Day 15, 24.04.2024
- turned Erika II as her outer leaves touched the walls of the tent
- bent Erika I a little more (LST)
- soil ist getting dryer again - plan on watering in about two days again
- re-arranged temperature & humidity sensor inside the tent
Day 16, 25.04.2024
Nothing to do but to watch and enjoy. Tomorrow will be the first watering with fertilizer.
Day 17, 26.04.2024
- Watered the plants with 400ml stale water each - plus 2ml/L BioBizz Bio-Grow as stated in the fertilizer scheme. Thought shortly about giving them just half of whats written down, but then decided against it: As this is biological fertilizer I understood it is quite hard to over-fertilize. Well, we'll see where this goes
Day 18, 27.04.2024
- re-arranged the DIY VPN Controllers Display to be able to see it on cam without panning & tilting
- Soil is again getting dryer. I am a little afraid to overwater so I decided to let pass at least 24h again. Color is dark green all the way so it should be alright
- also pushed the leaves a little away from each other and the stem
Day 19, 28.04.2024
- Erika I is really pushing it: it seems as it grew overnight by 5cm. Okay, a little exaggerated but still
- Erika II however seems to fall behind. It looks good and all, but as I need to bring up the light again to a healthy distance, I decided to lift Erika II by ~5cm to match the height of both plants
- lifted the light to ~30cm above canopies
- again used wooden sticks to correct orientation of main leaves perpendicular to the tents walls
Day 20, 29.04.2024
- something happened: I think Erika I is going into flower - already! It is day 20 for God's sake. They grow up so fast. And judging from it's size actually a little too fast, but what can you do?
- Meanwhile Erika II is doing fine - without signs of flowering yet, but she always was a little late :)
- however, I did my first tries in real LST by tying down the 4 main branches a little to the sides in hope they will raise their heads again towards the light soon (I hope flowering + LST on Erika I is not too much)
- tomorrow in the morning I will water them both incl. fertilizer
Day 21, 30.04.2024
- After LST from yesterday the branches are again facing the light. A little stretch to a wider diameter is also noticeable - that seems to have worked so far
- Watered each of the Ladies with 400ml (incl. BioBizz Bio-Grow (2ml/L water)) in anticipation of week 3 where I will add Bio-Bloom and Top-Max
- Re-Worked on the LST - the straps were losening. However, it is nice to see the bend branches - it is working already!
- Having problems with the relay that switches the venting on or off regulating the humidity. Could narrow done the problem to a mechanical one: The relay just sticks a little. Maybe it is the increased humidity that causes the problems, who knows. Will think of something.