The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Week 10 6/9-15 Lemon ladies love the outside. Both are showing yellowing leaves so everyone is getting nutrients with feedings. 6/13 heavy defoliation and limb removal for lemon cake since she's now in flower. Repositioned the scrog after defoliation so the thicker limbs are in the mesh. Drizzle, got light defoliation mostly yellowing fans. Before and after pics and vids. I saw a Japanese beetle on my Lemon Cake and some small holes in the leaves so I added 1/2 tsp neem to the feed solution 6/12. Also started using fish & kelp. I'm still watering 1 gal per plant when I feed. With the heat and humidity, I water daily.
all nutrients are in ger section. so i would say this should be the last few days befor going into flower phase. cant wait to see the coulour change on the leaves.
And this is how we successfully open week 9 - After fermenting a dose of PK compost tea at the end of last week, I poured it extensively. As always, he did them very well. They also need significantly more water again. I have now also increased the humidity a bit, because there is currently drier indoor air in the room of the cultivation area. Let's see how long I leave my Sweet Seeds ladies. I'll decide that at short notice. Sour Jealousy will then be able to enjoy all the space to bloom at her disposal. Both Sweet Seeds now only get purified and aerated water and only enriched with enzymes. It is now time to signal to both to use up their reserves. After all, their genetically pre-programmed life cycle is significantly shorter than that of sativa-dominant strains - for example, Sour Jealousy from Fast Buds. She is only now really starting to flower, while the indica dominant strains are moving towards the glorious end. I have also already been able to positively determine how practical and thought through to the end 2 Sanlight panels really make sense. I am not primarily concerned with more power through the lighting, but also and above all, I am concerned with the homogeneous illumination at 11 degrees inclined positioning of the solar panels. And to have the opportunity to meet the different growing conditions individually by adjusting the heights of both panels. Of course, I will be able to strive for much higher performance in the large Homebox Ambient with CO 2 and both lamps, but area coverage is the be-all and end-all for me. Lamps currently operate at 60% each. That's definitely enough. Because 2 x EVO 4 - 80 means to me: Precision in the form of light - a tool that you learn to use. Everything before didn't convince and satisfy me nearly as impressively as Sanlight. Also the advantage of being able to operate your lighting system from the outside, via Bluetooth, yes that is really very important, practical and innovative. It makes things so much easier... Sweet Seeds - brand new: „Jealousy Z XL“ I can’t wait to give it a try next run… Super noble presentation, in my opinion. There are many reasons for an emotional attachment to a product. But one stands out in particular: the desire to design, personalize, individualize something or - in other words - the desire to own something unique and feel special as a result. Scientists have found that our buying behavior is shaped by emotions. A person does not buy a product, but an emotional feeling. Many thanks to Sweet Seeds! 🙏 I also feel the feeling that Dark Devil gives me - as a noble high. I associate the turn with a noble, very effective and multifaceted indica dominant weed from Sweet Seeds. Creative work only works in the 1st part of the turn - haha, because then the coma phase begins with subsequent binge eating! But even during sports I was in the vaporizer with Dark Devil and it supported me mightily during training. Maybe it depends on the activity at the time of consumption, haha I find it very fruity in taste and smell. Very sweet terpene spectrum. And not very top-heavy. A wonderful body high. Worries and fears - as if blown away… Some here on growdiaries describe meticulously exactly how they give what, when and how much of it to the plant, etc. I prefer to keep a diary for my passion in a different way. With passion and feeling. I feel my plants. And talk to them. They also listen to chilled music. The Kobe beef in Japan is even massaged to classical music. ;-)) I think such information is only useful for a run to those who do it exactly the same way, under the same conditions with almost the same phenotype. That is almost impossible. And not necessary either. I have to learn to read plants. Their signs are pointing. Become sensitive to it. If I know why and how something happens, then I also know how to keep something like this alive. And what it takes. And why. So let's see what we have to do today. In any case, Lady Jealousy is being driven to the hairdresser today. Yes, we're doing beauty and wellness spa today, haha. She's so busy with branching, I'll give her a helping hand. She has developed incredibly. And has an unusually long breath. Comparative: She looks like a farm animal to me. In other words, what it was bred for. Very strong and healthy adult. Then bloom efficiently and productively. And that's the fascinating thing for me. The breeder creates all parameters here to perfection. Even though I don't particularly like the marketing of Fast Buds anymore, I have to admit without envy: "I've never experienced that before." The phenotypes are absolute warriors, from another planet. Marketing is debatable. No problem. But I can only marvel at these plants and their quality. Unfortunately, too much turnover often spoils the core vision of a successful company. …PK is on the way! Addendum about the one, Lady Dark Devil 😈, which had to be harvested too early: And yet: Dark Devil gives me a deep inner satisfaction in my existence. Nothing upsets me. Nothing can disturb me, because I am one, with myself and my environment. I can only feel gratitude for that. It gives me this broad, generous sense of inner peace. For me, inner peace means balance, equanimity, even-mindedness, harmony, and stability. And that's exactly what a noble special effect means to me. When a weed variety can develop medicinal qualities. When THC simply has a more complex effect on my organism, than just the usual power high. And if, a plant that hasn't even had the opportunity to reach its full potential, can do that, it has passed all the requirements of a cannabis variation, with flying colors. And on top of that, she seems incredibly graceful and elegantly feminine to me. It's just something very special: She's a Sweet Seed! Oh I see, I'm writing a real diary here... 😜 But I love that. I love grow diaries. Look at the brave girl. She forgives me for topping, training, defoliating and in the end: that I have to kill her. But I know then for sure, that she knows, that I really loved her. And the fascinating homogeneity. Totally instructive. It behaves like a photoperiod phenotype, unbelievable but true! on 14.09.2024 I moved her to the grow room with the others. So it's almost 9 weeks. I'm curious to see if she holds out. But I think so. It seems incredibly energetic and relatively relaxed to me. I'm mentally very busy with her right now. Every morning I comb through her leaf picture. Make impressions of the smallest changes. I currently have Pk boosters or tea with her every third day, alternating. And in between only purified water with enzymes. Dark Devil and Big Devil I let slowly starve and then die of thirst. They consumed the last booster 4 days ago. She (Sour Jealousy) currently swallows 2.5 liters per day. That's really a lot. And in the morning she wants to have something again. I think the lamps tickle out their full potential. I meticulously defoliated her and now she stands happily and despite all the exertions, like a star in the sky. My star. 🌟 Sour Jealousy is really crazy, I can say that. And the coolest highlight will be: Lady Jealousy will soon be able to enjoy the whole place in the sun for the "grande finale". The smell of the two Sweet Seeds totally upsets me! I would like to bite into it. Its killing me softly. Very few leaves have a few dark small spots or dots at the tips of the leaves. (Sour Jealousy) Many thanks to BerrySweetHighhat. I think the same. Will probably be calcium. She gets this from the Bio PK Booster. I keep calm and don’t panic, it’s organic. ;-)) Sour Jealousy: Today I cleaned out small shoots again & defoliated them from below up. I think there were still too many young little shoots. Now everything should be distributed quite well. We'll see. Tomorrow I will probably harvest both Sweet Seeds. Hello everybody! Today it's Dark and Big Devil's attack. It's about time. Lady Jealousy will be allowed to use the full 0.64 sqm of cultivation area for herself from today. Take care & bee 🐝 positive 🐝… to bee continued.
Week 9 of flowering 11/13/24 The lady is at her final phase, Giving her only water. Buds packing some nice weight, Leaves color change is very noticeable, pink leaves showing more and more. Chop day sooner than later. :)
Welcome to week six! 🌱 Week five was a complete success – all parameters are perfectly aligned. I’ve increased the water conductivity to a solid 3000 and bumped the CO2 level up to 1200 🌿. Light intensity is now set at 1400 µmol in the center and 1000 at the edges, which will keep the plants strong in their generative state 🌞. I’ll maintain these levels until the end of the third week and then start slowly removing the large fan leaves to ensure the buds get plenty of light 💡✨. I’m also trying something new to activate the “Emerson effect” 🌄: I’m running the deep red lights for 5 minutes before sunset and for another 5 minutes after the day ends. This should give the plants a final boost in photosynthesis, helping to maximize their growth potential! Everything’s looking fantastic so far! The Black Cherry has rooted well across different experimental setups, and at the end of the grow, I’ll provide a full report on the best care techniques for both strains 🌺👌. Willkommen in Woche sechs! 🌱 Die fünfte Woche lief perfekt – alle Parameter stimmen. Ich habe die Leitfähigkeit des Wassers auf satte 3000 erhöht und den CO2-Gehalt auf 1200 angehoben 🌿. Die Lichtstärke beträgt jetzt 1400 µmol in der Mitte und 1000 am Rand, was dafür sorgen wird, dass die Pflanzen stark im generativen Zustand bleiben 🌞. Ich werde diese Werte bis Ende der dritten Woche beibehalten und dann langsam damit beginnen, die großen Sonnensegel zu entfernen, damit die Blüten ordentlich Licht abkriegen 💡✨. Zusätzlich probiere ich etwas Neues aus, um den „Emerson-Effekt“ zu aktivieren 🌄: Ich lasse das tiefrote Licht 5 Minuten vor Sonnenuntergang und 5 Minuten nach dem Ende des Tages weiterlaufen. Das sollte der Photosynthese einen letzten Schub geben und das Wachstum der Pflanzen maximal fördern! Bis jetzt sieht alles fantastisch aus! Die Black Cherry ist in verschiedenen Versuchsreihen gut angewachsen, und am Ende des Grows werde ich einen ausführlichen Bericht darüber abgeben, wie sich die beiden Sorten am besten pflegen lassen 🌺👌.
Gießen - 💦 Week 6: P-K 7-5 Boost! 1,0 Liter je Lady / Tag Düngen 1x pro Woche gem. angegebenen Schema. Die letzte Düngung 🌺🍁 anschließend lediglich Osmosewasser PH 6,5 mit 1,2 ml/l Calmag. Sanlight Evo 3-60 100% (1000-1200 PPFD) Temperatur: 23-25 grad Celsius r.Lf.: 50-55%
13.11.24 BT# 18 Servus Leute ✌️🙂 Die Strawberry Cola Sherbet macht sich gut habe sie heute mal wieder ein bißchen entlaubt und etwas Lollipoping angewendet somit ist unter rum was die Luft Zirkulation angeht alles Tipi topi. Sie hat gestern PH angeglichenes Wasser bekommen , beim nächsten Mal gibt es wieder was mit Zusätze 🙂. Aber so bin ich ganz zufrieden mit der Gentik von Sweetseeds was heut zu Tage sehr schwer ist da es so viele angeglich gute Breeder gibt. Aber dem ist definitiv nicht so deswegen lege ich euch Sweetseeds zu Herzen da seit ihr definitiv gut aufgehoben. Bleibt alle fit und Gesund habt ein schönen Tag and Stay High ✌️👌 Mögen all eure Ladys Gesund und prächtig wachsen und euch mit schmackhaften Stuff versorgen 🍀😋 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 13.11.24 BT# 18 Hi guys ✌️🙂 The Strawberry Cola Sherbet is doing well, I defoliated it a bit today and applied some lollipopping so everything is tipi topi underneath as far as air circulation is concerned. Yesterday she got PH adjusted water, next time there will be something with additives 🙂. But I'm quite happy with the genetics of Sweetseeds, which is very difficult these days as there are so many apparently good breeders. But that's definitely not the case, so I recommend Sweetseeds to you, you're definitely in good hands. Stay fit and healthy, have a great day and stay high ✌️👌 May all your ladies grow healthy and splendid and provide you with tasty stuff 🍀😋.
its day 35 since sproud and the plant looks good so far. I removed some leaves and started training her with that bending clips to make the branches stronger. I collected leave mold from the surrounding woods. a lot of white fungy hopefully usefull mycoriza.
its day 35 since sproud and the plant looks good so far. I removed some leaves and started training her with that bending clips to make the branches stronger. I collected leave mold from the surrounding woods. a lot of white fungy hopefully usefull mycoriza.
Its day 25 since sproud and the plants are looking good so far. The jslow stress training with the clips works as expected and the branches are getting thicker and more robust. Defoliation on day 34. I collected leave mold from the surrounding woods. a lot of white fungy hopefully usefull mycoriza.
Its day 25 since sproud and the plants are looking good so far. The jslow stress training with the clips works as expected and the branches are getting thicker and more robust. Defoliation on day 34. I collected leave mold from the surrounding woods. a lot of white fungy hopefully usefull mycoriza.
its day 35 since sproud and surag black rose is looking very good. grows the fastest looks the healthiest. Also trained her with the bending clips to make the branches stronger. I collected leave mold from the surrounding woods. a lot of white fungy hopefully usefull mycoriza.
its day 35 since sproud and surag black rose is looking very good. grows the fastest looks the healthiest. Also trained her with the bending clips to make the branches stronger. I collected leave mold from the surrounding woods. a lot of white fungy hopefully usefull mycoriza.
🌱 Week 1 Update: Terpyz Mutant Mentha de Croco Journey 🌱 Hey Grow Fam! The Mentha de Croco sprouts are officially a week in, and they’re already showing off their unique personality, each one growing at its own pace. They’re rocking some funky vibes and loving life inside the dome! Here’s a full update on their progress, care, and setup for Week 1. Living Environment: The Humidity Dome Setup The seedlings are living in a humidity dome, where we’re keeping the relative humidity (RH) close to 100%. This level of RH mimics a tropical environment, creating the ideal conditions for delicate young plants that need extra hydration support as they begin to develop roots and leaves. Why High Humidity? • Encourages Strong Root Development: At nearly 100% RH, plants focus on root growth while pulling in moisture directly from the air, helping them establish themselves early on. • Protects from Stress: The high humidity reduces transpiration (water loss through leaves), which prevents drying and keeps seedlings hydrated. • Promotes Healthy Leaf Growth: With constant access to moisture, the leaves expand smoothly, giving each plant a strong start in the vegetative phase. Growth Status & Observations 🌱 These little mutants are showing some funky characteristics and growing at their own unique pace—a perfect reminder that no two plants are the same! Each seedling has sprouted its initial set of leaves, and I’m seeing great promise in their vigor and resilience. Key Observations: • Color: The seedlings are a healthy green, with some displaying slight variances in shade—typical of unique genetics like Mentha de Croco. • Structure: Leaves are developing steadily, with short internodes (the space between sets of leaves) that hint at nice, compact growth patterns as they continue. • Energy: Each plant seems to be finding its rhythm, which is a beautiful thing to watch! Some are taking their time, while others are diving right into rapid growth. Nutrients & Supplements 💧 For this first week, I’m keeping it light on nutrients, letting the seedlings draw what they need from the Root Riots and the remaining seed stores. However, I’ve continued using Aptus Holland’s Regulator and Startbooster, both at 1ml/L, to support foundational growth. Why These Nutrients? • Aptus Regulator: Adds silicon to fortify cell walls, giving the seedlings extra strength to handle environmental changes. Even under the dome, this helps build resilience. • Aptus Startbooster: Supplies essential microbes and root stimulators, setting up these little ones for explosive root growth once they’re ready to venture outside the dome. Lighting: FOG LED & Environmental Control 💡 I’ve kept the Future of Grow (FOG) 600W LED dimmed to around 200 PPFD to avoid overwhelming these tender seedlings with too much light. They’re getting just enough energy to support healthy photosynthesis without stressing them in their early stages. Lighting Benefits at Low Intensity: • Prevents Stretching: With the lower PPFD, plants stay compact and focused on root and leaf development rather than reaching for the light. • Supports Early Photosynthesis: The FOG LED’s balanced spectrum provides all the wavelengths these seedlings need to kick off photosynthesis and grow with vitality. Controlled through the TrolMaster Tent X, the lighting schedule is consistent and stable. With this controller, I can manage humidity, lighting, and temperature settings all from one place, ensuring the environment stays perfect for these little ones. Reflection & Tips for Fellow Growers 💡 Week 1 is about creating a stress-free environment for seedlings to adjust and establish themselves. Here’s a bit of wisdom for anyone embarking on a similar grow: 💧 Humidity & Hydration: High humidity is a seedling’s best friend. Keep your dome or grow area humid for strong, happy plants. 💡 Light Management: Keep lighting low to encourage compact growth and let those roots dig in. Adjust lighting gradually as they grow to avoid any shock. 🌱 Patience with Genetics: Each plant has its own rhythm, especially with unique genetics like these. Let them show you what they’re made of without pushing too fast. Shout Outs & Community Love 💚 Much love to Terpyz Genetics for these incredible seeds, Aptus Holland for the nutrients, Future of Grow for the stellar LED, and TrolMaster for the environmental control. Big shout out to everyone following this journey—it’s always a blast sharing with you all. Let’s keep the positive energy flowing and watch these seedlings turn into something amazing together! Stay tuned for Week 2 updates—more growth, more funk, and more growers’ love! Genetics - Mentha De Croco DogDoctorOfficial Discount Codes @ - DOCTOR 15% off Nutrition - @aptusholland Led Power @ F.O.G. Future Of Grow Controls @ TrolMaster As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all , this journey of mine wold just not be the same without you guys, the love and support is very much appreciloved and i fell honored with you all in my life With true love comes happiness Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so Growers Love To you All 💚
🌱 Week 1 Update: Terpyz Mutant Mentha de Croco Journey 🌱 Hey Grow Fam! The Mentha de Croco sprouts are officially a week in, and they’re already showing off their unique personality, each one growing at its own pace. They’re rocking some funky vibes and loving life inside the dome! Here’s a full update on their progress, care, and setup for Week 1. Living Environment: The Humidity Dome Setup The seedlings are living in a humidity dome, where we’re keeping the relative humidity (RH) close to 100%. This level of RH mimics a tropical environment, creating the ideal conditions for delicate young plants that need extra hydration support as they begin to develop roots and leaves. Why High Humidity? • Encourages Strong Root Development: At nearly 100% RH, plants focus on root growth while pulling in moisture directly from the air, helping them establish themselves early on. • Protects from Stress: The high humidity reduces transpiration (water loss through leaves), which prevents drying and keeps seedlings hydrated. • Promotes Healthy Leaf Growth: With constant access to moisture, the leaves expand smoothly, giving each plant a strong start in the vegetative phase. Growth Status & Observations 🌱 These little mutants are showing some funky characteristics and growing at their own unique pace—a perfect reminder that no two plants are the same! Each seedling has sprouted its initial set of leaves, and I’m seeing great promise in their vigor and resilience. Key Observations: • Color: The seedlings are a healthy green, with some displaying slight variances in shade—typical of unique genetics like Mentha de Croco. • Structure: Leaves are developing steadily, with short internodes (the space between sets of leaves) that hint at nice, compact growth patterns as they continue. • Energy: Each plant seems to be finding its rhythm, which is a beautiful thing to watch! Some are taking their time, while others are diving right into rapid growth. Nutrients & Supplements 💧 For this first week, I’m keeping it light on nutrients, letting the seedlings draw what they need from the Root Riots and the remaining seed stores. However, I’ve continued using Aptus Holland’s Regulator and Startbooster, both at 1ml/L, to support foundational growth. Why These Nutrients? • Aptus Regulator: Adds silicon to fortify cell walls, giving the seedlings extra strength to handle environmental changes. Even under the dome, this helps build resilience. • Aptus Startbooster: Supplies essential microbes and root stimulators, setting up these little ones for explosive root growth once they’re ready to venture outside the dome. Lighting: FOG LED & Environmental Control 💡 I’ve kept the Future of Grow (FOG) 600W LED dimmed to around 200 PPFD to avoid overwhelming these tender seedlings with too much light. They’re getting just enough energy to support healthy photosynthesis without stressing them in their early stages. Lighting Benefits at Low Intensity: • Prevents Stretching: With the lower PPFD, plants stay compact and focused on root and leaf development rather than reaching for the light. • Supports Early Photosynthesis: The FOG LED’s balanced spectrum provides all the wavelengths these seedlings need to kick off photosynthesis and grow with vitality. Controlled through the TrolMaster Tent X, the lighting schedule is consistent and stable. With this controller, I can manage humidity, lighting, and temperature settings all from one place, ensuring the environment stays perfect for these little ones. Reflection & Tips for Fellow Growers 💡 Week 1 is about creating a stress-free environment for seedlings to adjust and establish themselves. Here’s a bit of wisdom for anyone embarking on a similar grow: 💧 Humidity & Hydration: High humidity is a seedling’s best friend. Keep your dome or grow area humid for strong, happy plants. 💡 Light Management: Keep lighting low to encourage compact growth and let those roots dig in. Adjust lighting gradually as they grow to avoid any shock. 🌱 Patience with Genetics: Each plant has its own rhythm, especially with unique genetics like these. Let them show you what they’re made of without pushing too fast. Shout Outs & Community Love 💚 Much love to Terpyz Genetics for these incredible seeds, Aptus Holland for the nutrients, Future of Grow for the stellar LED, and TrolMaster for the environmental control. Big shout out to everyone following this journey—it’s always a blast sharing with you all. Let’s keep the positive energy flowing and watch these seedlings turn into something amazing together! Stay tuned for Week 2 updates—more growth, more funk, and more growers’ love! Genetics - Mentha De Croco DogDoctorOfficial Discount Codes @ - DOCTOR 15% off Nutrition - @aptusholland Led Power @ F.O.G. Future Of Grow Controls @ TrolMaster As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all , this journey of mine wold just not be the same without you guys, the love and support is very much appreciloved and i fell honored with you all in my life With true love comes happiness Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so Growers Love To you All 💚
Flowering💐💐💐 Getting Fat!!
At the end of week three, I transplanted and topped the plants. I also added CO₂ to maintain levels between 800-1250 ppm to support optimal growth.
These girls are blowing up and have filled the 3x3 tent no problem.They are in 3 gal fabric pots so I’m hoping to keep them short as possible with scrog net along with some training and defoliation this week.I can see this grow producing lots of buds and I’m debating on adding a second sf1000 to the tent to give them another 100 watts.
The girls are moving along nicely just watering with water ph to 6.4 this week as I top dressed with Gaia green 4-4-4.Spider farmer Se7000 dialed in at 30 percent and to the ceiling.Noticed some minor deficiencies Day 12 and check soil slurry 50/50 soil/water and the ppm was at 780 lil high at this early stage and the culprit.Going to work on lowering that a bit this week.I did add a top layer of fox farm ocean forest as well which runs a little hot with nutrients rather than the pro mix.I have to remember with these beautiful auto flowers less is better :)