~ FastBuds PAPAYA SHERBET Photoperiod~ Well here we go on another journey together through 'Canna-land' and this one's kinda special... forget that, it's VERY special because this is FastBuds newest surprise for the community, a FEMINIZED PHOTOPERIOD STRAIN!🤯 I was fortunate enough to score these seeds, of which only 1000 were available and can't wait to see what this strain can do! This Papaya Sherbet, according to FastBuds, is a hybrid with a 9-10 weeks flowering period. For a more detailed and accurate description of this strain the following from FastBuds says it best: "Combining the massive stature of Papaya (Oni Selection) with the strength and resilience of one of our best keeper cuts (Sunset Sherbet), this strain develops into a big, expansive bush adorned with numerous bud sites that later transform into a generous harvest of medium-sized buds. Papaya Sherbet flowers deliver a signature flavor of premium cannabis with subtle citrus undertones that emerge upon inhaling. During growth, her aroma makes for a sweet yet pleasantly bitter fragrance, giving you an idea of what the smoke will taste like. Notably stress-resistant, Papaya Sherbet is a great choice for growers working in challenging environments. She is very forgiving and rebounds quickly from any adversity, allowing growers the freedom to experiment with confidence that she will take everything like a champion she is. This strain embodies resilience, flavor, and abundant yields in every grow cycle." Sounds like an epic strain and I personally cannot wait for this lady to strut her stuff!😍 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Setup: This is going to be an outdoor grow, but I have started the Papaya Sherbet photoperiod indoors as our weather is still a bit too chilly to put a newly sprouted seedling outside (nighttime temp's dipping regularly into the 40's℉). The plan is simple... let her grow inside under a 19/5 light schedule until the nighttime temperatures are in the mid 50's℉, which shouldn't be long. After which, she'll be moved outside and transplanted into the soil which I have already setup and inoculated with beneficial microbes from BioTabs and slow release dry amendments from Gaia Green. Once she's established herself outside she'll be given periodic top dressings of Gaia Green 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 along with worm castings and Compost Tea's. Her grow area is approx. 5'x5' and I have posts and a trellis net set up already for when she gets bigger to aid in training her. Let the fun begin!🤪💚 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Updates: 6/8- Here we go into Week Five and all is looking great with the Papaya Sherbet photoperiod from FastBuds! Our weather is beautiful now with daytime high temp's in the 80's F without a lot of rain so I am watering her daily at sundown with approximately 4-5g of well water. 6/10- I watered the Papaya Sherbet today and also did a little canopy maintenance, removing some leaves and some small shoots that would have taken energy better used elsewhere on the plant. 6/12- I gave the Papaya Sherbet photo a good watering today at sundown via the garden hose with straight well water. I am also planning on top dressing her in roughly 7-10 days from now with a blend of Gaia Green 4-4-4 and a little of their 2-8-4 along with some Wiggle Worm castings and a little Down to Earth Bio-Fish. 6/14- Another week gone and this little lady has really come along considering her late start and getting chewed on when she was young. All in all the FastBuds Papaya Sherbet photoperiod is shaping up to be one fine looking plant! Thank you for checking out my diary, your positive comments and support make it all worthwhile! 💚Growers Love!💚😎🙏
Alrighty My Friend well this was one hell of a grow , i had a blast , the SugarLarry exceeded my expectations in everyway .... I would definitely recommend 👌 👉Soil Provided by ProMix.ca 👉Nutrients Provided by Agrogardens 👉Lighting Provided by MarsHydro.ca Thanks my friends for the great support over the years 🙏 Happy Growing
01/26 No pictures this week because I'm doing multiple days of time lapse photos. Next week should have some yummy vids and photos. Plants have been doing well. Topped all of the plants between 01/20-01/23, except Berry, which will get topped tonight. Berry has had a very strong rebound. Still very pale in comparison, but is showing strong vertical growth. Vigorous growth of lateral shoots in most plants except for one of the WW. (iirc, it's WW 3) The tallest WW with the widest node spacing has had extremely poor lateral growth, even at the topping site. Likely another 2-4 weeks before mothers will be a clone-ready, based on observed growth. I prefer DWC and haven't done soil for a very long time. It's shocking how much slower growth rate is in soil. A good thing in the long run, because pruning a mother plant in hydro is a PITA. At the same time, I want these plants to hurry up so I can toss clones into a SOG test. My plan is to take 2 clones of 4 plants and flower them all in one 14-gallon tote. 01/28 I had some issues with the timelapse because I didn't set the intervalometer correctly and it eventually went weird after running for over 36 hours and started taking pics every 5 minutes. Things have been fixed and I have add a video from 01/24. I am going to trim some fan leaves tonight and decided to flower 2 cuttings each from the two Bananas.
Great grow!! Should end up with over a half a pound off of these 2 and the little I harvested about 2 weeks ago. I got 2 oounces dry off of her. They smell amazing and are covered with trichomes
Hello. I want to share my experience of growing Auto White Russian from Divine Seeds. Everything went smoothly, from planting to harvesting, it took 84 days, and these days passed without any problems. Our girl responded well to various training techniques and defoliation, and there were no signs of stress. Details can be found in my diary. The dry weight was 112 grams, and while the buds are not extremely dense, they are quite normal. I recommend trying to grow Auto White Russian. Thanks to everyone who followed, read my diary, liked, and left comments.
Привет друзья. 25.01.24 Harvest 100% 27.12 перестал кормить и начал проливать чистой водой 20.10 перевёл свет в режим 12/12 Начал применять LST технику на 19 дне, а 18 августа добавил ДЕФОЛИЗАЦИЮ С 20.08 ДЕФОЛИЗАЦИЮ С 20.08 LST технику На сегодняшний день влажность 54% 5.09.2023 заметил высокий Ph 7.9 С 48 дня Ph не ниже 5.8 На сегодняшний день Ph 6.0 Начал кормить с 60 дня Canna Terra Vega PPM 150 Всем мира и добра! Не забудь поставить лайк❤️, если понравилась как прошла неделя И читайте наш TELEGRAM: https://t.me/smail_seeds #Smail_Seeds 😀
Forbidden Runtz - Beautiful Sphere shaped Colas forming. Covered in sticky trichomes. Right bud structure. Good nose. Excited to see how this finishes up.
Gorilla Zkittles - Smells like creamy musty cheese (in the best way possible). Such a strong nose on it. Good bud structure and spacing. Happy with the development so far.
Obvesvacion por Maceta. Maceta 1: Mucha altura y poca expancion laterales, los cobollos se ven con ojitas muy chicas y definidas, no son tan gordos y comprimidos. Satisfecho. 😃 Maceta 2: Creo que tuvo un desarrollo como espere, con cobollos lindos por el medio y una punta imponente, ¿puede que podia ser mejor? no lo se. MUY satisfecho. 😄 Maceta 3: Fue Historia. Maceta 4: Petiza, con su unica punta que es igual al cobollo a mediana altura de la maceta 2, puede que haya sido el sustrato ya que tanto la maceta 3 como esta 4 crecieron de igual manera, poco desarroyo, mismos cuidados que las demas. Por ovias razones la regaba menos ya que no consumia tanto y deje de darle productos ya que no lo veia necesario. Decepcionado. 😑 Ahora voy a Cosechar. 😎