Día 9 (10/06) N/A Día 10 (11/06) N/A Día 11 (12/06) Llueve mucho. Humedad alta por aquí. Eso les favorece Día 12 (13/06) Se empiezan a desarrollar las hojas verdaderas a una buena velocidad! Todo en marcha! 💨 Día 13 (14/06) Riego ligero 100 ml sólo H20 EC 0,5 en previsión del trasplante en el día 15 de la planta Día 14 (15/06) Se nota que estamos en el día 14 desde germinación y la mayoría de las plántulas van viento en popa! Día 15 (16/06) Hoy procedemos a trasplantar a las chicas a su maceta intermedia de 6,5 litros Se prepara con 5,5 Litros (85%) de sustrato PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS+MYCORRHIZAE + 1 Litro de Insect Frass (15%) + 65 gramos de Earth Vibes Super Soil (10 g/L substrato) Se llena la maceta de sustrato con las manos (limpias) y rompiendo los trozos más gruesos, para que el sustrato esté aireado y esponjoso, sin presionar Se coloca una maceta vacía de 1L para que quede la forma perfecta de la maceta donde están las plántulas (ver fotos) Se espolvorea la parte proporcional de la probeta de microorganismos sobre el agujero de trasplante Se saca la plántula de su maceta actual (bonitas raíces 😍) y se coloca en la maceta final Se riega muy lentamente hasta percolación profunda con H2O EC 0,5 pH 6,5 Se coloca mulch (acolchado) de paja para evitar traspiración excesiva y cuidar a los microorganismos del suelo A ver como reacciona al trasplante! 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE -
Really suffered in the summer with heat waves. Temps in the tent when the lights were on was going as high as 93⁰f (33.88⁰c). The buds have foxtailed as a result and I beleive I had pheno #1 hermy in its final days. 0 seeds found in both phenos so I got lucky. It flew through the veg stage, growing faster than the runtz muffin it was sharing the tent with. Flower period felt fast too, it was looking stacked already in week 5.
This week is basically more LST my plant that split has repaired herself within four days and looking amazing and has the most growth out of the three Widows
Just cut down my 3 autos that I hade going including this one. As always, these girls are extremely frosty and are very stinky. They are on day 1 of drying and are at a perfect 60/60 for drying.
...and here I am, at the end of this fantastic journey, with so much knowledge I have got in this process, including regarding myself! Fantastic!! I harvested one week early because I got some issues with mold! Thank you people for helping me when I got into some trouble hahaha Love you all! :-) Peace and freedom!