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Und so langsam nähern wir uns dem Ende...und um ehrlich zu sein, können wir es kaum noch abwarten. Unsere Ladys schauen fantastisch aus ! Die Temperatur ist weiterhin konstant, immer etwa um die 27 ° Celsius. Bisher haben wir einen sehr milden, aber auch feuchten Frühling mit nur wenigen sehr kurzen Hitzeperioden. In unserem Haus ist an sich kein Geruch wahrzunehmen. Dies liegt jedoch an unseren guten Abluft und dem großen Filter denn sobald wir die Box öffnet strömt ein unglaublich angenehmer, süßlich bis fruchtiger Geruch durch die Räume.
I am just dropping a Auto Northern Dragon Fuel seed for the contest. I will be growing her in a 1.5 gallon potter of coco/perlite mix with a bit of growstone in the bottom. 🤞🏻 everything goes great. Thanks you Medic Grow, and Super Sativa Seed Club. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Late update for this week 4 of flower... Went on a quick trip, a couple days away from the ladies. They did get thirsty but didn't droop much, and perked up after watering. To start the week, earthworm topdress per the uprising bloom feed chart. 1/2c per pot. Finished off the tea and have watered a few more times with just calmag and bloom boost. The trichomes are finally coming in, things are looking beautiful as the buds fatten and the leaves frost over. The smell is getting stronger every day. Speaking of smell, I've fallen in love with every strain all over, because I can finally touch and smell the sticky resin. From worst to best so far: Blueberry Muffin does not have a strong smell yet. It smells like sweet syrup spilled in a cedar cabinet. Chocolate Mint OG is complex. Rubber, roasted chocolate, fresh damp earth, dank, and more... Permanent Marker smells very much like one of my favorite strains, Chemdog. Pungent gassy chemical funk, backed by a bit of citrus, with hints of mossy earth. Orangecello is the star of the show. It has a strong smell I've found in strains like Forbidden Runtz and other high terpinolene strains. It smells like a sweet candy paint. I've heard it described as rotten fruit. It also smells a bit like sunscreen, like nail polish remover and fake chemical tropical coconut scent. Things are really getting close to the home stretch. I think the plants are done stretching and are ready to fatten up those buds and frost over. I can't wait to taste!
03/23/2024- Yoooo gang update!!!!! =============================== =============================== SOOO what's brackin gang!?! Did some training and increased light to canopy intensity and man did she really take off! So I'm using frozen water bottles of various sizes to make sure the water in the tank stays cold, trying to keep it between 60 and 66 Fahrenheit so it's not gunna develop unwanted issues t That comes with warm Temps in a dwc setup, using UC Cultured Solutions UC Roots, which is really great for increasing root development and also descaling and cleanliness but yea other than that we letting her really stretch, I AM GOING TO MAKE HER A MOTHER FOR THE NEXT TENT WHICH WILL BE UP IN LESS THAN ONE MONTH, but yea once her clones are rooted in the big tent I'm gunna flip her and she gunna take off!!! Thanks for stopping by guys let's keep it growing!!!! LFG!!!
Hello Growmies, As the ninth week unfolds in our garden of Green Marvels, the progress within the Bruce Banner x White Russian enclave is both varied and compelling. These plants, though not as advanced in their flower formation as their neighbors in the expert setup, display a delightful dichotomy in phenotype expression—one slightly more robust and stockier, and the other more elongated and statuesque. The images tell a tale of two phenotypes: the first, with its compact stature and vigorous bushiness, hints at a dense, prolific bloom. Its sibling phenotype stretches upwards, reaching for the light with a more open structure that promises an elegant spread of flowers. Both exhibit the genetic resilience of their lineage, adapting with grace to the environmental conditions they've been bestowed. This week's introspection reveals that while they might be on a slower trajectory compared to their counterparts, the Bruce Banner x White Russian variants are steadily catching up, thanks to our nuanced care and the recent installation of a supplementary intake fan. This addition has had a pronounced impact on our control over humidity, ensuring that these beauties are not left wanting for an ideal microclimate to thrive in. Observing their developmental stages, it's clear that these plants are still in the throes of their vegetative saga, with budding sites beginning to manifest promise. It’s an exhibition of potential—every leaf a page, and every stem a chapter in their botanical biography. The stockier phenotype, in particular, has commenced a subtle show of budding sites, while its lankier sibling boasts a rich spread of foliage, its vertical ambition a prelude to the flowering fanfare to come. The contrast between the two is as educational as it is fascinating, offering insights into the diversity within a single strain and the influence of phenotype on growth patterns and potential yields. We continue to adapt our approach, taking cues from their individual needs, ensuring that both phenotypes are not only nurtured but celebrated for their unique contributions to the grow space's tapestry. Our anticipation grows with theirs, as we look forward to the unfolding of their floral narratives, each an ode to the meticulous care and environment we've curated. We remain vigilant, adjusting our strategies and environment to align with their growth stages. The investment in our intake fan is indeed paying off, keeping the air fresh and the humidity levels optimal, which has been instrumental in maintaining the VPD within the desired range. The Bruce Banner x White Russian plants, through their sheer leafiness and the early formation of flower sites, are giving us every reason to believe that they'll mature into a bountiful harvest. The difference in their growth habits adds a layer of diversity to our cultivation experience, making it all the richer. In closing, while the Bruce Banner x White Russian plants may march to the beat of their own drum, they are in no way lagging in their capacity to amaze. With the added support of our enhanced climate control, they're on a clear path to success. Here's to their continued prosperity and the anticipation of their full glory. Stay lifted, Salokin
Hello Growmies, As the ninth week unfolds in our garden of Green Marvels, the progress within the Bruce Banner x White Russian enclave is both varied and compelling. These plants, though not as advanced in their flower formation as their neighbors in the expert setup, display a delightful dichotomy in phenotype expression—one slightly more robust and stockier, and the other more elongated and statuesque. The images tell a tale of two phenotypes: the first, with its compact stature and vigorous bushiness, hints at a dense, prolific bloom. Its sibling phenotype stretches upwards, reaching for the light with a more open structure that promises an elegant spread of flowers. Both exhibit the genetic resilience of their lineage, adapting with grace to the environmental conditions they've been bestowed. This week's introspection reveals that while they might be on a slower trajectory compared to their counterparts, the Bruce Banner x White Russian variants are steadily catching up, thanks to our nuanced care and the recent installation of a supplementary intake fan. This addition has had a pronounced impact on our control over humidity, ensuring that these beauties are not left wanting for an ideal microclimate to thrive in. Observing their developmental stages, it's clear that these plants are still in the throes of their vegetative saga, with budding sites beginning to manifest promise. It’s an exhibition of potential—every leaf a page, and every stem a chapter in their botanical biography. The stockier phenotype, in particular, has commenced a subtle show of budding sites, while its lankier sibling boasts a rich spread of foliage, its vertical ambition a prelude to the flowering fanfare to come. The contrast between the two is as educational as it is fascinating, offering insights into the diversity within a single strain and the influence of phenotype on growth patterns and potential yields. We continue to adapt our approach, taking cues from their individual needs, ensuring that both phenotypes are not only nurtured but celebrated for their unique contributions to the grow space's tapestry. Our anticipation grows with theirs, as we look forward to the unfolding of their floral narratives, each an ode to the meticulous care and environment we've curated. We remain vigilant, adjusting our strategies and environment to align with their growth stages. The investment in our intake fan is indeed paying off, keeping the air fresh and the humidity levels optimal, which has been instrumental in maintaining the VPD within the desired range. The Bruce Banner x White Russian plants, through their sheer leafiness and the early formation of flower sites, are giving us every reason to believe that they'll mature into a bountiful harvest. The difference in their growth habits adds a layer of diversity to our cultivation experience, making it all the richer. In closing, while the Bruce Banner x White Russian plants may march to the beat of their own drum, they are in no way lagging in their capacity to amaze. With the added support of our enhanced climate control, they're on a clear path to success. Here's to their continued prosperity and the anticipation of their full glory. Stay lifted, Salokin
Hi meine sehr geehrten Pflanzen Homes. Ich begrüße euch zu einer weiteren Wachstums Woche mit dieser wunderbaren Genetik von Ganja Farmer Seeds. Wie man sehr schön erkennen kann geht es meinen Girls sehr gut, leider habe ich gleichzeitig zu meinen guten Neuigkeiten eine schlechte Nachricht zu verkünden. Leider wird aus dem dritten Samen nichts mehr deshalb habe ich mich dafür entschieden in aus dem Rennen zu nehmen. Am 21 Tag werde ich beide Pflanzen in ihren endgültigen Topf pflanzen, ich werde sie dann in 10l Töpfe mit Bio Bizz Light Mix verwenden. Gefüttert werden sie mit S&R Organics ich habe vollstes Vertrauen in diesen Nährstoff, erst einmal ist dieser Benutzer freundlich, leicht in der Anwendung, versorgt die Pflanzen mit all den wichtigen Nährstoffen die die Pflanzen in den verschiedenen Phasen braucht und sorgt für ein guten Geschmack der seines gleichen sucht von den super Erträgen ganz zu schweigen. Dieser Dünger sucht seines gleichen das ist nicht mal übertrieben mein Freund. Wenn du auf der Suche nach einem Nährstoff bist der deine Pflanzen rundum versorgt dann ist der von S&R genau das richtige für dich. Grow LED: Lumatek ATS 200 Pro Flower Light: HortiOne 600er Serie Room: 1.44 m* Abluft: Prima Klima Umluft: Secret Jardin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tag:14 LFK: 52% Umgebungstemperatur: 25,2 Grad Celsius Bei einem Licht Abstand von: 50cm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tag:16 #1 hat eine Höhe von 4 cm erreicht die #2 ist im Wuchs ein bisschen langsamer sie ist 2 cm hoch. soweit ich das beurteilen kann hat die #1 einen normalen Wuchs und die #2 ein etwas langsameren. Wär weiß das hat noch nichts zu sagen, vielleicht braucht die #2 ein bisschen mehr zeit wird aber vielleicht ein besonderen Geschmack ausweisen oder ein bomben Ertrag haben oder das hat alles gar nichts zu bedeuten, wir werden sehen wie die nächsten Wochen verlaufen werden, ich bin gespannt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tag:17 Die Umgebungsbedingungen sind alle im grünen Bereich Anfänglich hatte ich ein bisschen Schwierigkeiten gehabt die konstant auf ein Perfektes Niveau zu halten, mittlerweile habe ich alles unter Kontrolle. Die LFK liegt Tags über zwischen 56% und 65% Die Umgebungstemperatur bei 25-26 Grad Celsius Bei einer Außentemperatur von 9 Grad Celsius Der Lichtabstand ist 50cm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tag:19 Umgebungstemperatur: 25 Grad Celsius LFK: 56% Lichtabstand:50 Außentemperatur:15 Grad Celsius ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Es steht noch ein Update für Woche 3 an! das am Tag 21 raus kommt. Danke das du dir die Zeit genommen hast vorbei zu kommen. Aktuelle Bilder/ Abschluss Bericht für Woche 3 PLAESE COMING SOON! Vielen Dank mein Pflanzen Freund das du dir meinen Garten angesehen hast, ich hoffe dir hat gefallen was du gesehen oder entdeckt hast. Ich weiß deine Unterstützung sehr zu schätzen. Gerne kannst du hier ein bisschen Liebe da lassen, wenn du Interesse hast und mehr von mir und meinen hübschen sehen willst kannst du gerne auf mein Instagram Profil kommen und uns da ein Besuch abstatten und auch hier und da ein bisschen Liebe verteilen. Das war's fürs erste ein weiteres Update folgt bevor die vierte Woche beginnt. Schlusswort bitte verzeih wenn nicht alles perfekt ist, ich bin noch dabei mein Content zu Perfektionieren. trotzdem hoffe ich das alles soweit stimmt habt ihr Fragen oder Tipps stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.
Hello Growmies, As we step into the eighth week of our Watermelon Candy F1 Hybrids' flowering stage, the dance of growth and aroma continues to enchant our senses. These delightful plants, sharing their space with Epic Buzz and Red Banana Pudding varieties, inch ever closer to the pinnacle of their bloom. The Watermelon Candy cultivars are flourishing with an undeniable zest, their foliar tapestry thick with the potential of what's to come. The air is thick with their intoxicatingly sweet scent, a testament to their namesake, and their buds are expanding with satisfying robustness. Plant #1 is maintaining its lead with a striking bud formation, clearly thriving in the consistent environment of the Tent-X system. Plant #2 and Plant #3 are not far behind, with each showing a wealth of budding sites and a sprawling canopy that speaks to a bountiful harvest ahead. Despite being under a 12/12 light cycle along with the photoperiod plants, which may limit their yield compared to a 20/4 cycle, these plants are putting on a splendid show. They continue to swell, their trichome-frosted buds promising a powerful and flavorful finale. Nutrition continues on a carefully scheduled five-day rotation, our blend of Alga Bloom, Sugar Royal, Power Roots, and Orca nurturing these beauties into their late flowering phase. The TrolMaster system diligently logs every parameter, ensuring our VPD and PPFD values are consistently optimized for peak performance. As the eighth week unfolds, we see the evidence of our meticulous care in the uniform health and structure of the plants. The internodal spaces remain tight, the stems sturdy, and the flowering sites increasingly impressive. With anticipation building for the harvest that lies ahead, we reflect on the journey so far. It's a path marked by shared knowledge and collective experience, all leading us toward what promises to be a remarkable culmination of our efforts. Stay lifted, Salokin