ... Ehhhh ... Next grow will be super, so lets finish that auto crap ... Thats how i feel. Took fish mix out, will take cal mag, silica acid and bio grow out next ... P.s. so i am sick and bored, so started to show some interest to girls , 5 days in bed is tough... After feed, water, i would do one more water, but this time i went for fat table spoon of molasses / 10 liters of water, plus extra cal/mag feed, some leaves are already showing sings of overfeeding, but plants so small, that i need to do something, ussually to do everything worse ;)) I will try to bump the feed for couple weeks as well. From next week all 2x ;) Have to take out all ec meters from shed, just not to poison girls and soil with overdose ...
Used techniques
Grow Questions
AsNoriustarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi ! 3 photo is semi-auto ;)) After going from 24 to 18/6 two of them started to flower earlier than autos,on week 5 i went 17/7, week 6 16/8, last two photos shows, that last one is flowering now. My question will semi auto Fast Diesel start to reveg if i bump lights back 18/6
Buds. Not fattening
OutForRealanswered grow question 5 years ago
The best way to know is to take a clone. If you plant is a photoperiodic the clone will go vack into veg , if not the clone will continue to flower and you'll know. Take 2 or 3 clones to be sure . The slow decreasing of the light amount is clearly showing that they are reacting to the light.
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
16 hrs
26 °C
1000 PPM
55 %
26 °C
22 °C
18 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 8
Epsom salt 2 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
New week, seems ok for first morning, will do heavy feed on day 52. I already gave away one plant ( strawberry cough photo ) now one of fast diesels still stucked in pre-flower, would love to return to 18/6 regime, just dont want any reveg or hermie. Still lost. Fingers crossed ;) Day 53 Morning, leaves a bit down after night, everything looking not bad, thinking to defoliate two midle babies. Had a big mistake on day 52, they where down, i stayed for one night out and was late with watering for a day, they looked totaly down, like my mobile, thats why no photos, never seen any plant so bad in my hole life... But they are ok now, quess it was on the verge, but damadge was done 100 % Day 53 evening. I wouldnt be me if i wont be searching ways to screw up the crop ;))) After many hesitations i decided to do very light defoliation. And ..... They hated it. Lets give couple days, but 2 huge stresses in 3 days dont give me and girls joy for sure .... In that rush forgot to make third Fast diesel photo, but i quess she didnt made mind to flower, took like 5 leaves down and left her for a bit,very annoying , she will be a big delay at the end or very early harvest, both ways waste of time.... Plus had to reduce light to 15.5 of day, maybe those 30 min will force her ... All 3 Fast Diesels are very mag hungry, fed them with epsom salt extra. Day 54 . Fast Diesel 3 went to 24 hours darkness prison with a heater ;))) hope that will teach her a lesson ! Others got feed with silicic acid, they drink, thats a good sign tho ! Fast Diesel 3 was a day behind from all, even 5 leaves was too much. But its a good time for me to give last trick i can, before downgrading day hours even more. Day 54 Evening. Girls are praying again, silica always boost them to hapiness ;) Day 56. Girls are growing, looks like last Fast Diesel starts to make buds from preflower, but a lot of pistils going brown, so either its heat, which i will check today or its hermie ;))) Could be wind damage, i will check all options today, returned from work, made short shitty video and thats all ;) End of week.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
15 hrs
26 °C
1000 PPM
55 %
26 °C
22 °C
18 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 6
Molasses 3 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 2 mll
No training, just hope for them to deliver. Day 57 . All is good, small doubts about FD3 but she has to make it or bin it ... Future looks brighter, other girls form some buds and 50 g is looking achievable at least on couple of them ;) Future will show ;)) N went down as feed chart, still no huge hopes from them.... Some leaves look hungry, couple redish stemps with mini Mag def on FD and thats all for now.... Day 58 Morning. Girls starts to love it 4 sure. Droped down temp by 2 degrees from 28 to 26, they liked it even more. Hope it will stop pistils going amber in begining of flower ... In the midle of the day all will get molasses and cal mag, leaves a bit too bright, hope molasses will boost bacterias and last bits of N will be used. Increasing level of Top-Max aswel. So feed looked like : Heavy feed Water with silica Water Water with molasses and CalMag At the end of the week they will get heavy feed again. Day 58 Evening. New attack system ;)) instead of 2-3-3 , girls regrouped into two heavy rows and now go like 2-2-2-2 ;)))) Girls are drinking really fast, still get only around 1.5 liters every second day. For auto i quess its ok. In couple hours afer feed they pray, so its a good sign always ... Day 60. Heavy feed day, they started to bulk up everyday, really nice to see them everytime. Day 61. They are bulking up. Thats all i have to say and i really really like it ;))) Day 63. End of week. Everything looks fine, just i really would want to defoliate them a bit, but dont want to stress at the same time. They look too sensi for me. All 3 FastDiesels started to show Mag def even on stemps, gave stronger cal mag water mix just for them. They need it often and a lot. Happy growing !
1 comment
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
14 hrs
26 °C
1000 PPM
55 %
26 °C
22 °C
18 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 6
Molasses 3 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 2 mll
Day 65 . Girls love theirs shitty life ;))) Looks everything fine, they started to smell really berry , time to put air filter on. The only toped and most delayed girl is showing super results, you can check her size on week 4. Its crazy what upside down plant delivered. Good i left her and always hoped that she will be special .. Day 66. And its friday 13 ;))) I see that late FastDiesel is way behind, so i made it even worse ;)) i stripped her hard, just to know how this strain reacts. All other girls are way upfront and for some it would be second round of defoliation in flower, but they never tried it and its just to late to experiment with all of them. After two hours she still hates it. Fast Diesel really loves CalMag, on day 67 all girls will get CalMag + Molasses mix, for some girls it will be last CalMag i think. They will have a heavy feed aswell. Planing on day 69-70. Thats all action and plans for this week. All girls got striped a bit on day 66 and changed left with right . Thinking new possition will light up other buds, maybe flower will develop more evenly... Looks like thats it, hope no budrot, thats my only fear .... And i forgot to make earliest Tangie photo, but she was always in front at the entrance and she is nothing special, looks like too leafy bud phenotype, the only plus, i hope she will be choped this year. Day 67. Morning, girls still not thursty, they drink pure ph water slowest from all mixes. Defoliated girl prays like nothing happend, she should make long colas ;) just in february i quess ;))) Way too long run with autos, i was hoping to flush by now ... Wont make it with two waterings this week. Its a first week for them without nute boost. Will reduce a bit amount, was feeding almost 2 liters per pot, thinking to go back to 1.5-1.7 area and stop giving silica and cal mag mix. So feed will be in 3 steps from now 1. Heavy feed 2. Ph Water 3. Molasses and calmag mix Day 67. Late Eve. They are finally light, maybe i will make feeding on tuesday, right at the end of week, today calmag and molasses mix. Raised 3 pots, girls should love more light, now have more even canopy. Everytime i say thats it , but after pot raise i dont see what can i do more with them... Toped tangie looks having some bleaching on top cola, raised lights half inch ;)) Day 70. Heavy feed day. They look happy and fatten a bit. End of week Next run if i ever do autos i will check #FastBuds beans, from all diaries this house make it super fast.
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Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
14 hrs
26 °C
1000 PPM
55 %
26 °C
22 °C
18 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 6
Molasses 3 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 2 mll
Day 71. Girls loved last week boost, pots are light in a day and maybe i will give to 7 of them Ph water today even. Toped Tangie will be watered 4sure, widest Tangie still heavy, i think its her last feeding anyway, maybe she will get last molasses and CalMag at the end of the week together with other girls. Defoliated plant loves her life , but will finish only in midle of february i quess... Moved toped plant inbetween two lamps, she became tallest plant and i had a feeling, that her tops overheat a bit, bigest early FastDiesel was moved to the corner. All is good and i think i will start to search for my loop very soon ;))) Day 74. Some girls started to gain weight, other still in full bloom. Girls looks healthy and happy, but my heart doesnt sing .. still think that 50 g is my best result from those plants, some will be closer to an ounce. The only hard mistake i made was leaving them unwatered for one extra day, but they bounce back after two hours, so it leaves me with idea, that time invested dosnt pay off. All 3 FastDiesels looks like twins, same structure, same flower. Really happy with those and maybe harvest and taste will push me to try out this strain in summer outdoors. Tangies are all very different, from 5 seeds - two are really nice fenos, very fat buds and compact structure, one is absolutly sativa dominant, everything very slim and long, one was upsidedown, so this one looks totaly third type . The earliest started to flower and most fastest in grow is forth type, her buds are aswell different from all others. Time will show ... Fingers crossed ;) Day 76. Girls are ok. Some started to yellow a lot, thinking to start flushing first early three girls. Victims in todays photos ;) Last feed tomorrow for most of them anyway.
Grow Questions
AsNoriustarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi ! Has anybody been releasing Lst branches in late flowering. I noticed that half of my branches dont need that wiring on them, but they have marks, maybe they would circulate better without ?
Techniques. Defoliation
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 5 years ago
Most people release unnecessary ties before our after the flower stretch. There's no need to keep them on forever
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
14 hrs
26 °C
250 PPM
55 %
26 °C
19 °C
18 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Molasses 3 mll
Day 78. 4 girls started to fade away, for them its last feed and i hope by january 9 they will be choped. I see some cloudy trich, got small bud for a test and better view under microscope, still early, hope two weeks for them and 3 for other except Strabery Cough which is still in veg and late FastDiesel which will flower till mid-late february .. StrawberyCough will have heavy defoliation on friday. Merry Christmas ! Day 80. Strawbery cough had a hard life, she was the biggest plant, but didnt fit into my edited plans, so i gave her away.. she had low temps, no light for 6 weeks, i took her back totaly f**ked. Now she has new home, will defoliate and Lst her on saturday, thought i will have to wait couple days for her to recover from transplanting but she loves life ! Other girls are fine, not so fat as i would want it 4sure ... One girl will fall on new years eve and time will be changed to 12/12 for strawbery cough to finish in februrary... Just havent made my mind, have super sugary Fatty or Early Tangie, those two plants are most matured and i need one space for Strawbery ... Day 81. All girls are geting second round of water after heavy feed. Trich still clear or partly cloudy, thinking to make one more feed for all. Decided to leave all girls to mature, even under weaker light because of Strawbery Cough, which got heavy training, now couple days to recover and she goes to 12/12. Day 82. Couldnt hold it, some of them smells so nice, that my patience was weakend ;))) Bud is dense and really sticky, now i know, they need minimum two weeks. Low light hours, leds, couple mistakes made them to mature really slowly compaired to my expectations. Think some of them will need maybe 3 weeks+ to mature ... Rethought my feed plan, no more nutes for all girls , just Late FastDiesel and StrawberyCough will be on nutes schedule. For all other girls its ph water 2x and light molasses mix to finish round, will repeat it till chop day . Hope they will start to fade away quicker. Plus when i was transplanting Strawbery noticed nutes salts inbetween air stones, quess they have a lot in pots, maybe taste will be cleaner even if i loose part of weight. Never bumped them so much, my cheap ppm meters shows 780-950 readings and i put almost recomended dose, usually i go with 1/4 of recomended dose of nutes. Strawbery loves new 50 L pot and recovers from haircut, couple more days and she goes into flower mode. Night temps droped to 19 from 22. Day 83. Got Christmas presents from RQS, now will have to start new crop in midle of February if i want to finish it before real summer heat will kick in. Girls dont grow indoors at mines, too hot. So plan is to finish Late FastDiesel in main tent( Strawbery Cough forcing me to buy new small tent for it to finish and save some time for me), hope it will be around midle of February and to start new my dream run by then ;) Will try to do diary with all my mistakes from previos grows explained and hopfuly prevented ;)))) I will see how much time it takes, but next will be 100% of action documented and explained. One more time, Thank You #RoyalQueenSeeds ! Day 84. Just wait now, think all way is clear and i just need to finish my trip ;) Happy New Year !
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
72 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
150 PPM
55 %
21 °C
19 °C
18 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Phed water 1000 mll
Day 85. All is good, watering with molasses or pure PHed water. My ppm from tap is 150 , ph 7.4-7.6 , really good water. Girls are runing nice, checked trich, still clear and cloudy, but on Fattest Tangie i spotted today first few ambers , max a week left for her. All other still far from. See some purpling starting on top colas of couple plants, end is soon ! Strawbery recovers well, think to give her like 5 days more max and switch to 12/12 on 7 of January latest.. Checked how high are them, still dont get how half of 2 unces + are achieved on this site .... They will be good, but just so little ... Honestly think that only late fast diesel, early tangie will reach 50g plank. Sad result for so much love, i smoke more in four month than that garden will bring in that time ... Day 86. Time is changed to 12/12. Late FastDiesel and StrawberyCough got heavy feeding, all other girls on pure Phed water diet ;) Smell is so fruity and sweet , cant wait till its over ... Added extra 2liters of soil for late FastDiesel, pot had too much space and i want to water her every 3 days, not every 2 like now. Day 90. Cant hold Strawbery cough surounded by other girls if i want her to be massive ;) And i really really want it ;))) So today Fatty Tangie had last 12 hours sleep and now she is choped. Tomorrow Early bigest FastDiesel falls, other girls still have a week or two. In anycase January 23 is last day for all of them except late FD and SC. Fatty had some amber, but like 5% max, she could go for a week aswell, but i need space and best light for Strawbery girl. I still think that 90 days for auto is too much ... Buds are very dence, i mean VERY, sticky but cant tell anything decent about smell, have cold again and nose doesnt work. She smells, but cant separate smells, feel fruityness 4sure. Guess after cure is more important then now anyway ;) Day 91. Strawberry started flowering quick, thats good and today is last day for Early big FastDiesel. No i have space for all of them to bloom till my holidays ! No more molasses, just pure phed water, my ppm is about 150.
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
72 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
150 PPM
55 %
21 °C
19 °C
18 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Phed water 1000 mll
Day 92. Girls are runing to the end, foxtailing on one of Tangies is crazy, but bud is dence and i let her to go. Now StrawberryCough have loads space, she loved nutes, leaves are a bit too dark for me, but she is flowering and its fun ! Made on her Fims , tried to understand how deep you need to cut, so she will have some strange grow 4sure. Day 94. Early Tangie became TheRealFoxtailQueen ;)) thats it, i dont want to smoke tails, so she was choped aswell, sad , was hoping she will be my biggest girl from first 8... Was puting ice as a test on Early bigger FastDiesel, so part of roots stayed wet, its easy to spot, that those cones in airpots really works great. Day 95. Eve. Maybe Fatty could hang for 12 hours more, but i am leaving house for a bit and dont want them to overdry. Thats why tops are in seperate jar, not because it looks better ;) inside bigger tops, even when i trim them hard ( i could leave longer colas) still stemp is fat and keeps more mosture, that way its easier to cure them, humidity is more even trough each jar. So now to the main point .... Weight ..... And the winner is ...... ;))) 69.65 !!!! Never hoped that much from her, my eye scales are way off ;)) i think thats the winner, only late FastDiesel or StrawberryCough can beat. Bud dried 1-2 days too early for perfectness, but heating is on and its really dry weather in the house and dehumidifier triggers electrics ;)) i am flat out on max usage now ;) I am in a choping spree ;) Slimmer Fat Tangie falls aswell, she smells crazy, dont know is it smart to dry like i do now, neighbours should smell it 4sure ;)) Smells is fruity from distance and citrus from close up ... Tangie in the best by smell and not so sad by quantity ;)) All girls running well, really happy and that makes me happy. The purpose of Theraphy Room - works !!!! Day 96. Every day new champ ? ;)) Early Big FastDiesel very sticky, not rock hard, but hard buds in total of 73.61 !!! That strain i have in marks for summer, its a killer ;) if you smoke it, all neibourghood knows about it, maybe even all small town ;))) Smaller Early FastDiesel is choped today,she easy could make two more weeks and gane weight, but her choped sister is too strong, cant have couch lock weed all day ...
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
5 years ago
72 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
150 PPM
55 %
21 °C
19 °C
18 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Phed water 1000 mll
So Early Tangie, aka TheRealFoxtailQueen had made 72.03 of airy a bit foxtailed daytime smoke, she is a bit weaker on taste and strengh than her sister Fatty, the only other Tangie i tried already. So from all 3 curently choped and dried plants ( and i quess the rest ) she is the worst. Day 99. Strawberry Cough and other girls run fine, need to do defoliation for her, but work and future hollyday takes all my time away... Day 100. Two girls are jared, life is good,numbers are far off my expectations and i am happy with that ;))))) Day 104. Sativa pheno aka Lanky tangie falled today, her photos and videos in harvest diary, there i will put dry bud photos later. Strawberry Cough finally had time to go to hairdresser and thats what we got ;))) Never trimed any plant ever so hard as this round and its third defoliation round for her. Lets see. Pure ph water to both girls today. I never do any hard training with nutes in watering cycle, girls always get pure ph water. Strawberry Cough loves CalMag as FastDiesels. Have in mind ! Day 105. Strawberry took it like a champ and looks like a champ, believe it or not, flowers smells now with strawberries and thats above the moon for me ! Late FastDiesel will get last round of nutes on friday and only 3 weeks of water for her left. I am going on holidays for 3 weeks and one friend will be watering them, dont want anything of him than just 6.5 ph, strawberry will survive without one or two feeds, soil is ritch still tho, i hope at least ;))) We shall see .. End of week !
Used techniques
Week 15. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Tangerine Dream Auto Real Gorilla seeds Will report in a month, but its not my type 4sure. Report. After 5 weeks of cure its lovely weed, at least the one that i didnt overdry, but .... -1 star for sprout 5 out of 6 -1 star for very unstable genetics, too many phenos -1 star for not my taste ;) -1 star for long run Its very strong weed, you want to go to sleep after one proper spliff, citrus is everywhere, but still not mine... Maybe if they catch fatty pheno - it would get 8 easy ;) Only upside down was overfed with nitrogen or silica a bit, others loved half of recomended dose diet, my feedings you will find in diary explained. Easy to grow, lovely to smoke, but nothing special ;) Harvest videos and photos starts from week 13. Enjoy ! UPDATE : found small bud in corner of wardrobe and i forgot how citrus they were, in reality if not 8, then easy 7+ ;)))
Show more
Spent 150 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
300 g
Bud wet weight per plant
75.38 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Citrus, Flowery, Mint

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Day 104. Last Tangies chop day. So , as you know three girls have dry results at the moment. Fatty tangie 69.65 Foxtail tangie 72.03 Slim Fat tangie 65.03 Upsidedown tangie still in dry tent, but one hanger was left with most of leaves for dry trim and other two made 29+ and 35+ , so its AMAZING that this plant will make 3 oz, look at week 4 and you will understand why i am so happy and amazed ;) Lanky aka Sativa dominant tangie which is choped today could still go, its day 104 from seed. This girl and really all of them except upsidedown should be defoliated, but its my first auto run purely indoors and i read so many crapy results, didnt want to stress them a lot. From 6 girls only 5 sprouted. All very diff just two fatties where lookalikes . Upside down had strange life and she looked and was trained ( toped ) other way than her sisters. Foxtail early started so quick and so strong but ended with airy foxtailed buds and last lanky aka sativa diminant had loads of colas in videos before harvest its easy to spot she should be lolitoped higer, again i would ajust it during grow, but fears about autos prevented me from using many tricks. With all love to RealGorillaSeeds , this bach was crap. Day 108. I have holidays and UpsidedownTangie with leaves was still damp as was Lanky Tangies all bigger buds ( if that airy long strech but crystaly as f@#k crap around stemp we can call weed or bud ;)))) ) So both where left for extra 3 weeks overdry ;))) hope it wont be harsh from that. I can guarantee that Upsidedown is the Champ at moment, those 4 top branches will have an ounce in them, so plant will be 90+. With Lanky Tangie is diff story, she is airy i needed to trim and lolitop her a lot more, she just couldnt feed every bud, still that pheno is super crystaly. I like it and from 2 bottom branch hangers i got 35+, so 3 other will have like 45-50 on them, again loads of .... Thats my nutes, in bag epsom salt, it was first grow with all of them, as you see for 9 plants I used almost nothing. In 3 weeks i will have full weights and smoke report, i like Tangie more everyday, still not even close to my fav taste ... P.s. i had a bit of leftovers of topmax, bio grow and bio bloom. Max like 200 ml. Bio grow still have a bit left in promo bottle. Less is more ! Day 125 Upsidedown Tangie 93.4 - current Champ, its amazing what she managed to do ... Lanky Tangie - 76.8 So total for all 5 Tangies is : 376.91 Not bad, still i will update later and ill explain why i didnt liked them ...
Week 16. Flowering
5 years ago
72 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
150 PPM
45 %
21 °C
19 °C
18 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Phed water 1000 mll
Day 106. Pure water for both girls and heavy feed on friday. It will be last feed for FastDiesel. Girls are running fine and its so sad to leave them when they a such beuties ;) Day 108. I just fed them hard and left for 3 weeks almost. There will be no updates till then. Girls just flower, pray and bloom and i am very happy with that. Nothing to add. Strawberry would need a bit of LST, because her branches growed back to centre again, but i flattend the canopy for last time and now fingers crossed ;))) Tried Fim on Strawb girl, so very high atempt brough interesting double bud, we shall see is there any profit in such action, this type of FIM produces almost no split branching. Other parts recovered better from lower FIM and made Y form double little colas. Still think that 5 days after heavy training not enough before flower , i think 7-9 days for proper cola to develop. P.s. in Tangies harvest i showed how little nutes i used for all this grow.
Used techniques
Week 17. Flowering
5 years ago
72 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
150 PPM
45 %
21 °C
19 °C
18 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Phed water 1000 mll
So I am still on holidays, but friend send me couple photos. Today is day 117. On day 114 Strawberry Cough got heavy feed. FastDiesel is on water diet, hope to chop her this sunday, when i will be back. Have nothing else to add till then. Happy growing everybody !
Week 17. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Fast Diesel Semi-Auto Real Gorilla seeds Will report in a month, but thats one of the keepers. So. I love that strain, despite her giving me some headache she was amazing. Strain has very very very stable genetics, all girls looked like twins. Have in mind, some girls will start to flower even on 18 hours, some needs like 15 to kick in. Breeder recommends 20 hours for veg. Girls need extra cal mag, epsom salt mixed in soil was not enough, they grow crazy colas, so let them veg longer. Taste for all of us is difficult thing, i liked her harvested early, i have nothing good or bad to say about mature version. She has diesel and some mint hint. Try it out outdoors and text me, would love to see one !
Show more
Spent 150 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
500 g
Bud wet weight per plant
82.04 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Euphoric, Happy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Diesel, Fruity, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
So day 125 and last Late FastDiesel is choped, she will be the Champ. Amazing plant and realy interesting strain. Early Big FastDiesel 73.61 Slimmer Early FastDiesel 68.5 Late FastDiesel still to come .. Day 131. Long journey, amazing result Late FastDiesel 104 And total 246.11 Fantastic, in report will raise that strain to heaven ;)
Week 18. Flowering
5 years ago
52 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
150 PPM
45 %
21 °C
19 °C
18 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Phed water 1000 mll
So, short week , because i just got back. Girl is fine, two more weeks of heavy feed and thrn flush. Smells amazing and she will have new tent on my first dayoff. Next run is pushing her out ;)))
Week 19. Flowering
5 years ago
52 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
750 PPM
45 %
21 °C
19 °C
50 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 3 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 2 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 2 mll
Day 127. Oh boy it will be my longest grown plant indoors. This bean is from bagweed, just wanted to show, that from shitty weed found seed you can produce good result, but i screw up with this girl by having no space for her, by giving her to wrong guy ... And now again, i checked temps during my holidays and lowest was 13 , highiest 33 ... Very bad, she is from leafy pheno and that didnt helped for buds and leafy i dont like already, hate triming .... ;) Will do last hard training apart from everyday lst here and there , she will loose a bit of leaves tomorrow before watering just phed water. I never feed after training. Tomorrow she will go to new tent and i start new diary, hands full ;) Happy growing ! Day 128. Girl got small defoliation , up to 50 leaves, now more buds get light, have to prepare her for smaller , where i will fit only one light, otherwise its too hot inside .... All movement postponed for a bit, have to leave town so only phed water for her after new look. She drinks now like 5 liters every 3 days. Day 131 . She is stinky sticky b**ch ;)) Amazing plant, my mini bonza, would want to flaten her up, but in new tent fan has to have space aswel ;) Her new fan is delayed an i quess it will take a week to be redelivered ... Fingers crossed. Heavy feed - done. ;) Day 132. She starts to pack up a bit, maybe it will be something desent again. Girl is under two lights ( quantum boards 2x240) and in a week will stay just under 240 , but in new tight house with better reflection from walls, hope it will even pars , despite power loss .... I think i will smoke first joint on day 160, its almost half of the year, crazy adventure ... Her leaves are too green, so no silica and red leaves stemps doesnt show up, so no cal mag . Think she'll have like 2-3 feeds max in two weeks and then final strech ;)
Used techniques
Week 20. Flowering
5 years ago
52 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
750 PPM
35 %
21 °C
19 °C
50 L
2 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 3 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 2 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 2 mll
Day 135. Girl stinks a hell, cant move her to smaller tent and my new fan is delayed, so is new diary. Still in doubts what to do, dont want to postpone next run deep into summer, too hot at mines ... Day 137. Girl was moved to new home, humidity was at highest 50, hope during night i wont get bud rot, have no outfan still... Day 138. Girl was fed with last nutes, from now just phed water, hope she will last 3 weeks minimum. Have a feeling that she dont like it, but got humidity in mid 40ties maybe we will make it ;) Day 140. After filter instalation i created negative presure, plus inside fan moved air and tent was too small for this girl, her walls were breathing, so one head rubed heavily, all glued to flat ;)) Had many budrot cases and they were starting from a lot smaller incident, prevention is the key, plus i want to try out that stinky beuty ;)
Week 21. Flowering
5 years ago
52 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
150 PPM
40 %
21 °C
19 °C
50 L
2 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Water 1000 mll
Day 141 of life and 56 of flower. This girl had hard times and i think to make it even harder. From now on i will raise my ph to 7.0 for rest of her life. Hope to keep her for two more weeks and stab her on the last day before 3 night sleep and chop later. She has a bit amber, hope i still have time , i keep an eye on her every day. Thats all plans left, want to split stemp and put wood stick in that wound. I know it would be smarter to make with next diary and compare with unmade, but ... I want to try this out , first date will be short, later i will increase time to a week before chop if it works like i think and many people tell.. Happy growing ! Day 142. All is good ! Day 145. Girl is fine, green fading slowly. But .. She is skunk, she stinks like skunk, while smoke you feel it a lot plus a small aftertaste, maybe its strawberries, but cant tell for now. Anyway - i like her, just her real genetic name is a mystery a bit ;) While she was flowering, on week 3 you could smell strawberries, but now i am lost in that taste ... Bag seed, you never know what it will be ... Watered today still with 6.5, thinking to give her last two waterings and chop her next thursday or so ...
Week 22. Flowering
5 years ago
52 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
150 PPM
40 %
21 °C
19 °C
50 L
2 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Water 1000 mll
So its day 149 and its time for Girl to go ... I left her for 72 hours of darkness, trichs are milky with 30% amber. She started to flower on day 2 . So i kind off hoped for her to mature quick.... And on day 64 of flower she is done, one of the fastest girls. I could push her like a week more, but she is fading and i dont like to slaughter buds while triming , because i dont like yellow leaves ;))) Two records left in longest diary, one for harvest, one for result. Amazing journey ... Happy growing !
Week 22. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Will report later, but for bag-seed not bad ;) So i am so sad that my senses are lost and i don't know the real name of that girl .... she has skunk and some funky aftertaste... just had fresh strawberries and a spliff after ... lost, maybe .... that corona senselessness is worrying me a bit ... on all other sides bud is fantastic ... oily, sticky, smelly. loved it.... have last bean potted and vegged for 3 weeks in control garden of RQS run. when ever i visit coffee shop update will follow ... after all she had, girl made lovely end ... too strong according all my friends :)))
Show more
Spent 150 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
500 g
Bud wet weight per plant
141 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Day 151. Girl is harvested, sticky, stinky, oily, a bit too leafy and kind of light, cant see even 100 of her .. ( 8.5 is already choped, the brushed by wall branch ). She stinks like skunk with some aftertaste ( tried scissors hash already). Now it looks like she had to go couple weeks more, trich mostly milky and leaves after darkness are green, looks like she was beging me to leave her and put makeup to look younger ;))))) We shall see .. Day 157. Boy oh boy ... how i love to be wrong ...;)))) Girl is a record braker. 141 from one plant, my new pure indoors record. Long journey , desent result, she could make in 6 weeks earlier, but she had a crazy life, lets hope it will be crazy smoke ;))) Report to come ....


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AsNoriucommentedweek 85 years ago
@Grey_Wolf its my first time aswell, got them as free beans ... Still dont know, maybe will be a lot better do veg in may at home with 20+ and pop out to my northen climat outdoors. For indoors i dont see point aswell, plant need rest and 3 hours not enough for some proceses to start up even, so its a bit strange one.... Pop up in 7 weeks or so for final result.
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 95 years ago
Looking good^^...
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 85 years ago this is what i found... to me it sounds like aphotoperiod with ashorter flower..... but iam still unsure.. and i found that But how i understood it is like.... they need 20 + hours to stay in vegetation.. and less hour make them flowering.... and you lowered the hours tomake her bloom....and i think the risk of reveg is quite high if you go back to 18/6............I kow the optimal hours for your automatics are 18 hours of light... but they develop under 16 or less too..... it think i would go a golden middleway and let them under 16.. or may be 17 hours of light such amixed grow is always a new experience... tell us how it worked.. or if it worked
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Thats the one. We are in same boat. Just i look fungus resistant+. Botrot takes half of the harvest each summer. This year fattest colas rotten after first thunderstorm and they where on week 4 of flower, never saw so early, but plants where really huge ... This is one of the strains to check out ... I will see the taste of it ....
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@AsNoriu,yes iam always looking for strains that can finish outdoors in northern hemispehere,,, thats true... i just have to notice it^^otherwise i forget... that was the fast diesel from real gorilla seeds=?
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, the Queen of Auto's is helping me ;)) When i was preparing for that grow i was so stoned, that i mistakenly learned about EARLY SKUNK from Sensi seed, which i have as a present, but planted Real Gorillas Fast Diesel instead... Situation when you have too many free seeds and smokers destiny ... Anyway, i didnt realize it till late, they started to pre on 3rd week after switch from 24 to 18/6, and one of them was still waiting a bit, i droped gradually till 16, i think she is on the way now.. So yeah, i think aswell better not to switch up, but thought if somebody growed already or bumbed into same river as me ... Thank you for your time, maybe you will have something new to check out for your next summer grows. Plants look strong, branches thicker than Tangies. So lets see ..
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 155 years ago
Happy Harvesting. The Tangie looks wonderful from bottom to top a nice PLant. even on the bottom flowers are done... welldone
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, thank You ! I was surprised myself with quantity and quality, still FastDiesel is a lot nicier weed for me than Tangies. In Uk summer FastDiesel i quess is perfect , have in mind.
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 115 years ago
I released branches in late flower, I had different effects. Most branches stay down . Some look to get in the place they have been before bending
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, thats why i ask, branches became really woody and on some of them wire is totaly loose, on others its still have tension and wires change structure of branch, so i guess plants would feel better without those chains ...
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 125 years ago
the strawberry cough on the picture had no light for 6 weeks , ? she looks very good for that.. or did i understand it wrong=?
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@AsNoriu, Ok i got it now...... its always hard to leave " the babies" because no one nurses them so good. like the owner would do.......
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, i saw that diary, i am still going to such magic.. My point was that later, she wont be so beutifull and because of no feed or because people dont pay so much atention to plants like you would... Mine would be better ;)))))))))))) But i missed my family and i hope 50 liters of soil is enough for two weeks of no food, ill feed her on my last day.
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, no, her neighbour will fall , for strawb its only 15 day of flower, just i give her into new guys mercy, and its his first time helping me on holidays, my hart says he will mess up a bit ;)
Show More (7)
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 85 years ago
hey there AsNoriu, hope i answered your question, anything else you need just let me know 👊
OutForRealcommented5 years ago
@AsNoriu, No worries, make you own idea and choose the other guy answer , he need it to score for a contest
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@AsNoriu, show me how it's done growmie , i'm taking notes 👊
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow and YES and NO ;) One from three girls had lower cut off time, two other started to flower at 18 hours, so i liked @OutForReal answer more, he gives chance to be certain and you can basicly have motherplant of autos aka semi-autos and for SOG it would be massive turn around... But i dont have space for motherplant, plants are too small to take cutings and not loose a bit of harvest. Have only one grow space, so cant experiment with them. I dont do it for scale or sale, so you both gave me wider angle on that strain or type as semi-auto but @CRiSPrGrow didnt guarantee right numbers, @OutForReal offered solution for bigger scale grower than me. But thank both of YOU. cant make my mind whom to choose as an answer for another not to count me as an idiot ;))
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 85 years ago
Keep the faith - defoliation is good for them. Wite less leaves, they need a bit less water right after defoliation. Things will return to normal. My sin is that I defoliate late.
Med_in_Tropiccommented5 years ago
@AsNoriu, I hear you. If you can pull that much buds in 16 weeks, auto is total waste of time. Not all auto's are created equal. Diesel's have their own pecuriarity. But yes, unless you are after specific taste that takes six to nine months to complete in photo, then you are much better with photo.
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, if it would be photoperiod, they would be striped on day 15 or so of flower. They would be toped and bush out, but my all plan went to bits, with unknown strains and slow grow rate and early flowering.... Thats why its my only atemt with autos. Check my other diary, week 3 of flower. I like naked girls aswell ;)))))))))))
Stoner_INDICAcommentedweek 225 years ago
Great job! Keep it up!
AsNoriucommented3 years ago
@Stoner_INDICA, thanks, just came with though to change diary name maybe and saw your comment ;))) I did like 10 diaries of autos now, stupid name for diary now ... ;))) But autos went a lot better, trimmed my first Seedsman Alaskan Diesel Auto , in soil, organics, less 100W/plant and it was still 181 g ;))
OutForRealcommentedweek 225 years ago
Hey bro , I was taking a look at your diaries and I’ve seen that you have bawd luck with autos that are not autos. Except for that little issue everything looks super fine 🍭
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@OutForReal, firstly , thank You for support. with autos and maths and love of control forced me to grow them only in summers outdoor , i tried them start inside and finish outdoor and vice versa, tried purely indoors with this diary, they never worked well. i pay my electrics and even fastest 2 month runs will bring me like 50g/plant, so in 4 month normal photo run i can have 2 harvest but 18 vs 12 end up in good bill, plus i was blessed in childhood , one my grandparents had garden to show off with loads off plants, others lived in countryside , so i read plants well for 40years+ and like to decide when girl is ready, not her telling me just to follow :) my weed journey related to neurodermatitus, i am allergic to everything, but weed calms me down, then i tried couple real homegrowns, after this already 3 years i dont buy and the cleaner i grow, less laziness is wining against me, for me that the only minus, but i think i cracked it :)))
Buddha2commentedweek 175 years ago
Fantastic! Congratulations! 👍
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@Buddha2, TY very much, FastDiesel really nice strain to run, cant get my hands on report, maybe while triming StrawberryCough ... i hate triming and will avoid it for any other job ;))
Ferenccommentedweek 65 years ago
Great job bro! @AsNoriu
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@Ferenc, check week 7 ;))) Still my last ever atempt with auto strains ...
MrRaidcommentedweek 105 years ago
Frosty buds 💪🥂🔥
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 25 years ago
Do you have the package of the seeds. or the exact termination from them icluding breeder=?...... i know photoperiods and autoflower..... as 2 categories Some photoperiods a re " fast " " "fast flowerin" or " express" . that means they are still photoperiods and react to light like these..... But i never heard about semi-automatics......... so tell me pls... greetings
Masshysteriacommentedweek 135 years ago
Wanted to return the favor with a comment your way with a hopefully not too off the wall question. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning the horticultural and botanical sciences behind growing cannabis, but I wonder if other growers learn those things for the sake of growing better smoke or for the intellectual curiosity of it all. Your take? Happy harvest soon-ish!
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@Masshysteria, good luck in your journey !
Masshysteriacommented5 years ago
@AsNoriu, as a high school English teacher in the US, that analogy makes perfect sense. One desire adds to the other and soon intellectual curiosity and yield quality become inseperable. I'll stay in touch, I'll have one more grow for sure before I have to move and who knows after then.
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@Masshysteria, i guess we all have our own points and rarely its pure indica or sativa , if you get my point ;)) I was watching most of the quality videos on youtube like 4-5 years ago, was following like 50 chanells, now half of them are closed, half dont bring any info or do it that way that i dont like it. Was reading doc level studies (was looking more for pictures, schemes or known words more ;))) ) about plants and food. Now i have basics, i see and read plants, only thing to achieve for me is 150 from a plant with min 6 of them growing. For that i need to tune up my equipment still, think i got well this time with biobizz and next will be only better and i still search for my fav strain. Doubt that i will go away from soil, think maybe later will step into dry amendments and home made tea area, but still i have changed something every run, never had like check point created. Time to set down and grind what can i do best with my style and equipment. #RQS provided my with beans, next run should be check point and exam for me ;)
EZgrowercommentedweek 75 years ago
it's very interesting to watch your diary. I wish you a huge harvest of buds. What do you prefer to use a Bong or a joint. 4-20 Bro. subscribed and watching your grow.👍
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@EZgrower, they will be crap, believe me ;))) My lungs too old for bongs, so 15 spliffs or so ;))))))) The only interesting in this grow is new type of lst ( which i will try to nail in next grow with toping ) and what will happen with upside down plant, how bad will she be ... ??? ;))))))
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 85 years ago
And I also constantly search for new ways to screw up my plants. Some time, these things works and I get more yield and better buds quality.
the end.
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