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Gracias al equipo de Seedsman y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Alaskan Do-Si-Dos: Alaskan Do-Si-Dos ha sido desarrollada por expertos como una versión mejorada de la siempre popular variedad Alaskan Purple de Seedsman. La introducción de la genética Do-Si-Dos en la Alaskan Purple ha creado un híbrido índica/sativa que aumenta la potencia y el rendimiento al mismo tiempo que mejora el perfil de sabor y sigue siendo versátil en lo que respecta al cultivo en exterior. La Alaskan Do-Si-Dos está destinada principalmente al cultivo al aire libre y en invernaderos. Las plantas crecen altas y prosperan en climas fríos, templados, cálidos y secos, al mismo tiempo que se desempeñan bien en altitud. Esto no impide que se cultive en interior, pero estas plantas grandes necesitarán mucho espacio. Las plantas muestran una resistencia moderada al moho pero, si se cultivan en interiores, hay que tener en cuenta que son RUIDOSAS, por lo que se beneficiará del uso de filtros de aire de carbón. En exterior, en latitudes septentrionales, la cosecha está prevista para finales de septiembre, mientras que en interior las plantas tardarán entre 8 y 10 semanas en completar la floración. Los rendimientos en exterior son muy altos y pueden superar fácilmente los 750gr/planta, mientras que en interior los rendimientos son elevados, hasta 600gr/m2. Los cogollos maduros tienen una densidad media y mantienen un color verde medio. 🌻🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 3: Muy buena semana, he aplicado un riego solamente con agua de manantial para reducir la cantidad de sales acumuladas en el sustrato y se ha notado una mejoria . Creo que le quedan unas dos semanas por estirar, parece que va a ser una buena cosecha. Se mantiene un buen control del cuarto de cultivo gracias a @marshydro y @trolmaster. Mantengo las dosis de 1/3 de nutrientes recomendados por el fabricante. Potencia del foco 80%
Week 1 germination through week 1 seedling , veg Topped Training Ph water 6.0 first couple days week 1 started using Cronk Nutrient auto flower guide .
Week 1 germination through week 1 seedling , veg Topped Training Ph water 6.0 first couple days week 1 started using Cronk Nutrient auto flower guide .
Transplanted my nursery tent from 4L cup to 1 gallon plastic pot , main lining , topping , made Micro tea every week with fish fertilizer 1 tsp Neptune , bloom city seaweed , worm tea concrete, soil recharge 1,2 1 liter of tea per pot to make sure the soil is condensed into soil
Transplanted my nursery tent from 4L cup to 1 gallon plastic pot , main lining , topping , made Micro tea every week with fish fertilizer 1 tsp Neptune , bloom city seaweed , worm tea concrete, soil recharge 1,2 1 liter of tea per pot to make sure the soil is condensed into soil
Week 1 germination 100% 1 shot glass of water was maker sure the soil was damp with sprayed around soil
Week 1 germination 100% 1 shot glass of water was maker sure the soil was damp with sprayed around soil
Week 1 germination 100% 1 shot glass of water was maker sure the soil was damp with sprayed around soil
Hello and welcome to another diary of mine. Theres been a bit of drama about this company on this site with people not recieving their prizes. i recieved mine with no issues. Theyr not listed as a breeder on this site but they have a decent following on other platforms. Even homegrowtv (Dakota) has talked about them and Mr.Q has some going in their greenhouse. Im excited to see what i get from these and to see if the hype is real but its also to show people what this company has. ( I have no affiliations with this company at all) 2/26/25 dropped all 3 seeds into a glass of water. 2/27/25 after 24 hours of water soak. i spray them in a paper towel with 3:1 ratio of water to hydrogen peroxide to help with germination results. i have not seen any tap roots yet after the 24 hour soak. will update with more news each
Plantas já com 30 dias de vega, preparando para a floração, apesar de não estar me adaptando muito bem a midia de cultivo na fibra de coco. espero estar pronto para a flora em 15 dias.
******************************************** Week 1 seedling. ******************************************** Light cycle=20/4 Light Power=50w 21% Extractor controller settings (during lights on). High temp= 26c Temp step=0c High Rh= 65% Rh step=0% Speed max=10 Speed min=5 Extractor controller settings (during lights off). High temp= 22c Temp step=0c High Rh= 65% Rh step=0% Speed max=10 Speed min=5 Smart controller settings (during lights on). Lights on=3.00am Smart controller settings (during lights off). Lights off=11.00pm VPD aim=0.4-0.8 DLI aim=14-20 EC aim=0.2-0.8 PH aim=6.0-6.8 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= manually Feed=Seedling Nutes Neutralise=0.1ml/L Roots=5ml/L Easy Ph down=0ml/L (1ml=24 drops, 1 drop=0.04ml) Easy Ph Up=0ml/L (1ml=24 drops, each drop is 0.04ml) Ec=0.2 PH=6.3/6.1 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 ******************************************** ******************************************** 📅8/2/25 Saturday(Day 1) 📋 Shell is still attached but only just. H=2cm D=65cm Dli=13 PPFD=150 Adjusted light height and set to 20/4 H=2cm D=55cm Dli=11.3 PPFD=156 📅9/2/25 Sunday(Day 2) 📋💧0.1L Feed Ec=0.2 PH=6.3/6.1 📅10/2/25 Monday(Day 3) 📋 📅11/2/25 Tuesday(Day 4) 📋💧0.1L Feed Ec=0.2 PH=6.3/6.1 H=8cm D=50cm Dli=16.3 PPFD=226 Increased light power to 67w=28% H=8cm D=50cm Dli=20.3 PPFD=282 📅12/2/25 Wednesday(Day 5) 📋 📅13/2/25 Thursday (Day 6) 📋💧0.25L Feed Ec=0.25 PH=6.3/6.1 📅14/2/25 Friday(Day 7) 📋H=9cm D=49cm Dli=21.9 PPFD=305 ******************************************** Weekly roundup. 📋 She's very tall, needed lights to have been closer or brighter. Bit of a balancing act at the moment in the grow room. I need higher RH for the seedlings in the tent but lower RH for the plants that are drying outside of the tent. Take it easy. Back soon. ********************************************
Wir sind nun an Tag 85 angekommen. Den Girls gehts bestens! Temperatur bei 23C und die LF ist auf 45% gestellt. Der Heizer von Spider Farmer macht eine super Arbeit - Temp. und LF noch konstanter. DDD bei 1.5. 2.5L Wasser mit Hesi Bio-Bloom bekommen sie alle 3 Tage, mit einem Ph-Wert Zwischen 5.5-6.0. Die Lumatek 200W Pro ist nun 30cm entfernt und auf 100% gedimmt. ------------------ Wir sind nun an Tag 88 angekommen. Die Girls zeigen nun erste Anzeichen für die Schlussphase der Blüte! Die Nährstoffe werden aus den ersten Fächerblättern gezogen und die Farbe der Blätter verändert sich. Die Blätter der 24K Gold werden sehr dunkel. Temperatur bei 19C in der Nacht und 24C in der Lichtphase. Die LF ist auf 45% gestellt. Der Heizer von Spider Farmer macht eine super Arbeit - Temp. und LF noch konstanter. DDD bei 1.5. Gegossen wird nun nur noch mit Wasser, mit einem Ph-Wert Zwischen 5.5-6.0. Die Lumatek 200W Pro ist nun 30cm entfernt und auf 100% gedimmt.
Ok, I'm back and the plants seem to be doing fine. Bit dry and maybe hungry at some points but overall just dandy. Gave them a good one two and removed any dead/dying leaves and fertilized them. This should be it till the end I think. All the herbs are dead as my buddy did not water them only the weed plants, but also forgot to water the smaller weed plants in the baby containers. Gave them about 1L after 5 days and 1.5L after another 5days. wanted it to be on the lower vs the over side of things. Will know more in the next Few days once they drink everything up. the CBD and CBG plants are looking strong. the THCv ones are looking toasted and done. curious if they will need to be harvested before the rest.
What happened to the Purple Kosher? It grew several bananas and since I don't want to throw it away, I tried to cut off every banana I could find. For two days now it didn't grow more bananas, but it feels like the booster dosis was wasted on banana growth :( The Lemon Mandarin is going really strong with thick buds for this flowerday and it smells really strong like mandarins. Almost like you peeled one inside the tent. The Bruised Banana has a soft, fruity smell and the Papaya Sherbert probably takes 1 - 2 weeks more than the other 3 plants. Fertilizers were 1 g of Pflanzengeflüster on 10 L Plant Booster 3g on 10 L Weedtamine 10g on 10 Liters
Only 4 out of 28 Kannabia seeds germinated ...big shame....sent back to third party online seller but just got excuses and they sent me a few more as a replacement but they didn't germinate