280nm = More than just a metric for a color of light, it is the frequency of the wave oscillation, 280nm is 0.00000028 meters, 2.8 x 10-7. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer (1 Timothy 4:4–5). Once a truck at work full of earth mixed with metal set off our radiation detector, after 4 positive tests for high radiation levels, the entire 18 wheeler had to be emptied and checked to find the source. No one could find anything, the nuclear technicians had to be called. they found that the rainwater had seeped out all the fertilizer from the soil, it was pottasium build-up to my disbelief. Unbeknown to us the earth was dug up from farmland. This was the backstory that set me off on a quest for this knowledge im about to share, I thought it was frickin awesome sauce. *puff puff pass* THORIUM Thorium, at atomic number 90, is one of the rarest elements. Named after Thor the God of thunder. 232Th is a primordial nuclide, having existed in its current form for over ten billion years; it was formed during the r-process, which probably occurs in supernovae and neutron star mergers. These violent events scattered it across the galaxy. The letter "r" stands for "rapid neutron capture", and occurs in core-collapse supernovae, where heavy seed nuclei such as 56Fe rapidly capture neutrons, running up against the neutron drip line, as neutrons are captured much faster than the resulting nuclides can beta decay back toward stability. Neutron capture is the only way for stars to synthesize elements beyond iron because of the increased Coulomb barriers that make interactions between charged particles difficult at high atomic numbers and the fact that fusion beyond 56Fe is endothermic. Because of the abrupt loss of stability past 209Bi, the r-process is the only process of stellar nucleosynthesis that can create thorium and uranium; all other processes are too slow and the intermediate nuclei alpha decay before they capture enough neutrons to reach these elements. Thorium is a naturally-occurring chemical element with atomic number 90, which means there are 90 protons and 90 electrons in the atomic structure. The chemical symbol for thorium is Th. Thorium was discovered in 1828 by Norwegian mineralogist Morten Thrane Esmark. Joens Jakob Berzelius, the Swedish chemist, named it after Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Thorium is a naturally-occurring element estimated to be about three times more abundant than uranium. Thorium is commonly found in monazite sands (rare earth metals containing phosphate minerals). Thorium has 6 naturally occurring isotopes. All of these isotopes are unstable (radioactive), but only 232Th is relatively stable with a half-life of 14 billion years, which is comparable to the age of the Earth (~4.5×109 years). Isotope 232Th belongs to primordial nuclides, and natural thorium consists primarily of isotope 232Th. Other isotopes (230Th, 229Th, 228Th, 234Th, and 227Th) occur in nature as trace radioisotopes, which originate from the decay of 232Th, 235U, and 238U. Histogram of estimated abundances of the 83 primordial elements in the Solar system Estimated abundances of the 83 primordial elements in the Solar system, plotted on a logarithmic scale. Thorium, at atomic number 90, is one of the rarest elements. In the universe, thorium is among the rarest of the primordial elements, because it is one of the two elements that can be produced only in the r-process (the other being uranium). POTASSIUM Potassium 40 is a radioisotope that can be found in trace amounts in natural potassium, is at the origin of more than half of the human body activity: undergoing between 4 and 5,000 decays every second for an 80kg man. Along with uranium and thorium, potassium contributes to the natural radioactivity of rocks and hence to the H"Earth". This isotope makes up one ten-thousandth of the potassium found naturally. In terms of atomic weight, it is located between two more stable and far more abundant isotopes (potassium 39 and potassium 41) that make up 93.25% and 6.73% of the Earth total potassium supply respectively. With a half-life of 1,251 billion years, potassium 40 existed in the remnants of dead stars whose agglomeration has led to the Solar System with its planets. Potassium 40 has the unusual property of decaying into two different nuclei: in 89% of cases beta-negative decay will lead to calcium 40, while 11% of the time argon 40 will be formed by electron capture followed by gamma emission at an energy of 1.46 MeV. This 1.46 MeV gamma ray is important, as it allows us to identify when potassium 40 decays. The beta electrons leading to calcium, however, are not accompanied by gamma rays, have no characteristic energies and rarely make it out of the rocks or bodies that contain potassium 40. Beta-minus decay indicates a nucleus with too many neutrons, electron capture a nucleus with too many protons. How can potassium 40 simultaneously have too many of both? The answer reveals one of the peculiarities of the nuclear forces. Everyone alive has roughly 140g of potassium = *0.016 grams of Potassium Isotope 40* The charge radius is a fundamental property of the atomic nucleus. Although it globally scales with the nuclear mass as A1/3, the nuclear charge radius also exhibits appreciable isotopic variations that are the result of complex interactions between protons and neutrons. Indeed, charge radii reflect various nuclear structure phenomena such as halo structures6, shape staggering7, shape coexistence8, pairing correlations9,10, neutron skins11, and the occurrence of nuclear magic numbers5,12,13. The term ‘magic number’ refers to the number of protons or neutrons corresponding to completely filled shells. In charge radii, a shell closure is observed as a sudden increase in the charge radius of the isotope just beyond magic shell closure, as seen, for example, at the well-known magic numbers N = 28, 50, 82 and 126 (refs. 5,12–14). In the nuclear mass region near potassium, the isotopes with proton number Z ≈ 20 and neutron number N = 32 are proposed to be magic on the basis of an observed sudden decrease in their binding energy beyond N = 32 (refs. 2,3) and the high excitation energy of the first excited state in 52Ca (ref. 1). Therefore, the experimentally observed a strong increase in the charge radii of calcium4 and potassium5 isotopes between N = 28 and N = 32, and in particular the large radius of 51K and 52Ca (both having 32 neutrons), have attracted substantial attention. “A cat has 9 lives” “On cloud 9” “Dressed to the nines” To go “the whole nine yards” “A stitch in time saves nine” “Nine-ness” seems to be synonymous with the maximum, with the furthest extent of what’s possible. With fullness, completion, and when every effort has been exhausted. In the ancient world (which is, let’s face it, is where numbers and their spiritual power were understood SO much more than they are today) the number 9 resonated with sacred structure, and the furthest limitations of this world, before human experience meets the Divine. Perhaps more than any other, the number nine had an extra special significance, which spread far and wide. It features across pretty much all cultures, worldwide, rippling through culture, mythology, history, law and time. Nine is the central number in the ancient Celtic tradition. Nine expresses through the triple Goddess (see Number 3) and in myths of the nine Celtic maidens, or sorceresses. In fact, stories of nine mystical women presiding over nature spread from England, Ireland and Wales, to Scandinavia, Iceland and even as far as Kenya. Even today, it’s tradition for nine groups of nine men to dance around Beltane fires. The limit of winter (which is what Beltane Almost all of the mythological tales from around the world have patterns of the number 9 weaving throughout. The Northern European sagas tell of Odin, who rules over the nine Norse worlds. His trial, to win the secrets of wisdom for mankind, was to hang on the Yggdrasil tree for nine days. Demeter, the Greek Goddess of the Earth searched for nine days for her daughter Persephone (who was in the underworld with Hades). Demeter is often depicted holding nine pieces of corn. Once recovered, Persephone was obliged to spend three months per year below the ground, and nine months above. Native American, Mayan and Aztec myths tell of a total of nine cosmic levels (and many of the temples comprise 9 stories). And in ancient China, nine was the most auspicious number of divine power: the Chinese had nine sacred rites, nine social laws, nine classes of officials in the government and built nine-story pagodas. In astrology, the planet Mars vibrates to the frequency of the nine. The ninth sign of the Zodiac is Sagittarius (where the Sun sails from November 22nd – December 21st) In Tarot, card number nine is the Hermit. In Hinduism, nine is the number of Brahma. In the Greek Sagas, the city of Troy was under siege for nine years. Azomite has 180ppm Thorium iirc.
Muy buenas geneticas las de fastbuds a mi me dejan loco las recomiendo a todos los cultivadores esta es la ultima en indoor hasta que acabe el verano ahora empezaremos con la exterior, expresando nuevas geneticas para poder mostraros mas sobre este grandisimo banco de semillas
Alright guys, this girl was stunned and stressed at the beginning because it didnt have the right nutrients in the soil mix due to lack of money and couldn't get any for the time being, thank god we did some hustle and ya know!... So for the next time we will grow another amnesia way better than what we could do with this one. Anyways... at first we didnt think she was going to make it but since amnesia is super fast and strong she did so. We could have waited a little longer for harvest and probably get better yield but we really didnt think it was going to make much difference at that time.... Of course, every single seed is a new experience for me every time, which is good because i keep learning In the other hand, sucks because you waited this long and didnt get what you expected, just keep trying until u get better right!? xD! haha... well here we go again, we love it tho so forever we will keep trying and with all the support and help from all the community at the grow diaries it makes me feel even better! So yeah we gonna keep growing and someday hopefully We will be showing you a great great amnesia akdlsakdlaksd xD! Yo im high its 2 am whats up? Anywaysss have fun guys enjoy happy growing
Welcome We are at the final conclusions for this premium Kush strain 💯 Breeding by Microgenetica Seed bank Italian made since 2015, based in the beautiful city of Amsterdam This variety has won already three cannabis cups, both in Ams and both in Barcellona 🏆🏆🏆 So, maybe isn't a mainstremm seed bank, but they works very well 👌 Especially the breeder/owner wich is call Stefano Lillo, a great person and super disponible But anyway Almost two months are passed from the final cut and now the flowers are in their best moment Especially the Kush varietyes, probably the strain with a good amount of myrcene, in my opinion take the best and complete taste after this amount of time.. The "Sativa" ones , in the other hands, can be very tasty after only a months ,or be precis the cultivars with mostly fruity tone ! That's my experience.. Coming back to this Mature woman 😎 The taste is obviously very kushy , intense and persistent in smoke session 🔥🔥 I personally prefere to vape it 🙌 Best temperature for a complete taste and effect around 182° and then up to 192° Dipends always from a wich types of vaporizer you use ! With all the famous seriese from the "Vulcano company" , for any their vaporizer, you can follow the temperature up here.. But for example with the Ghost MV1, the best for me is around 190° to 200° Anyway For test at the best if the quality can be ok, i always roll up a tobacco or other things.. I do that for see how it burns...slow or fast and especially white ash or contamineted My way for having that is pretty simple.. Only water for the last 20 or more days, no flush like a shower 🚿 I cut the plant in one time and leave it hanging upside down inside a wooden cabinet with always a slight change of air (for example an oscillating fan a few meters away) I leave almost all the leaves still attached (these will give a good indicator of where we are in drying) The whole process must last a maximum of ten days ! Temperature and humidity must always be equally balanced ... even if there were 25 ° there is no problem ... the important thing is that in this case the humidity is not too low, risking to dry the flowers (in this case can be good around 60/62%) The meaning is to always try to stay within the ten days ... + or - So, after a little more than a week the flowers will be crunchy on the outside .... but the stem must not break cleanly, only bend almost reaching the crack.. If the popcorn buds peel off nicely, then it's time to take out all the blooms.. Cleaned the branches from the inflorescences, I usually place them for another two days in a brown paper bag.. Then I put everything back in the jars.. I don't open for 24h ! After this time I start to open and close every about four hours.. I continue like this for about two and a half weeks and every five days, about, I reduce the openings and closings until I get to feel the aroma in its true form. Ah and i do not leave too much air in the jars when the flowers are ready...terpenes oxidize faster...air and light are our enemies ☝️ { But not during the cultivation 😂 } And that's it For more info on this grow cycle you can search in the several weeks where I tried to bring everything back to the best 😉 Thanks so much for the support 🙏🙏 Thanks to Microgenetica for the trust 🙏🙏 And thanks as always to Growdiaries for this space 👍👍👍 Ciao ✌️ 🇮🇹🌏🌎🌍
Not sure if these girls are ready for the chop yet?? Still sucking up water quickly 🤷‍♂️🏻
What is up you sexy displays of humanness? It's week something lol.. 9 I think. I always forget if a week is passed then counted or vice versa lol. The plants look waaaaay better from the first time I flowered. I think the environmental controls like the AC and the light distance are finally all getting locked in. I could be messing up nutrients but based on what I see I'm not burning or underfeeding to my knowledge. I'm praying for that last fattening week for these things to bulk up because I'm pretty sure they have maybeeeeee 2 weeks then a 3-day flush. Yall are the experts though so feel free to weigh in. Especially with the plants looking all over the place. Ill bust out the electronic microscope for some trichome pics next week closer towards harvest time. I keep reading it's a long flower and they still have a lot of white pistons. Plants are hella icier though compared to the first run, they look stickier, and overall I'm feeling more accomplished. I can't tell if I'm leagues away from pulling 1 lb per plant. Now the right light...... ugh.. idk why but I was trying to get my damn BN link dual timer programmed bc I have the closet in there still vegging and once I plugged everything in that right light had half the board go out again. This happened a while back and after I've checked all the connections it just randomly came back on one day and I have not questioned it over the months. Kinda pissed I cant have 1 smooth day but that's life I guess haha. oh weird question but my rooms are completely sealed. they don't really have ducting or new air pumping in. Could the plants be suffocating themselves getting that big and flowering in a closed room? I've heard the air you breathe is more than enough most time and I don't want to burn unnecessary money but If they are logically just not getting enough Co2 to transpire then.. ya.. you get my point lol. Oh and I scratched the pk 13/14 bc i felt like I was pushing my luck with it only recommended for 1 week and also it's about the end of my knowledge so I figured cutting something extra was the safe bet. the leaves are all dark too
Decided to stress her out at first. But due to anxiety I wouldn't allow the stress to continue for long. She's growing substantially and the stalk is getting thicker and thicker. The flowering came very quicker. I wish that I stressed more, that way I could produce more yield instead of one main cola. Wish me luck. Any recommendations would be great.
Day 83 Currently drying, will update before Robert Smith turns up.... Day 87 5 days in, all trimmed and back in to dry. Temp 18c RH 50% Will raise humidity to 62% for last 5 days and add fan. Day 92 Girls pruned to similar size buds and in jars to cure. Will wait a few days until the residual moisture dissipates then weigh for the final time. Lemony tones coming off her already. Pleased as was getting worried during drying. Think I'll try a dry trim on the two Lemon Kix I have in atm (see my other diary) Sampled some this afternoom and eveb before a cure its smooth enough to smoke, citrusy in profile and burns a nice clean white ash. Looking forward to seeing the flavour/texture evolve over next few weeks before smoke report. I'm not the most patient person, this part is extremely difficult. Day 97 Final weight dried and a week cured is 87.8g (3.1oz) Extremely pleased with the yield. Smoke report I've got to be honest, it's not the stinky monster I was expecting but its made up for it in other areas. Really smooth on the inhale, lemony forest taste, no horrible aftertaste. No coughing, which is a novelty! For my first run, I'm v happy. I feel the excessive heat may have microwaved some of the terps but we live and we learn. Not long until my Auto Lemon Kix are ready, hopefully got the temp under control in time for them.....
Hi there! I decided to cut the other plant like I said. I wanted to try the FIM method and I actually missed and did it in two times cut! 😢 From now on plant #1 will be mentioned as FIM and plant #2 will be the TOP. Lst is a very interesting method and seem to work but I'm not totally sure if I do it right.
I've enjoyed a lot growing this plant, I had to deal at tje end of thr cycle with fungus gntas but she resisted without problems, each day the flowers stink more and more, amazing genetic, I would definitely like to keep on working with this genetic, it's a pleasure to smoke, I recomend you to grow her organically like I did snd you'll see!
3rd week in shes doing well love this auto purple so quick and easy to do respect to original sensible seeds your the best in my books peace growmies and happy smoking 😋👍💪
*****Week 17 growth – March 27 to Apr 2, 2021 – Week 8 flower ****** We are in the first full week of flush now. Color change time and more swelling😃👍 This girl has been a little smaller in bud mass but she has certainly been looking like fire little dense nugs on her💪👍😃 The smells coming off are increasing and getting some pine or lemon notes as well as woody. Buds are really dense but the lowers are going to end up in extracts as she has grown tight in a way and it’s been a little tough getting some light down lower in her. The girls are drinking well with being watered almost everyday. Moving into the phase of letting the pots dry right out before adding more water to ensure they are finishing all the nutrients in the media. Again, really just keeping them watered when they want it and taking pictures at this point😎 Little more detail….. Mar 27/21, Day 50 - 4L plain water at 6.0pH - fade is starting but she just isn’t going to lighten up as much as I would like by the time we get to the end......all is good though. Mar 28/21, Day 51 - 4L watering today with RO water. - 30ppm and 6.1pH Mar 29/21, Day 52 - cold in the tent today so turned the heater back on to brin up to 77 degrees. It was holding at 74, a little low. - nothing watered. Mar 30/21, Day 53 - 4L watering with tap water at 5.8pH - leaf edges darkening and showing some fade😃 Mar 31/21, Day 54 - watered late in the day with only 3L of RO water - 25ppm and 6.1 pH Apr 1/21, Day 55 - dry out day Apr 2/21, Day 56 - light power reduced again and down to 300 watts. - plain water with tap. - 3L each 280ppm and 6.1pH Through week 8 and going into 9 now. Still some nutrient to keep working on in the leaves......give them a little more time💪👍
Emerald Triangle Seeds - GSC x Headband · Custom Breeder & Strain
Fission 300W · Custom
GT 120x120x200cm(4'x4'x6.5') · Mars Hydro
Mycorrhizal Inoculant · Dynomyco
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
VeloKelp · Remo Nutrients
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
H.O.G. Micro · Innovating Plant Products
H.O.G. Grow · Innovating Plant Products
H.O.G. Bloom · Innovating Plant Products
Ultimate B Plus · Innovating Plant Products
Black Storm · Innovating Plant Products
Gold Storm · Innovating Plant Products
Sea Storm · Innovating Plant Products
Red Sun · Innovating Plant Products
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
Microbial Mass - MIIM ·
Piranha · Advanced Nutrients
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
Microbial Mass - MIIM ·
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
Microbial Mass - MIIM ·
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
Cal-Mag Plus · Botanicare
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
Nature’s Candy · Remo Nutrients
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
Enzymes Komplete ·
Epsom Salt ·
Pro-silicate · Grotek
H.O.G. Carbs · Innovating Plant Products
Recharge · Real Growers
B-52 · Advanced Nutrients
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
Enzymes Komplete ·
Epsom Salt ·
Rezin · Green Planet Nutrients
Bud Fusion · Innovating Plant Products
Terpinator · Terpinator
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
Enzymes Komplete ·
Epsom Salt ·
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
Enzymes Komplete ·
Epsom Salt ·
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
Enzymes Komplete ·
Epsom Salt ·
Jet Fuel · Innovating Plant Products
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
Enzymes Komplete ·
Epsom Salt ·
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
Enzymes Komplete ·
Epsom Salt ·
Typhoon Cleanse · Innovating Plant Products
MIIM - Microbial Mass ·
Enzymes Komplete ·
Epsom Salt ·
Plain Tap Water ·
Very easy genetics did only topping at 21st day and just light feed throughout,she is very thirsty for cal-mag from early flowers ,not very much purple going on but i can see some pink going around ,produced very big colas ,now whole plant hanging to dry for about 7-10 days and will update soon 🌞🌞💚✂️😍 End result im pretty happy with love the purple colours too will defo run this again 💚💚💨🍑