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I'm thinking another week... Not sure. She's bloody frosty though! 😲
23.11 Последнии неделя полторы перед харвестом Закинул семки на ночь к пузырикам с FitoPower, утром или в течение дня закину одну в easyplug другую в кокосовую таблетку. 24.11 Hola amigos Семки за ночь утонули и были высажены в easyplug и обычную кокосовую таблетку, накрыты стакашком и убраны под 20 не сильных бытовых ватта, затем им будет включена 60ватт sun2board. Немного о подготовке мин.ваты. Мат мин.ваты нарезал на кубики 1.5-5см и погрузил их в таз с водой ph5.5 и оставил напитываться на 30минут, каждые 10минут подходил смотрел пш, он был на месте. Далее заполнил 2горшка и оставил стекать всё лишнее, собственно всё.
Day 71👋🌱 I started flushing some days befor. I think I’ve got 20 days left but this lady eat a lot of feeding this last weeks so I give some more flushing. Buds looks full of all What they needs also if now they need to get fat and fat. :) let’s see what’s happen. Giving ph controlled water at 6.2/6.5, I check TDS to water owerflowing from pot, bringing it to 50ppm from 400. Now I’ll start checking trichomes every three days, I’d like a 60% white and 40% amber Day 72👋🌱🌱 Hi all growers, how is going? 😊 I'm at my first real flush for this Orange, i gave 10 lt of ph controled water and was checking ppm from water coming out. i gave water unitl it reach 400 ppm, my water is 200 ppm, i hope i'll bring it to 50 ppm for next flush in 3 days. i think bud are going to bloom nice this last days befgore harvest, i can feel it :D Day 74👋🌱🌱🌱🌱 Soil is already quiet dry, smell is increasing rapidly. Today I’ll give another e 1 lt of water and Sunday I’ll do another flush. I think will go up to 90 days. Bud will get fatter and fatter🏆. Maybe I could have fertilise two times more, but anyway I’d not a big problem, I’ve been feeding them a lot since the beginning so a more long flush won’t be a problem at all. Can’t wait to the harvest. Day 77 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 Just posting some trichome pictures, waiting to some changement before publishing some new pic of the lady. Keep washing it with ph controleed water that looks always cleaner, i think i'll be cutting the most high bud some days before the rest of the plant. Can't wait anymore Let’se go! ❤️🌱 Any suggestion is really welcome :)😋🌱🌱
Day 71👋🌱 Started flushing. Giving ph controlled water at 6.2/6.5, I check TDS to water owerflowing from pot, bringing it to 50ppm from 400. Now I’ll start checking trichomes every three days, I’d like a 60% white and 40% amber. Day 72👋🌱🌱 Hi all growers, how is going? Second flush, baut maybe the real first one😎, i gave 10 lt of ph controled water (6.5) and was checking ppm from water coming out. i gave water unitl it reach 400 ppm, my water is 200 ppm, i hope i'll bring it to 50 ppm for next flush in 3 days. This lady is so fat, and tasty already i can smell chocolate and pinus, i'm sure they're going to fatten up 😋😉 Day 77🌱🌱🌱 🌱🌱🌱🌱 Keep washing it with ph controlled water, water now looks cleanest and buds are really blooming now, leaves are loosing color in favour to buds, i think i've got ther 6.7 days left to this lady cut. Let's see!!!! Let’se go!😋
Chopped on Day 113! She got around 60 hours of darkness and is now going hanging to slow dry 🤞🏻 I never weigh it wet but its around 4 Oz wet I'd say. I'll update in a week or two 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿✌️🏻
Chopped on Day 110! After 60 hours of darkness I've chopped her down and hung her up to dry. All I can say is this was very easy to grow and she was so strong I'd definitely recommend this one. I'll update once dried in around 10 days 🤞🏻💚
I made a lot of mistakes till now, but at least i tried her to recover and she goes for it. I hope she will give some nice fruits when shes ready. Have a nice week ✌️✌️
Share was rescue in last second. Set her to bigger pots with 20liters of bio bizz allmix, gave her coffeset and biobizz biogrow, and at lesst the sanlight q6w and she slowly recover. I let her too long in a little pot. Hope in 4 to 5 weeks shes strong enough to give some nice buds to me
I did some tricome checks today and she is almost ready for harvest. Looks like 3 days maximum before I harvest her. She is stinking up the neighborhood and is sticky AF wow. Was a really easy grow. Did not expect her to go full on flower on me but I had to make the best of it. Bud development is good but the size that I was craving is about at 65%. Can't wait to test this!
Diary Legend: 💧- Watered 🌱- Seedling 🌲- Cut Down 🍃- Defoliation ✂️- Topping or FIM'ING 🚂- Training (LST) 💩- Fertilized Wk4 11/17/21: Day 22. 🚂The plant had to be readjusted already, so I moved the staple further out, the keep the tip bent over. I will begin training of the lower branches very soon. Two bottom ones out to the back, along with the next row. That way it will be growing the opposite direction of the main colas, and allowing more branches to grow into bud. Deciding to train was a great idea, as the lower shoots had grown quite a bit since yesterday. With only 3 more weeks left before flowering, maintaining the plants shape should be easily achieved. Love the dark green colour of the leaves. While many would say there is too much nitrogen, I think it's just fine. No issues with the leaves, everything looks normal. 11/19/21: Day 24. 💧Plant is growing well, minus the distinct leaf burns on the tips. The soil is only holding a slightly higher ratio of nutrients, but it is now the full recommended dose. Overall it's still in quite good condition. One thing I love, is how I messed up the FIM, and allowed the two new shoots to grow, while somehow still having the center shoots still grow. Albeit it's a little smaller, as it look longer to sprout, but it's definitely there. Not sure if it's 3, or 4 shoots now. I will spread the two long ones out a little at first, but then I'll let them all grow out together, like a pronged spear. Watered the plant fairly thoroughly, as it was definitely asking for a drink. 11/21/21: Day 26. Plant is looking great. Lower branches are being tied back and out, to allow for an even spread. About another week of the main stem being trained, with the final week being allowed to grown out and up. I still want it it be the main cola, as it would be nice to see what the colas end up looking like. 11/23/21: Day 28. 💧After a bunch of fiddling around with an idea for the plant, I went back to how it was, using staples. I spread the new growth on the top colas, allowing more light to reach the middle shoot. Just a few more days before I let it start growing out more, and then flip over to flower. I will water the plants after dinner, as I forgot to yesterday, and up until just now (3:54pm). They were fine earlier, so it's nothing to be worried about.