TERCERA SEMANA DE FLORACIÓN , LE VOY A AÑADIR UN MILILITRO DE CALMAG POR LITRO. tienen UNA MEDIA DE ALTURA DE 70 se Le añado a la tierra una capa de un centímetro de humus de lombriz .
End of week 6; Day 42 So far so good, Frost is setting in on the strawberry Gorilla. The cookies is stretching beyond belief and is about 55in tall from the floor up. The strawberry has stayed shorter and bushier than the cookies. Smell is also coming pretty strong. Happy Growing y'all
###English below### Die Blüten werden dicker! Sonst, passiert nicht viel; Die ersten Blätter bleichen aus und die Pflanzen zeigen Phosphormangel (lila Stiele und ein paar braune Flecken) und evtl. auch Kaliummangel (gestreckte Blätter). Das vermute ich jedenfalls. Eventuell Mittlerweile betrachte ich die Trichome jeden Tag. Heute konnte ich die ersten Braunen entdecken. Es geht dann doch zu schnell. Heute ist die jüngste Pflanze 7 Wochen alt, die anderen beiden sind 2-3 Tage älter. Quick One benötigt laut Datenblatt 8-10 Wochen. War ich zu sparsam mit dem Dünger? Muss ich in Zukunft mehr auf den PH-Wert achten und evtl auch den EC-Wert ins Spiel bringen? Im Großen und Ganzen bin ich zufrieden mit meinem ersten Grow. Ich freue mich jetzt auf die Endphase (Wie lange wohl noch bis zur Ernte? 1-2 Wochen?) und in meinem Kopf spuken schon jede Menge Ideen für meinen nächsten Grow. Ich freue mich auf eure Anmerkungen. =) ###English### The buds become thicker! Otherwise, not much happens; the first leaves are fading and the plants show phosphorus deficiency (purple stems and a few brown spots) and possibly also potassium deficiency (stretched leaves). At least that's what I suspect. I now look at the trichomes every day. Today I spotted the first brown ones. It's going too fast after all. Today the youngest plant is 7 weeks old, the other two are 2-3 days older. According to the data sheet, Quick One needs 8-10 weeks. Was I too frugal with the fertilizer? Do I need to pay more attention to the pH value in future and possibly also bring the EC value into play? All in all, I'm happy with my first grow. I'm now looking forward to the final phase (how much longer until harvest? 1-2 weeks?) and I already have lots of ideas in my head for my next grow. I look forward to your comments. =) Translated with (free version)
W16 (15-5 to 21-5) 15-5 Temperature: 27.4 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 43% (lowest) As its very hot outside i decided to turn down the light's strength to 50% so the temps will not be so high anymore. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 16-5 Temperature: 26.7 degrees (lights on) 20.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 47% (lowest) Dry weight: Kush #1: 4.9 kg. Kush #2: 5.1 kg. 17-5 Temperature: 26.4 degrees (lights on) 21 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 51% (lowest) No pictures. 18-5 Temperature: 26.7 degrees (lights on) 22.6 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 56% (highest) 43% (lowest) No pictures. Dry weight: Kush #1: 4.3 kg. Kush #2: 4.6 kg. 19-5 Temperature: 27.5 degrees (lights on) 19.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 42% (lowest) No pictures. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 20-5 Temperature: 27.8 degrees (lights on) 21.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 44% (lowest) No pictures. 21-5 Temperature: 27.4 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 47% (lowest) Dry weight: Kush #1: 4.5 kg. Kush #2: 4.9 kg. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. (Only watering the Gorilla Kush #1)
when I came, I saw it blooming, which I did not expect.. the weather was gloomy, little sun, and quite a lot of rain, its stem is tall, but at the same time strong :) we will wait for ripening :).
the weather this week was bad, little sun, a lot of rain, but the girl is growing well, big and bright leaves, thick trunk :) I really hope for a good summer;) I think she can be very beautiful :).
May 18: starting the fourth week in much better shape than in previous years and about two weeks ahead of last year’s development. Was only about 2 C overnight and frost is predicted tonight so everyone will be inside the house. Foliar spray with Extreme Blend this morning. The mini-greenhouse on the Veg-Trug is quite effective. It was about 8 C earlier today but it was about 23 C inside. It heats up very fast in direct sun and you have to leave it partially open to prevent wild overheating. That’s warmer than inside my house so all the plants are in the greenhouse today. Forecast low of 2 C overnight with a frost advisory so she’s back in the house overnight. May 19: rainy and overcast with high of only 8 C today and tomorrow so the cannabis plants are staying inside for now. May 20: been inside under light all day and likely tomorrow too. Just under cheapo LED grow light from Canadian Tire that works great for this purpose. May 22: still cool but some sun so she’s back outside in the greenhouse this morning. May 24: watered with Monster Maxx. It was a cold week but she is still doing great. 👍 👍 #seedsman420growoff #seedsmanseeds
this week was not very favorable, not much sun, rather cool nights 12°, but the girl is growing a little :) she still has a lot of time :) so for now everything is fine:).
when I came, I saw it blooming, which I didn't expect, the girl doesn't have many branches, I don't know why, I'm seeing this for the first time :) well, she has about 3 more weeks of growth if there's sunshine :).
Gracias al equipo de Kannabia Seed y XpertNutrients, sin ellos esta magia no seria posible. 🍁💐 Runtz (Auto): Si esta cepa se ha ganado su popularidad a pulso, esta versión autofloreciente es digna heredera de sus atributos. No es de extrañar que nuestros criadores hayan acertado con su programa de reproducción, al combinar dos de las cepas más fascinantes de la actualidad: Zkittlez y Gelato. planta resistente y robusta, de cuerpo esbelto y fuerte ramificación lateral, que se puede cultivar prácticamente en cualquier entorno; pero prefiere los veranos largos y cálidos, tal y como quiere la madre naturaleza, donde bañada por el sol se eleva hasta los 120 cm. para producir unos rendimientos muy gratificantes de 100-150 gramos por planta. En interior, y tras solo 70 días desde la semilla, también recompensará con cosechas abundantes de hasta 500 gr./m² Inmediatamente después de encontrarte con ella, lo primero que notarás es su aroma descaradamente afrutado, con un toque tropical cortado con reminiscencias terrosas y amaderadas, que se entremezclan de forma agradable para ofrecer un combo que hace salivar las papilas gustativas. Ofrece un sabor confitado, refrescante y similar a sumergirse en una piscina de frutas cítricas y flores de fragancia intensa. Al inhalar, obtienes la bondad de la dulzura; al exhalar, el humo se convierte en suave y cremoso, dejando suficiente profundidad en cada bocanada para satisfacer a aquellos que buscan los matices más complejos. ⛽ XpertNutrients: es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos 🍶y sustratos🐛, que garantizan los mejores resultados y cosechas de la más alta calidad. A través de una cuidadosa selección de materias primas y un proceso de producción avanzado, sus productos son sinónimo de resultados confiables. 🛒 Consigue aqui tus fertilizantes:,de%20la%20m%C3%A1s%20alta%20calidad. 📆 Semana 12: Una lastima esta semana, ha habido mal tiempo este año y esto ha influido bastante en este grow. Último riego con nutrientes y después agua hasta el dia de la cosecha.
May 18: foliar spray of Extreme Blend from Kelp4Less this morning. Cool and overcast this weekend but it can be hot inside the mini-greenhouse. Was 9 C outside earlier today but 23 C inside greenhouse which heats up really fast in direct sun. So far so good. Still spraying plant a few times a day with water to counteract the low humidity. May 19: rain and clouds with forecast high of 8 C today. Not sunny so greenhouse won’t help and plants will have to stay indoors today and likely tomorrow too. May 20: indoors under a cheapo LED grow light that works great. Much easier than setting up a tent with a serious grow light. May 21: still cool today but should be some sun so the greenhouse will work today. Moved back outside into greenhouse in morning. May 22: mostly in greenhouse again today but they also got some direct evening sun. Good growing day if a bit cool. May 23: in greenhouse all day but evening sun again. She grew 2 inches in five days which is good for this early stage. In full veg mode it should/will be a bit over 1” per day. May 24: nice enough to be outdoors all day again. Watered with Monster Max.
Honestly guys she is amazing but bit slow flowering like northern light Shame I have to cut 3 main cola top coz to close to light and she couldn't photosensitive and that's cause slow flowering so I decide to cut 20cm from 3 main cola 😢😢hope that work Well I figure out why she won't flowering coz she too big for 6L pot thats why so I transplant bigger plant into 25L fabric pot and next day she start developing bud so happy 😊 Day 56 and finally preflowering is finish 🙌
📆 Week 5, 19-25 May 2024 19-25 May - Observed and let the plant grow. 📑 The plant is very compact with big, wide leaves, typical with Afghan varieties. The spacing between nodes is a good 1”. What I do is tuck the big leaf under the developing branches rather than cut them off early in this stage, to help the plant produce maximum energy. I also snip very low sucker shoots that do not have a chance to keep up with the plant, which is only a few. This keeps all the growth focused on the top of the plant for now. This will probably be her last week of what I consider veg, as she is starting to show more bud development. 🍶 19 May nutrient solution changed 🍽️ 19 May feeding schedule updated 💧 Using reverse osmosis water with EC/TDS at 0 🐉 Nutrient solution EC 2.6 at 70 degrees F 🔆 Light power at 50%, DLI 28 canopy coverage at 18hrs 😤 Using PYPABL, Air Pump, 400GPH That is it for this week. Thanks for the look, read and stopping by.
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil. Day 1 we have lots of sunshine and temperatures in the mid 80's F. I watered today about 1.5-2 gallons per pot directly from the hose. Well water is 7.6 pH and about 50°F. #1 and #2 got topped today. #2 was topped in the evening at 6.30 p.m. I waited for it to get a little more space between the nodes, so there's a bit of stem above the node. This will help it to not split. Day 2 we had thunderstorms and rain in the morning followed by sunshine. The #3 plant was topped today. Day 3 we had lots of sunshine, temps in the mid 80's. That evening we had thunderstorms and rain which became severe that night. Hail was in the forecast but we missed it 🙏. I noticed the number 1 plant was growing crooked. I had moved the pots to get more sunlight and the one was uneven. I did some moving and adjusting today and hopefully it will straighten up. Day 4 we had rain in the morning followed by rain and thunderstorms intermittently into the night. Day 5 we had rains early morning and then cloudy most of the day. We have sunshine in the forecast for the weekend. 🙏🙏🙏 All pots were top dressed with 50ml of ferrous sulfate. Day 6 We had sunshine in the morning and afternoon. Clouds began to move in about 3.30p.m. Suddenly about 4:00 p.m. we had a severe thunderstorm that produced heavy rain and grape sized hail. Thankfully the hail only lasted a few minutes. There was some damage to this group, but only leaves. Day 7 we had sunshine, but cooler temperatures with highs reaching low to mid 70's. The plants began to show some Interveinal chlorosis in the new growth on day 5. I checked pH and it's above 7 in the pots. I added ferrous sulfate to counter this. On day 6 I noticed the #3 plant falling behind from receiving less direct sunlight. I've run out of space to accommodate the suns procession. I moved it to a better place for it to receive more sunlight. This week produced challenges. The topping was successful, but the position of the plants prevented some of them from receiving maximum direct sunlight. It took a few days to notice the affect on growth. We did not have much height gained this week. There was the issue with rising pH again, but this was promptly dealt with. We survived the challenging weather. Overall a successful week as lots of downward root growth was achieved. This will be evident next week as plants shoot up.
Growing fast! So my goal is to have a few main branches, and make them as thick as possible. Want to see if this creates larger colas. Added silica for 1 feeding so far. The stuff raises PH quite a bit FYI. Added it first before all other nutes. Also feed Recharge a day after watering while soil still moist. Stress techniques - - Super cropped a lot more. I would bend harshly without breaking in between each node just before watering. Did it on all stems at once, entire plant looked so sad but perked right back up later in the day. Maybe I'm triggering it's survival mode because growth seems to speed up after initial stress. - I keep taking off new nodes as they appear to keep the growth structure I want. I'm taking something off almost everyday and might be the most stressful thing I'm doing. - The tight ring around the base of the stem is showing heavy scaring and buildup. I'm keeping it on so it stays tied down, and to see how the plant deals with it. I like to think the plant thinks it's bugs attacking its stem. I have noticed the main stem hardening up. - First week I did a heavier feeding. Want to see how far I can push the nutes without burning the tips. No tip burn yet apart from some light stress (maybe). Crazy how this 100 watt light is doing. You think 100 isn't enough but it most definitely is. At least for 1 plant in tent.