Hello world,
The previous week had a lot of growth and stretching...Angie is almost 50 cm while the other two girls have stretched their side shoots...Two days ago Lucy and Michelle started to stay in the dark for 13 hours...I put them inside a closet during the night...Angie is too tall for the closet so she will just stay outside and follow nature's schedule...
☠️Day 43...when I took them out of the closet their leaves were a bit clawing...I think because of temperature and humidity...anyway after a few hours in the sun they came back to normal..I have to LST Lucy more as her shoots are getting taller every day... The new growth in all girls is a bit yellowish, so I am thinking of top dressing them with some Bio Grow from GHF...
☠️Day 44...Lucy is too tall for the closet...I will just have Michelle to flower in there...her LST is keeping her short enough to stretch and flower in the small kitchen closet..finally the weather is sunny and warm here,summer has come...I top dressed them with Bio Grow,as from the colour of the new growth I can tell they need Nitrogen...From tonight on Angie and Lucy will be sleeping outdoors,no more Leds during the night...they will be there until their end...
☠️Day 45...💧first night on the balcony...everything is OK...Michelle is under 12/12 and waiting for those first pistils to show up...I watered today...they seem to be thirsty more often as the temps outside rise...I give them 2 L instead of 1,5 L...
☠️Day 46...Angie has reached 55 cm...Michelle has started showing sex and Lucy is just growing...
☠️Day 47...Angie is becoming a beast...I love her natural shape...Michelle on the other hand has not shown any flowers yet...I hope there is no light leak in the closet she is spending 12 hours...probably needs her time...
☠️Day 48...Michelle shows tiny pistils...I am not sure yet though if they are flower pistils or sex ones...Angie has reached 65 cm...their soil gets dry fast due to the otdoor temps which are at 32°-34° C...
☠️Day 49..💧had to water again...this time I gave them 3 L each...with less than that there is no runoff... I think I see pistils on Michelle,real ones...it's kind of windy and I have to be careful with them...I have a safe spot but its not sunny throughout the day,so I am moving them around...
Another week is over,we head on to the 8th...thank you all for watching,stay safe and happy growing☠️