Día 90 (15/04) Purple Lemonade FF empieza a teñir de morado las puntas de sus hojas, a la vez que tiene una senescencia preciosa donde sus hojas se tiñen de amarillo limón... Día 91 (16/04) Riego 0,5 Litro H20 sin nutrientes. TDS 225 PPMs - pH 6,6 Día 92 (17/04) Estas plantas están muy sedientas en la fase final! Riego 1 Litro H20 sin nutrientes. TDS 225 PPMs - pH 6,6 Día 93 (18/04) El olor empieza a es tan intenso que sale a través del armario a pesar de tener un potente filtro de carbono 😍😍😍 Día 94 (19/04) Mañana la cosecha! Último riego con 0,5 Litro H20 sin nutrientes. TDS 225 PPMs - pH 6,6 Día 95 (20/04) Fiesta de la cosecha! 💪 🚀 🎉 😍💥💨😁 💦Nutrients by Gen1:11 - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - ----------------------------------------------- Cosecha Reporte de Peso húmedo & Peso Seco de Purple Lemonade FF by FastBuds ⚖️ Total peso húmedo 353 g ⚖️ Total peso seco TBD 💦Pérdida de H2O durante el proceso de secado TBD 🎨Colores Los colores han sido preciosos, verde brillante durante toda su vida y al final ha empezado a teñir de morado las puntas de sus hojas, a la vez que tiene una senescencia preciosa donde sus hojas se tiñen de amarillo limón… 😍 👃Olores 💐Floración Fuerte aroma a limón (en momentos a “friega suelos” de limón), tierra, skunk… 🏜️ Secado TBD 🍗 Curado TBD 🍽️Sabor A definir cuando esté bien curada en el reporte de humo Variedad 💪Resistencia Una planta resistente que ha soportado el peso final de los cogollos. Solo una de sus ramas que tenía un cogollo muy gordo ha necesitado soporte con cañas de bambú o similar 🏋️‍♂️Entrenamiento: Se ha adaptado bien al LST realizado. 🌱Vegetativo: Un vegetativo muy parejo, como si hubiese tenido Topping, pero no! 💐 Floración: Un paso a floración rápido (5 días desde 12/12), un stretch del 300% pero con todas ramas a la misma altura prácticamente! ¡Impresionante! Genética: El resumen sería un perfil terpénico impresionante por la mezcla definida antes y unos cogollos muy gordos y densos con colores preciosos y aroma delicioso 👨‍⚖️Conclusión: Una cepa muy muy recomendable! ¡A ver cuando se seque y se cure con qué sabores nos sorprende!
March 18 I've moved the plant to a separate tent from the other, so that I can flip that plant to 12/12 light schedule for flowering. That plant is going to need all the space it can get too. This second tent is quite a bit colder being in a different room with only one grow light. For now I'm going to default to a 24 hour schedule, but will soon be switching to a 20/4 schedule to give some sleeping time. We're just about ready for another round of feeding either tonight or tomorrow.
March 18 Sherbet has the tent to themselves now. I've flipped to a 12/12 flowering light schedule for Sherbet. You're supposed to imagine what the current plant looks like doubled in size, and flip to flowering according to what you think your tent could handle. The other tent is larger than this one, but it's in a much colder room, so having 12 hours without the heat from the lights could have been harsh for the plant. This room can hover around 50-60F on cold nights, so Sherbet will just stay in this tent to grow. Temps have lowered 5+ degrees by removing the other plant and it's light.
03/18/24. Entering week 4 wow. Times flying. Nothing really interesting to update on. #2 is driving me crazy. It seems like she’s always getting upset about something. When I think I figured her out.. she’s like nah, here’s some other strange leaf issues. The other 2 seem perfectly fine. Im thinking now maybe from me cutting back on food before because she seemed over fed-now she’s too hungry. Her leaves seem a bit pale in certain areas now with tiny reddish coloring on edges. Aside from that it seems like she’s still doing her flower thing. All 3 seem frosty and the leaves are sticky and smelly lol. Going to feed #2 a bit heavier than the others for now. Forgot on post earlier to say- Light at 18 above at 75%
I started watering with clear water 3 days ago, the lower leaves started to turn yellow or dry. The first amber pistils appeared, CBD Rich has a few more. The trichomes that I observed with a loupe are currently clear and milky. The smell of the juanita is starting to be divine, fruity and tropical 🍍, it reminds me of the beach, but I won't be able to tell you what exotic fruit it is, I haven't eaten enough of it. The buds have also grown quite a bit. I think this is the largest quantity I have ever seen in this box. The harvest will perhaps be in 20 days Music : Toi mourir - Serge Gainsbourg little update to show you the impressive colors during the senescence that one of the 4 took, probably it's a little cooler under the fan. They are all starting to yellow, but it should last until 65 days. There will probably be no more leaves this day.
Floracion (Tiempo estimado 64 dias) Decima Semana de Floracion 11/03/2024 - 5:00hrs y 22hrs: Se hace cambio de cubeta y solucion, Se hace Lavado de cubetas, tuberias, bomba, humificador, y perifericos, Se realiza limpieza completa del indoor, Se verifican parámetros básicos del agua, mantener cuidados específicos, el olor empieza a ser mucho mas penetrante con solo abrir el indoor se nota el aroma muy delicioso, empiezan a observarse mas el crecimiento de los Cogollos. Agua de osmosis: Ph 6.0, PPm 550-750, Ec 1.2-1.4, Temperatura 18°C - 24°C Ambiente: Temperatura 19-25 °C, Humedad 55%, Ventilación 20%, 12 hrs de luz , 12 hrs de obscuridad. 12/03/2024 - 5:00hrs y 22hrs: Se verifican parámetros básicos del agua, mantener cuidados específicos. Agua de osmosis: Ph 6.0, PPm 550-750, Ec 1.2-1.4, Temperatura 18°C - 24°C Ambiente: Temperatura 19-25 °C, Humedad 55%, Ventilación 20%, 12 hrs de luz , 12 hrs de obscuridad. 13/03/2024 - 5:00hrs y 22hrs: Se verifican parámetros básicos del agua, mantener cuidados específicos. Agua de osmosis: Ph 6.0, PPm 550-750, Ec 1.2-1.4, Temperatura 18°C - 24°C Ambiente: Temperatura 19-25 °C, Humedad 55%, Ventilación 20%, 12 hrs de luz , 12 hrs de obscuridad. 14/03/2024 - 5:00hrs y 22hrs: Se verifican parámetros básicos del agua, mantener cuidados específicos. Agua de osmosis: Ph 6.0, PPm 550-750, Ec 1.2-1.4, Temperatura 18°C - 24°C Ambiente: Temperatura 19-25 °C, Humedad 55%, Ventilación 20%, 12 hrs de luz , 12 hrs de obscuridad. 15/03/2024 - 5:00hrs y 22hrs: Se verifican parámetros básicos del agua, mantener cuidados específicos. Agua de osmosis: Ph 6.0, PPm 550-750, Ec 1.2-1.4, Temperatura 18°C - 24°C Ambiente: Temperatura 19-25 °C, Humedad 55%, Ventilación 20%, 12 hrs de luz , 12 hrs de obscuridad. 16/03/2024 - 5:00hrs y 22hrs: Se verifican parámetros básicos del agua, mantener cuidados específicos. Agua de osmosis: Ph 6.0, PPm 550-750, Ec 1.2-1.4, Temperatura 18°C - 24°C Ambiente: Temperatura 19-25 °C, Humedad 55%, Ventilación 20%, 12 hrs de luz , 12 hrs de obscuridad. 17/03/2024 - 5:00hrs y 22hrs: Se verifican parámetros básicos del agua, mantener cuidados específicos. Agua de osmosis: Ph 6.0, PPm 550-750, Ec 1.2-1.4, Temperatura 18°C - 24°C Ambiente: Temperatura 19-25 °C, Humedad 55%, Ventilación 20%, 12 hrs de luz , 12 hrs de obscuridad.
makka seeds amnesia · Custom Breeder & Strain
Mars Hydro TSW2000 · Mars Hydro
SE1000W · Spider Farmer
FloraMicro (ml/gal) ·
FloraGrow (ml/gal) ·
FloraBloom (ml/gal) ·
Orca Enraizante (ml/gal) ·
FloraMicro (ml/gal) ·
FloraGrow (ml/gal) ·
FloraBloom (ml/gal) ·
Orca Enraizante (ml/gal) ·
CALiMAGic (ml/gal) ·
Armor Si (ml/gal) ·
Flora Nectar(ml/gal) ·
Flora Blend (ml/gal) ·
Diamon Nectar (ml/gal) ·
FloraMicro (ml/gal) ·
FloraGrow (ml/gal) ·
FloraBloom (ml/gal) ·
Orca Enraizante (ml/gal) ·
CALiMAGic (ml/gal) ·
Armor Si (ml/gal) ·
Flora Nectar(ml/gal) ·
Flora Blend (ml/gal) ·
Diamon Nectar (ml/gal) ·
FloraMicro (ml/gal) ·
FloraGrow (ml/gal) ·
FloraBloom (ml/gal) ·
Orca Enraizante (ml/gal) ·
CALiMAGic (ml/gal) ·
Armor Si (ml/gal) ·
Flora Nectar(ml/gal) ·
Flora Blend (ml/gal) ·
Diamon Nectar (ml/gal) ·
FloraMicro (ml/gal) ·
FloraGrow (ml/gal) ·
FloraBloom (ml/gal) ·
Orca Enraizante (ml/gal) ·
CALiMAGic (ml/gal) ·
Armor Si (ml/gal) ·
Flora Nectar(ml/gal) ·
Flora Blend (ml/gal) ·
Diamon Nectar (ml/gal) ·
FloraMicro (ml/gal) ·
FloraGrow (ml/gal) ·
FloraBloom (ml/gal) ·
Orca Enraizante (ml/gal) ·
CALiMAGic (ml/gal) ·
Armor Si (ml/gal) ·
Flora Nectar(ml/gal) ·
Flora Blend (ml/gal) ·
Diamon Nectar (ml/gal) ·
FloraMicro (ml/gal) ·
FloraGrow (ml/gal) ·
FloraBloom (ml/gal) ·
Orca Enraizante (ml/gal) ·
CALiMAGic (ml/gal) ·
Armor Si (ml/gal) ·
Flora Nectar(ml/gal) ·
Flora Blend (ml/gal) ·
Diamon Nectar (ml/gal) ·
FloraMicro (ml/gal) ·
FloraGrow (ml/gal) ·
FloraBloom (ml/gal) ·
Orca Enraizante (ml/gal) ·
CALiMAGic (ml/gal) ·
Armor Si (ml/gal) ·
Flora Nectar(ml/gal) ·
Flora Blend (ml/gal) ·
Diamon Nectar (ml/gal) ·
FloraMicro (ml/gal) ·
FloraGrow (ml/gal) ·
FloraBloom (ml/gal) ·
CALiMAGic (ml/gal) ·
Armor Si (ml/gal) ·
Flora Nectar(ml/gal) ·
Flora Blend (ml/gal) ·
Diamon Nectar (ml/gal) ·
FloraMicro (ml/gal) ·
FloraGrow (ml/gal) ·
FloraBloom (ml/gal) ·
CALiMAGic (ml/gal) ·
Armor Si (ml/gal) ·
Flora Nectar(ml/gal) ·
Flora Blend (ml/gal) ·
Diamon Nectar (ml/gal) ·
FloraMicro (ml/gal) ·
FloraGrow (ml/gal) ·
FloraBloom (ml/gal) ·
CALiMAGic (ml/gal) ·
Armor Si (ml/gal) ·
Flora Nectar(ml/gal) ·
Flora Blend (ml/gal) ·
Diamon Nectar (ml/gal) ·
FloraMicro (ml/gal) ·
FloraGrow (ml/gal) ·
FloraBloom (ml/gal) ·
CALiMAGic (ml/gal) ·
Armor Si (ml/gal) ·
Flora Nectar(ml/gal) ·
Flora Blend (ml/gal) ·
Diamon Nectar (ml/gal) ·
FloraMicro (ml/gal) ·
FloraGrow (ml/gal) ·
FloraBloom (ml/gal) ·
FloraMicro ·
FloraGrow ·
FloraBloom ·
FloraMicro ·
FloraGrow ·
FloraBloom ·
Agua de osmosis ·
Light defoliation and using LST clips to produce a few more clone sites before flipping these girls into flower. They are both ready, with the hella jelly showing calyxes and the jelly donutz showing sex. The Donutz Triploid has so much stretch and too much internodal spacing to do much more cloning. Hoping to clone one more off her before the flip. Added pics of the triploid!
Diesmal habe ich mich dazu entschieden nur die Sonnensegel rauszuschneiden und die Zuckerblätter zum trocken an der Pflanze zu lassen. Vom ersten Eindruck her, ist der grow sehr gut verlaufen. Die Bude sind Fett und mit Trichomen überzogen.. Freue mich schon aufs Trimjail. Nach 14 Tagen Trocknen habe ich mich an den Feinschnitt gewagt. Von den zwei Pflanzen konnte ich 155g feste dicke Buds und 110g Trim ernten. Die Buds sind zum curen in einen Cvault mit einem Boveda Pack (67g 58%) gekommen.
Photo taken on day 67 / Flowering 35 ------------------------------------------------------------ 💧Watering Day 63 : 1 Liter Day 66 : 1.5 Liter with Bio Enhancer I add Bioenhancer once every 14 days +/-. with 1 gram per liter I add very few nutrients to my water because I have already placed Bio Nutrients directly in my soil 😉 (BioGrow & BioBloom added on week 1 & 5) ------------------------------------------------------------ 🔥❄️Temperature of the week : Day : 21-24°C (Humidity : 55-70%) Night : 17-19°C ------------------------------------------------------------ 🚀Equipment of the week ⭐️ : Lamp Led 300W : power 95% at 40cm Extractor+ carbon filter ON 24/24h 2 fans ON 12/24h ------------------------------------------------------------ 📜Links : 🌱Zamnesia Gelato seeds : Food for your plants 🔥🔥👍 👨‍🚀My Instagram 🌱❤️️: ------------------------------------------------------------ ☮️Thanks for your visit💚☮️
Day 29 an her topping went well .. she been a slow grow but that had been on purpose... I just simply have no room for her at the moment so I just started giving her food like 2 days ago.. I topped her the other day and that's the first of many ... this is gonna be a plant I veg for a while.. I have the time and I want to get 4 or 5 sets of toppings in .. this is my first photoperiod indoors ( grew one once outside) so I wanna play with this .. I'd like to get atleast a half pound of this Jamaican landrace ! Happy growing everyone and thanks for stopping by! All likes and comments are appreciated! ✌️
The Pure Ice cream clone is doing great. I did catch the mutation from the mother plant. The whole plant but 2 leaves is light green vs what it would be as seen in picture. I wonder if it will effect the bud quality 🤔 . Anyway she has been drinking and consuming large doses of nutrition with ease. She looks like she is gonna have a good yield on the clone. Thank you Pure Instinto, and Spider Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
FBT2402 is hanging in there. She has had a rough life so far. She is flowering though. I did a solution change on her yesterday, and just corrected the ph today. Hopefully everything is gonna keep hanging on. The end is getting closer. Thank you Fast Buds, Medic Grow, and Athena. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 If anyone needs to purchase fastbuds here is a link for my affiliate program
Welcome to my Banana Purple Punch diary. 🍌💜🤪💥🥊 In this Diary: Seeds: [420 Fast Buds]from my growmie Tropicannibis_Todd 👊🏻😎 Media: Pro~Mix HP Open Top Grow Bag, Connect. Nutrients: Green Planet Nutrients, 2 Part Dual Fuel starter kit. RealGrowers: Recharge. Diablo nutrients: Ripping. Feeding : Wed 13Mar: 3 1/3L Nutes/Recharge pH'd 6.5 Sat 16Mar: 2.6L Monster K,Blaster pH'd 6.5 ___________________________ __________________________ Buds are getting chunkier.😋 She smell so nice! ___________________________ Thanks for stopping by, likes and comments are appreciated.👊🏻😎 Keep on growin! Keep on tokin!!! 😙💨💨💨💨💨
Welcome to my Banana Purple Punch diary. 🍌💜🤪💥🥊 In this Diary: Seeds: [420 Fast Buds]from my growmie Tropicannibis_Todd 👊🏻😎 Media: Pro~Mix HP Open Top Grow Bag, Connect. Nutrients: Green Planet Nutrients, 2 Part Dual Fuel starter kit. RealGrowers: Recharge. Diablo nutrients: Ripping. Feeding : Wed 13Mar: 3 1/3L Nutes/Recharge pH'd 6.5 Sat 16Mar: 2.6L Monster K,Blaster pH'd 6.5 ___________________________ __________________________ Buds are getting chunkier.😋 She smell so nice! ___________________________ Thanks for stopping by, likes and comments are appreciated.👊🏻😎 Keep on growin! Keep on tokin!!! 😙💨💨💨💨💨
Welcome to my Strawberry Pie 🍓🥧diary. In this Diary: Seeds: [420 Fast Buds]from my growmie Tropicannibis_Todd 👊🏻😎 Media: Pro~Mix HP Open Top Grow Bag, Connect. Nutrients: Green Planet Nutrients, 2 Part Dual Fuel starter kit. RealGrowers: Recharge. Diablo nutrients: Ripping. Feeding : Wed 13Mar: 3 1/3L Nutes/Recharge pH'd 6.5 Sat 16Mar: 2.6L Monster K,Blaster pH'd 6.5 ___________________________ __________________________ She got some delicious looking buds!😋 ___________________________ Thanks for stopping by, likes and comments are appreciated.👊🏻😎 Keep on growin! Keep on tokin!!! 😙💨💨💨💨💨
Welcome to my Cherry🍒Cola diary. In this Diary: Seeds: [420 Fast Buds]from my growmie Tropicannibis_Todd 👊🏻😎 Media: Pro~Mix HP Open Top Grow Bag, Connect. Nutrients: Green Planet Nutrients, 2 Part Dual Fuel starter kit. RealGrowers: Recharge. Diablo nutrients: Ripping. Feeding : Wed 13Mar: 3 1/3L Nutes/Recharge pH'd 6.5 Sat 16Mar: 2.6L Monster K,Blaster pH'd 6.5 ___________________________ __________________________ She's so gorgeously filled with buds!😋 ___________________________ Thanks for stopping by, likes and comments are appreciated.👊🏻😎 Keep on growin! Keep on tokin!!! 😙💨💨💨💨💨