The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Day 100 Day 57 Flower 06/07/24 Saturday Flushed with de-chlorinated tap water today pH 6.0. Flushing using 10L of water with Flawless finish- I'll be using this every other flush. , getting 50% run off, I can't measure ppm, I have ordered the tool to start learning this way also. I haven't measured run off ppms before so will be interesting to see. Smelling pungent, deep greens of colour coming through, hoping over the next 2 weeks she swells as she is not as dense as I was hoping 😅 Day 10day 58 Flower 07/07/24 Sunday No feed /water today letting her dry off a little more. Updated with a short 🤩💚 Day 102 Day 59 Flower 08/07/24 Monday De-chlorinated tap Water 5L pH 6.0 + 3L Water +calmag 5ml to keep her from deficiency during 1st week of flush. Updated a short video 😁 She's getting there. Day 103 Day 60 Flower 09/07/24 Tuesday No water, letting her dry off again ABIT, noticing a huge amount of trichome production, updated a short to see 😍. Day 104 Day 61 Flower 10/07/24 Wednesday Another 10L flush today , de-chlorinated tap water pH 6.0 with flawless finish. 10ml flawless finish to 10L water. Updated pictures and video. Day 105 Day 62 Flower 11/07/24 Thursday Last day of the week, another big flush today! 10L de-chlorinated tap water pH 6.0 with 10ml Flawless finish 👌 Trichomes...😍 She maybe a 21 day flush we'll see how she goes next week with ripening. Video updated.
Seguimos las semanas creciendo con mucha fuerza, para la semana que viene meterla a floracion y que empiece a crear buenos frutos 💪 Hemos aplicado canna zym para una mejor absorción de todos los nutrientes y la semana que viene empezaremos a cambiar su comida para que cree esos cogollos grandes 🔥
Lost 2 plants to being hermies last week not sure why it happened but anyways spread the remaining plants out to take up the whole tent and keeping a close eye on them as well ... added a few bloom supplements cyco swell supa sticky and suga rush as well as king crab beneficial bacteria going into week five should be able to cruise right into harvest nothing much to do from here on out feed when there hungry and let em grow
Four plants in all eventually 1/31 First of the Bond harvests, Pussy Galore first of the FFT-7s, two more follow. Pussy Dry weight 312 grams 3/5 Holly 665 grams wet into dry - dry 98 grams Two more F7s to go 3/25 Pussy-1 clone yields 1107 grams wet in dry --- dry yield 181 grams One FFT-7 Remains Pussy-2 buds look a bit larger 3/28 Pussy-2 wet weight 1295 grams in dry. 242 grams dry. This concludes the FFT-7 harvests
Seguimos las semanas creciendo con mucha fuerza, para la semana que viene meterla a floracion y que empiece a crear buenos frutos 💪 Hemos aplicado canna zym para una mejor absorción de todos los nutrientes y la semana que viene empezaremos a cambiar su comida para que cree esos cogollos grandes 🔥
Just finishing week 2 of flower. All trimming has been completed on the lower branches. Had a slight Calcium deficiency, due to a mix-up with nutrients. Girls are back on track and looking great. Stay tuned as these girls are going to stack up nicely
When the medium got dry again, the roots starts to look for water and that's the time to turn the autopot on. The Autopot System is a gravity fed watering system which requires no power, pumps or timers to operate. I am using the easy2grow model and a flexitank as a reservoir. I filled the reservoir with 4 gallons of water: - 0,2 mS/cm - Calimagic - 0,4 mS/cm - BioGrow - ph - 5.8 Keeping an eye on the reservoir ph during the week.
22.03.21 So die blüte ist eingeleitet die nächsten 14 Tage is wegstecken unterm netz für Triebe und Blätter angesagt.... 23.03.21 und wieder ein Tag hinter uns immer meine Ungeduld kann es kaum noch erwarten das was passiert..... 24.03.21 hab heute gegossen 4L wasser mit zyme, sugar royal und bloom hab den bloom dünger jetzt auf ein Viertel seiner maximal dosis laufen also auf 1ml/L anstatt 4ml/L werde ihn nach und nach steigern nicht das ich noch Nährstoff Überschuss im Topf bekomme ich Weiss ja nix über diese Genetik ausser den Infos von Growers choice im inet und aufm peipack zettel der Saat. Ach ja und was hab ich heut noch so gemacht biegen, binden Blätter und Triebe ähm und biegen, binden Blätter und Triebe und ähm biegen, binden Blätter und Triebe. Ich bekomm bestimmt Alpträume von riesen Cannabis jungeln an denen ich endlos biege und binde..... 25.03.21 biegen und binden........ Endloses spiel....ach ja und vita race sprühen war heut auch dran 26.03.21 biegen und binden...... Wachstum is rasant angezogen ich würde fast sagen der stretch is voll in gange.... 27.03.21 biegen und binden mein täglich Brot..... 28.03.21 der letzte Tag der ersten Woche 12/12 is auf biegen und binden und hier und da mal ein Blatt weg schneiden was zu viel war ist nichts weiter passiert. Das netzt füllt sich bin zufrieden soweit was das Ergebnis betrifft für die erste Woche....
28/3 Gave them a first feed and bit more training today they are really really looking good. Family/sisters for the win.
My little experimenting already bears fruits of knowledge, I've topped too close to the node without leaving a bit of stem, and whilst tying down the branch during LST, I had a gnarly stem split. However a cool head, some grafting tape and a day of healing and this rugged little plant picked herself right back off the floor and shot up inches overnight! More and more pistils are shooting out and this plant is stretching so much, as is typical of OG strains, my last autoflower is nearly done, after which I will put a trellis net in and this lady can have the entire place to herself!
Week 8 I started flushing this week. I’m using the green planet nutrient chart and it says flush using Rezin and Liquid Weight. The EC was 650 going in and 1500 runoff. PH going in was 6.5 PH runoff was 6. I’m using tap water that is around 360 EC coming out the tap. I’m going to flush for one more week. The tricomes on the purple plant are actually purple. First time I’ve ever seen that.
03/28/2021 Start of week #7 and she has finally got some pre-flowers showing up, so next week should be starting to flower. The broken branch is looking great I wonder if she will root and flower? That would be a nice bonus for sure! Watering she took up 2 liters before 10% run off going to give her some banana peel tea ( 1 hour later she drank 1 liter before runoff) 1tbls to 2 liters, theoretically I can feed till harvest but I do like two weeks on plain water maybe molasses? Day #55 since soaking in the water and showing her very first pre-flower. Right about where I would expect a decent Photo-Period INDICA to show her maturity, but she is an Auto-flower and expected earlier pre-flower, nevertheless she is looking great! And am exited to see how she does in flower crossing my fingers for a sativa dominant high!.