Día 54 (10/03) Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 2 ml/l + Early Flower 1,25 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 1033 PPMs - pH 6,51 Día 55 (11/03) Defoliation time! Con la increíble ayuda de @miyaguiokpolilla, @dogdoctorofficial y @growwithflow420 hice la defoliación recomendada exactamente después de 21 días cambiada a 12/12 Consejos de defoliación - Elimine menos del 20% de las hojas de abanico y solo las hojas de abanico - Retirar el tercio inferior de la planta, incluidas las ramitas. - Retirar las hojas en forma de abanico dirigidas hacia el interior de la planta. - Retire las hojas de abanico que dan sombra a los futuros cogollos. Día 56 (12/03) Esperando algo de estrés tras la defoliación... Han crecido 2 centímetros en 24 horas 😍🚀 Día 57 (13/03) Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 2 ml/l + Early Flower 1,25 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 1043 PPMs - pH 7,0 Las plantas muestras una ligera deficiencia de CalMag. Voy a subir el pH a 7.0 en este riego para mejorar la biodisponibilidad Día 58 (14/03) Siguen con su crecimientos, los cogollos formándose y las hojas de azúcar empezando a llenarse de resina Parece que la corrección de la deficiencia de CalMag ha sido muy efectiva! No hay más manchas y las plantas no paran! Día 59 (15/03) Como mañana me voy a Spannabis 😍 voy a adelantar 1 día el riego reduciéndolo a 1 litro Riego 1 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 2 ml/l + Early Flower 1,25 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 1080 PPMs - pH 6,57 Día 60 (16/03) Spannabis time! 🚀 Día 61 (17/03) Spannabis time! 🚀 💦Nutrients by Gen1:11 - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE -
This week went pretty well, other than she stretched like crazy and I am now getting worried about running out of vertical space. I also had a few of my bottom leaves get a few brown and yellow spots on them. I did post some pics and asked a question, thank you for the responses, much appreciated! I am thinking about adding my Spyder Farmer LED 100 Watt light into the tent for the nebula auto because it is about 23 inches shorter than the sour diesel. I believe it would only raise my temp about 2 degrees, and possibly lower the humidity by one or two percent. I must say my dehumidifier has been a freaking stud, running 24X7 and not complaining. I should look into adding another unit, it has been in the mid 90's and muggy for about a week. So far I have to say I am super impressed and excited with this setup, the genetics, and with growing this wonderful plant in general. Already planning ahead to my next grow, and what I can do better. I have been enjoying myself and I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to answer my questions! I am having a blast and am excited to see what this lady will give up in a few weeks!
Hi guys, What's up? Welcome back. We always challenge nature to see how far its strength can reach....and I would say that it is putting a lot of effort into it here We want our girls pumped up and with firm asses, so every day they do a lot of gym work to keep fit😄
gave Gaia green bloom last week and just been watering with cal mag. Starting to get this fruity mango smell
The plants seem pretty strong and resilient, have a interesting smell. The buds are very different from a plant to another in shape and trycome production. I had to cut them early because of the high heat, but the majority of the trycomes were milky.
Die letzte Wachstumswoche ist für Dame angebrochen und die Sonne ist seit 2 Tagen wieder verschwunden. Nächste Woche Mittwoch kommt Sie für 2 Tage ins dunkle um dann geerntet zu werden. Danach lasse ich Sie für 2 Wochen kopfüber trocknen. Schon jetzt bekommt Sie nur noch Wasser. Ich habe auch noch einmal ein paar der verbliebenen Fächerblätter entfernt.
I installed a PH controller but it didn't work right and only the ph up peristaltic pump is working. I will use this over my vacation as my PH drifts down naturally so this should work until i get a replacement. I watered in my gsc and other seedlings until runoff with 850 ppm heavy in nitrogen to green them up as the organic top dressing is taking too long.will see how they respond.on week 4 day 4 They are responding well to nitrogen Gsc is taking off!!!will continue nitrogen until end of this week as needed.
Habe leider einen Fehler gemacht wo ich die ersten 3 ins Zelt gestellt habe. Unzwar die lampe war zu schwach (10% Gewollt 50% ) und viel viel zu hoch ( 170cm Gewollt 60cm) und deshalb haben sie so gespargelt. Leider ist duch den zu starken Ventilator und weil sie so groß war umgefallen. Habe sie gestürzt und am nächsten Tag geht's ihr wieder gut. Dafür macht mit die Sticky Beast am ende des Videos sorgen. Sie hat irgendwelche grauen Flecken und wächst seid 3 Tagen Kaum bis garnicht Laut Internet soll der Ph wert nicht gestimmt haben. Hab mir also einen elektronischen messer besorgt Und BioBizz Ph - Gießen tue ich alle 3- 4 Tage ca 500ml sobald meine Erde ca nh halben centimeter trocken
6’-4” & 5’-8” as of today, 6’-0” average height. These ladies are beautiful! Everyone who comes by the house just stops and stares when they get near my garden. So do I 👍🤣 I had to move some plants outdoors from my indoor grow due to losing the battle to high heat and humidity. Two are super close to harvest, one might get cut over the weekend. Feel free to comment and let me know what you would do. Thanks!
6’-4” & 5’-8” as of today, 6’-0” average height. These ladies are beautiful! Everyone who comes by the house just stops and stares when they get near my garden. So do I 👍🤣 I had to move some plants outdoors from my indoor grow due to losing the battle to high heat and humidity. Two are super close to harvest, one might get cut over the weekend. Feel free to comment and let me know what you would do. Thanks!
Norther Light höhe 6cm Stickey Beast höhe 10cm (gespargelt) Sticky Beast 2 höhe 5cm (sieht nicht gut aus) 2 von 3 Sehen richtig gut aus finde ich, Ausser das alle überwässert sind. Typischer Anfänger Fehler. ( Tag 8) Nun ist es klar, meine damen haben viel zu viel Stickstoff😔 Also für die Zukunft die ersten 4 Wochen wirklich garnicht düngen ( Tag 9)