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At the beginning of this week I put the plants on 12-12 in terms of feeding I only watered with PH 6 because they have some burnt leaf tips next week I will start flowering feeding.This morning when I opened my tent my fan fell on a plant and it broke a main stem. Hopefully they will survive 😭
Semana 5 dia 35 . La planta se desarrolla de forma claramente índica. Como se puede ver en las imágenes la poda apical ha generado que de nuevo vuelvan a brotar hojas deformes aunque la salud general de la planta no se ha resentido. Esta será la última semana de vegetativo, deberían haber sido cuatro, pero la primera semana no se desarrolló correctamente. He colocado la malla scrog para ir guiando las colas para sacar idealmente 19 colas. También he cortado dos hojas grandes para favorecer la penetracióin de luz y volveré a hacerlo probablemente en la semana 7 o finales de la 6 para favorecer la ramificación dia 36 - He cambiado el ciclo de luz a 12-12 con la malla bastante poblada, también he cambiado la dosis de abono que añadiré en la siguiente semana.
Today is day 14 for these. So far so good. They are in solos for now but will go in 5 gallon smart pots and outside in about a month. That's about it. Thanks for stopping by and as always, Happy Growing ✌️❤️😁🍀🎶👽 EB
•Todo vá marchando bien,las he dado 3 riegos con Pk booster compost tea. -A razón de 25g( una cucharada y media) x 1,5 L . *PH: sin medir* *Riego si,riego no,añado 7,5 ml de Orgatrex,al oxigenado de nutrientes* -Añadí 1,5g de Bactrex( una cuharadita y media ×1,5L. 🗣️ -Las daré un penultimo riego con esta mezcla,y luego varios riegos con agua sola; que vayan continuando/terminando de nutrirse.
Plants looking great as we sail into the last leg! I ordered more Mephisto b/c I love how well this and past grows have gone! Need to defoliate and clean em up more this week The change in humidity def stresses em out. I think i need to try and bring em down naturally
So welcome to Week 9 of the Sweet Seeds Gorilla Girl XL Autoflowering grow! Unfortunately after two years of due diligence- I was finally infected with Covid 19 so I have gotten really behind with this diary. In Week 7, I switched from the Grow to the Bloom fertilizer at a rate of 2.5 mls per gallon. I am still watering every 4th day at 3 litres per plant or 0.75 of a litre per day per plant. This strain seems particularly hungry/greedy so by the end of Week 7, I’ve decided to fertilize with every watering instead of every other. I’m not increasing the dosage of the fertilizer but the frequency in which it’s being given. Other than that the plants are doing fine through Weeks 7, 8 & 9 with the buds fattening up nicely, loads of wet to the touch resin and a super strong smell emanating from the tent even when it’s closed! That’s it for the past three weeks, Covid sucks and thank goodness harvest is just around the corner! Apologies for not offering up any further "mom’s tip of the week" but I’m just finishing up this diary for kicks at this point. Thanks.