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**Encontrarás la traducción a español al final de la descripción** From/Desde: 19/04/19 || To/Hasta: 25/04/19 From day/Desde día: 57 || To day/Hasta día: 63 You can find the Gorillas Diary here (Texts are the same this week): ** Podéis encontrar el diario de las Gorilla aquí (Los textos son iguales esta semana):** -----IMAGES & VIDEOS----- 1 - Before defoliation 2 - Defoliation 3 - After defoliation -----WEEK SUMMARY----- (Following text was translated with tools and reviewed, sorry for mistakes, misspellings or nosense things) As you can see I've done a defoliation this week. Yes, I have really gone over the top, I have removed many more leaves than I had, and the tails of the plants has not come to join at all due to the failed defoliation. Being the first defoliation I do, I did not really know what I was doing and I went crazy. Now that it has been several weeks since I made this defoliation, I realize that I should not have removed the leaves from the nodes of the tails, because they have stopped growing and have not joined with their superior parts. Anyway, the plants are beautiful today and although they could be much better I feel very happy with them. I know I've made 2 fatal mistakes in this grow - The first has been the massive defoliation badly done, defoliation yes, but with head ... do not follow my example. - The second failure that I see today, is that I did not leave enough growth time (18/6) after having made the last pruning and that has made the tails have been a length much less than what would have been desired, I think that 2 more weeks of growth would have been perfect. -----WATERING CALENDAR----- 20/04/19 - 1,250 ml with Sensizym, Silica, Rhino Sk, Bud Ignitor, Big Bud, Bud Candy & Bud Factor-x @ PH6.4 & 1.2 E.C. 23/04/19 - 1,250 ml with All week nutrients - (Silica, Sensizym & Bud Ignitor) @ PH6.5 & 1.5 E.C. *****ESPAÑOL***** -----IMÁGENES Y VÍDEOS----- 1 - Antes de la defoliación 2 - Defoliación 3 - Después de la defoliación -----SUMARIO SEMANAL----- Como podéis ver esta semana he hecho una defoliación. Si, efectivamente me he pasado de listo, he quitado muchas más hojas de las que debía y las colas de las plantas no ha llegado a unirse del todo debido a la fallida defoliación. Al ser la primera defoliación que realizo, no sabía muy bien que hacía y me lancé a lo loco. Ahora que han pasado varias semanas desde que realicé esta defoliación, me doy cuenta de que no debí de haber quitado las hojas de los nodos de las colas, pues estos han dejado de crecer y no se han unido con sus partes superioras. De todas maneras, las plantas están preciosas a día de hoy y aunque podrían estar mucho mejor me doy con un canto en los dientes. Se que he cometido 2 errores gordos en este cultivo - El primero ha sido la defoliación masiva mal realizada, defoliación si, pero con cabeza.... no sigáis mi ejemplo. - El segundo fallo que yo veo a día de hoy, es que no dejé suficiente tiempo de crecimiento (18/6) después de haber realizado las últimas podas y eso ha hecho que las colas hayan quedado de una longitud muy inferior a la que hubiera deseado, creo que 2 semanas más de crecimiento hubiera sido perfecto. -----CALENDARIO DE RIEGO----- 20/04/19 - 1.250 ml con Sensizym, Silica, Rhino Sk, Bud Ignitor, Big Bud, Bud Candy y Bud Factor-x @ PH6.4 & 1,2 E.C. 23/04/19 - 1.250 ml con todos los nutrientes semanales - (Silica, Sensizym y Bud Ignitor) @ PH6,5 & 1,5 E.C.
All is going well. But noticed the top leaf tips turning brown, raised the lights and will keep an eye on it. Apart from that it has been a standard week.
This plant is exploding with growth.. New buds and darker colours. Now started the flushing stage, 4500ppm was the water run off figures before flushing which explains the toxicity to nitrogen. It is now at a manageable 780ppm somewhat. Good grow so far! Mega strong smell
Esta semana he añadidos los quelatos para limpiar las raices y e bajado la temperatura a 24 grado para que los cogollos compacten. Todas las plantas estan colmadas de resina asta el ultimo cogollo de abajo. En el video se puede ver como las plantas estan sujetas por el tutor del peso de los cogollos si no se troncharia.. La semana que biene añadiremos agua con un EC de 0.3 y cortaremos alfinal de la semana por el color que tienen los tricomas.💯🙌👽💜
✌️🎃 Thank you for checking my cultivation. ☹️ The 1th seed didn’t germinate. 😃 But 2th seed looks all right.
I pulled the biggest one from the weeks before it wasn't coming around...the other 2 are doing well the top of the one that got damaged has basically dried out going to take it off sometime this week n see if the seed was able to form up to where is good she is 6 inch....the other one is 8 inch waiting to see how she fatten up and how much more crystals she produces...until nxt time #happy growing
It was very tiring all the work, but I am satisfied with the result .. Although I know I could have gathered about 2 kg more.
It was my first time ever growing a weedplant, loved doing! Surprised me to see how fast these plants change in a day time, fascanating! Happy with the outcome for a first time, on to the next!
Sono contento per questa settimana vedo che sta andando bene e le due diramazioni sono arrivate già al terzo internodo... La prossima continuo con manifold e alzo il cibo a 1350 ec, ho dovuto correggere l ultima soluzione con calcio e magnesio perché alcune foglie avevano piccole carenze e continuo a nebulizzare ogni tanto, si è rivelato ottimo anche il macerato di ortica che sono andato a raccogliere personalmente qualche giorno fa e lasciato 48h a macerare per poi filtrare e usare come spray fogliare.. Ph alzato a 6,7 per aiutare assorbimento del calcio 🌱🤞🙋‍♀️👹 Domani 7/6 continuo manifold sui rami laterali 👨‍🌾
Questa settimana c'è stato un po' di rallentamento dopo il travaso.nella foto sono al giorno 42. Una di loro dovrà andare via, sono in un box 90x90 (3×3) e ci sarà un'altra settimana di vegetativa, per poi essere messe in un vaso da circa 12 litri (3 gal). Già 5 mi sembra saranno troppe, in caso una riceverà una defoliazione sia prima che dopo la fioritura. Vedremo. Buon cultivo a tutti ✌️. Giorno 45: travaso in vasi da 8,5 litri. Tra due giorni darò una pulita alla parte inferiore dei rami, eliminando i rami che non raggiungeranno gli altri apicali. Di 6 piante ne ho tenute 5. 1 afghan skunk in alto a sinistra nell'ultima foto.1 dos si dos 33 in alto a destra sempre nell'ultima foto e 3 industrial plants. Buon cultivo raga. ✌️ Giorno 49: ultimo giorno di vegetativa. Il video è di questo giorno.speriamo che sia poca ma buona ✌️🤞.
✌️🎃 Thank you for checking my cultivation. 🦍 Did really live up to the name. 🌰 #1 and #2 (31/05) #3 (02/06)
Giorno 14 Salgono le temperature ma le piante si sono riprese dopo il travaso e stanno bene. Sto cercando di capire cosa fare della Baker Delight 😀 ( lo scopriremo giorno dopo giorno). Se sei curioso segui il diario per vederne i progressi 😊
Plants are growing nice, garden pest totally under control. No issues to report this week thankfully, in the next two week we will be doing some defoliation of the ladies. Tallest plant is 46" , shortest plant is 12"
Very happy so far and I turned the lights on to 12/12 today. Also turned the LED up to 380w and still learning how close I can get the plants to the light with such a efficient LED.
Manage to get the monster transplanted into the new tent couple of branches broke unfortunately It is taking up almost the entire five-by-five I don't know if it will be over 3 pounds but I sure am hoping My last girl I managed to get 1.3 pounds out of the 4 by 3 tent This one is double the size with a bit more light so hopefully we can get there Nugs already barely fit in my hand halfway done flower 😇😁🤩 day Ok 94 My top nugs are Anywhere from the size of a can of pop up to a 2L Day 97 of grow I've decided from now on I'm going to be Putting the day and as how long it's been flowering Day 35 of flower added dense by green planet with ph water at 600ppm and 6.4ph first time let see if it will dense 😃
Manage to get the monster transplanted into the new tent couple of branches broke unfortunately It is taking up almost the entire five-by-five I don't know if it will be over 3 pounds but I sure am hoping My last girl I managed to get 1.3 pounds out of the 4 by 3 tent This one is double the size with a bit more light so hopefully we can get there Nugs already barely fit in my hand halfway done flower 😇😁🤩 day Ok 94 My top nugs are Anywhere from the size of a can of pop up to a 2L Day 97 of grow I've decided from now on I'm going to be Putting the day and as how long it's been flowering Day 35 of flower added dense by green planet with ph water at 600ppm and 6.4ph first time let see if it will dense 😃
Week 6 plants are having problems but I can figure out what’s going on