So this week has really absolutely crawled by from my perspective, I imagine it is common with growing that the closer you get to harvest the further away it seems. Anyway I am a bit worried about the middle sized plant - she has a lot more yellowing of fan leaves from the inside out. My reaction to this was to flush her with clean water, my thinking is that everything was fine before I started feeding, and perhaps I didn't mix properly and the soluble stuff was unevenly distributed. That was yesterday (week 6 day 4) It's too soon to tell if this has helped, fingers crossed it doesn't begin to affect other leaves.
Despite this being only 5 days into week 6, there have already been fairly drastic changes. Some of the buds are starting to fatten more, and I'd say we're at about 15% pistils amber now, the smell has noticeably increased day by day. It's really beautiful to look the plants in the dark with a flashlight or phone light, the way the light bounces off the frosting of trichomes, as if someone had sneaked in the middle of the night and misted my plants with a million tiny diamonds.
I think I will stop feeding the middle plant now and water only (unless it gets worse). The other two I will continue to feed until the end of this week. At the rate of accelerated change I suspect harvest time may not be too long past the end of next week. It's a shame they don't have much more time to grow but at least what small quantity does come from them, I am determined it is harvested at the right time.
At the end of week six I have watered only as I now think these plants are maybe 7-12 days away from harvest.