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Watering has jumped up to every 2 days ph 6.3-6.8 with 20% runoff Flower Fuel has been added to AP,GG and ZK watering's. Lights have been lowered to 24-28 inches. White Widow just started flower at end of the week. Still waiting on the Cream Cookie. Doing light Defoliation to expose bud sites to the lights.
Watering has jumped up to every 2 days ph 6.3-6.8 with 20% runoff Flower Fuel has been added to AP,GG and ZK watering's. Lights have been lowered to 24-28 inches. White Widow just started flower at end of the week. Still waiting on the Cream Cookie. Doing light Defoliation to expose bud sites to the lights.
Watering has jumped up to every 2 days ph 6.3-6.8 with 20% runoff Flower Fuel has been added to AP,GG and ZK watering's. Lights have been lowered to 24-28 inches. White Widow just started flower at end of the week. Still waiting on the Cream Cookie. Doing light Defoliation to expose bud sites to the lights.
Watering has jumped up to every 2 days ph 6.3-6.8 with 20% runoff Flower Fuel has been added to AP,GG and ZK watering's. Lights have been lowered to 24-28 inches. White Widow just started flower at end of the week. Still waiting on the Cream Cookie. Doing light Defoliation to expose bud sites to the lights.
Watering has jumped up to every 2 days ph 6.3-6.8 with 20% runoff Flower Fuel has been added to AP,GG and ZK watering's. Lights have been lowered to 24-28 inches. White Widow just started flower at end of the week. Still waiting on the Cream Cookie. Doing light Defoliation to expose bud sites to the lights.
Watering has jumped up to every 2 days ph 6.3-6.8 with 20% runoff Flower Fuel has been added to AP,GG and ZK watering's. Lights have been lowered to 24-28 inches. White Widow just started flower at end of the week. Still waiting on the Cream Cookie. Doing light Defoliation to expose bud sites to the lights.
10/31 - Harvested the short fattie (Halle Berry)..washed and hung to dry. 11/14 - Harvested the bushy one along with several other plants. This is the second time I've grown this strain, and had pretty much the same results. Excellent weed, but not a lot of it. Neither plant gave me any trouble. The short fat one came in pretty heavy considering she had no lower branching at all. Both plants produced very greasy, very pungent bud, covered in trichomes. The bushier one had no training and produced more, but wasn't as fat. I pressed some of it for the rosin, and it's delish. Very terpy.👍 Dry weights: A - 52g B - 71g Final thoughts: Will probably grow it again because it's my wife's favorite flavor, but I'd refer to find a strain that produces the same flavors but much heavier yields. Potency: 7/10 Yield: 5/10 Flavor: 8/10 Aroma: 9/10 Bag-appeal: 8/10 Bud Density: 7/10
Couple days left of week 3, and buds are starting to swell, and trichs are forming. I've removed most of the lower branches at this point (which probably should have been done earlier), I'll hopefully do the last of the defoliation this week too. I'm going to bump up the nutes a little for a while before flushing for at least 2 weeks when they are starting to look ready! Smell inside the tent is getting stronger, made me sneeze a couple times when I peeked in there the other day 😅 Have a happy new year!
Couple days left of week 3, and buds are starting to swell, and trichs are forming. I've removed most of the lower branches at this point (which probably should have been done earlier), I'll hopefully do the last of the defoliation this week too. I'm going to bump up the nutes a little for a while before flushing for at least 2 weeks when they are starting to look ready! Smell inside the tent is getting stronger, made me sneeze a couple times when I peeked in there the other day 😅 Have a happy new year!
Doing very well, started early topping because it's an auto. I'll be off this week so no more pic berofe i come back. Nothing added only water.
12 semanas de floración y la planta sigue engordando los cogollos, que son enormes y muy densos, la planta conserva muchas hojas todavía y el consumo de agua sigue alto y estable, creo que al menos le quedan dos semanas más de cultivo, lo cierto, que aun a pesar del largo tiempo de cultivo de esta cepa, primero bloqueada por más de 4 semanas en el crecimiento vegetativo y ahora con esta larga floración, propia de sativas en exterior, está mereciendo mucho el cultivarla. De todos modos observo que todos mis cultivos se alargan mucho con respecto a las observaciones de los productores, yo creo que la nutrición variada y la salud de las raíces son cruciales en este aspecto. Por ahora muy satisfecho con el cultivo, la planta está respondiendo muy bien a los nutrientes y deja ver crecimiento en las colas día a día... puedo decir que en estos momentos es la planta dominante de entre todos mis cultivos, espero una cosecha de primera. Los rastros de insectos han desaparecido, las hojas grandes amarillean a un ritmo pausado... todo normal!! DECODIFICANDO LA NUTRICIÓN 😌 - Esta semana agua de riego mezcla de lluvia y de montaña a 21-23°C, para que la nena esté calentita. Día 163. Agua de lluvia y montaña al 50% (EC: 012), melaza (Azúcares libres, levaduras, Mg, Cu, Fe, Ca, K, B6...), Microorganismos de Montaña Activados de forma líquida con minerales y nutrientes NPK al 1%, Ormus (Mg... +PH) al 0,25%. PH: 6.6 EC: 0.65. 800ml Día 166. Agua de lluvia y montaña al 50% (EC: 012), Humato potásico de leonardita con minerales (Húmicos, fúlvicos, P, K...) al 2%. PH: 6.65 EC: 1.33. 600ml. Día 168. Agua de lluvia y montaña al 50% (EC: 012), miel, Humato potásico de leonardita con minerales (Húmicos, fúlvicos, P, K...) al 2% y Microorganismos de Montaña Activados de forma líquida con minerales y nutrientes NPK al 2%. PH: 6.5 EC: 1.5. 700ml. ORGANIC TIP 😋 Como el agua - Like water Homenaje al agua que la montaña y el cielo me regalan para mis plantas de marihuana. ======================= • CONOCE MIS TÉCNICAS DE CULTIVO Y MIS FERTILIZANTES ORGÁNICOS AVANZADOS.... HACER ES COMPRENDER!! 😉 - ORGANIC GROWING TIPS!! 👇 3M • PURPLE BUD SEMANA 17: Activación de Microorganismos Sólidos (MMA) y biol de frutas con minerales. SEMANA 20: Agua de montaña y estructurada. SEMANA 21: Abono sólido y mulch. 3M • Anubis y Auto Magnum SEMANA 1: Super sustrato y aireación de macetas 3M • Frodo's & OG Kush SEMANA 7: Elaboración de auxinas. SEMANA 10: Humato potásico de leonardita enriquecido con minerales. 3M • Diesel bastard. SEMANA 11: Sólidos y Mulch SEMANA 13: Aireación forzada del sustrato. SEMANA 14: Elaboración de un Lacto fermento de auxinas, nutrientes y minerales. 3M • Sweet Zkittlez SEMANA 2: Agua estructurada, agua viva. SEMANA 3: Ormus y agua de coco. SEMANA 5: Compactación con luces Cool White. SEMANA 6: Cicatrizante y protector de cortes o podas apicales. 3M • Sweet Clementine SEMANA 5: Elaboración de Lacto fermento multi frutas y minerales. 3M • Fresh Candy auto SEMANA 4: Recuperación de esporas de Microorganismos y Micorrizas. 3M • Tropicanna Poison SEMANA 7: Elaboración de un semillero de Microorganismos de Montaña Sólidos (MMS) SEMANA 10: Extracción de HBO con el método QWISO 3M • Black Domina SEMANA 6: Reutilización de residuos: Mulch de palos secos. 3M • Monster Bud Kush SEMANA 7: Elaboración de un Bocashi de Pasto ensilado enriquecido con nutrientes y minerales. 3M • San Fernando Lemon Kush SEMANA 5: Reutilización de sustrato orgánico. SEMANA 16: GD TIP: ¿Lente u objetivo? 3M • Magnum Auto SEMANA 5: Aprovechamiento de residuos caseros. Cáscaras de frutas. Deshidratación y almacenaje. 3M • Quick Sherbet SEMANA 12: Crema tópica de karite y HBO. 3M • Purple Shot SEMANA 18: Tierra a la tierra.😎 3M • Gorilla Glue SEMANA 4: Fibra de coco con Microorganismos de Montaña Activados (MMA) para mezclas de sustratos. 3M • Diesel S1 SEMANA 17. Humato PK. Hidrolizado potásico de leonardita con fósforo.
San Fernando Lemon Kush® · Sweet Seeds
Fission 300W · Custom
40X40X140cm · Custom
Miel ·
Miel ·
Algas EM ·
Melaza ·
Miel ·
Melaza ·
Lacto algas EM ·
Hidro Sangre enzimática ·
Bio Calabaza con MM ·
Lacto harinas animales con EM ·
Auxinas caseras ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Lacto algas EM ·
Té de bocashi de algas ·
Melaza ·
Lacto algas EM ·
Té de bocashi de algas ·
Melaza ·
Hidro sangre ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Lacto auxinas NP ·
Ormus ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Biol de frutas EM ·
Ormus ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Humato KM ·
Lacto guanos EM ·
Lacto minerales KEM ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Humato KM ·
Miel ·
Bio Calabaza MMA ·
Bio frutas PKM ·
Agua de ceniza ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Miel ·
Lacto algas EM ·
Lacto minerales EM ·
Bio frutas PKM ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Humato K ·
Ormus ·
Lacto guanos EM ·
Humato PKM ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Humato PKM ·
Agua de ceniza ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Humato PKM ·
Bio calabaza MMA ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Humato PKM ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Lacto guanos EM ·
Miel ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Melaza ·
Humato PKM ·
Biol de frutas EM ·
Lacto frutas PK ·
Ormus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Melaza ·
Humato PKM ·
Ormus ·
Lacto mineral EM K ·
Lacto guanos EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Melaza ·
Humato PKM ·
Ormus ·
MMA Plus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
Hey what’s up fellas ✌️ Week 2 of flowering, I have trim the legs by cutting all the small shoots in the bottom that won’t reach the canopy. And removing some few big fans leaves that are covering some lower shoots. I gave them a lil bit of nutrients during this week, last time was about 13 days ago. Just to support the stretch. Keeping an eye on the plants is the best way to know when to feed them. Lights are at max level now, all the ladies should have plenty enough space to grow without reaching the cooking zone. The Mars-Hydro led is just a bit lower and closer as it produces less heat. ✅New Growers Tips✅ ✅Trim your plants legs, don’t waste energy on the bottom popcorn buds. ✅Your plants are stretching, they need Nitrogen, stick to your Grow/Veg. nutrients ✅Always pop more seeds than expected to grow, look at the shitty plants in the middle between the 2 scrog in the video, those plants were germinated same day than the ones in the scrog... Keep the best phenotypes and put the shitty ones at the trash. That’s all for this week 😉 Stay tuned for the Jungle Show 😂👍 (I’m looking for a job in the Cannabis industry as Master Grower, Mineralogist, Quality Control)
Harvested on 11/6. I let them cure for a month, and if I can keep my paws off them a while longer, I suspect they'll taste even better...gets more dank every day. Plant A: 52g - the frostiest of the 3 plants, and also has the best flavor.. She had a few nanners that i left to do their thing. Hopefully I get some cool hybrids out of the closet. Plant B: 73g - She seemed like the biggest plant but was a little less dense than the other bigger one. A little less pungent smelling than the others, but still tastes great. Plant C: 73g - very dense and sticky buds...aroma is outstanding Of the strains I grew this run, the SP comes in a close second to Wedding Cheesecake. Not only WILL I grow it again, I already have another one growing in my tent right now....good shit.👍 Final thoughts: Aroma: 10/10 Flavor: 10/10 Potency: 8/10 Yield: 7/10 Bag-appeal: 8/10 Bud density: 7/10