May 26, 2024 Day 36 The first week of flower has started. Bring on the stretch! All 4 ladies are just finishing up with pre-flower and are looking wonderful. A bit to do today. We have watering, photos, reorganization and maybe a tie down or 2. We will see about the tie downs. Also need to measure height and light distance. DLI must be recorded as well. All 4 ladies are getting a half gallon of water today. And the start of the flowering nutrients. This week we start small with Bud Candy and Sensizym. There's more I could add, but I don't have it. Next week we will add Big Bud and week 3 will be B-52 and Tasty Terpenes. I may also add Cal/Mag Xtra at some point as well. Probably next week. Just to keep it all happy. I also have Recharge and may use that depending on how we are doing in a week or so. I don't have much so I don't want to waste any if I don't need to. Because this soil is hot, I don't expect to use much in nutrients. So it should keep my costs down. Just a little added boost. I also have Overdrive which I will be using the last 2 weeks of flower. At half strength instead of quarter. Sour Diesel A looks great. A little lopsided, but I can fix that next week when the tent frees up. She is roughly 16 inches tall and is missing a branch. I just noticed that today. There's a fan leaf there, it no branch. Weird. Sour Diesel B has the best structure of the group. She's about 15 inches tall with a perfectly level canopy. Some of the newer side branches have a little bit to go to get up to the rest of the canopy, but the lower side branches are all caught up to the top. They are also pretty well spread out around the containers edge. Sour Diesel C is looking like the smallest of the bunch. It's to be expected as she got a later tie down. She'll bounce back in no time. Her side branches are pretty level with her top of not a little taller. Her structure is shaping out to be pretty nice. Maybe a little on the shorter side and a bit more bushy. Sour Diesel D is starting to stretch now. She went from the shortest and smallest to the same height as B. Around 15 inches. Still no training. She has pretty good internodal spacing now and looks like she will be a standard Christmas tree structure. Eventually I'll have to pull her branches out to make room for more branches and better airflow. So far I don't have to do anything. I got a light measurement today at 30 mol/m²/d. About 10 mol/m²/d too low. Apparently it should be at 40 mol/m²/d, but I think the calculator I'm using isn't counting for the weeks difference from photos. I'm pretty sure it should be at 35 mol/m²/d now. Still 5 off, but at least it's not 10. That's a hell of a difference. So is 5, but it's only for another 5 or so days. Not to mention , they seem to be growing into the light quite nicely. It's still a long distance, but the power is up to 80% so it should be fine. The environment is really messed up today. Yet again it's super humid out. The temp was too low earlier, but now it's back up to 75°. The humidity is back up over 60% and was super high this morning at close to 70%. No damage that I can see and I know what happened and it's been resolved. My ac was set to 66° for the night and it didn't pull the humidity air out. It took me nearly 4 hours to get it to budge, but finally it seems to be leveling out. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.0° RH: 61.2% VPD: 1.13 kPa May 27, 2024 These ladies are looking great! They still have nice and moist containers AND some significant growth from Sour Diesel D. So far nobody seems to be unhappy with the watering and the nutrients. I know it was a small dose, but still a dose in hot soil nonetheless. Sour Diesel A looks fantastic! I did a different kind of bend today. Instead of following the edge of the container like I normally do, I bent the top back in toward the center of the plant. So now the big open space in the center is all filled in. It should also help increase some of the upper nodes growth speed. All in all, she looks great! I can't wait to see what happens with this bend. Sour Diesel B is still the start of the show. She has a flat canopy with long side branches. As she grows, it'll be really easy to access the base of the plant. Very excited. She'll definitely need some tie downs when the rest of the tent frees up. Only to spread out the branches and allow access to the auxiliary branches. It will all be done in 4 to 6 days. Sour Diesel C is now my small one of the bunch. She's not too tall and her branches are a bit short. I have a feeling if I don't get her into her own quadrant soon, she will end up being cannibalized by the other plants in the tent. It should t be a problem. Not to mention I have risers for such occasions. So we are definitely covered for this one. She also has some weak side branches. I believe it's due to being pressed against the walls of the tent. Or just not the strongest performer. Maybe she will end up in the 2x2 after all. We'll see in about 2 weeks. I'll do my best to not move her though. The light in the 3x3 is just better. Sour Diesel D took off last night. She started at 14" yesterday and today she is over 16" tall. She's definitely the first one to take off. It's because she didn't get my training, so there's no hormone changes or anything like that from LST. I think I figured that out. Even LST causes some stress, but mostly the hormones change and redirecting energy to the side branches. Tht has to take some time. Maybe a day or 2. We shall see. No one has had much training so far. Not like I normally do. The lighting is fine. They are definitely growing into it. I'm still going to adjust it ASAP though. I like perfect lighting. The environment is a bit wonky for them at the moment. The temp is a bit low and the humidity too high. The temp is t 74° with the humidity at 65%. Not good. I'm working on it, but it's really humid today. I'll be opening the tent periodically throughout this time to get fresh air in there immediately. It might not drop the humidity that much, but enough to give the plants a break from the wet air. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.3° RH: 60.9% VPD: 1.11 kPa May 28, 2024 More space opened up in the tent today. Harvested another plant. Sour Diesel A is looking great with her inward bend. She has a bit more space now that D is in another corner. I'll be able to train her out in just a few days. Sour Diesel B is just vibing. She looks great and has some fantastic side branching. can't wait to see how she turns out when I train her. Sour Diesel C got her own quadrant today. Let's hope the extra light helps her catch up to the rest of the group. She's not really that much smaller than everyone else. But she is smaller. Sour Diesel D grew another inch last night and isn't stopping. Her side branches are looking really nice and I believe she is shaping out to be quite a nice plant. The lighting will be fixed for these ladies in just a matter of days now. Until then it stays the same. The environment wasn't too bad today. Still super high at around 62%, but nowhere near 70%. It was up like that early this morning. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.6° RH: 63.3% VPD: 0.98 kPa May 29, 2024 Not much going on today. All 4 ladies will be watered tomorrow. But today was just the one pic. Sour Diesel A is looking spectacular. Her branches are all caught up and her canopy is nice and level. In just a few more days, I'll be trimming her out. Sour Diesel B is still the star of the show. Excellent side branching and beautiful canopy. She'll especially need water tomorrow. Sour Diesel C is looking really good. Shorter, but a nice level canopy. Healthy as a horse and doing her thing. I moved her out of the single quadrant and moved in Sour Diesel B. It just fit better this way. Sour Diesel D is hanging out in the back just doing her thing. She has excellent side branching and her Christmas tree structure is really starting to show. The light is the same. A few more days. The environment is even worse today. It's all humid and rainy out. Killing the good vibes. Temps is hovering around 75° and the humidity is spiking up to 65%. (It's even worse on the dry tent.) Quick update: I took the risers out from under the other plant. Now everyone has plenty of light space and no plants overshadowing. I also got to lower the light to 24". The power is at 60% and the DLI is 38 mol/m²/d. Looking good. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.3° RH: 63.2% VPD: 1.01 kPa May 30, 2024 All 4 ladies now have their own quadrant. The last plant was finally moved to the dark tent. Let the training begin. I'll start that tomorrow. They will also be getting a half gallon each and I'll be activating the bottom feed system. Sour Diesel A looks great! She will be a lot of fun to train out. Such good branching. Her canopy is already pretty level, but there's lower branches that need to catch up. The auxiliary branches also need to catch up. Best way to do that is to flatten out the canopy and give them plenty of light. Sour Diesel B is the same as A. She will definitely be a lot of fun to train. Same great branching. I may have to do it slightly different as I don't have an inward bend on this one. Her top is really tall like her branches, but also super stiff. I need to bend it down again to level out the rest of the branches. Just one more time. That will be the last top bend I would need. The rest will be side branching. Sour Diesel C is looking pretty good. She won't need as much training. As A and B, but training she will need. Mostly to keep her level with the rest of the tent. Sour Diesel D is looking really good without training. She seems to be staying the same height as A and B. She hasn't shot up yet, but I think that may happen in the next few days. The environment is still a bit of a mess, so I'm working on it. It should adjust over the next day. It's warm and dry out now, so the temp and humidity should level out. I'm looking for 77° and 50% humidity. I might have to put my second dehumidifier back in the tent to get it down to 50%. The temp is a bit lower than I want and I may increase the light power and raise it just to bring in more heat. I've turned the exhaust fan down and will sacrifice a little humidity. But I don't think I'll gain all that much. We shall see tomorrow once the reservoirs are installed and the ladies are trained down. I'm going to have to mess with it anyway. Grow System Environment: Temp: 71.7° RH: 59.0% VPD: 1.06 kPa May 31, 2024 Watering day! All 4 ladies got a half gallon top feed each. None of them had runoff, but they are still showing signs of too much water. It will be perfectly fine in a matter of hours. Anyway, I watered in a quarter gallon at a time, switched to another plant and back again to make the intended half gallon. I did add the nutrients as well. It's only 1 ml per gallon, so it should be perfectly fine. What I didn't do today is install the reservoirs. I just changed the light yesterday, so I don't think I want to mess with it again. So I'll install the reservoirs next week. They will need watering and then I can fill their reservoirs up and never have to top feed again. Sour Diesel A looks really good. Nice and strong side branches. Very healthy. Sour Diesel B got the same inward bend as A. The stem was finally long and pliable enough to get a really nice 90 degree bend. I also got to pull down a couple side branches. Now the canopy is spread out but still level. Looking great! Sour Diesel C got a couple tie downs as well today. I also had to anchor her trunk as it was leaning too far to the side. It worked a charm. I tied down a few branches to keep the canopy level. She's still pretty short. And I'm not sure how tall she will get, but I'm hoping the hormonal reaction to the tie downs will speed up growth. Sour Diesel D is the picture of health. Her side branches are nice and strong. Main trunk is hardening off and she's now taller than the rest by about 2 inches after they were tied down. This is, of course, to be expected with a plant I'm not training. It was a little cool in the tent today and I think a lot of it has to do with the light power. At 60% the light just isn't warm enough to carry the temp of the tent. So I increased the power level to 70% and checked the DLI. It's perfectly at 38 mol/m²/d for each plant. Dead center of the tent is about 45 mol/m²/d. I also added the second dehumidifier back into the tent. I think it will be a lot better than the other when the reservoirs are installed. It's smaller and blows from the top instead of the sides. Hopefully it's the only one I'm going to need during late flower. The current temp and humidity are perfectly fine for these ladies. 78° and 55% humidity. Just right for this week of life. I'll work to get it down to 50% over next week. I think I'll try to leave the temp at 78° it's great for now. I'll drop the temp to 74° in 3 weeks when the buds start to really swell. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.3° RH: 54.8% 1.21 kPa June 1, 2024 Last day of the first week of flower. All ladies look great! No watering today, no training, just pics. Sour Diesel A looks fantastic. Her structure is a bit wonky. More triangular than square or rounded. I'll have to fix that tomorrow. Sour Diesel B is the biggest of the 4. She has a fantastic structure and wonderful side branching. She'll need a bit more training tomorrow. Just to pull down a couple branches that are getting taller than the rest. Sour Diesel C also looks great. Her structure is that of B, but smaller. Very healthy plant. She will need more training, but I'm trying to see if she will catch up with less training. Sour Diesel D looks absolutely perfect. No training and no defoliation and she's still pretty open and has wonderful air flow. She's also starting to get taller than the rest, but that is to be expected. The light is perfect. I have the power level at 70% and the height at 24" (my favored height) the DLI is at 38 mol/m²/d. Next week we will bring it up to 40 mol/m²/d and the week after will be 45 mol/m²/d. The environment is starting to look better. This morning the temp was only at 70°, and it took nearly 2 hours to get the temp back up to 77°. The humidity is really weird. It's dry in my room. Like 44% dry. The tent is still stuck at 57% humidity. I don't understand. I have 2 dehumidifiers, low humidity and my exhaust fan on a lower setting to keep the dry air in there and it's still high. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.0° RH: 54.3% VPD: 1.24 kPa
That's it ! Plant #1 :45.52 G Plant #2 : 32.68 G Plant #3 : 43.12 G Sample before harvest : 4.16 G Total 125,48 G I'm happy with the quantity, i know it's not a lot for 250W, but with my setup, and my knowledge, i'm pretty happy with that, i am especially happy cause of the quality, it's dope ! the plant #2 gave me a bad yield. Buds was a but aery, not compact like the 2 others. I don't think it's a genetic problem, i've made mistake on her, and she was the one with the less light, a bit late since the beginning, etc etc.. but she is good ! she is like the #3 but not compact. For the cut i removed big leaves and big sugar leaves, and head down. It was ready to cure after 8 days, i'd like it to be slower but they are already wonderfull after almost 1 week into curing, so it's great 😎 I'm pretty lucky to have 2 realy differents phenotypes, this is so good ! Pheno #1 is realy like a concentrate of lemon, and realy sweet, sugary. She is strong ! Like a 50% High / Stone, totaly stunted. Pheno #2 smells like strawberry, like a strawberry yogurt. She taste more like sugary / fruits and earthy. She is my favorite, best looking, best smoking, best smell, best everything ! This is a plant to try, for sure ! Thanks to anyone who helped me ! Gonna enjoy now 😎0000
The plant got harvested at day 56 of flowering. too early bit was my first grow and had no idea about the harvest window.
Had a few family issues to contend with so sorry for not updating.. Tbh lost the week am on but she's growing very very well for my first attempt
Gelato got good yield about 30 g per plant Got some problems with mold on gelato Because the form of the buds , could not handle it Some colas are over 30 cm Don’t like the creamy taste ( banana was better) It’s definitely day stuff Density 7 out of 10 fluffy0
Conclusion and a plant that grows quite slender in bloom doubles if it does not treble its size, responds well to defoliation, it is usually harvested in 8-9 weeks but if it is left a week more mature to perfection. on a scale of 1/10 my vote for this variety is 8.
Finally finished my first grow. I've learned a lot, and look forward to learning more. Main mistakes made: -not enough drainage early on -misreading leaf colour change thinking it was a deficiency, but it was normal Stay tuned for round two in coco and one outdoor0000
Momma Shark II is healthy and growing slowly by design. I’ve got the 400W ballast dimmed to 250W. Lots of clone sites available when needed next. Bowl design seems to work well in these 2 gal pots in a 2x2 space that should be able to accommodate 4 moms if I stay on top of training! The two trainees - 8BK and XXL and doing well with manifold development. I have 20 branches on each plant now. My plan is to transplant very soon before tying any of these down. Then start training them out to the edge of the 2 gal and then upward to create more bowl designs. They’ll be moving to the Mothership to join Momma Shark soon 😎
Most the leaves completely faded out so I decided today was chop day