2/17/2024 - Vegetation Week 1 Day 1- I removed some of the water to see where the roots were only one had roots in the water. However I want to go ahead and get them on Week one Nutes So I am over 50 gallons of water in the system so I mixed the Trio at a 1.0mil per Gallon but restricted it to a top of 50 gallons period. I top fed the other two to keep encouraging root growth. I also finished my drying and curing from my last run and wanted to show what it looks like all bagged up and in the cannatrol. I added the following Nutes: Silica = .5Mil/Gal= 25Mil CalMag= .75Mil/Gal= 37.5Mil FloraMicro = 1Mil/Gal= 50Mil FloraGro= 1Mil/Gal= 50Mil FLoraBloom= 1Mil/Gal= 50Mil ORCA = .5Mil/Gal= 25Mil EPSOM- 1 big pinch 2/18/2024 - Vegetation Week 1 Day 2- I top fed #1 and #3 since they still don't have roots in the water, I will continue one top feed a day until roots hit water. 2/19/2024 - Vegetation Week 1 Day 3- #3 now has root in the water.. Yay!! I now have #2 and #3 with roots in the water so no top feed for them. I only had to top feed #1 and the only reason I didn't just go ahead and cull her today was I am responsible for breaking her tap root and stunting her, I wasn't careful enough and she was the first to show a good root. In that vain I will carry her a few more day's top feeding but if not root by the end of the week she is getting culled. 2/20/2024 - Vegetation Week 1 Day 4- Today I Ensured the PH is in range, I refilled the Humidifiers, I top fed #1 since the roots are still not in the water. I also removed the humidity shields from #2 and #3 today the ladies were touching the sides so they are done with the extra shields.. 2/21/2024 - Vegetation Week 1 Day 5- Today Morning: I Ensured the PH is in range, I refilled the Humidifiers, I top fed #1 since the roots are still not in the water, Evening: I decided that the roots of the two are looking great so I am going to drain and bump the Nutes to a full Week 1/ Week 2 Nute base. I added 36 Gallons I added the following Nutes: Silica = .5Mil/Gal= 18Mil CalMag= .75Mil/Gal= 27Mil FloraMicro = 3Mil/Gal= 108Mil FloraGro= 2Mil/Gal= 72Mil FLoraBloom= 2Mil/Gal= 72Mil ORCA = .5Mil/Gal= 18Mil 2/22/2024 - Vegetation Week 1 Day 6- Today I Ensured the PH was not too high as the system continues to cycle the water and adjust, I refilled the Humidifiers, I top fed #1 since the roots are still not in the water, 2/23/2024 - Vegetation Week 1 Day 7- Still have to Top Feed #1 no roots in the water, however she is still progressing nicely slower than her sisters with roots in the water but still going strong.
8/14 Everything looked beautiful this morning. Seems like I've got the watering schedule down better. I do have one gmo that looks hungry so I need to increase nutes. At least on that plant. Toasted toffy has little spits that could be water marks, pests or septoria. I don't think it's septoria. In the pastvi lost far more leaves when I had septoria. I've been crazy busy. I'm surprised things are going this well. I need to put up the final supports so I can add to them once I've got big heavy buds. I was really stoked to see everything doing so well. The plant in the 50gallon is the furthest in flower. I'm so grateful to have the ability to grow high quality cannabis for myself amd my wife. There's nothing quite like it. That hash I made turned out great. I think I'll press it today. Supports will be done this week. Saw a few aphids on the plant I cut down. Earwigs aren't here this summer or there would be NO aphids. Plus when I cleaned out the insides this morning I found some dead leaves WAY in the middle by the stalk. They would've eaten that shit if they were here. Birds and other predators seem to be keeping pillars at bay. I'm not seeing the damage and when I do sfind one it's absolutely tiny like a newborn. I'll think about whether I need to spray BT. 8/15 That fucking cancel button always fucks everything out. I was done no I need to start over. Didn't water last night. Found pm on my gmo in the 30. Interior of the plant. Should've defoliated better and earlier. Oh well. I'll treat with k bicarb or plant doctor. I'll have to think about it. Other plants are looking good. Well they all are. I just hate pm. I can't isolate it due to local laws so it is what it is. Nothing I haven't dealt with before. Watered today. The middle gmo in the 30 got 1.5 gallons. The other plants each got a gallon. Including the one in the 10gal and 50 gal. Its supposed to rain but only like .1. I also chose to feed today. All plants got a gallon. I DID NOT WATER THE EVENT HORIZON IN THE MIDDLE AND THE SHERB PIE AS THEY WERE PRAYING AND HEAVY. I need to get these supports up. I'll update as I go. Oh and one thing I remembered is that, I didn't properly sanitize the trellis nets I installed on the plant that has pm (non visible today but still). I harvested the plant that used that bet last year was harvested in two stages. The bottom I let go way later and ended up with a little pm on the stuff I left for hash material and it got some pm. I wonder if that's whete this came from. 8/16 Death in the family this morning. I couldn't decide if I should use organocide plant doctor or not. It's a systemic It's been discontinued and reformulated. It's a systemic fungicide. Instead I mixed two tsp potassium bicarbonate with a little dawn in a half gallon mister. I used gloves and defoliated everything that had pm on it. I checked the plants next to it and luckily it hasn't spread yet....but it will. I feel safer using the k bicarb. I'll do more research and try to find the best way to tackle this. I don't want to get rid of the plant and due to local ordinance I can't isolate it. If I can keep it to this one plantvthat would be fine. I'd just use it for extracts. So glad I didn't use all that netting and put up tjosr supports. I'll need to disinfect them if I decide to use them. We'll see. Plants are coming right along flowering. WENT BACK OVER AND DEFOLIATED A BUNCH OF fan leaves and interior stuff to promote airflow. Still saw pm on that plant u had treated earlier with k bicarb. I can't isolate due to laws and I'm not willing to discard this massive monster cropped plant. So I'm going to treat it. I started by removing everything infected and improving airflow on that plant and all the others. I didn't make it to one event horizon. I plan to treat the infected plant with Organocide Plant Doctor since its what I have on hand and I've had good luck. It's a systemic. After I treat the one plant and see that it didn't hurt the plant I'll use a preventative dosage on the other plants. I've battled wpm several times. This is something I'm very familiar with. What sucks is it's totally my fault it happened due to grower error. This has set back me puttingvup my supports as well. Plants look good woth a haircut. Also the toasted toffy had some leaves removed with spots that looked like septoria. I think nutes havecreally kicked things in gear. Now there are little buds on plants. 8/17 BAGS still seemed heavy so I didn't water. It's been MUCH cooler. It's 63 at 9am. It would normally be 80 by now so maybe they aren't using as much water. I watered the the toasted toffy I missed last round but the Sherb Pie still had weight to it. I also watered the GMO on the far side and the one in the 30 as the seemed a little lighter. I looked in and I couldn't find a SPOT of powder mildew on the plant! I know it will come back but on this 100% rh day there isn't a spot I can find! I'm going to go check on them later today. Do some more defoliation and treat the plants with Plant Doctor to try to mitigate the spread of the P.M. Very suprised the k bicarb worked like that. WENT BACK OVER AROUND 11. I WATERED THE TWO THAT DIDNT GET WATERED LAST TIME. THE EVENT HORIZON AND THE SHERB PIE. IT WAS COLD AND OVERCAST. TEMPS HAVE BEEN MUCH COOLER. SOON AS I WATERED THE SUN CAME OHT AND THE TEMP WENT UP. I WENT THROUGH THE PLANTS I MISSED AND SEFOLIATED LEAVES AND INTERIOR BRANCHES TO INCREASE AIRFLOW. SURPRISED TO STILL SEE NO PM WITH 100% HUMIDITY. I WENT THROUGH EVERY PLANT. ILL NEED TO GO TJROUGH AGAIN BUT TJIS IS MUCH BETTER. THE TOASTED TOFFY THAT MAY HAVE SEPTORIA I WILL TREAT TONOGHT WITH PLANT DOCTOR. I REMOVED ANYTHING LOOKING INFECTED. I LSTed THE BIGGEST BRANCHES WITH CLIPS TO THE BAG AMD TWINE. SO AIRFLOW IS MUCH BETTER. I THEN REMOVED A BU CH OF THE MIDDLE. I COULD TAKE MORE BUT ON OUTDOOR HARVESTS THAT LITTLE STUFF GOES IN EXTRACTS. I PUT A FEW HOURS IN TODAY. IM GOING BACK AND ILL TEST THE PLANT DOCTOR ON THE TOASTED TOFFY. BUT IF THE K BICARB WORKS THIS GOOD ILL JUST KEEP USING THAT. 8/18 It started sprinkling when I left this morning. I did more defoliation on a few different plants. Including the healthiest GMO. It seems like things should be further in flower but it is what it is. I'm not doing clones again. Only reason I did is because I lost my 72 seedlings and depleted my seed supply. I hate treating pm. Lost Coast Plant Therapy I'd really whete its at when it comes to treating pm. I might just order that. My commercial buddy told me that he wouldn't use the plant doctor and not to "spray shot all over my plants". He's probably right. I see something small and try to overcurrent. I dont see any more septoria looking leaves on the toasted toffy since I lsted it and removed damaged leaves. I was going to use the fungicide plant doctor on that and then use it ad a preventative. He's probably right. I've put a lot of work in defoliation and such. It WILL spread but it hasn't yet. I removed what I saw. I was going to hit it again with k bicarb but it said it should be weekly treatments.i hope I'm doing things right. I shouldn't be this worried about pm but I've got am anxiety disorder. I'll fully sterilize (AGAIN) my posts and trellis netting before I instal it. I'll probably go check on them later. It's hard to avoid pm with 100% humidity and 30° temp swings. I've got a few lights so maybe this winter I'll do indoor. I'll try to keep this updated. LOOKING BACK AT PRIOR DIARIES I GUESS IM RIGHT WHERE I SHOULD BE FLOWERING WISE. I JUST HAD A COUPLE REALLY EARLY PHENOS A COUPLE TIMES. 8/19 Defoliated some more stuff amd tried to improve airflow. Humidity is high and it was sprinkling earlier. I think we'll have showers. Not seeing much pm. MAYBE a little in the middle of that middle gmo but it could just be residue. I'll treat it again with potassium bicarbonate soon. If that doesn't work I'll switch up treatments. I've got citric acid amd some other stuff too. I almost ordered lost coast last night but decided I'd wait to try it out. The toasted toffy has SOME spots that look like septoria. It's the second furthest in flower and very indica leaning. It seems to be flowering vigorously so I don't want to fuck with it too much. I could use plant doctor on it and see what happens but I'm going to monitor for a few days after defoliating. WENT BACK OVER AROUND 4 AND SHOOK OFFCTHE PLANTS. HADNT RAINED MUCH. BAGS ARE STILL HEAVY. THE TEN WAS LIGHT AND THE EVENT HORIZON BESIDE IT SEEMED A LITTLE LGHT AS WELL. I THINK IT MIGHT BE ME COMPARING THEM TO OTHER PLANTS THAT ARE SATURATED. SEEING HOW THEY BOTH LOOKED THE BEST IVE EVER SEEN THEM I HELD OFF WATERING. ITS ALSO SPRINKL9NG AMD GOING TO RAIN TONIGHT. ILL REASSESS IN THE MORNING. PLANNED ON USING PLANT DOCTOR ON TOASTED TOFFY BUT DECIDED AGAINST IT PARTIALLY DUE TO THE RAIN. PARTIALLY BECAUSE I PUSSED OUT. I WANTED TO FEED. IVE NOTICED SOME FADE AND PLANTS PUSHING AND TRYING TO GET OVER THE FENXE INTO FLOWER. THE TOASTED TOFFY AND THE UNKNOWN IN THE 50 ATE THE FURTHEST ALONG AND DEVELOPING ROCK HARD BUDS. GMO HAS A MASSIVE STRETCH. THINGS CHANGE DAILY. I WANTED TO GET A GOOD DOSE OF NUTES IN SO AFTER THIS LITTLE BIT OF RAIN WHEN WE GET THAT NICE SUNSHINE MY PLANTS WILL TAKE OFF!! THEY'VE BEEN PROGRESSING FAST DESPITE THE SHITTY WEATHER.
veg week 4 just began 🌱 temperatures finally got back to normal levels and the plants also seem very happy about that 🌱 i still just feed some stimulants with every second watering 💚
📆 Week 15, 12-18 August 2024 12-18 Aug - Observed and let the plant grow. 13 Aug - Turned lights down to 50% power. 📑 It’s been another week and no signs of slowing down. Pablo continues to grow! Her sativa genetics are really showing. I’ve turned the light power down to 50% hoping this will help to mature the plant. It is looking like another good week of flower will be appropriate here. Lets see just how big she can get. 🍶 14 Aug nutrient solution changed 🍽️ 14 Aug feeding schedule updated 💧 Using reverse osmosis water with EC/TDS at 0 🐉 Nutrient Solution EC 1.0 at 74 degree F 🔆 Light power at 50%, DLI 35 canopy coverage at 12hrs 😤 Using PYPABL, Air Pump, 400GPH That is it for this week. Thanks for the look, read and stopping by.
Pablo Escobar · Divine Seeds
XS2000 · ViparSpectra
GT 60x60x140cm(2'x2'x4.5') · Mars Hydro
TriPart Bloom · Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow · Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro · Terra Aquatica
Fulvex · Botanicare
Hydroguard · Botanicare
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
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GH Diamond Nector ·
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GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
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GH Diamond Nector ·
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GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
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GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
Der Start in Woche 8 ist regnerisch und bewölkt bei kühlen Temperaturen und hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit 😳 The start of week 8 is rainy and cloudy with cool temperatures and high humidity 😳
Pflanze ist inzwischen 1,70 groß und langsam wird’s eng aufm Balkon. Ebenso wird es langsam zeitlich knapp. Brauche dringend Hilfe Pflanze ist immer noch nicht in der Blüte obwohl wir schon Mitte august haben. Was denkt ihr abends früher reinstellen? Um die Blütephase einzuleiten? Letztes Jahr ging mein Experiment wesentlich früher in der Blüte ca Ende Juli, dieser unbekannte strain scheint länger zu brauchen.
Day 55! Just shy of the 8 week mark, I reckon next week the Lemon cherries will be getting the 🔪 buds swollen out nice, still lots of white pistils and very clear trichomes, but with the way there developing I’ll have to keep a close eye.. gorillas starting to bulk up now, as always I’m looking forward to what this week brings, untill next time! 👊🏻
Day 55! Just shy of the 8 week mark, I reckon next week the Lemon cherries will be getting the 🔪 buds swollen out nice, still lots of white pistils and very clear trichomes, but with the way there developing I’ll have to keep a close eye.. gorillas starting to bulk up now, as always I’m looking forward to what this week brings, untill next time! 👊🏻
Zwei Wochen in der Blütephase sind nun vergangen, und die Pflanze wurde sowohl gescrogt als auch gelollipopt. Durch das Scrogging wurde die Pflanze weiter flach und gleichmäßig verteilt, sodass das Licht auch die unteren Bereiche gut erreicht. Zusätzlich habe ich durch das Lollipopping die unteren Blätter und schwächeren Triebe entfernt, um die Energie auf die Haupttriebe und Blütenansätze zu konzentrieren. Diese Maßnahmen fördern eine bessere Luftzirkulation und Lichtverteilung, was die Entwicklung gesunder, kräftiger Blüten begünstigt. Die Pflanze sieht jetzt schon vielversprechend aus, und ich bin gespannt, wie sie sich in den kommenden Wochen weiterentwickelt.
Well I had to harvest some buds from one plant of Blue Zushi as I got some bud rot I found some a wk ago and cut it away and an inch around it ,but it came back in one more cola I saved 50% of 3 colas I had to remove , I harvested the other Zushi too ,I ll show photos soon ,they are really frost after 30 hrs of darkness, I didn't want to risk any longer incase there was any mould from the bud rot still present in the plant/s ,well they smell really dank blueberry and cheese I smell so far ,with a fruity undertone. I will keep you updated on harvest and smoke
Still putting on girth(weight) I can honestly say this is a powerhouse of a plant fattening as quick as big autos ,I will grow it again and FIM it, it's a strain that's very forgiving, and doing great in organic soil,all mix with @Biotabs and @Ecotrive's Biosys and some @Plagron naturals,and minerals, and just water when needed. Thanks for your support 🙏
In der fünften Blütewoche zeigt sich der Erfolg des Scroggens deutlich. Die Pflanze hat das Netz vollständig durchwachsen, und die Blüten verteilen sich gleichmäßig über die gesamte Fläche. Um die Stabilität der immer schwerer werdenden Blüten sicherzustellen, habe ich zusätzliche Netze aufgehängt. Außerdem habe ich die Beleuchtung von 400 Watt auf 720 Watt erhöht, um den Blüten noch mehr Energie zuzuführen und das Wachstum weiter zu fördern. Die Ergebnisse sind bereits sichtbar, mit dichten und kraftvollen Blütenständen, die sich vielversprechend entwickeln.
Green Cure CBD Auto is making good progress. Her roots are starting to poke out the bottom. She was trained some more today. She got a little hungry and started to get a little pale looking. Fixed that through obvious solution of feeding more. Everything is doing good. Thank you again Zamnesia seeds, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Do-Si-dos auto is growing really good. She had some training done today. The strange spotting stopped on the leaves a week ago. I think she just wanted more feed. Everything is looking great now. Thank you Athena, Medic Grow, and Zamnesia seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Grand Daddy Purple auto was doing great most the week. In the last day or two her ph jumped up. She is getting more hungry. I flushed her and got the ph back down. I then provided her fresh feed. She did have a few magnesium deficiency spots on her leaves. That should be resolved now. Beside that she made good progress, and is trained and ready for another week. Everything is looking good now. Thank you ILGM, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Week 4 after another round of LST after 3 day removed tied down but two days later lost again with garden wire
Really hot. Using more water. About 2 gallons a day each pot. Watering daily. Summer peak hits in the next month, then comes the wind down to the season...from September to Croptober. I don't see as much stretching as I see buds coming in right now, which is really exciting. Wind: I usually experience strong winds for the end of August and start of September. This means that I am taking the canopy down and letting the sun hit the plants with all its force for the remainder of the season. More water means fatter nugs. Nutrients: Day 105 - 21 August 2024 - Added 1 cup Bud Candy and 1/2 cup Overdrive from AN, then added 2 gallons of water in a large watering can. I let that sit for 2-3 hours, then I add it equally to the four pots. I'm alternating this and kelp meal biweekly from Down to Earth (every 2 weeks). This recipe is gentle and it works for me. Thank you to all following the grow. Straight up... each plant looks a little different - my guess it's because of all the crosses behind the genetics. Basically looks a little Malawi, a little tropicanny, a little cookie, and sour orangey for sure. I don't care for a stable line where all the plants look homogenous (basically the same, I may have messed up the description) - I just want something that will have a good end product and these plants all look fine to me. Now I just have to be vigilant so that the caterpillars don't destroy all the flowers. It's a bit nerve wrecking, but I'm committed to not using pesticides or insecticides - organic or not. I'm also considering washing the herb at harvest--that's got me a little nervous also because it gets really humid around harvest time, but all the testimonials and videos I've researched all seem to agree that it does not affect the end quality in terms of effect since THC is basically water resistant, not water soluble or something--i'm thinking water hash in my head to comprehend the science a little better. That's it. Just a few more weeks to go. About 8.
Deep Forest Auto is growing great. She has been growing very well. I did some more lst and defoliation on her today. She is making excellent progress. Nothing more to report this last week. Thank you Gen1:11, Medic Grow, and Doctor's Choice. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
11th week Only water. The plant starts to fade a little... the smell is increasing.
Banana Purple Punch Auto · Fast Buds
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
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FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
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FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
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Bone Meal ·
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Bone Meal ·
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Dolomitic Limestone ·
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FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
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Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
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Bone Meal ·
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Bone Meal ·
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Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
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Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
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Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
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Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
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Bone Meal ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
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Bone Meal ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Wood Ash ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Magnesium ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
KNF Banana ·
Bokashi ·
KNF Banana ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Magnesium ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Wood Ash ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Magnesium ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
KNF Banana ·
Bokashi ·
KNF Banana ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Magnesium ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Wood Ash ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Magnesium ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
KNF Banana ·
Banana Purple Punch Auto · Fast Buds
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Wood Ash ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Magnesium ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
KNF Banana ·
Bokashi ·
KNF Banana ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Magnesium ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Wood Ash ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Magnesium ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
KNF Banana ·
Bokashi ·
KNF Banana ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Magnesium ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Wood Ash ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Magnesium ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
KNF Banana ·
Bokashi ·
KNF Banana ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Magnesium ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
Bone Meal ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·