6/19 Knowing it was going to be over 100° for the majority of the day I WATERED the garden with 3 1/2 gallons. I went to check around 4 and everything looked amazing. We got some hard rain from a thunderstorm at 4pm but it seems like these girls like it rough and did fine. The take a beating and come back stronger. Knock on wood but I haven't seen any problems on the plant I snapped amd dict taped.. Everything seems to have toughened up and the leaves are an awesome healthy color. They grow observable every day now. Tomorrow is supposed to reach 100 again for most of the day before weather goes back to semi normal. I took a video but it will take way to long to upload. Tons of other pics didn't upload either. 6/20 Another day that's going to be over 100°. Plants seem to love it lol. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Bags still had some heft so I didn't water this morning. I figure I'll check them around noon and then plan on watering tonight if they need it. Hopfully they'll get some rain from thunderstorms. This crop has been through a lot. I think that has helped them significant deal with this unpredictable weather. 6/21 We had a MAJOR thunderstorm with sheet rain yesterday. I missed it but it was intense. I saw some videos. First time dad seemed concerned. Fortunately there was no damage. I was going to water today but I decided to hold off due to the look of the plants and the "praying leaves" at 4pm and feeling some moisture in the soil. Bags seemed to still have some heft. I'll probably water tomorrow. Need to transplant the 1 gals and need to figure out what I want to do for nutes this year. So far I've put in much less effort and I'm still doing great. I just don't have as many plants as usual. 6/22 Rained last night. Not much but the bags were heavy still so I held off watering. Plants looked happy and I can fix under watering much easier. It will rain tomorrow. I'll check throughout the day and update but things are going good. I should transplant those 3 seedlings in 1 gals. 6/23 It Rained last night and is suppised to rain today. It was raining when i went over. Just the kind if rain the plants love. I'll check again before church but I'm eventually going to have to water them. Those thunder storms helped a lot. 6/24 Rained about an inch yesterday. Plants loved it. Bigger everytime I see them. One seedling showed a pistol and I'll transplant it with the rest. It was the only one I was worried about. I've seen a FEW leaf hopper punctures and some other bites that could be anything. Time to get the ipm 6/25 Looks like its gonna be a nice sunny day. 75° at 10am. Plants are doing amazing and growing at a rapid pace. Haven't done anything ipm as of yet but any damage I've seen is localized to "A" leaf on "A" plant. I'll be paying attention and watching for signs of deficiencies. As of now though they LOOK great. I'll try to transplant the 3 seedlings today.
smellls amazing an its got a great taste i will be defitanly do it agin
haven't updated in a while. had a lot if things going on. still have been growing. just started to flower about two weeks ago. I'm going to attempt to update if I can find the pictures. I will keep update during the rest of flower. I have decided to go all natural/organic as possible the rest of flower. so I flushed and using a few different nutes. my state legalized medical and so I've been busy getting into the industry! stay tuned.
Things did'nt go as planned. I decided to harvest her this week, she was 7weeks in to flowering and looked allready good. The forecast predicted some stormy weather for the next week and i did'nt want to take the risk to get her destroyed because of the weater or deseases. besides that she had 40% of orange growhairs and milky trichomes. If the weather was going to be better i would have let her life a week or 2 longer. update: We are one month after harvest the buds are dry and have been (or are still) curing. Its allready pretty smokeable! 'best homegrown I ever had' is a frequent comment when i let others taste the buds.
if i grew this again i'd make a mother plant, take clones and veg for short time and flip sooner then I did this round. Although people say lec 315 can be 18 inches from canopy (exactly where the platinum yeti was when finished stretching) the trichomes were just milkying up at day 66 of flower prob can run this one a little longer then i did to increase yield a bit more to allow buds to fatten out more and go more to amber trichomes. Smell: Gas ⛽ on jar opening. Ground up has Vanilla 🍪 perfume Taste: Movie theatre butter 🍿 fuel⛽ baked buttery vanilla cookies 🍪 Medical Effects: night time smoke! crazy couch lock, very sedating, helped me sleep😴 strong pain reliever. narcotic type high, slows thoughts down to clear focus calm. I felt glued to my chair more then any strain I've ever tried before.  Great stress reliever Notes: refer to this one as the "purple pheno" One of the most attractive smelling strains I've ever come across👃👀 when you smell it you want to smoke it. after smoking it you want to smoke more of it... but its pretty potent so this one is likely to end your night once you start on it!😎👌💨😴😴 yielded 23 grams of flower dry #3 green pheno- Smell: Lime with subtle skunk & burnt rubber Taste: Lime peels and burnt rubber Medical Effects: Very Sedating, stress reducer. slows thoughts down Notes: stayed green entire grow, yield 22.4 grams dry flower
The harvest was super sticky. I mean fr it was frustrating but we got though it lol. It’s took a week to harvest all the plants with some help too. They all started drying at the same time but each one got cut at different days. Overall they all stink to high hell. I mean super stinky like damn what is that funk at stink. Lol they taste just as they smell and curing will only make them better. I also found some nanners on one of my plants smh ONLY DOWN SIDE
Last week was pretty stable. The buds are steadily fattening up, just how we like it. They all got burned leave tips, I think it has to do with too little runoff, because I’m using GHE’s flora hydro schedule on exactly half strength. Its not getting worse over the last days so its probably not a big deal. Like I said last week, I have a dehumidifier now. I got it hooked up to one of the air holes on the bottom. My sonoff temperature and humidity sensor checks when it goes over 65% rh, and fires on the dehumidifier whenever needed to blow difrectly in the tent. I do wonder if I could save on electricity to get a stronger exhaust fan. Because the humidity outside the tent is low enough, so more air circulation could fix the humidity issue without actively dehumidifying I think. I’ve been eyeing on the Apogee SQ-102 PAR meter. Its not perfect for led light but it does give a pretty good idea about the amount of light hitting the plants. I’d like to get a better idea of the optimal distance between plants and light. Especially since i ran into loads of light burn issues in this grow and past grows.
first grow, grew 4 total. 1 was ready after 8 weeks. the others 10.5, 11 en 11.5 weeks. 2 have really dense buds 2 others a bit more c fluffy. smell mostly the same berry earthy. one has a diesel smell now. will have to see after curing. great strain overal. thanks sweetseeds!
Smells like new shoes lol I think I made a decent haul off 315 Watts the buds look frosted and I can’t wait to dry some. I knew what to expect in the coming weeks and if I run this again I think I’ll keep the plants shorter like last time. Highly recommend this Indica strain to anymore looking to make dry ice hash or solvent less! I’ll do the weigh in shortly0
Una cepa de fácil crecimiento y resistente al ataque de bichos, humedad alta y climas cambiantes, aunque la cosecha no fue muy abundante debido a su estructura compacta, sería bueno aplicar alguna técnica de crecimiento para obtener más cosecha, una fácil y rica planta medicinal