A-Day 88, B&C-Day 84
A-Nearing the finish line, she is in the middle of week 13. She has been getting nothing but water for the past 4 feeds now. She is fading fast. Lots of colours under loupe, I see pink’s and purples. Tricomes are almost all cloudy now and are close to about 5% amber. I’m going to ride her out as long as I can so I can get the other two closer to the finish line as well. Fat buds, some as thick as a pop can! 😎
B- Still getting full feeds of nutrients every other feed, on the off days, just a very lose dose of nutrients instead of just water. She is fattening up and stacking very nicely. Doesn’t have the same structure of A, but then again C, doesn’t look like A at all either. Same seed pack, same environment, slightly different training techniques, but what a difference in pheno expressions!
C- Has slown down some in stacking, most likely due to the length of her buds and how long it takes to make a difference. Very decent at this point, I feel like she is almost 2 weeks behind A, and 1 week behind B in growth, but if she puts on some weight like I think she will in the last 2 weeks, she’ll have a good final weight 😎