What's happening growmies, hope your well. These F1's are growing great fast, 3 out of the 5 are in pre flower power mode. I'll switch up the feed next week to bloom mode. Thanks for stopping by as always. Feel free to leave a like, maybe even a follow and I'll be sure to follow back. Stay high, stay fly. #420everyday.
Esperando ansiosamente que aparezcan los primeros tricomas de color ambars para cosecharla, por el momento se riega con agua de osmosis inversa con ec:0.0 + detox para lavar el suelo, cada vez está mas amarilla y toma menos agua. Ya es una planta sin alimento. Sin nutrientes agregados, solo consume lo que quedo entre el sustrato. El agua de osmosis inversa sin minerales es fabulosa
Welcome to Bud Boutique Grow Diary - really appreciate all your love and support :) Dont forget to check out my other current grows! 🗓️ This Week: - Day 23: 2/3 plants got transplanted into 2 liter pots with a lot of mycorrhizal from Great White Shark around the roots & pothole. lets get them roots even stronger!! - plant development is still really super strong and fast as you can see - Ive started a little to late with the slow release organic nutrients so both bigger plants got a few deficiencies I need to face and fix within next week - Day 25 - recovered well from the transplant shock - 1/3 inside AC Infinity Germination Kit - keep up high humidity with about 80% and open the dome completely now to get them used to the environment - heatmap reduced to 22° Celcius - especially for the night Thank you for still staying with me 💚 ___________________________________________ --- 🌱 Strain (Sponsor) 🌱 --- 🏷️ PEACH GIRL by Art Genetix ---💡 Lighting --- 💡AC INFINITY - Germination Kit --- 🥗 Nutrients and Feeding * 🍸 PLAGRON Algae Baseline grow + Additives: Power Roots, Sugar Royal, Pure Enzym, Silic Rock * 📅💪 baseline grow: 4ml/l & additives: 1ml/l each --- 🏭 Grow Setup --- * 🏠🌿 Indoor: Homebox 120x120x200cm (4x4) * 📐🌀 PrimaKlima exhausting Fan 1180m3/h (running on 60-80%) & Can Light Filter 800m3/h & 1x Fanbox 1x Dyson fan for Air circulation All Likes and comments are highly appreciated!!! don't forget to check out my Instagram: budboutiquee - Bud Boutique
Welcome to Bud Boutique Grow Diary - really appreciate all your love and support :) Dont forget to check out my other current grows! 🗓️ This Week: - Day 23: 2/3 plants got transplanted into 2 liter pots with a lot of mycorrhizal from Great White Shark around the roots & pothole. lets get them roots even stronger!! - plant development is still really super strong and fast as you can see - Ive started a little to late with the slow release organic nutrients so both bigger plants got a few deficiencies I need to face and fix within next week - Day 25 - recovered well from the transplant shock - 1/3 inside AC Infinity Germination Kit - keep up high humidity with about 80% and open the dome completely now to get them used to the environment - heatmap reduced to 22° Celcius - especially for the night Thank you for still staying with me 💚 ___________________________________________ --- 🌱 Strain (Sponsor) 🌱 --- 🏷️ PEACH GIRL by Art Genetix ---💡 Lighting --- 💡AC INFINITY - Germination Kit --- 🥗 Nutrients and Feeding * 🍸 PLAGRON Algae Baseline grow + Additives: Power Roots, Sugar Royal, Pure Enzym, Silic Rock * 📅💪 baseline grow: 4ml/l & additives: 1ml/l each --- 🏭 Grow Setup --- * 🏠🌿 Indoor: Homebox 120x120x200cm (4x4) * 📐🌀 PrimaKlima exhausting Fan 1180m3/h (running on 60-80%) & Can Light Filter 800m3/h & 1x Fanbox 1x Dyson fan for Air circulation All Likes and comments are highly appreciated!!! don't forget to check out my Instagram: budboutiquee - Bud Boutique
6.1. - Plants are looking very good. First branches are already developing, so I guess I will have to start with LST soon. 8.1. - First branches are shooting out, leaves and plants overall are getting bigger. I hope they'll keep this tempo and health. Watered. 9.1. - Today I've decided to apply some LST and I accidentally snapped off the main stem of one Creamatic. I've fixed it back with tape, but not sure how it will end. 😔 10.1. - I've checked the broken plant and decided to remove that part. Plant already started focusing on the branches that are left, so basically one plant was topped unintentionally ✂️ 11.1. - Week wrap-up: Well, this week was half fail half success. Plants are growing fast and healthy, however I've managed to fuck them up a bit as usual. One accidentally topped plant and one with broken but healing branch. I've decided to give up on the LST of main stems completely. I will let them grow up and just spread the branches with wires. Hope next week will be more successful ✌️ 5.1. - 11.1.2024
Welcome to Bud Boutique Grow Diary - really appreciate all your love and support :) Dont forget to check out my other current grows! 🗓️ This Week: - Day 23: 2/3 plants got transplanted into 2 liter pots with a lot of mycorrhizal from Great White Shark around the roots & pot hole. lets get them roots even stronger!! - plant development is still really super strong and fast as you can see - Day 25 - recovered well from the transplant shock 🍸 started to give Cal-Mag Amino & Silica Force in a low dosages (at least once a week) - EC: 1.2 - PH: 6.5 - 1/3 inside AC Infinity Germination Kit - keep up high humidity with about 80% and open the dome completely now to get them used to the environment - heatmap reduced to 22° Celcius - especially for the night Thank you for still staying with me 💚 ___________________________________________ --- 🌱 Strain (Sponsor) --- 🏷️ P.C.R. by Art Genetix --- 🥗 Nutrients and Feeding (Sponsor) 🥗 --- * 🍸 XPERT NUTRIENTS: Master Grow A+B, Master Root, Enzymes, Cal-Mag Amino, Silica Force * 📅💪 baseline + additives: 2ml/l ---💡 Lighting --- 💡AC INFINITY - Germination Kit --- 🏭 Grow Setup --- * 🏠🌿 Indoor: Homebox 120x120x200cm (4x4) * 📐🌀 PrimaKlima exhausting Fan 1180m3/h (running on 60-80%) & Can Light Filter 800m3/h & 1x Fanbox 1x Dyson fan for Air circulation All Likes and comments are highly appreciated!!! don't forget to check out my Instagram: budboutiquee - Bud Boutique
11.01. day 105 Blüte 63 . Chop. Schwere Arme voller Knospen. Definitiv. Mit dem Gewicht bin ich schonmal zufrieden. Eine Woche trocknen, dann gibt's den Ernte-Bericht. Mit smoke Review. Zur Ernte selbst: Yep, alles in Ordnung. Überraschend war sie gar nicht crispy. Na klar ein paar Blätter, aber der Rest und vor allem die Knospen waren aber schön saftig. Harzig nicht sehr klebend, denn diese Trichome sind so hart, das sie abbrechen. Ob das gut ist? Ja. Begründung: da ist weniger Wasser, mehr Harz dein. Nur frisches Harz klebt. Schaut euch nen Baum an. Altes Harz kann Mann heraus schlagen, fast so hart wie Glas. Bei frischen kleben die Finger. Macht's trotzdem, das riecht super. Aber nicht an den Klamotten abwischen. Die sind sonst ruiniert. Zum Geruch: Äh überraschenderweise ziemlich zurückhaltend, aber ich habe auch keine der Knospen geöffnet. Wahrscheinlich wird der Geruch von diesen Trichomen, die sehr eng beieinander sitzen eingeschlossen. Meine Tendenz liegt ohne Rauchbericht bei 9 Punkten. Pflanze gut, Buds gut, Jetzt noch Geschmack... 12.01. Oh, das hatte ich vergessen zu erwähnen. Dieser Grow lief unter verschärften Bedingungen. Stealth mit wenig Frischluft. Sie hat eine Invasion von Spinnmilben abgewehrt, durch ne andere Pflanze übertragen. Later: ich habe ne Knospe geknackt. Erst dran gerieben. Es roch nach Heu. Ungläubig und etwas Enttäuscht knackte ich ne Knospe. Puff, wie in einer Wolke aus Duft. Oh, das Riecht aber stark, und gut. Das habe ich nicht erwartet nach dem äußeren Geruch. Definitiv keine Geruchs Stealth Sorte. Eher HALLO NACHBARN MEIN NAME IST CANDY RAIN. OH😳 So heftig? Ja. Der Geruch ist schwerlich zu beschreiben. Ungefähr so: erdig mentholig mit keine Ahnung gelato Haschisch Aromen? Nicht unangenehm aber überraschend stark und ausgeprägt. Das habe ich so nicht erwartet. Aber wer lesen kann, es folgt ein original Auszug Wenn Du Cannabis mit köstlich fruchtigen Düften und Aromen sowie einem ordentlichen THC-Kick magst, hast Du mit Candy Rain einen neuen Favoriten gefunden. So ist es. 13.11. Was ich total gut finde, Es machen die ja Grad mehrere. Alle die Toll geworden sind sehen sich sehr ähnlich. Wie eineiige Zwillinge. Und von denen sieht meine Pflanze am härtesten rann genommen aus. ( Mann könnte auch sagen beschissen gepflegt sieht sie aus, aber das stimmt nicht. Die wollte einfach Krass sein. ) Ne Chance aufs gewinnen habe ich nur wenn die anderen Knospen nicht beim (harte Schale) knacken plötzlich in einer ziemlich heftigen Duft Wolke hängen. Wie ne Nebelgranate bei aktuellen shootern ( Games ). ( Kurz überleg ) ne eher wie ne flashbang. Puff, Alles riecht. Und ich habe noch nicht getestet. Das sind nur Impressionen, von ihr als Grower. ( Nein Leute ihr merkt es vielleicht, ich bin von diesem "Puff" schwer beeindruckt. Hatte ich noch nie. Ist heftig gewesen. Das Gegenteil von Dezent. Ich höre jetzt auf zu schreiben, warte auf das trocknen und melde mich dann mit Photos und nem Rauchbericht zurück) 17.01. Pre smoke Impressionen. 1. Nochmal machen, ansetzen 2. Nix machen beim smoken. 3. Ich bin so Fett das ich gerade ein Schlachtschiff im Hafen nicht finden würde. 4. 😍👍🤗😀😄😃😀 5. Der Geschmack ist jetzt schon vollmundig zitronig würzig lecker. 6.Ein Recht starker ( Nene, doch ), und das ist mir ganz wichtig "Angenehmer Turn". Voller Enthusiasmus machst du Dinge. Im Sitzen. Kein couch lock, eher so entspannend. Rauchst du mehr, oder größer werden die Augen immer kleiner. Dein Atem wird ruhiger. Wie eine Sanfte Brise kommt die Müdigkeit. Atmest du sie ein, begrüßt du sie sogar, Kommt ein süßer Schlaf. Aber Sanft fragt er. .. Einmal schütteln wie ein Hund, bumm bist du wach, und merkst, Oh doch couch Lock. Ähem aber nur bei großen . Bei normalem Konsum einfach nur Nett. Indica lastig und interessant. 7. Langer angenehmer Turn. 8. Jetzt bekomme ich Hunger. 9. Nicht online zocken. Gar nichts. Bei Shootern geht das aim fail. Bei Strategie Spielen macht Mann plötzlich soo doofe Fehler. Selbst bei Wow ( World of warships ) vergisst Mann plötzlich das vor einem nen Gegner ist. Nen SCHXXXX DICKES SCHLACHTSCHIFF. Übersehen auf einmal. ..... Nen Schlachtschiff.... Vergessen. Kurz darauf schaute ich auf mein versinkendes Schiff.... 10. Ich hoffe der Rauchbericht ist in Ordnung. Das sind meine Impressionen von CANDY RAIN. Macht Spaß 18.01. Im Trocknungszelt : noch nicht ganz trocken, aber süß am Riechen 😍..
W8.Day.1(52) After readjusting the irrigation system, the grow process became more lively. Attached the ruler. W8.Day.2(53) Smell becoming more intense They drinks better. Switched watering scheme from 2/13 to 2/21. W8.Day.3(54) The flowering is not yet at its midpoint, but the younger girl already has orange pistils appearing. The younger one has fewer trichomes than the older one. But looking at the photo, the older one has only one large and three small colas, and everything else is the younger girl. However, she is actively growing and drinking, adding about a centimeter a day. Also, my pot is leaking. I've placed a leak protector underneath it, but the right edge of the pot has risen a couple of centimeters. The pot is positioned at a slight angle, so I had to re-stick the ruler a couple of centimeters higher. I decreased the amount of fertilizers per liter.
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 HAPPY GROWING 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 (👉Bonus Video Showcases Everything I Have Going on in TropiCannibis HQ 👈) We are now 54 Days into flowering and everything is going great 👍 👈 We are now playing the waiting game👌 Just waiting on the tricomes to amber up a bit 👈 👍 decided to showcase the Mini BigBand , was a extra seed that germed so I kept it as a Mini Me 😊 She's killing it 👈 Except for some watering it's been pretty smooth I've done a little maintenance and manipulation of the canopy 👈 👉Soil Medium Provided by 👉Nutrients Provided by Agrogardens 👉Lighting Provided by I would like to thank the many growmies for support throughout the years 🙏 So Let's Do This 👊👊👊 Happy Growing
👉Alrighty Then👈 ( 👉Bonus Video Showcases Everything I Have Going on in TropiCannibis HQ 👈) So we are at DAY 54 of Flowering with the Sugar Larry 👈 And she's doing fantastic 👍 😀 decided to showcase pheno #2 , definitely has different traits then #1 very interesting 😀 thoe both are killing it 👈 So just waiting on alittle more amber to show before we do the chop 👌 👉I had to Top her during the middle of 4th week 👍 Happy Growing 👉Soil Provided by 👉Nutrients Provided by Agrogardens 👉Lighting Provided by Thanks my friends for the great support over the years 🙏 Happy Growing
(Day 36veg) - (Jan7) On this week I prepared my feed mix with 8L of distilled water & officially started my AutoPot system I lost one side of my top on pheno #1 So I decided to top my “to be cloned” branches & just go with toppings only for this Grow. Pheno #2 Performed a topping on each top layer. Expecting 8 new tops Pheno #3 sent away to another growbud
This week went pretty well, other than she stretched like crazy and I am now getting worried about running out of vertical space. I also had a few of my bottom leaves get a few brown and yellow spots on them. I did post some pics and asked a question, thank you for the responses, much appreciated! I am thinking about adding my Spyder Farmer LED 100 Watt light into the tent for the nebula auto because it is about 23 inches shorter than the sour diesel. I believe it would only raise my temp about 2 degrees, and possibly lower the humidity by one or two percent. I must say my dehumidifier has been a freaking stud, running 24X7 and not complaining. I should look into adding another unit, it has been in the mid 90's and muggy for about a week. So far I have to say I am super impressed and excited with this setup, the genetics, and with growing this wonderful plant in general. Already planning ahead to my next grow, and what I can do better. I have been enjoying myself and I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to answer my questions! I am having a blast and am excited to see what this lady will give up in a few weeks!
Moving right along! Got a second tent for smaller plants. So I can start the flowering cycle with the gorillas. Looking forward to see what happens in the coming months! 😃💚
Cultivar SPETTACOLARE! Ho raccolto Midnight Marathon F4 e 91 Grape e sono rimasto veramente sorpreso dalla qualità dei terpeni! Midnight Marathon F4 ha degli odori og, molto gassosi e delicati mentre la 91 Grape è un esplosione di chimico,uva, caramelle con un tocco gassoso, le cime sono grosse quanto una lattina di coca e sono incastonate di tricomi! Midnight Marathon F4 invece è estremamente sedativa! Ho fatto un test di Bubble hash con 91 Grape ed ha prodotto più di qualsiasi altra pianta che ho coltivato in passato! Pubblicherò le foto di seguito! In crescita ancora Strawberry milk and Qookies Remix che sembra essere la più resinosa della cultivar e Hervey Wellbanger che odora praticamente di colla con un sottofondo dolciastro! Night owl è diventata la mia banca di semi preferita dopo questa coltivazione perché ho potuto vedere quanto valgono questi semi! In flush entrambe penso di raccogliere la prossima settimana così posso concludere questo splendido diario!