All 18 CANNALOPE HAZE plants from DNA-GENETICS continued thru week 6 to develop their BEAUTIFUL flower crowns. The plants on the right under the Q6W-Gen. 2 LED-Lamps from SANlight are in general a little more uniform (all have almost the same height). The plants on the left side under the Lumatek PRO 600W are developing well, but some are smaller and some are taller. The production of flower seems to be on PAR now between the two sides, but thats hard to judge only by looking at them. In the end the weight will tell, who produced more flower. 😃 I still give only PURE tab-water, without any PH correction, since the BIOTABS nutrients are adjusting the ph-value and work for the FULL-CYCLE, its unbelievably easy and convenient, I LOVE IT! 😎 The Ambient Q240+ from HOMEBOX is now nicely filled by the plants and they continue to grow well. 😁 The Lumatek is still running at 100% at a distance of 50 cm from the top of the plants. The two SANlights at 60 cm distance were so strong (first signs of light bleaching) that I decreased the power by dimming them to 80% during week 6. I am curious to see how the test goes on further...