The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Amazing week for my girl 😁🌱🌿
~ FastBuds PAPAYA SHERBET Photoperiod~ Well here we go on another journey together through 'Canna-land' and this one's kinda special... forget that, it's VERY special because this is FastBuds newest surprise for the community, a FEMINIZED PHOTOPERIOD STRAIN!🤯 I was fortunate enough to score these seeds, of which only 1000 were available and can't wait to see what this strain can do! This Papaya Sherbet, according to FastBuds, is a hybrid with a 9-10 weeks flowering period. For a more detailed and accurate description of this strain the following from FastBuds says it best: "Combining the massive stature of Papaya (Oni Selection) with the strength and resilience of one of our best keeper cuts (Sunset Sherbet), this strain develops into a big, expansive bush adorned with numerous bud sites that later transform into a generous harvest of medium-sized buds. Papaya Sherbet flowers deliver a signature flavor of premium cannabis with subtle citrus undertones that emerge upon inhaling. During growth, her aroma makes for a sweet yet pleasantly bitter fragrance, giving you an idea of what the smoke will taste like. Notably stress-resistant, Papaya Sherbet is a great choice for growers working in challenging environments. She is very forgiving and rebounds quickly from any adversity, allowing growers the freedom to experiment with confidence that she will take everything like a champion she is. This strain embodies resilience, flavor, and abundant yields in every grow cycle." Sounds like an epic strain and I personally cannot wait for this lady to strut her stuff!😍 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Setup: This is going to be an outdoor grow, but I have started the Papaya Sherbet photoperiod indoors as our weather is still a bit too chilly to put a newly sprouted seedling outside (nighttime temp's dipping regularly into the 40's℉). The plan is simple... let her grow inside under a 19/5 light schedule until the nighttime temperatures are in the mid 50's℉, which shouldn't be long. After which, she'll be moved outside and transplanted into the soil which I have already setup and inoculated with beneficial microbes from BioTabs and slow release dry amendments from Gaia Green. Once she's established herself outside she'll be given periodic top dressings of Gaia Green 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 along with worm castings and Compost Tea's. Her grow area is approx. 5'x5' and I have posts and a trellis net set up already for when she gets bigger to aid in training her. Let the fun begin!🤪💚 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Updates: 7/18- Well, we're now going into the 10th week of veg for this FastBuds Papaya Sherbet photoperiod. She's becoming quite the tall lady with wide node spacing and a classic 'Christmas tree' shape. Her overall health and vigor have remained excellent and she's tolerating our oppressive heat with out complaint! 7/20- The daily watering of 5g continues, as does the hot weather. 7/22- Yesterday, I top dressed the FastBuds Papaya Sherbet photoperiod with 2 1/2 cups of Gaia Green 2-8-4 along with 1 cup of Down To Earth Bio-Fish 7-7-2 and 1/2g of Wiggle Worm castings. After top dressing and working the amendments in by hand I replaced the straw coating over the soil and watered them in with 5g of straight well water via garden hose as usual. Today I resumed my regular watering routine, watering late in the afternoon with 5g of well water from the garden hose. 7/24- There goes ten weeks of veg for the FastBuds Papaya Sherbet photo and she shows no signs of slowing her vertical growth at this time. I am hoping that with our daylight hours slowly diminishing, the Papaya Sherbet will begin to transition into flower in the next few weeks so that it won't be late October before she's ready to harvest... we will see! Thank you for checking out my diary, your positive comments and support make it all worthwhile! 💚Growers Love!💚😎🙏
ScrOG aus rankengitter und weich ummantelten Draht gebunden, konnte Fingerhash machen nach dem einflechten hätte echt Handschuhe anziehen sollen. Bin sehr von den Damen überzeugt. 12 Tage 24h Licht Zyklus und 2 Tage Umstellung seit Woche 11. extrem später Start mit offizieller Blüte dennoch ist die Vorarbeit von den Damen der hammer. Sie haben die Samenbildung sofort eingestellt und diese wieder abgebaut. Hätte damit gerechnet, dass der Blütenstand und die harz/Terpen Produktion nahezu eingestellt werden. Die bananas haben schon Daumen-dicke buds und riechen super süßlich, die Zake besetzen weiterhin fleißig die sonnensegel, riechen etwas zwischen Basilikum-Beeren mit etwas Diesel. Die painkiller (9/9 thc/Cbd) von royal Queen ist als Balkonprojekt Anfang März gestart und bitterlich verkümmert, habe sie seit einigen Wochen mit im Schrank unter gebracht nimmt jetzt einen platzt ein. Hatte sie auch gefimmt, hat sie nicht doll gestört musste sie mehrfach brechen/Knicken damit sie unter den Scrog passt. Rundherum läuft es wieder, nur die bananas haben leichte Mängel, morgen kriegen die beiden eine extra Dosis. 🐝
Start of week 7 day 43. All nutrients have been stopped and 1 week of finale only. The girls are packing on some weight and filling out nicely. Buds are very dense.
Note: jegliches Equipment findet ihr in der Germinations Woche . Day 22: PPFD 410 * 20h = DLI 29.52 Day 23: Day 24: + Dünger + + 0.5 Flaschenwasser + + + Rhizotonic + + + Terra Vega + + 0.6 Leitungswasser + final PH 6.5 Day 25: Day 26: Day 27: + Flaschenwasser 2.5 L (PH 7.2 EC 0.26) + + CanaCym + Final PH 6.1 = Drain : EC 1.325 Sieht bissel danach aus als hab ich etwas zuviel Urgesteinsmehr in die Erde eingearbeitet :)) Muss ich halt bissel spaarsamer mit der Düngung umgehen . Day 28: Das Wetter und die liebe Luftfeuchtigkeit :(( Manchmal denk ich das ich Outdoor growe :)) Im Video sieht man schön wie der kleine Zwerk sich selber mit seinen riesen Blättern SCROG mäßig den Wuchs in die Breite erzwingt :)) Die Blütentriebe müssen halt den Weg zum Licht mit aller Anstrengung erreichen .
Avertissement de chaleur tout la semaine avec de température autour de 42 en après midi et 30 la nuit . Humidité très élevée
She got a nice fade going. Been feeding just ph’d water this week. Idk if she’s slowed down drinking or if my soil is a little water logged but the pots definitely staying heavier throughout the week. Dropped my light closer to the canopy but lowered the I reality slightly cause temps were creeping into the 80’s. I think we’re cruisin. Can’t wait to see how she turns out.
The temperatures, humidity, height, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil to be spread evenly on top of the soil. Day 1 we had a high temperature of 88°F. We had on and off rain and thunderstorms throughout the day. The rain took care of the watering. The #1 and #2 plant responded well to defoliation and treatment. The #3 plant will have some more leaves stripped and everyone will get treated with Growers Ally again tomorrow. Day 2 we had a high temperature of 94°F with clear sunny skies. I watered about 5 gallons from the well. I treated these again with Growers Ally fungicide. The warmer nights, blazing sun, and this fungicide have really cleared up that powdery mildew. They've also decided to go all in on flowering. Day 3 we had a high temperature of 94° with sunny skies. Heat index was over a hundred. It was super hot today. I watered twice about 8 gallons total. Everything looked good after treatment. Day 4 we had a high temperature of 95 and partly cloudy skies. I watered twice about 4-5 gallons each time with well water. Day 5 we had a high temperature of 91°F with partly cloudy skies. I watered twice today 4-5 gallons each pot, each time. The #3 plant is still having some pm on a few of the lower leaves. The other two look great after treatment. Day 6 we had a high temperature of 88°F with sunny skies. I watered 5-6 gallons each pot. Day 7 we had a high temperature of 93°F with sunny clear skies. I watered 4-5 gallons each pot twice, from the well. This week was a success. The girls survived the powdery mildew outbreak. The Growers Ally worked great. They're continuing to grow tall. I can get my tape up there, but they're so tall I can't reach it with my step ladder to take the pictures. The super hot weather this last week just turned them on. They are loving it.
Iniziò fioritura,.oggi 2 agosto, secondo giorno a 12 ore...dopo aver sofferto anche lei 3 mesi dentro AD un vaso da un litro... adesso con questo vaso da 11 dovrei riuscire a portarla. A maturazione,,,💪😂
Iniziò fioritura,.oggi 2 agosto, secondo giorno a 12 ore...dopo aver sofferto anche lei 3 mesi dentro AD un vaso da un litro... adesso con questo vaso da 11 dovrei riuscire a portarla. A maturazione,,,💪😂
Iniziò fioritura,.oggi 2 agosto, secondo giorno a 12 ore...dopo aver sofferto anche lei 3 mesi dentro AD un vaso da un litro... adesso con questo vaso da 11 dovrei riuscire a portarla. A maturazione,,,💪😂
Gracias al equipo de Divine Seeds, Marshydro y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no seria posible. 💐🍁Fractal: La semilla de marihuana Fractal es una cepa especialmente psicodélica que Semillas Divinas desarrolló para experiencias esotéricas y místicas, meditación y creatividad. La potente y vívida Skunk#1 fue cruzada con una pegajosa Afghani Indica, y el resultado es ahora conocido como Fractal. Este exótico híbrido es resinoso, picante y productivo. La mejor opción para el cultivo comercial: un compromiso entre mayores rendimientos y maduración rápida. En interiores se espera una altura de 1,70 m, en exteriores las plantas crecen hasta 2 m. Fractal se adapta a todo tipo de entorno de cultivo: cajas de cultivo, instalaciones hidropónicas o aeropónicas, plantaciones exteriores, balcones, terrazas e invernaderos. Para un mejor rendimiento se recomienda entrenar a las plantas de Fractal para ampliar su estructura y limitar su crecimiento vertical. Usar ScroG o SoG, LST, FIM o topping. Fractal tiene una inmunidad inherente al moho y a las plagas de insectos, pero como sus colas son gruesas, proteja sus plantas del aire viciado. También durante las semanas de lluvia su plantación puede necesitar ser cubierta. Listo para la cosecha al aire libre en octubre. Grandes y densos cogollos. Los cogollos de marihuana de la variedad Fractral huelen a hachís y algo a tierra, desprenden cedro y notas afrutadas al romperse. Mida su porción con cuidado: su potencia está por encima de la media. Con Fractal experimentas un apedreamiento general que te hace sentarte o frena tu movimiento. Perfecto para pasar una noche junto a una hoguera. Es mejor consumirlo por la noche. 🚀🌻 Consigue aquí tus semillas: 💡FC6500: Eficiencia líder en el mercado: la lámpara de cultivo LED FC-E6500, que ostenta un estatus líder en el mercado, es una solución rentable con un PPE de 2,8 µmol/J y un rendimiento máximo de 2,5 g/vatio. Ofrece un PPF alto de 2026 umol/S y es adecuada para una cobertura de vegetación de 1,50 m x 1,50 m y una cobertura de flores de 1,20 m x 1,20 m. Iluminación versátil y uniforme. 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 5: Gran semana , he eliminado las ramas bajas y a algunos ejemplares se les ha practicado poda apical. Voy a dejarlas unos dias mas en crecimiento antes de pasarlas a floración para asi ocupar mas espacio en la carpa. Continuo con las dosis de nutrientes recomendadas por el fabricante. Se vuelve a aplicar tierra de diatomeas para evitar plagas indeseadas. Potencia del foco: 42% Extra UV: 5min x dia
I'm back! Almost gave up on these ladies but the genetics from Speedrun Seeds pulled through. They just patiently waited until I got the root issues figured out then proceeded to blow up. Floraflex Rootdrip saved roots without a doubt. I'll never run DWC without it again. Today was day 110. No idea what to expect for a dry weight just glad to be at my first harvest!
Gelonade by MSNL Seeds, powered by XpertNutrients, Spider-Farmer+Mars-Hydro. Plant done super good in her last wk of flowering. Ripening was really smooth. Since it begun mid last week after fattening had finished. I continued to use my IR730nm even with the same hours it allowed me to keep an Intense ppf while doing other plants and just lowering time under light. Buds are lovely and big. Really happy with how everything turned out. And just really glad to do this strain. Defo an add to my do again list. Have found an whys 7 strains I will add to my list of grows, or similar traits. Lemon, orange and gasey and this has touches of grapefruit and citrus is strong with gasey notes. Thanks to my sponsors and to all whom stopped by. I truly appreciate yall. Look forward to seen your diaries. Thanks XpertNutrients & MSNL.