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This stuff has taken an age to dry! I think it was a little too cool in the tent. ah well. Its currently in jars curing, so havent had chance to try it out and i think im prepared to give it a full 6 weeks of cure. Results wise, little disappointed by the yield, only 4oz but it was a micro grow - I think perhaps although i didnt notice it at the time, the heatwave fortnight i had during flower may have had something to do with the lack of growth - but still the quality of the buds is high, plenty of trichomes and buds are really dense. As its still in cure its still a bit hay-smell as the chlorophyll continues to work its way out but there are lovely undertones of gas and fruit - (cherry?) Will check back in with a smoke report in a few weeks but wanted to get a couple of vids of the buds (yes i dont trim them like the pros, i dont care :p )
This stuff has taken an age to dry! I think it was a little too cool in the tent. ah well. Its currently in jars curing, so havent had chance to try it out and i think im prepared to give it a full 6 weeks of cure. Results wise, little disappointed by the yield, only 4oz but it was a micro grow - I think perhaps although i didnt notice it at the time, the heatwave fortnight i had during flower may have had something to do with the lack of growth - but still the quality of the buds is high, plenty of trichomes and buds are really dense. As its still in cure its still a bit hay-smell as the chlorophyll continues to work its way out but there are lovely undertones of gas and fruit - (cherry?) Will check back in with a smoke report in a few weeks but wanted to get a couple of vids of the buds (yes i dont trim them like the pros, i dont care :p )
Everything looking good this week happy with the vegetative stage with the th Seeds original Bubblegum. Says they are an ibl strain so the genetics should be stable, which is less chance of 10 different phenos ( update me If I’m wrong here, still learning ) Day 54 - today I did the last defoliation and lst 2 days before swith to 12/12. Middle growth was insane so spread them out abit by screwing small screws in to the pot and using the as a tie down Day 55 - all plants seemed to have bounced back the day after and look exactly how I planned so far so good Day 56 - final day of vegetative growth all seems good, all females showing white hairs , have raised the lights and turned Intake to full to maintain humidity levels and switched lights to 12 / 12.
Purple Berry Kush by Spliff Seeds 🏜️22.8 Today a small video, tomorrow I start with the new fertilizers 🏜️23.8 I hope to see an enlargement of the flowers soon, I'm tired of seeing it like this 🏜️24.8 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪🤘🤘🤘🦄🦄🦄 🏜️25.8 🤘🤘🤘🦄supeeeer 🏜️26.8 it is starting to grow again 🏜️27.8 here we are! Soon I'll start with trichome macros, yuppyyy 🏜️28.8 __________________________________________ ❓ Are you new to the world of the cultivation and don't know where to safely buy your seeds? 🦄Fast and anonymous shipping. Take a look at their very nice graphics ✅ ______________________________________________ 👀 Are you looking for a good lamp to start with? 👀 🌞Viparspectra has something more than the others, take a look at their site. ⏩ Use "GDVIP" for an extra discount or "ViparDreamIT" for an extra 5 %% discount 👀 Search for it on Amazon ✅Amazon US: ✅Amazon Canada: ✅Viparspectra UE: 👀 Watch my ViparSpectra XS1000 unboxing on YouTube, leave a like and write to the channel 🦄 ✅ ______________________________________________ 📷🥇 Follow the best photos on Instagram 🥇📷 🔻🔻Leave a comment with your opinion if you pass by here🔻🔻 🤟🦄💚 Thank you and enjoy the growth 💚🦄🤟
Rainy weather is clearing up . Lots of sunshine this week. Can’t wait to see the progress week 6
La floración sigue su curso y nos sigue regalando colorido y aroma para nuestros sentidos. El contratiempo con las pequeñas orugas solucionado y parece que el proceso sigue "viento en popa y a toda vela" 🌬️🌿 Los pistilos han inundando toda la planta y siguen aumentando su tamaño. Además, algunos pistilos van adquiriendo un tono ámbar. Las flores continúan oscureciendo, las hojas y sus tallos ya muestran un claro color rojizo/púrpura que tiende rosáceo con la luz directa. 🌿 El tallo tiene un tamaño y consistencia considerable, alcanzando una los 42cm y la otra 50cm. Se perciben bastante mejor los aromas de las floración. Seguimos aumentamos la cantidad de agua, progresivamente, según van pidiendo/necesitando las plantas. Se están amarilleando parte de las hojas inferiores 🍁 Si no me fallan los cálculos, se debe a la falta de nitrógeno pero no le añadiré porque ya debe está en las últimas semanas 🤞😅 Sigo intentando no utilizar ningún tipo de "ayuda extra", salvo la tierra enriquecida de BioBizz All-Mix donde están plantadas. Seguimos con el agua mineral, luz solar, mucha paciencia y mucho amor!🤞😍 Aunque para controlar la aparición de pequeñas orugas he añadido: 20g de tierra de diatomea (Diatical de TRABE), directamente sobre el sustrato (1-2 veces/mes y se puede aplicar en cualquier momento del cultivo). 50ml de Super Kukulus (fitofortificante ecológico)/1 litro de agua para riego foliar, tanto en el anverso como en el reverso de las hojas (2-3 veces/sem y se puede aplicar en cualquier momento del cultivo has 2 días antes de la cosecha)... Y lo mejor es que FUNCIONA! 💪😅
Bestva Quantum Board 2000 W & MrHide Seeds Semana sin problemas. Se aplicó a modo preventivo tierra diatomea disuelta en agua y pulverizada foliar. También se utilizó hongo Clonostachys, trichoderma, levaduras lácticas y transformadoras de celulosa, y Streptomyces; todos para evitar enfermedades bacterianas y hongos. Se están regando con agua llovida, regulada a un ph de 6.3 - 6.5. Se empezó a utilizar fertilizante de flora a razón de 4ml por litro de agua. Se ha defoliado 2 veces (1 en vegetación y otra apenas empezó a florar). Las hojas se están recolectando para hacer aceite full espectro medicinal sin THC. Suerte y buenos humos
Bestva Quantum Board 2000 W & MrHide Seeds Semana sin problemas. Se aplicó a modo preventivo tierra diatomea disuelta en agua y pulverizada foliar. También se utilizó hongo Clonostachys, trichoderma, levaduras lácticas y transformadoras de celulosa, y Streptomyces; todos para evitar enfermedades bacterianas y hongos. Se están regando con agua llovida, regulada a un ph de 6.3 - 6.5. Se empezó a utilizar fertilizante de flora a razón de 4ml por litro de agua. Se ha defoliado 2 veces (1 en vegetación y otra apenas empezó a florar). Las hojas se están recolectando para hacer aceite full espectro medicinal sin THC. Suerte y buenos humos
Bestva Quantum Board 2000 W & MrHide Seeds Semana sin problemas. Se aplicó a modo preventivo tierra diatomea disuelta en agua y pulverizada foliar. También se utilizó hongo Clonostachys, trichoderma, levaduras lácticas y transformadoras de celulosa, y Streptomyces; todos para evitar enfermedades bacterianas y hongos. Se están regando con agua llovida, regulada a un ph de 6.3 - 6.5. Se empezó a utilizar fertilizante de flora a razón de 4ml por litro de agua. Se ha defoliado 2 veces (1 en vegetación y otra apenas empezó a florar). Las hojas se están recolectando para hacer aceite full espectro medicinal sin THC. Suerte y buenos humos
Bestva Quantum Board 2000 W & MrHide Seeds Semana sin problemas. Se aplicó a modo preventivo tierra diatomea disuelta en agua y pulverizada foliar. También se utilizó hongo Clonostachys, trichoderma, levaduras lácticas y transformadoras de celulosa, y Streptomyces; todos para evitar enfermedades bacterianas y hongos. Se están regando con agua llovida, regulada a un ph de 6.3 - 6.5. Se empezó a utilizar fertilizante de flora a razón de 4ml por litro de agua. Se ha defoliado 2 veces (1 en vegetación y otra apenas empezó a florar). Las hojas se están recolectando para hacer aceite full espectro medicinal sin THC. Suerte y buenos humos
Grow diary 11 stage 7 Day 61-70 This is the size of plant I was expecting from all 4 strains and the way I had trained them. She has come on quite a bit over last 9 days, she is the 3rd furthest along.
08/20: 3ème semaine de veg. Le "main-lining" prend forme sur LF@1. +/-170ml/engraisser chaqu'une *pour un départ difficile je trouve trouve que les choses ont finie par prendre une belle direction. Maintenant ont vas attendre la floraison de cette toute nouvelle "strain" qui serait donc d'un goût proche du Fanta et d'un effet plus anxiolitique vus l'effet du cbd sur le thc. Parfait pour commencer la journée en douceur. Maintenant on vas voir le rendement: le substrat contient 50% de coco ce qui devrait augmenter la masse des racines et donc affecter le taille des plants et le rendement in fine. #24 08/22: +/- 240ml chaqu'une #26 08/24: premier arrosage avec drain. +/-400ml, le substrat était très sec pour assurer un bon dévellopement racinaire durant la veg. #28 08/25: j'ai encore une fois torturer LF#0 j'espère qu'elle se remettra vite, LF@1 quand à elle sont "main-lining" prend la forme désirer, dernier ajustement fait ce matin d'ici deux jours tout devrait être placés comme je le souhaite. #29 06/26:+/-600ml/engraisser chaqu'une. Déjà au stade de pré-flo on se rend compte de les boutons de fleur sont déjà plus gros et contiennent plus de pistils sur le "main-lining" que sur celle qui simplement LST #30
~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_ 08/21/21: 🐱 Week 6 is here!! The new growth is coming in a little limey, we insist on reusing Promix so PH is always a bit of a rollercoaster lol.. no sweat, usually a gallon each PH'd to 5.5 with 5ml/gal N solution will get them back to baseline..we seem to have the same issue with most plants grown in our basement during summer, I'm sure the super high humidity and low evaporation rate has something to do with it... if they don't come around after the adjustment, they'll spend some time under the HIDs, this always straightens them out..we topped the mainline for the last time today for 8 mains per side, as well as another full round of toppings on the x2 LST plants... thanks for reading if you made it this far and happy growing everyone!!! ❤️🐱💡🌱 ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_ 8/22/21 🐱 Quick update, the mainlined plant is showing signs of calcium deficiency which is odd, with our routine we almost never have Calcium or magnesium issues..its really only noticeable under the florescent lights on this one but we'll have to make changes.. they all have plenty of calcium in their media so I'm wondering if the PH has gone screwy in that pot.. we reuse promix which gets really acidic sometimes and we add lime to buffer this but we guess a lot and may not have used enough (or waited long enough)..I know when our media gets around 5-5.5 calcium deficiency is a huge issue..ill add a little more calcium to be sure and will try using water PH'd higher (6.5-7) and see if this helps anything. Thanks again for reading growmies!! ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_
This particular strain was pretty nice to grow other than the deficiency problem I had with 2 of them, brought them back to a nice healthy green colour and they ended up yielding the most! Overall a good auto strain for beginners and I'd definitely recommend it👍 very pungent though so if your trying to be discreet indoors Id suggest another strain that doesn't smell as much....happy growing people!!!✌️☮️