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Heute das letzte mal Gedüngt, mit Bio Bloom und Wormcastings, dazu wurde mit dem Bio Enhancer gegossen. Alles immer wie vom Hersteller angegeben verwendet.
April 18: Thank you MSNL seeds for the package i germinated as soon they got here 😄 So i start with 2 strains in my small tent, then when the 4x4 is free i will pump it full too with all of these for a few crops, cheers April 23: they both above ground now April 20: the seeds have roots and are now planted in 2 liter pots
Roots have absolutely exploded. Number #1 is doing very well and is growing like a weed;) #2 seems very stunted, root growth is happening but not as rapid as #1? Idk this is the furthest I’ve gotten before. Dropped humidity down to 65° and raised vpd to 1 instead of .8 now that roots can up take the nutes.
Ehi ragazzi come va tutto bene? 💪 Ah me si!😼la settimana è stata fruttuosa piena di novità e di progetti studiati che si stanno moltiplicando sia nella mia mente che anche nella realtà! Lasciamo perdere questa divagazione, .. posso dire che l esperimento di fare crescere questo F1 hibrido speciale in outdoor con un ciclo di luce naturale ,sia un esperimento davvero molto interessante per la comprensione delle diverse ore di luce e gli agenti ambientali, quindi variabili ambientali incontrollate, e si vedrà come crescera questa meraviglia della natura! 🧙‍♂️🌿🌲 Ringrazio RQS per aver reso questo progetto possibile ! Vi adoro a tutti ❤️💕 buon 420 a tutti! 😼😽🐈💨😂😼
Poslední týden před přepnutím světel na 12/12. Světlo běží na 75% a 50cm od rostlin. Všechny rostliny vypadají naprosto spokojeně bez známek přehnojení nebo nedostatku živin. Sweet Orange 1 jsem přesadil do skutečného 1L květináče jako její sestry a krávu jsem zlikvidoval. D59 Úterý: Holky zality 1,5L vody s 0,5ml/l RQS Flowering Booster : Bigger Flowers D61 Čtvrtek: Defoliace před kvetením . Odstranil jsem jen ty listy, které branily pronikání světla a vzduchu (asi 5-7 listů z každé rostliny). Většinu vějířovitých listů jsem pouze zastrčil aby nepřekážely. Počkám ještě 2 dny, potom přepnu světla na 12/12. D63 Sobota: Holky dostaly 2L vody s živinami. Přepnuto na 12/12
Buon 420 a tutti 💚💅🏻🔥😍 da CampaCavallo 🎄🤪💚
19th of April day 40 above soil, Plants are looking healthy I broke one branch while low stress training but it didn’t effect the growth it’s still the fastest growing plant in the tent, maybe another week or two veg and then flip to flower 🍁
Buon 420 a tutti 💚💅🏻🔥😍 da CampaCavallo 🎄🤪💚
Little bit of work this week but mostly an easy week watching the ladies grow and adjust to their new homes. On day 22 from Seed repotted the girls to their 2 gallon homes. I like to go from cups to 2 gal for veg then up to 5 gal for flower. Roots looked good and healthy already filling the cups well. Probably why they were needing water almost daily before transplant! Did the usual amendments (all purpose, basalt Rock, dia earth, and dynomyco) and living 50/50 new soil and reused soil from last grow. They all seemed to take it well, sad for a few days but I think I gave a bit too much water when transplanted. Now they're perking back up nicely. Late week did a Diatomaceous Earth treatment on top to keep bugs away. Will get the food out of tent this week and will be no more worries after that. Hope everyone has a happy 4/20 and a good grow week!
This one was fun, as always I learned more than I knew and got more than I expected so thank you Super Sativa Seed Club for the Super beans for Super easy to grow pheno to particulate in the Super contest!!! Thanks to ALL MY groW Fam/Masters/Gurus/Apprentices/Newbies. Let's keep groWing!!
Well here goes nothing! Only one seed so this is do or die lol, but at least it looks quite healthy. Going to start it indoors until it sprouts, it's only 45°F for a high during the day and 29°F for a low at night so there's no way to get her outside today. I have a 10ft x 10ft pop up greenhouse that I plan to have functional by the weekend. Update*- Smoothie sprouted on 4/22 yesterday and is looking like a healthy girl. So stoked!
Gorilla Cookies has been growing really well this week. She is looking really good, and growing a lot under the G3000. I will be switching light times on next update to start flowering. She got some of the usual training of lst, and defoliation. Nothing else to report. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Pure Instinto Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 Spider Farmer G300w: Spider Farmer 10X20 Heat Mat Kit - Spider Farmer Amazon Store: Spider Farmer Official Site: Discount code: saveurcash (stackable)
Spülung 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍾🍾🍾🍾 Bilder sprechen mehr als 1000 Worte 63 Tage sind rum und die Ladys haben sich wirklich easy entwickelt der Geruch ist mittlerweile so extrem das meine filter Anlage nicht mehr nach kommt die halbe Wohnung duftet nach cremigem Ananas caramel bonbong mit einem extrem funky Gras Geruch der so stechend Intensiv ist das meine Frau durchs Haus rennt und sagt es stinkt 😂😂😂😂😂 alles richtig gemacht meine Nase ist Mega zu Frieden, und meine frau stirbt halb 😂😂😂😂👌👍. Eine Woche lass ich sie jetzt noch laufen dann sind die Damen 70 Tage in der blüte und bekommen danach ca. 36 Stunden Dunkelheit vor dem chop! Euch allen schon jetzt ein fettes danke fürs fleißige liken und kommentieren bis nächste Woche ihr growmies......
Hey now, so this week went pretty well. The Glueberry OG's are loving the environment, at around 70% RH and between 79-83 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and around 70 degrees Fahrenheit at night. The hardest thing for me is to leave them alone and not water them, as I am used to growing in Coco Coir and watering my plants multiple times a day. They are still in solo cups with a mixture of Pro-Mix seedling starter and Perlite, and I am watering every two to three days with just a light watering around the edge of the solo cup. . I plan to give the other Glueberry OG to a friend to hopefully raise her well. I have three 5 gallon fabric smart pots full of coco coir soaking in cal mag treated water, so i will flush them down to EC .4 the morning I am ready to transplant this lady which will be either Saturday or Sunday this weekend. After transplant she will be immediately receive high frequency fertigation every 5.5 hours or so from lights on and also receive supplemental UV/IR lighting from this Medic Grow Spectrum X. They are currently receiving the V1 Spectrum at 30% which is the blue/veg spectrum. Thanks for stopping by, be safe and Blaze On!!! Website:
***UPDATE*** ITS CHOPPIN DAY!! Late in day 87 I was going for macros. Made the decision while seeing MANY yellow trichomes that Wedding Glue from FastBuds is DONE! Attaching pics to the beginning of the weeks uploads. She sure turned out pretty asf didn't she? Lights out occurs in like 30min, and I'm going to work through the dark period stripping the large fans off. Utilizing my green Christmas lights hung up above lol. May turn light on low for a quick pic before chopping/hanging. Next update will be harvest! 2 Girls 1 Cup week 12? Hopefully the finish is this week... My my my how WG has fattened up the last 2 weeks. Trying to get some good macros since it's too hard to hold the scope to my phone and focus everything. Probably better for the existing trics too since they're not being touched. Day 84- these trics are taking their sweet time to ripen. Was considering picking up some GHE Ripen to speed the process up.. especially because a local shop is closing and everything is 40% off. Let's keep it simple this run. I'll get some additives for the next grow to enhance GHE's perfected formulas of macro/micros in the Flora series. An update on the "sample" I clipped from WG the other day. It's not dried/cured proper. Actually been sitting in a brown bag with the outlet of the tent blowing on it lol. Can taste some vanilla in it through the chlorophyll and shit still in the flowers. VERY heady effect that hits me like a friggin wave. Creativity and energy uplifted for sure. Looking for the bodies in there too to help with pain, so we shall wait even longer for those ambers to show. ==================================================== ========================== ========================== Day 85- stepped up our hole a size or two.. lol. May bring home the step bit to drill again before a dark period at the end. The girls STINK! Getting VERY close to chopping day. Ooooh I can't wait (but I gotta). Headies lasting between 2-3hrs which is great. ==================================================== ========================== ========================== Day 86- yellowing more as the days pass. no more ambers showing yet.. wasn't able to score anything good from the local shop today since it was almost empty already. Picked up a grove bag to give it a whirl with curing. May put some in glass to compare side by side with the bags. Figured I'd give their roots an ice bath since I've done other bro science. Shit, GK still hasn't popped a nanner after all I've put her through 🤣. *edit* added some late day WG only pics to show her fall colors coming in. Moving in fast now. Gotta get back up in WG's guts now and scope the progress daily. ==================================================== ========================== ========================== Day 87- the smell in the tent has become so powerful, I next day air'd a new charcoal filter 🤣. This one was reaching the end of its lifespan anyway.. but oh boy has the aroma increased. May be starting the 48hr lights out within the next day or two from the smells of it. ==================================================== ========================== ========================== As always, thanks for stopping by and checking out my current grow. If it's your first time, check previous weeks for these girls progress throughout their lives. days 27-70 timelapse @
Defintely in flower now. Gave its first dose of big bud this week. The light was good at 40% for veg but 50% too much... at 1212 I switched it to 60% first week and this week 70%.. it seems to be handling it good and no light burns so far.. I'll continue bringing lights closer and increasing power weekly. After last week's defoliation it already has filled in a lot.. I'll do it once more in another week or two to help expose bud sites.
Started putting on all of its weight in last 2 weeks. Dense triangular shaped buds. At Least 1-2 more weeks I think. I did a final light defoliation to expose the buds that weren't getting much light. Try to fatten up what I can before chopping. Happy with how it's come so far.. one more week before I begin flushing.