Week 9
Day 57 (9/11)
Things are going well, or so it seems. She looks like she is starting to bulk up at her bud sites. Her pistils are everywhere and I'm hoping to see the buds forming soon. Being a first timer, I have no idea what I'm looking for, but it's still exciting! Temps and humidity have been holding fairly steady. I think I'm to to point of bumping the humidity back some, keeping it below the 60% range. I have a couple VPD charts I'm trying to go by and they give me a range I am trying to keep the temp/humidity in. I fed her last night and she seems happy. Haven't noticed any of the discoloring or anything continuing, so that's good. I added some Alaska Fish Fertilizer to the mix just because I got it for free and wanted to give her a little nitrogen boost because her youngest leaves are kind of pale. I've heard that it's hard to overdo it with it, so figured it was safe enough. It has an NPK of 5-1-1, so I thought the P & K boost might be good too.
Day 58 (9/12)
Humidity keeps getting a little high, so I busted out a dehumidifier. There is some yellowing on some newer leave serrations, but idk if it is new or I'm just thinking it's new.
Day 59 (9/13)
Yesterday got a little rough for her! I kicked on the dehumidifier I have before I left for the day, and good thing the wifey was home to check in! Apparently that dehumidifier pumps out some heat! Within a few hours, the tent temp was almost 93F and humidity was nearly below 40%. She was quick to turn it off, crank the exhaust fan, and get the window opened to cool it off. When I turn it on in the future, I'll have to be sure to keep an eye on the room temp. I feel like she is a long way off from being ready, really doubt she will be anywhere near the 70-77 day grow time. That's fine with me, as long as she's happy and filling out, she'll get there eventually. Most other journals I've seen, they don't chop until week 12 or so. I also felt up one of the forming buds a bit, and the smell she left on my fingers is maddeningly delicious, about knocked my socks off.
Day 60 (9/14)
Pulled her out last night and tried tucking in a bunch of leaves to get more light to some of the lower bud sites. It's wild how many she has. She probably could have used some defoliation, but being an auto (and my first time growing) I held off. Maybe in future grows I'll give it a shot. Doing a better job at LST would probably have helped as well. She's still trucking, starting to see some start of frostiness.
Day 61 (9/15)
She seems fairly light in the pot, I'll probably try to feed her tonight or tomorrow morning, it just depends on when I get outta school today. I have surgery today, so I'll be here until late so will more than likely just get it mixed up tonight for in the morning.
Day 62 (9/16)
I mixed her up some feed last night. She's been having some yellowing on her tips and serrations, likely from phosphorus deficiency. Hoping what I mixed up is plenty to stave that off. I mixed it last night and gave it to her this morning after lights on. Her smell has really kicked in, I'm glad I got a filter and exhaust fan or the house would smell amazingly illegal. I was running late this morning and didn't even remember to get a pic of her this morning. I'll try to get one tonight before she goes to bed.
Day 63 (9/17)
Some of her lower leaves are starting to yellow between veins, showing magnesium deficiency. I almost put some cal-mag in yesterday with her feeding, now I wish I did. I'll wait it out and get her some next time she gets watered, or sooner if she's gotten worse since last night. I feel like she is just gobbling through her food, but honestly idk. I may be just keeping her right at the edge of deficiencies.