Day 21:
From day 10 to 21 I couldn't take care of the plants because of private reasons,
I asked my friend to take care of the plants and he didn't do a good job!
He should had asked me or alerted me when he saw mayor problems, not just saying a little bit of light green or yellow.
As you can see, we have alot of yellowing beneeth the plants, different sizes and even got some burnt leafs indicate that he didn't water on time.
Did some run-off checks and saw many various values😓
Ph between 6.8-7.5 and EC between 1 to 2.
The PH should had been 5.8-6 and EC at this stage 1.8+ since they need alot of nutrients because cocos soil doesn't have any.
Because of this shit, they have been underfed, burnt, stress and more. Not ideal for autoflowers.
Even the reservoir from humidifier was empty, indicating that it hasn't been filled for days!!
Also he didn't sorted the plants out, there are always spots that get dryer faster or stay more wet. Get more light or less.
Therefore it is wise to change spots of your plants all the time, I call it dancing.
Your plants will grow more equally.
If you look at the bigger plants, this should had been the size of all the plants sadly.
They now look like they are in end of week 2 instead of week 3 and the bad plants end of week 1 😕
I did some defolation on some plants on the lower area.
Roots start to show underneeth the pots, which is really good.
I putted the bad plants in left under corner, Lets hope I can still nurse them.
I still have 1-2 weeks to fix this before it goes into flowering, lets hope they will still grow double in size, otherwise this will be a lower rewarding grow.