The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
MAY 20TH - TODAY is the first day the plants wake up from their 18/6 cycle down from 2 weeks at 20/4. They got their first SCHWAZZE and shaping at this stage getting them ready to grow into the beautiful sea of green each of these beds are to become. The uniformity of the clones reminds me how much of this has become muscle memory to me, From doing thousands of plants per grow this has become second nature for me. The ladies are 100% organic at this point and our feed I am considering releasing it for anybody who is interested as a way to fund raise at the same time ! If anybody is interested in the recipe let me know in the comments, If we get enough interest I will put up a site that will constantly update with each weekly feed & steps done on the plants. ANNOUNCEMENT : ** It has taken me 20 re trys & double the amount of ERROR codes to get this update LIVE. I will be staying on this website until the end of this grow year, Then I will be setting up a Patreon & migrating over to Patreon and Twitter ( X ) I am completely done with GROW DIARIES.** SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS !!! PROMO CODE GREEN PLANET : LEGACY PROMO CODE MARS HYDRO : LEGACY PROMO CODE SEEDSMAN : LEGACY10 MAY 22ND 2024 - SCHWAZZE COMPLETED YESTERDAY. These photos where taken DIRECTLY after their SCHWAZZE. NOW 2-3 WEEKS of 18/6 then another SCHWAZZE, Top DRESSING of Mineralized Phosphate, Power Bloom and Glacial Rock Dust and swap to 14/10. We will be using 14/10 for 3 weeks then going to 12/12 to flower these beauties out. MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW OUR SOCIALS & JOIN OUR GREAT COMMUNITIES ! TWITTER : YOUTUBE : YOUTUBE GAMING :
In week 7 the 12 plants have filled out the space inside the HOMEBOX grow-tent very nicely and therefore its time to switch to flowering. I change the timer, which I put infront of the supply of my SANlight EVO4-120 LEDs, to 12/12 hours of light/darkness. This will induce the flowering of my babies and they can start to develop buds. The BIO NOVA nutrients work very well, which can be seen in the nice healthy green color of the plants. I follow the SOIL-CULTIVATION chart from the BIO NOVA website, but use only half the recommended dose, because my tap-water already has a very high EC-value of 0,8 when it comes out of the faucet. Since I have used REGULAR seeds for THE PURPS from BC-BUD-DEPOT, I have to check for males on a regular basis. Two plants show clear male pollen-sacks already now (see above in video) and have to be culled right away. I cut the plants off at the main stem right above the soil and take away the plants and throw them into the trash right away. This way I make sure NO pollen can mature inside the male pollen-sacks and be released later and inseminate my babies on accident. In the places of the male PURPS plants, I put a MAC and KK-plant into the AUTOPOT-system, so all 12 placed are filled again. Now its time to wait until the first flowers start to appear. 👍😎
In week 7 the 12 plants have filled out the space inside the HOMEBOX grow-tent very nicely and therefore its time to switch to flowering. I change the timer, which I put infront of the supply of my SANlight EVO4-120 LEDs, to 12/12 hours of light/darkness. This will induce the flowering of my babies and they can start to develop buds. The BIO NOVA nutrients work very well, which can be seen in the nice healthy green color of the plants. I follow the SOIL-CULTIVATION chart from the BIO NOVA website, but use only half the recommended dose, because my tap-water already has a very high EC-value of 0,8 when it comes out of the faucet. Since I have used REGULAR seeds for THE PURPS from BC-BUD-DEPOT, I have to check for males on a regular basis. Two plants show clear male pollen-sacks already now (see above in video) and have to be culled right away. I cut the plants off at the main stem right above the soil and take away the plants and throw them into the trash right away. This way I make sure NO pollen can mature inside the male pollen-sacks and be released later and inseminate my babies on accident. In the places of the male PURPS plants, I put a MAC and KK-plant into the AUTOPOT-system, so all 12 placed are filled again. Now its time to wait until the first flowers start to appear. 👍😎
Die ersten Tage ging es sehr schnell. die Samen gingen in 2 Tagen auf 5-7 cm. Es wurde von beginn an die Sanlight Evo auf Stufe 2 mit 18 Stunden belichtet. Ab Tag 10 wurde das Licht auf Stufe 3 erhöht. es wurde jeweils mit immer 1l gegossen das mit 1 ml Biobizz gedüngt wurde. Ph des Wassers war korrekt. 3 Pflanzen schauen sehr gesund und kräftig aus. nur eine Pflanze lässt sich noch ein wenig zeit. es schaut aus als ob diese 1 Tag zurückliegt obwohl alles gleichzeitig begonnen hat.
During week 8 the plants continue to grow nicely and devleop lots of side-branching and leaves. All 12 of my 'Fruity Terp'-babies have a nice healthy green color, which means the BIO NOVA nutrients are working well. I still follow the SOIL-CULTIVATION chart (at half strength of the recommended dose) when I fill up my 'FLEXITANK'-reservoir once a week with 100 liter of tap-water and add the nutrients from BIO NOVA in. The Autopot system with its 6 trays and 12 places (=2 per tray) is able to supply my 12 plants for one week from the 100 liter reservoir. The two SANlight EVO4-120 LED-fixtures are still hanging at 75 cm distance from the top of the plants and are tilted inwards by 11 degrees. This is the recommended way of hanging them and gives the PERFECT light for my Cannabis plants. At this stage I have the SANlight-lamps dimmed to 60% of power (=1 green light on dimmer ON), which is plenty of light and ensures a nice stretch at the beginning of flowering. I cant wait for the first female white hairs to appear on the babies...👊😎
Tngo una deficiencia y no se cual es esta y aplique calmag
This plant was an absolute joy to grow. She was photogenic and really something that has stood out to most grows as far as looks go. The purples and hints of red caught everyone's eye. The vigor during veg was something I've never experienced; it was amazing. It seemed to enjoy being topped! I really wish flower had produced bigger buds, but they seem pretty dense, so I’m hopeful. Great job as usual Ethos!
Эти девушки очень много сахара произвели за неделю и плотность бетоном очень увеличиваеться! Прекрасный рост.
Эти девушки очень много сахара произвели за неделю и плотность бетоном очень увеличиваеться! Прекрасный рост.
Flowers week 3 good teknik and low stress good harvest
Эти девушки очень много сахара произвели за неделю и плотность бетоном очень увеличиваеться! Прекрасный рост.
Эти девушки очень много сахара произвели за неделю и плотность бетоном очень увеличиваеться! Прекрасный рост.
Added the epsom salt and calcium supplement to fix my yellowing problem and so far it’s turning it for the better!!! 😂
Veg36, están creciendo bastante bien, a esperar unos días para un próximo riego. Veg38, ya hay que revisar amarras y ver si hay hojas abanico tapando algún brazo, siguiente riego era en 1 o 2 días más. Veg40, se regó con EC 2.5 y pH 6.0, se cortaron un par de hojas, hay que seguir haciendo LST para lograr una altura uniforme. Veg41, algunas hojas están mostrando quemadura en la puntas por exceso de nutrientes, los siguientes riegos tendrán que ser más suaves.