Muy buena cepa, potente, productora y fácil de cultivar. El efecto fue exactamente lo que buscaba; intenté curar la yerba lo mejor que pude para poder preservar los terpenos y así disfrutar aún más. Cepa recomendada😄
Week 9 for these 2 completely non identical twin girls Both are so fat and floppy now, they can't hold themselves up at all hardly, plants at leaning on each other lattice style for support The smell is godly, the stickiness is hellish when trying to arrange colas 😂💪😎
Released the shackles of LST for now — going to allow some vertical and unobstructed growth of all branches for a few days, then perhaps resume. I hope to have another week or so of vegging!
Hi everyone Welcome 🙂 In the end I collected this plant on day 61 of flowering The trichomes, at the time of cutting, were around 10/15% amber The aroma it gives off is very good, but generally , for me , it has a Kush soul.. And I love it ❤️🔥🌱 In smoke it is earthy, but not too much, with a basically sweet base.. Sometimes it is pungent.. Smoke made with organic filter and paper and obviously only ganja 👌 Using the vaporizer, especially in the Kush or cmq the herbs tend to be less fruity, I appreciate much more the flavors that are more complex, delicate and less pungent.. Temperatures from 180 ° up to 192 °.. Maybe making the first 184 ° pitch is the best.. Test in this case done with mighty The effect is pleasant and relaxing, but not too much. Let's say more a state of tranquility and calm, but which does not result in sleep .. Even the eyes do not fade a lot and the chemical hunger does not appeal to zombies 😁 The flowers are dense and fragrant.. Trichomes have a high density and the resin is super sticky 🤩 At the time of the test, the flowers had been dried, whole plant, for six days at a temperature between 20/23 degrees Celsius and a ur between 55/60% Later I made a manicure using hairdressing scissors, which after half an hour of use show their usefulness resulting much more manageable.. However, given the great stickiness of the flowers, both she and the other two, especially the one in the other journal that I am taking care of 👌, I was forced to clean the scissors every branch that I cleaned because the situation with the glue was unmanageable 😅 I cleaned the flowers by leaving them hanging on the branch, so as to touch them as little as possible and I find it comfortable.. I then put the branches on a net for two days.. Past these I cut the flowers from the branches and placed them in the jar starting the care process.. I opened the jar from four until I get to once a day, over the course of four weeks.. In the end it's A plant that I recommend to everyone, especially for those with limited space.. Easy to grow.. Thanks Barney's 🙏 Thanks Grow diaries for this space 🙏💪: 1:🔥 And thanks for the support yesterday, today and tomorrow 😎🙏: 1:: 1: Happy growing 🌳 Ciao✌️ 🇮🇹 BONUS I am growing the same type of plant, but one with a larger pot (20l geotexil vs this in 11l smart-pot , the original one ) and above all with a different substrate (Living soil High-Brix) You can find her in the link below 👇 Grow more Grow always It's the true medicine 🙂🌱
I just entered flowering stage, I switched to the bloom nutrients and I've stopped putting Rhino Skin like 2weeks ago and now am adding NIRVANA to help with the phosphorus I've also gave them a well needed defoliation try to focus all the energy in the pistils I've dropped my lights as well and my I've been keeping an eye for my temp. Don't want it to go above 80° The order am mixing my nutrients are: •hydroguard •Nirvana •CalMag •Bloom A •Bloom B • pH balance to 5.8 So far their pryin' up wards after I dropped the lights the seem to respond well.
trying to figure out if i should harvest these two ladies. the thc is nice and cloudy but no amber yet... but there are new white pistels coming out tho kind off confusing
It was a nice experience, It helped me with some things that I didn't know before. It was hard at the beginning because the plant was on a bad situation. But thanks to some fertilizers everything changed, also with love and patience. Good production but it could have been more. Next times will be better, now we have to be thankful and ready to continue😜
She smelly greet unfortunately I never took many pics she was a test run happy growing all I have not tried yet she is going into the curing process and I am not 100% sure of its sativa or indica
2 feet high by 20" wide. Watering daily, little less than a liter. PH still coming in close to 7, (+/- 0.3) Never over-water, have kept soil moist since seedling, letting it dry overnight. Always mix 0,50 ml / 1 L