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May 5, 2024 Day 15 This week we will be focusing on getting the plants into their 3 gallon containers. That should be happening this afternoon when I'm up for it, or tomorrow. However, some roots are starting to show on the sides and the plants are starting to get a bit big for the Germination Center. There's still a this one small plant. It seems to just be a smaller plant. I don't know if I'm going to keep it. Just a waste of soil I think. Speaking of Sour Diesel, all four plants are really healthy. The three normal sized ones are all the same size. Same everything. I can't wait to see how they come out. Still nothing to do with individual plants. They are still too young. I increased the light power to 100%. They all seem to be loving the light, so why not treat them. Plus they will only be in that light for another few hours to a day. Still no idea what the DLI is. I don't have a PAR map to to refer to. So it's mostly guess work. So I'm guessing by the look of the plants, they don't mind at all. The environment is still spot on. The temp is hovering around 77° and the humidity is still at 84%. I'm assuming the night temp is around 75°, but the light is on and the heat mat is going. When I plant them, I'm going to have to work the heat and humidity in the 2x2. Happily, this size tent is a pain to keep dry, and I don't need dry, I need humid at least for the next 2 weeks. Then they should be going in the 3x3 with the better light and more space. Perfect. Update: it's mid afternoon and all 4 babies have been planted in their final 3 gallon containers. Watered in and easy to go. I'm using a 100 watt light for now while I wait for the other plants to finish. Still deciding if I want to keep the small one or not. Germination Center Environment: Temp: 78.3° RH: 85.6% VPD: unknown May 6, 2024 So I measured all 4 plants today. 3 of the 4 are 4" flat with the final one being at 3". I already have her in the final container, but if she doesn't catch up soon, I may put her in the 2x2 tent for a solo grow so she doesn't get cannibalized. I have to wait though. I have plants that are days from harvest, so I'll have to wait a couple of weeks to get her in there. When that time comes, I'll separate her daily entries so everyone knows what's actually going on. I won't be basing the weekly stats on her though. She will be separate. I finally labelled each plant. A,B,C and D. You guessed it, D is the small one. I'll be doing daily entries for each once I start seeing more veg. Watering should be the same, lighting and environment will also be the same for A,B,C and different for D. So just a note for each plant daily. The light has been turned on in the 2x2 where these babies love for now. It's a 100 w Mars Hydro TS600. I don't really like using it, it's only 100 w. Which will be fine for the time being, but I prefer my better 3x3 240 watt AC Infinity light. DLI readings for this set up is just under 20 mol/m²/d. Should be good right there for the time spent in here. The environment is stable at 78% humidity and a temperature of 76°. I'll keep it that way for the rest of this week and see how things go next week. I'll most likely bring the humidity down to 60%. But I'd like to keep the temp up. I've read that Sour Diesel likes heat. Apparently it likes humid and dry climates. Which makes absolutely no sense to me, but whatever. I'll keep it at 60% in veg and then drop it 5% at a time until late flower and 40% will be the where it ends. Grow System Environment: Temp: 76° RH: 78% VPD: unknown May 7, 2024 I finally added a hydrometer that will read properly and works. All 4 ladies look great. I'm still concerned about the small one. I'm willing to bet, I'll end up placing it in the 2x2 for the solo grow I was talking about before. A,B,C all look the same. They are about 5" tall now and have 3 nodes. D on the other hand is just behind. Only 2 nodes and generally smaller. The light was a bit out of whack. It wasn't level and was pulling super hard to the back of the tent. I fixed that though. I think the DLI is around 20 mol/m²/d. It should be good for this stage. I'll definitely have to drop the light down t A bit when they get a little older. I'd like to see 25 mol/m²/d before going in the main tent. The environment is alright. The temp was a bit low this morning. The humidity was also at 61%. Definitely too low for these ladies. It should be up to 70% in a couple hours. The temp already bumped up to 78°. Now I just need to get a humidifier in there. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.8° RH: 65.6% VPD: 1.01 kPa May 8, 2024 Watering day! So for the first full watering I gave everyone a half gallon of water PHed to 6.0 from the top. I use a stick, so it takes a good bit of time to do it, but I don't need to wait for the soil to absorb. It does so gradually as the water is added gradually. There seems to be 2 different phenomes. A and D are one with B and C being the other. A and D have fatter leaves, but they are a bit droopy. Not in a stressed out way. Maybe they needed a bit of water. Not sure, but they look the same besides the height difference. Speaking of D, I have officially decided to keep her and finish her in a solo 2x2 grow. I just need to wait a few weeks while the other 4 plants are harvested and dried up. In the mean time, I'll keep her in the 3x3 when it gets moved there. Maybe I'll keep her there if she can keep up with the rest. I'm not sure. It's honestly too early to tell. A, B and C are still all the same height with A being a slightly different structure. I'll check back later to see how they take to the watering. I don't think a half gallon of water in a 3.4 gallon container will be any problem. It will moisten the whole container to probably about 45% saturation. When the bottom feeding starts in a few weeks, the saturation should go up to 55%. And it should hang out here until the last week or so of the grow. It may spike a bit because the plants doesn't need that much water anymore, but we will cross that bridge when we get there. The light seems to be perfectly fine for these ladies. In a few days, I'll pull a DLI reading and see where it needs to be. I still feel like these babies are still establishing themselves. Anyway, for another day. The environment was really good for a while. Now that I have them out of the Germination Center, I needed to figure out the humidity. The solution is a small humidifier. Works perfectly. We have a temp of 77° and the humidity is around 79%. Perfect for this stage. It could stand to be a bit warmer, but this is fine. Plus it should get a bit warmer today after the watering. Science and all that. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.5° RH: 71.5% VPD: 0.84 kPa Note: these numbers are daily averages including lights out. It gives a better idea of what both temps look like. For example. 74.5° is less than 77°, so the night temp much drop below 74° for a 6 hour average to drop the daily so much. But there's a lot to learn once you get the jist of it. May 9, 2024 Not a bad day. These ladies, even D, are looking great. Good leaf structure, fantastic color. Just all around some nice plants. They seem to really like the DLI. I'll be taking that reading tomorrow. The plants haven't grown enough to record it more than once a week. So lighting stays the same. The environment is fantastic. Right within range of not nearly perfect. The temp is around 76° and the Humidity is around 73%. It doesn't fluctuate much, but it still does. Naturally, I expect fluctuations, so I'm not worried about it. As I said, right within range. On the other hand, last night's temp dropped entirely way too low for this stage. I'll have to figure out a happy medium for my room heat and night time temps. Also, you can clearly see the drop in the leverage temp from yesterday. It's super low. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.1° RH: 77.5% VPD: 0.66 kPa May 10, 2024 Not much going on today. No watering needed. The light looks perfectly fine. Also, the plants are each started to grow at their own pace and size. While A,B and C are the same height, B is slightly ahead of the others. Strong stem and starting to grow side branches and another node. D looks like she may catch up after all. She's still not as big as the others, but the slight difference looks like it will either work itself out in veg, or I will just let her get bigger during the stretch with less training. I don't think I'm going to use a SCroG net this run. I plan on ordering silica to improve stem strength. I think a SCroG net works better in larger setups when you have multiple plants. My tent is just too small to work 4 plants in a SCroG setup. I can only access the front of the tent and the back and sides get neglected. So training and silica it is. As I said above, no watering needed today. However, I did reactivate the wick system for Tropicana Cookies today. She was drying out fairly quickly, so hopefully with the dryer container, it takes more time for the bottom to saturate. The lighting is staying the same. I'll check it at the beginning of next week. Although, with a tent this size and lack of space for the light, I'd just assume let the plants grow into it. Maybe I'll drop it to 24" when I see 4 nodes on all plants. The environment looks great! Cooler at night and nice and warm during lights on. The day temp is about 77° with a humidity of 66%. The night temp is 67° with a humidity of 78%. The humidity is a bit high, but I don't have an automated exhaust system like I do in the 3x3. I may turn the the exhaust on before I go to bed, but then the morning time will be dry before I wake up. Only for 2 hours, but still. The fluctuation is definitely not welcome. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.1° RH: 73.6% VPD: 0.78 kPa The VPD is a bit low. But that's due to the night time environment which I'll be adjusting tonight. May 11, 2024 Last day of the week for these 4. They have grown significantly over this week. Excellent leaf growth, beautiful green. All 4 plants look fantastic. Perfect structures. I can't ask for better. D is still a bit smaller, but is catching up. I don't expect her to stay small forever. I believe she will grow the same size at the end of the flowering stretch. B seems to be the largest, or most advanced, of the bunch. She is definitely ahead by a node, and a bit taller than the rest. However, her stem is a bit shorter than the rest. A and C both have longer stems, but lacking the robust growth of B. A and C are about the same. Nearly identical. These could be the same phenotype. With B and D being separate phenotypes. This coming week, I'll start reporting on the plants individually. It's a bit more work, but much more organized and easier to read. The light is definitely where it needs to be. I'll check DLI tomorrow. The environment is still near perfect. However, it was a bit low this morning. Apparently I didn't set the heat high enough. It's fixed now. The temp is around 77° and the humidity at 70%. No watering today. The pots are still fairly heavy. I think I'll water again tomorrow or test to see how moist the soil is. If I water tomorrow, I think it will only be a quarter gallon. Everything looks good and that's all there is to report today. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.6° RH: 72.3% VPD: 0.79 kPa
nice strain with a rich terpene profile! sweet, gelato like, hard hitting smoke! sadly my phenos had no banana taste but still very nice
nice strain with a rich terpene profile! sweet, gelato like, hard hitting smoke! sadly my phenos had no banana taste but still very nice
nice strain with a rich terpene profile! sweet, gelato like, hard hitting smoke! sadly my phenos had no banana taste but still very nice
nice strain with a rich terpene profile! sweet, gelato like, hard hitting smoke! sadly my phenos had no banana taste but still very nice
easy to grow with great yield! when i touched the sticky buds my fingers smelled so awesome and i must say the results were more then great!
nice strain with a rich terpene profile! sweet, gelato like, hard hitting smoke! sadly my phenos had no banana taste but still very nice
nice strain with a rich terpene profile! sweet, gelato like, hard hitting smoke! sadly my phenos had no banana taste but still very nice
Woche 8 fängt leider nicht ganz so gut an. Ein Bud hat angefangen zu schimmeln. Dieser musste entsorgt werden. Die restliche Pflanze sieht aber erstmal ganz gut aus. Hoffen dass es bei dem einen Bud bleibt. Die gute Nachricht ist, die ersten Trichome werden Bernsteinfarbend. Ich hoffe ich kann sie bald ernten, denn es steht viel Regen an und das tut den Buds nicht gut. Der Entfeuchter läuft jetzt 24/7. 😇 Nährstofflösung gibt es nicht mehr. nur noch Wasser mit einem EC von unter 0.2. Das Licht läuft auch nur noch mit 65%.
nice strain with a rich terpene profile! sweet, gelato like, hard hitting smoke! sadly my phenos had no banana taste but still very nice
nice strain with a rich terpene profile! sweet, gelato like, hard hitting smoke! sadly my phenos had no banana taste but still very nice
End off week 10 start off week 11 gave them a feed today think this will be the last feed of nutrients maybe a week to two left what’s everyone’s thoughts start flushing now or give another feed of nutrients then flush the next feed thanks for viewing happy growing :)
End off week 10 start off week 11 gave them a feed today think this will be the last feed of nutrients maybe a week to two left what’s everyone’s thoughts start flushing now or give another feed of nutrients then flush the next feed thanks for viewing happy growing :)
Buds bulking up. Week 7 flowering
Buenos growers Os dejo la semana 2 de floración correspondiente al día 04-09-2024 estamos que no paramos, espero que os guste growers
Buenos growers Os dejo la semana 2 de floración correspondiente al día 04-09-2024 estamos que no paramos, espero que os guste growers
08.14.2024 / Honey Cream Indoor The seeds sprouted and startet to grow a had ni issues I watered 250ml each until the soil dried out again.
Day92 Buds get bigger Day96 Pistils turn amber Trichomes turn milky
Yes gromies I gave her canna boost for the first time today I'm giving around 600ml de-chlorinated water every 2 days, il aways feed every 2 days spreading all different nutrients between them, get a nice balance, watering just enough so the coco goes dry after 2nd day well on top atleast anyway. Giving silica on its own once a week 0.5ml to 600ml water ph'd to 6. Removed a few lower leaves and pegged back 2 branches to make room for the many colas now coming threw nicely. Not sure how this grow is going! it feels slow upto now but she's well into flower now and the stretch is real... Added midweek.. I could feel her asking for phosphorus and potassium so gave her a little tickle of PK13/14 (0.5 To 500ml ph'd to 6). 1 feed. Going vertical and filling budding sites nicely. 😛. Raised the light for more vertical growth before she puts some weight on. 😉. Thanks for taking your time out to view my diary. Peace and love 💚
such an beautyful strain! the colors are really outstanding and the scent is incredible! loads of resin production on this one, not the highest yield but insane quality!
Buenas tardes growers, Estamos en la semana número 3 y media de floración, la fase de engorde la comenzaremos la semana que viene, bajaremos fertilización base y potenciamos el engorde y su dureza para dejarlos como piedras, las fertilizaciones se hacen altas al regar con agua de ósmosis inversa, hemos añadido una mejora en la calidad del agua, damos agua más rica y añadimos nosotros mismos los nutrientes controlando todos los estadios y lo más importante controlando los drenajes de cada riego para controlar parámetros y cualquier variación de ppm. Muy buenos humos growers