La verdad el cultivo con plagron se desarrollo muy bien, al ser la primera vez que los usaba he pecado un pelin de echar de menos, pero nada que no haya podido solucionar, los empiezo a entender bien, me da que el próximo cultivo va a ser una bomba, las dejaré hasta el 23 /12 y las ✂️ ❤️
This girl went 110 days from germination. I harvested her on Boxing Day morning, nothing fancy, just cut at the base and hung whole. She’ll be dried for around 10 days at 55%RH - 19*c and then put into jars for curing. She was quite a slow grower throughout, but never gave me any trouble. She was a pleasure to grow from start to finish. Il post an update once she’s dried and had a weeks cure 🌱💚
It was a pleasure for me to do this small pot/cup challenge. For me it was my first time when i do a small pot,i hope you enjoy. I choose this strain bicuse its very easy to grow and shes does a lot of buds,i week 10 she take a purple/rose culor sow nice and sow beauthyful. Take care of you and good grow boys and girls
Left um 4 days over Christmas being a lazy bum and come back to half a tent off yellow a lot of fan leaves are looking sickly / fell off altogether most yellow leaves have been pulled off plants lost a lot of they fam leaves all in maybe abit too many , it’s hard because one person tells ya leave um all on and another person will tell ya take um all off so we just been seeing what works ourselfs and still ain’t got the foggiest , when ya rub the buds you get hints off lemon / pepper and fresh dog shit 🤣🤣 as I say we have um last feed of nutes this week and started to flush um they take about 6 litres of water through the pots untill any type of coloured run off and we only have 100l so 3 days at it we got through about 10 plants and we gave up 🤣🤣 so again intrested to see the finished prouduct if flushing does change the taste of the smoke , saying this the plants we have flushed seem to be looking alot more healthy than the ones we haven’t so deffo leaning towards a lockout or too high nutes for the girls , alot of rusting and alot of burnt frazzled tips one plant we chopped early and didn’t even get a gram of smoke able off it just alot of leaf n skinny buds , it being a first time go at this I’m not really too disappointed with the outcome but deffo kicking myself at how many I rammed in togther , some of the top Kolas are looking 10/10 but other than the top kolas the rest ain’t worth a wank to me , all in all learnt a lot though so excited to finish this one up and get cracking with number 2 I’m leaning towards bud Buddha seeds cheese puffs after smoking some zheez that’s going around the country at the minute cheese x zkittles , anyway happy growing people and don’t forget to drop a comment if you have anything to say or ask
Both of these Gorilla Punch and Cherry Cola were a pleasure to grow. Very easy and forgiven not finicky at all. Very dense tricome covered flowers. They cured absolutely amazing bag appeal and taste to match. I highly recommend. I'm late adding this last step to the dairy as I thought I was finished didn't know I had to ad this step.
At the end of week 3 I topped one of the strawberry cough they are all looking good and starting to veg I’m all caught up with the grow diary’s and will add at the end of every week. I’m in Australia and did start a little late into the season but hope to get a decent grow in they will be at my brothers once transplanted and he has a few aswel that I will add into the grow log nothing but sun and water only use a little thrive that’s from Bunnings that I get from my pops shed. They will be in a nicer cleaner soil when transplanted into veggie beds and will have chicken poo as a nutrient source first time ever using chicken poo so see how it goes. Will keep the grow log updated and hopefully everything goes all well for the travel and transplant for the plants in the next few days
Hello growers, I haven't shown you my plants for three weeks, I'm ashamed, I don't know what they are like, I let one dry and it weighs 5.68g, which is ridiculous... The second is still blooming and I have the impression that nothing will happen to it. .