Nährstoffe bekomme ich nicht geregelt Blätter werden gelb von umtern nach oben gegossen wird nach gieß Plan von growers .ch mit Leitungswasser Ph werde Erde 5,5-6,5 Da die Feuchtigkeit nicht gesenkt werden konnte sind jetzt nur noch 3 Pflanzen im Zelt
Towards the end of week 4 into flowering. The 2 smaller plants are about 4 and half weeks since germination and are in pre flower
Hola aquí un traigo la primera semana de crecimiento,15 clones de distintas variedades procedentes de seleccinoes propias, todas bastante parecidas para equilibrar la cosa. Se les ha realizado podas apicales selectivas para frenar el crecimiento vertical y una primera poda de bajos a modo de limpieza, les realizaré otra poda de bajos 3 días antes de pasarlas a floración. Riego: Estabilizo la EC del agua a 0.4 y la temperatura a 21º En el trasplante a macetero de 3l use sustrato COCO KAYA de Biobizz Juju Royal, usando tambien Microbes de Biobizz, para colonizar bien el sustrato de bacterias beneficiosas, después un riego con Root Juice de Biobizz estabilizando PH y listo al dia siguiente estaban con las hojas hacia arriba como campeonas. En el segundo riego de la semana utilize la linea Juju Royal de Biobizz, ajustando siempre con el Cal Mag de Biobizz, además de pulverizar bien todas con Leaf Coat de Biobizz para prevenir hongos y bicherio. La proxima semana estarán listas para pasar a floración,😁😁😁
Hola aquí un traigo la primera semana de crecimiento,15 clones de distintas variedades procedentes de seleccinoes propias, todas bastante parecidas para equilibrar la cosa. Se les ha realizado podas apicales selectivas para frenar el crecimiento vertical y una primera poda de bajos a modo de limpieza, les realizaré otra poda de bajos 3 días antes de pasarlas a floración. Riego: Estabilizo la EC del agua a 0.4 y la temperatura a 21º En el trasplante a macetero de 3l use sustrato COCO KAYA de Biobizz Juju Royal, usando tambien Microbes de Biobizz, para colonizar bien el sustrato de bacterias beneficiosas, después un riego con Root Juice de Biobizz estabilizando PH y listo al dia siguiente estaban con las hojas hacia arriba como campeonas. En el segundo riego de la semana utilize la linea Juju Royal de Biobizz, ajustando siempre con el Cal Mag de Biobizz, además de pulverizar bien todas con Leaf Coat de Biobizz para prevenir hongos y bicherio. La proxima semana estarán listas para pasar a floración,😁😁😁
Here we go, after 21 days of streching i make some defoliation and lolipoping, I break by the way one flower on the top what a mess of newbie 🙃 will not do it again. Thanks everyone
Week 5 since light switch to 12/12 The terps are AMAZING and very very strong. Entire place smells when I open the tent. And lingers for way too long. So hard to pin down the exact smell as it changes through the weeks. Sweet creamy skunky gas with a slight new shoe smell. Like that strong brand new fresh rubber or plastic smell you get when you open a brand new pair of sneakers. Everything the same as last few weeks. Same feeding and nutes. I switched to nutes that have zero nitrogen around week 3 but wish I waited another week as my leaves are getting yellow pretty fast already. Assuming it is the nitrogen that's causing it. Buds look super frosty though!!
****DIVINE SEEDS ***** *****OPIUM***** Sponsored grow ***DIVINE SEEDS ***** Week 11 6/16-23 Opium Loves the outside. She is tall and lanky, towering over the other outside girls: Fractal, Lemon Cake and Drizzle. All are showing yellowing leaves so everyone is now getting nutrients with feedings. I saw a Japanese beetle on my Lemon Cake and some small holes in the leaves so I added 1/2 tsp neem to the feed solution 6/12. Also started using fish & kelp. I'm still watering 1 gal per plant when I feed 2x/week. With the heat and humidity, I water daily but do not feed daily. Nutrients: TPS1 15ml/gal @4 gal =60ml Signal 1.5 ml Cal mag 10ml @4 gal Recharge ½ tsp/gal =10ml Kelp & fish GS plant foods 1/4c /gal @ 4 gal =1c Neem ½ tsp (for Japanses beetles)  Ph5.7  PPM 1414  Solution Temp 85  Outside temp 92f 6/19 Opium had a Spa day. Hair cut. All large umbrella fans were removed. Since she is in flower, she didnt need excess vegetation. This defoliation reveals true sativa form. There are 6-8inch stretches between nodes. I added a 6 ft support pole since we've had thunderstorms with high winds. I didn't want her majestic crown to snap off. I water daily and feed 2x per week now. *****OPIUM*****
****DIVINE SEEDS ***** *****OPIUM***** Sponsored grow ***DIVINE SEEDS ***** Week 11 6/16-23 Opium Loves the outside. She is tall and lanky, towering over the other outside girls: Fractal, Lemon Cake and Drizzle. All are showing yellowing leaves so everyone is now getting nutrients with feedings. I saw a Japanese beetle on my Lemon Cake and some small holes in the leaves so I added 1/2 tsp neem to the feed solution 6/12. Also started using fish & kelp. I'm still watering 1 gal per plant when I feed 2x/week. With the heat and humidity, I water daily but do not feed daily. Nutrients: TPS1 15ml/gal @4 gal =60ml Signal 1.5 ml Cal mag 10ml @4 gal Recharge ½ tsp/gal =10ml Kelp & fish GS plant foods 1/4c /gal @ 4 gal =1c Neem ½ tsp (for Japanses beetles)  Ph5.7  PPM 1414  Solution Temp 85  Outside temp 92f 6/19 Opium had a Spa day. Hair cut. All large umbrella fans were removed. Since she is in flower, she didnt need excess vegetation. This defoliation reveals true sativa form. There are 6-8inch stretches between nodes. I added a 6 ft support pole since we've had thunderstorms with high winds. I didn't want her majestic crown to snap off. I water daily and feed 2x per week now. *****OPIUM*****